Theories of Motivation

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Theories of Motivation

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s theory proposes that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, from the most
basic to more complex:

• Physiological Needs

o Basic survival needs like food, water, and shelter.

• Safety Needs

o Protection from harm and financial security.

• Social Needs

o Relationships, love and belonging.

• Esteem Needs

o Recognition, status, and self-respect.

• Self-Actualisation

o Achieving one’s full potential and creative activities

Managers can motivate employees by ensuring that lower-level needs are met first (e.g.
fair wages, safe working conditions) before addressing high-level needs (e.g.
recognition, career development).

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Herzberg distinguishes between:

• Hygiene Factors

o These include salary, company policies, working conditions, and job

security. While these factors don’t lead to higher motivation, their
absence can cause dissatisfaction.

• Motivators

o These include achievement, recognition, responsibility, and opportunities

for growth. These factors drive higher job satisfaction and motivation.

To motivate employees, managers can focus on enhancing motivators rather than just
addressing hygiene factors. For instance, providing challenging and mentally
stimulating work, and recognising accomplishments can lead to higher motivation.
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

McGregor proposed two contrasting views of human nature:

• Theory X

o Assumes that employees are inherently lazy, need constant supervision,

and avoid responsibility. Managers with this view tend to be more

• Theory Y

o Assumes that employees are self-motivated, seek responsibility, and are

capable of self-direction. Managers with this view encourage
participation and creativity.

Managers who adopt a Theory Y approach are likely to create a more positive and
motivated work environment, fostering employee engagement and innovation.

Self-Determination Theory (SDT)

SDT focuses on intrinsic motivation (driven by internal rewards like personal

satisfaction) vs. extrinsic motivation (driven by external rewards like money or praise).
The theory emphasises the importance of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in
fostering intrinsic motivation.

Managers can encourage employees to take ownership of their tasks (autonomy),

provide opportunities to develop their skills (competence), and create a supportive
work environment (relatedness) to enhance intrinsic motivation.

Expectancy Theory (Vroom)

Expectancy theory suggests that motivation is influenced by the belief that:

• Expectancy

o ETort will lead to desired performance.

• Instrumentality

o Performance will lead to a specific outcome or reward.

• Valence

o The value placed on the outcome or reward.

Managers can motivate employees by clearly linking eTort to performance and

performance to rewards that employees value.
Job Design

Structuring jobs to enhance motivation, satisfaction, and performance. This includes

job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment.

Incentive Programs

Using rewards (monetary and non-monetary) to encourage specific behaviours or

performance levels. Examples include bonuses, commissions, and recognition

Enhancing a job by adding more meaningful tasks and giving employees more
responsibility can lead to higher job satisfaction and motivation. For example, allowing
an employee to take the lead on a project or oTering opportunities for professional

Tailoring incentive programs to align with employees’ values and goals (as per
Expectancy Theory) ensures that they are more eTective. For instance, oTering a
learning and development allowance may be more motivating for an employee
interested in career advancement than a cash bonus.

Example: A sales team is motivated by a commission-based incentive program

(extrinsic motivation). To increase intrinsic motivation, the company also provides
opportunities for professional development, recognise top performers publicly, and
encourage a supportive team environment (SDT).

Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Rewards

• Intrinsic Rewards

o Internal satisfaction and the joy of completing a task. Examples include

personal growth, a sense of achievement, and the satisfaction of
contributing to the organisation’s success.

• Extrinsic Rewards

o Tangible rewards provided by others, such as salary, bonuses, and


A mix of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards is essential for managing motivation. While
extrinsic rewards can influence short-term performance, intrinsic rewards are
necessary for long-term engagement and job satisfaction.

Recognising employees’ eTorts and achievements, even in non-monetary means, can

significantly boost morale. This can include public acknowledgement, awards, or
simply expressing appreciation.
Example: A company implements a recognition program where employees are publicly
recognised in team meets for their contribution. Additionally, the company oTers
performance-based bonuses and career advancement opportunities. This combination
of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards keeps employees motivated and engaged.

Motivation theories oTer diTerent perspectives on what drives human behaviour at

work. Managers can use these theories to design eTective motivational strategies.
Applying these theories in the workplace involves creating a balanced approach that
includes both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, job design, and clear connection between
eTort, performance, and rewards. Understanding what motivates employees can lead
to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and overall organisational success.

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