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Algebra Elective 3

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A quick way of expanding an expression that has been

raised to some power.

Consider (a+b) n


1. The number of terms in the expansion is n + 1.

2. The first term is an and the last term is bn.

3. The exponent of a descends linearly from n to 0.

4. The exponent of b ascends linearly from 0 to n.

5. The sum of the exponents of a and b in any of the

terms is equal to n.

6. The coefficient of the second term and the second

PROPERTIES OF LOGARITHM from the last term is n.

Pascal’s Triangle – used to determine the coefficients

of the terms in a binomial expansion.

rth TERM OF (a+b)n

NOTE: To get the middle term (for even value of n),

set r = (n/2) + 1

where: r – term, n – exponent

When we divide a polynomial f(x) by (x-c) the remainder
is f(c). So to find the remainder after dividing by (x-c),
we don’t need to do any division, just calculate f(c).
To get the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of
When f(c) = 0 then (x-c) is a factor of f(x).
(ax + by + ...)n, substitute 1 to each of the variables x,y,...
When (x-c) is a factor of f(x) then f(c) = 0.

1|P ag e Engr. Kristalyn P. Cabardo, CE

- A sequence of numbers in which their reciprocals
For the quadratic equation Ax2 + Bx +C = 0, the root is: forms an arithmetic progression.
NOTE: Once the series is detected as HP, obtain the
reciprocals of the terms and apply the concepts,
principles and formulas derived for an AP.
NOTE: B2 – 4AC is the discriminant
If B2 = 4AC, roots are equal

If B2 > 4AC, roots are real, unequal

AM = (m – a)/2
If B2 < 4AC, roots are imaginary HM = (2ma)/(m-a)
(GM) 2 = ma

If the roots of the quadratic equation are x1 and x2. WORD PROBLEMS
 Coin/Money Problem
Penny = 1 cent Nickel = 5 cents
Dime = 10 cents Quarter = 25 cents

 Mixture Problem
PRINCIPLE: The pure amount of a substance in a
solution is obtained by multiplying the content
-A sequence of numbers in which the difference (d) of
(amount) by the concentration of the substance.
any two adjacent terms is constant.

nth term of A.P.

 Uniform Motion Problem

Sum of terms of A.P.

If with water current/wind pressure:

C – speed of air or current

-A sequence of numbers in which the ratio (r) of any
two adjacent terms is constant.  Simple Interest Problem
nth term of G.P.

Sum of terms of G.P. I – Interest earned
P – Principal
R – Rate of interest
t – Time
F – Final amount

NOTE: Interest treated in all problems are ordinary

interest except if specified. (Time = 1 year = 12 months =
360 days)

2|P ag e Engr. Kristalyn P. Cabardo, CE

 Work Problem EXAMPLES:
PRINCIPLE: If a person can do a piece of work in t days, 1. Solve for a in the equation: a = 64x 4y.
his rate is 1/t which is the fractional part of the work
done per day. 2. Simplify:
Actual work problems are based on the number of
man-days or man-hours a particular job need.

 Digit and Number Problem 3. Solve for x: log 6 + x log 4 = log 4 + log (32 + 4x).
For a three-digit number:
Let: h –hundred’s digit 4. The polynomial x3 + 4x2 – 3x + 8 is divided by x – 5.
t – ten’s digit What is the remainder?
u – unit’s digit
The number is 100h + 10t + u 5. The middle term in the expansion of (x2 – 3)8.
The reversed number is 100u + 10t + h
The sum of the digits is: h + t + u 6. In the expansion of (x + 4y) 12, solve for the
 Age Problem numerical coefficient of the 5th term.
PRINCIPLE: The difference of the ages of two persons
is always constant. 7. Solve for the sum of the coefficients in the
If x is the present age of a person then x -3 was his expansion of (x + 2y + z) 4 (x + 3y) 5.
age 3 years ago; x + 3 will be his age 3 years from now
or 3 years hence. 8. Find k so that 4x2 + kx + 1 = 0 will have one real
 Clock Problem
PRINCIPLE: 9. If the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c =
- If the minute hand moves a distance of x, the hour 0 are 3 and 2 and a, b, and c are all whole numbers,
hand moves x/12. solve a + b + c.
-If the second hand move a distance x, the minute
hand moves x/60 and the hour hand moves x/720. 10. In the equation 3x2 + 4x + (2h – 5) = 0, find h if the
-In 12 hours, the minute hand and the hour hand of product of the roots is 4.
the clock overlap each other for 11 times (not 12
times). So in one day, they will be together for 22 11.
times. a. How many terms of the progression 3, 5, 7.... must
-Each 5 minute mark subtends an angle of 30˚ from be taken in order that their sum will be 2600?
the center of the clock. b. Find the 40th term.
c. Solve for the value of the last term.
 Variation
-Direct Variation 12. The 6th term of a harmonic progression is 12 and
If x is directly proportional to y then: the 10th term is 6. Find the 18th term.

-Inverse Variation 13. There are 4 GM between 3 and 729. What is the
If x is inversely proportional to y then: sum of all the six terms?

14. Find the sum of the infinite geometric terms of

-Joint Variation the progression 1/5, 1/8, 5/x, 25/512.
If x is directly proportional to y and inversely
proportional to the square of z, then: 15. A ball is dropped from a height of 12 m. It always
rebounds to a height of 80% of the original height
from which it fell. What is the total distance traveled
NOTE: k – constant of proportionality by the ball until it stops?

16. Two numbers have an AM of 9 and a GM of 18.

What is the HM?

3|P ag e Engr. Kristalyn P. Cabardo, CE

17. A collection of 36 coins consists of nickels, dimes 27. It is now 2 o’clock. In how many minutes will the
and quarters. There are three fewer quarters than hands of the clock be:
nickels and six more dimes than quarters. How many a. together
dimes are there? b. perpendicular
c. opposite in directions
18. How many pounds of cream containing 12% d. first form an angle of 120˚
butterfat must be added to 1800 lb of milk containing
2% butterfat to obtain milk having 3% butterfat? 28. The value of C varies directly with x and the
square of y and inversely with z. When x = 2, y =1, and
19. A brine solution contains 40 kg of salt and 60 kg of z = 4, C = 100. Find the value of C when x = 3, y =2,
water. How much pure water must evaporate to and z = 5.
increase the concentration to 80% salt?

20. The boat travels downstream in 2/3 the time as it

does going upstream. If the speed of the river current
is 8 kph, determine the speed of the boat in the still

21. An airplane could travel a distance of 1000 miles

with the wind in the same time it could travel a
distance of 800 miles against the wind. If the wind
velocity is 40 mph, what is the speed of the plane?

22. A man invests on three different brands of laptops

A, B, and C. He earns 12% in the first, 9% in the
second and losses 15% in the third brand. If he
invested a total of 2.4 Million on the three brands and
he allotted equal amounts to brands A and C, how
much is the net earnings if the amount invested to
brand B is 40% if his total investment?

23. A tank is filled with an intake pipe that will fill it in

4 hours and an outlet pipe that will empty it in 12
hours. If both pipes are left open, how long will it take
to fill the empty tank?

24. A painting job can be done by 72 men in 100 days.

There were 80 men at the start of the project but
after 40 days, 30 of them had to be transferred to
another project. If the contract time is only 80 days,
how many men should be hired 20 days after the 30
men had been transferred to complete the job on

25. The sum of the digits of a three-digit number is 17.

The unit’s digit is twice the hundred’s digit. When the
order of the digits is reversed, the resulting integer
will increase by 396. Find the original number.

26. Bianca is twice as old as Pio and Meggie is twice as

old as Bianca. In ten years, their combined ages will
be 58. How old is Bianca now?

4|P ag e Engr. Kristalyn P. Cabardo, CE

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