Algebra Elective 3
Algebra Elective 3
Algebra Elective 3
Consider (a+b) n
set r = (n/2) + 1
If the roots of the quadratic equation are x1 and x2. WORD PROBLEMS
Coin/Money Problem
Penny = 1 cent Nickel = 5 cents
Dime = 10 cents Quarter = 25 cents
Mixture Problem
PRINCIPLE: The pure amount of a substance in a
solution is obtained by multiplying the content
-A sequence of numbers in which the difference (d) of
(amount) by the concentration of the substance.
any two adjacent terms is constant.
Sum of terms of G.P. I – Interest earned
P – Principal
R – Rate of interest
t – Time
F – Final amount
Digit and Number Problem 3. Solve for x: log 6 + x log 4 = log 4 + log (32 + 4x).
For a three-digit number:
Let: h –hundred’s digit 4. The polynomial x3 + 4x2 – 3x + 8 is divided by x – 5.
t – ten’s digit What is the remainder?
u – unit’s digit
The number is 100h + 10t + u 5. The middle term in the expansion of (x2 – 3)8.
The reversed number is 100u + 10t + h
The sum of the digits is: h + t + u 6. In the expansion of (x + 4y) 12, solve for the
Age Problem numerical coefficient of the 5th term.
PRINCIPLE: The difference of the ages of two persons
is always constant. 7. Solve for the sum of the coefficients in the
If x is the present age of a person then x -3 was his expansion of (x + 2y + z) 4 (x + 3y) 5.
age 3 years ago; x + 3 will be his age 3 years from now
or 3 years hence. 8. Find k so that 4x2 + kx + 1 = 0 will have one real
Clock Problem
PRINCIPLE: 9. If the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c =
- If the minute hand moves a distance of x, the hour 0 are 3 and 2 and a, b, and c are all whole numbers,
hand moves x/12. solve a + b + c.
-If the second hand move a distance x, the minute
hand moves x/60 and the hour hand moves x/720. 10. In the equation 3x2 + 4x + (2h – 5) = 0, find h if the
-In 12 hours, the minute hand and the hour hand of product of the roots is 4.
the clock overlap each other for 11 times (not 12
times). So in one day, they will be together for 22 11.
times. a. How many terms of the progression 3, 5, 7.... must
-Each 5 minute mark subtends an angle of 30˚ from be taken in order that their sum will be 2600?
the center of the clock. b. Find the 40th term.
c. Solve for the value of the last term.
-Direct Variation 12. The 6th term of a harmonic progression is 12 and
If x is directly proportional to y then: the 10th term is 6. Find the 18th term.
-Inverse Variation 13. There are 4 GM between 3 and 729. What is the
If x is inversely proportional to y then: sum of all the six terms?