BDA Question Bank - 2023
BDA Question Bank - 2023
BDA Question Bank - 2023
Study material
Question Bank
Subject Name: Big Data Analytics
Subject Code: 18CS72
Module 2
1.What are the core components of Hadoop? Explain in brief 1ts each of its components.
(10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
2. Explain HDFS (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
3.Define MapReduce Framework and its functions (06 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
4.Write down the steps of the request to MapReduce and the types of process in MapReduce.
(10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
5. Write short note on “Flume Hadoop Tool” (04 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
6.With a neat diagram, explain Hadoop main components and ecosystem components.
(08 Marks) (July/August 2022)
7. Brief out the features of Hadoop HDFS? Also explain the functions of Name Node and Data
Node. (08 Marks) (July/August 2022)
8. Explain any two HDFS commands with example. (04 Marks) (July/August 2022)
9. Explain the following: (12 Marks) (July/August 2022)
(i)HDFS block replication (ii) HDFS safe mode. iii)Rack awareness (iv) Name Node high
10.Discuss the Apache Sqoop Import and Export methods with neat diagrams.
(08 Marks) (July/August 2022)
Module 3
1.Discuss the characteristics of NoSQL data stores along with the features in NoSQL
transactions. (08 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
2.with neat diagram explain shared nothing architectures
i) Single server model
ii)Sharding very large databases
iii) Master Slave distribution model
iv) peer distribution model . (12 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
3.Define key-value store with example. What are the advantages of key-value store?
(10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
4.Write down the steps to provide client to read and write values using key- value store. What
are the typical uses of key value store? (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
5. List and compare the features of Big Table, RC, ORC and Parquet data stores.
(10 Marks) (July/August 2022)
6. With example explain key-value store. (10 Marks) (July/August 2022)
7. Discuss the usage of MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, Oracle NoSQL and Riak.
(10 Marks) (July/August 2022)
8. List the Pros and Cons of distribution using sharding. (05 Marks) (July/August 2022)
9. Give the comparison between NoSQL and SQL/RDBMS. (05 Marks) (July/August 2022)
Module 4
1.Define key-value store with example. What are the advantages of key-value store?
(10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
2.Write down the steps to provide client to read and write values using key- value store. What
are the typical uses of key value store? (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
3.Using HiveQL for the following. (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
(i) Create a table with partition. (ii) Add, rename and drop a partition to a table
4.What is PIG in Big Data? Explain the features of PIG (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
5. Describe MapReduce Execution steps with a neat sketch. (12 Marks) (July/August 2022)
6. How node failure can be handled in Hadoop? Discuss. (08 Marks) (July/August 2022)
7. With a neat diagram, describe Hive integration and workflow steps.
(10 Marks) (July/August 2022)
8. Explain with Return type and Syntax the Hive built-in functions. (10 Marks) (July/August 2022)
Module 5
1.In Machine Learning explain linear and nonlinear relationship with essential graphs.
(10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
2.Write the block diagram of text mining and its phases (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
3.Define multiple regressions and write down the examples involved in forecasting and
optimization regressions. (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
4.Explain the parameters social graph network topological analysis using centralities and
PageRank (10 Marks) (Feb/March 2022)
5. Discuss Regression Analysis using Linear and Non-linear regression models.
(10 Marks) (July/August 2022)
6. Explain with an example Apriori algorithm to evaluate candidate key.
(10 Marks) (July/August 2022)
7. Write a note on: (i) Web mining (ii) Web content mining. (iii)Web usage mining.
(12 Marks) (July/August 2022)
8. How the Cliques discover communities from social network analysis?
(04 Marks) (July/August 2022)
9. Define a Page Rank. (04 Marks) (July/August 2022)