PBR Abstract

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Swapnil Deole, Ajit Dusane

21.01.2011 Technical University of Kaiserslautern Dept. of Computer Sciences

Perspective-Based Reading Technique (WS 2010/11)

PBR Overview To get high quality software, various documents associated with software development like Requirement Specification must be verified and validated. People doing the verification or validation effectively must get an understanding of these documents. Reading is the key technical activity to understand a document and one of the effective reading techniques is called PerspectiveBased Reading (PBR). A PBR review ensures that requirements are sufficient to support all the necessary later stages of software development. PBR helps reviewers answer two important questions about the requirements they inspect: What information in these requirements should they check? How do they identify defects in that information? Different perspectives Many different people use Requirements Document to support tasks throughout the development life cycle. Conceivably, each person finds different aspects of the requirements important for accomplishing a particular task. Therefore, PBR provides a set of individual reviews, each from a particular requirements users point of view, that collectively cover the documents relevant aspects. This selection of reviewer varies according to organization or project needs, but generally Designer, Tester and the User of the system are considered as important reviewers. Using different perspectives offers a number of beneficial attributes: Systematic: Systematic identification of the different uses for the requirements gives reviewers a definite procedure for verifying whether those uses are achievable. Focused: PBR helps reviewers to concentrate more effectively on certain types of defects. Goal-oriented and customizable: Reviewers select the perspectives used by PBR to reflect the requirements uses. Transferable via training: Because PBR works from a definite procedure, and not the reviewers own experience with recognizing defects, new reviewers can receive training in the procedures steps. Identifying defects PBR techniques provide questions tailored to each step of the procedure for various perspectives (reviewers). As the reviewers initiate reviewing the requirement document, they answer a series of questions about the work products. Requirements that do not provide enough information to answer the questions usually do not provide enough information to support the user. Thus, reviewers can identify and fix defects beforehand. Example: A Sample PBR Procedure from the Testers Perspective: For each requirement, generate a test or set of test cases, using the questions provided below to identify faults in the requirements. Q1. Does the requirement makes sense from what you know about the application or from what is specified in the general description? Q2. Do you have all the information necessary to identify the inputs to the requirement? Based on the general requirements and your domain knowledge, are these inputs correct for this requirement? Q3. Have any of the necessary inputs been omitted? Q4. Are any inputs specified that are not needed for this requirement? Q5. Is this requirement in the appropriate section of the document?

Benefits PBR Improves defect detection rates for both individual reviewers and review teams working with unfamiliar application domains. It helps reviewer to check for what information should he/she check. PBR works from a definite procedure, and not the reviewers own experience with recognizing defects, new reviewers can receive training in the procedures steps. Goal-oriented and customizable. PBR helps detection of following types of requirement defects: References Research paper PBR vs. Checklist: A Replication in the N-Fold Inspection Context by Lulu He and Jeffrey Carver. Research paper How Perspective-Based Reading Can Improve Requirements Inspections by Forrest Shull, Fraunhofer. Research paper The Empirical Investigation of Perspective-Based Reading by Victor R. Basili. Missing Information: It helps detecting any significant requirement related to functionality, performance, design constraints, attributes, or external interface that is not included. Ambiguous Information: It avoids multiple interpretations caused by using multiple terms for the same characteristic or multiple meanings of a term in a particular context. Inconsistent Information: It prevents two or more requirements that conflict with one another. Extraneous Information: It avoids unnecessary or unused information. Miscellaneous defects: It avoids other errors, such as including a requirement in the wrong section.

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