Lecture 3 Seeds
Lecture 3 Seeds
Lecture 3 Seeds
(Fam. Myristicaceae)
Active Constituents:
- 4-15% volatile oil.
-No starch****.
condiment Carminative.
Nux vomica
Dried ripe seeds of
(Fam. ).
Shape: Disc or button-shaped.
The presence of
from the micropyle to the centre at the
hilum position why? due to crossing of hairs.
Odor: odorless.
Taste: intense bitter & persistent why?.
Epidermis: lignified
thick-walled cells; each
cell extends into a hair,
having ten strongly ribs
• consisting of hemicellulose
• contains protoplasmic threads (plasmodesma).
• The oil plasma containing aleurone grains, fixed
oil and the alkaloids strychnine and brucine.
Fragments of trichome rods.
epidermis of the testa
Constituents of the seeds:
is concentrated in the
while is abundant in
Stimulant on
Outgrowth: *****.
Type of seed: albuminous (horny endosperm).
Type of ovule: amphitropous.
A very poisonous alkaloid called Colchicine.
resin, called colchicoresin,
Fixed oil, glucose and starch.
Ignatus Beans
The dried seeds of
Family: .
Glycerides of oleic.
o Castor seeds contains fixed oil and ricinoleic acid represent 88% of
the oil.
o The ricinoleic acid have both a double bond and a hydroxyl group.
(non-toxic alkaloid).
was widely used as a domestic
purgative and in hospital used for
administration after food poisoning and as a
preliminary to intestinal examination.