Voice Tenses
Voice Tenses
Voice Tenses
A simple sentence is made up of only one Run-on sentences can be divided into two types. noun that forms the subject and divide it from the
independent clause. An Predicate
independent clause is a
The first occurs when a writer puts no mark of verb.
The of words that contains
man studied.a subject and a
predicate and forms a complete thought when
The kind man Predicate
studied Sentence
hard. punctuation and no coordinating conjunction
standing alone. The subject refers to someone or By dividing the noun and verb, we can add
Isomething (the subject contains
The kind man at the studied hard am.
am. at
I least
for theone noun
test between independent clauses. The second is
or pronoun). The predicate
library refers to what the
on Friday. modifiers to a simple sentence and still see the
subject The manthe verb
The mandoes or is (the predicate contains
studied. called a comma splice, which occurs when two or
or verbs). Both the subject and predicate two basic parts, the subject and the predicate.
A frog additional descriptive elements,
jumped. such as
A frog jumped. more independent clauses are joined by just a
adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, or other
Lola sings.
modifying phrases, but in its mostLola
form the comma and no coordinating conjunction. When looking at the structure of an independent
subject is the part of the sentence that contains
clause, it is helpful to think of all elements of the
the noun, and the predicate contains the verb.
Example of a run-on sentence:
subject separately predicate form the two basic
The flowers are beautiful they brighten the and separate parts of each clause.
room. (Incorrect)
In both cases, the punctuation (or lack of it) does If the independent clause forms a complete
not indicate complete, independent sentences. Example of a comma splice: thought, a period at the end demonstrates that
the sentence is complete. The period means 4. The two clauses can be rewritten by adding, 2. A simple sentence is
STOP. The sentence has ended, and a new changing, rearranging, or deleting words. The made up of only one First d
indepe indep
sentence will begin. independent clause: ndent ende
First independent clause nt
clause clause
Run-ons and comma splices occur when more clause Music makes my life
Semicolo 4
than one subject/predicate pair exists in the Subject Predicate Subject Predicate worth living. COR S
n Su Pr
Pre REC u
sentence. When one subject/predicate pair is bring bj ed
3. A run-on sentence is dica T bj
wonderfu ec ica
followed by an additional subject/predicate pair means a certain te OPT ec
Music ; l t te
lot to me songs made up of two or ION t
within one sentence (forming separate S
to mind. more independent
Th re
independent clauses), they need to be separated simplest way to accomplish this is to add a Hi
clauses that are not e stu ad
. (pe s
(or joined) according to very specific rules of subordinating conjunction between the clauses. ki die a
riod w
joined correctly or nd dh bo
) if
punctuation and grammar. m ard ok
Notice that joining the independent clauses by e
which should be made an .
Look at the following example of a run-on a comma alone is NOT a choice. When two into separate ,
sentence: independent clauses are joined by only a comma, sentences. A run-on , but
, or
this error is called a comma splice. sentence is defined by , for
The kind man studied hard his wife read a ,
its grammatical nor
book. (Incorrect) The table below demonstrates the four correct
, so
structure, not its Th re
, yet hi
options. When two independent clauses appear in e stu ad
If we divide the sentence into subject/predicate (co s
length. ki die a
a sentence, try to imagine a middle column in mm w
nd dh bo
pairs (each an independent clause), we see that a if
m ard ok
which only four possibilities exist to join the two Incorrect: My favorite plus e
an .
two independent clauses exist, one following the a
clauses: band is in town they coor
other: dina
are performing now. ting
Please note again that in the above examples a Correct: My favorite unc
comma alone is NOT one of the correct options. band is in town. They )
are performing now. Th re
; hi
Without the correct separation, the two The kind man studied hard, his wife read a e stu ad
Correct: My favorite (se s
ki die a
book. (Incorrect) mic w
independent clauses written together form a run- nd dh bo
band is in town, and olon if
m ard ok
) e
on sentence. Once you can identify a run-on an .
A comma alone between two independent they are performing
sentence by its incorrect structure, it is not hard whil
clauses creates an incorrect comma splice. now. e
to find a way to correct it. afte
4. A comma splice is
When two independent clauses appear in one bec
the incorrect use of a
sentence, they must be joined (or separated) in
comma to Subject Predicate e . .
one of four ways: Music makes my (exa
life worth living.
join two
Th re
1. The two clauses can be made into two separate independent clauses. es hi
e stu ad
of s
Summary (Including Related Grammar Rules) ki die a
sentences by adding a period. sub w
nd d h bo
ordi if
m ard ok
1. An independent clause contains one nati e
2. The two clauses can be joined by a comma and an .
a coordinating conjunction (comma plus: and, subject/predicate pair and expresses a complete conj
but, or, nor, for, so, yet). thought. tion
- no
3. The two clauses can be joined by a semicolon. Music makes my life worth living.
Incorrect: I love classical music, it makes me feel First Second
independent independent
joyful. clause clause
Subjec Predicat Subordinatin Subjec Predicat
Correct: I love classical music because it makes
t e g conjunction t e
me feel joyful. always play
I think of Whenever they that
Correct: I love classical music; it makes me feel summer song.
joyful. express the complete meaning of the sentence.
comma plus a coordinating conjunction or by a after, although, as, as if, because, before, even
First independent
Comma and
Predicate coordinating Subject Predicate
means a certain wonderful
Music , and
lot to me songs memories
to mind.
a subordinating conjunction:
that song.