Bayshore by Laws
Bayshore by Laws
Bayshore by Laws
Dear Homeowner: The enclosed handbook is a summary of the Code of By-Laws and the Rules and Regulations of Bay Shore Villas C.O.A., Inc.. The handbook has been created to answer some of your questions about living in the community, which you must pass on to new owners. You should have received a complete legal copy of the Association By-Laws and Declaration during the closing of your new home. If you did not, copies may be purchased, please call R & G Management Co., Inc. for these documents. Please feel free to contact any of the Board members or R & G Management with any questions or comments. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS R & G MANAGEMENT CO. Fax FRANKLIN TWP FIRE DEPARTMENT Emergency POLICE Marion County Sheriff
911 /
736-5111/ Admin 736-5155/ Admin 911 / emergency
Purpose of architectural control General guidelines Request for change procedures Corrective procedures Exterior changes and modifications
4 4 5 5 5, 6, 7
B. C. D. E.
Regulations regarding pets Regulations for motor vehicles Regulations regarding landscaping Regulations regarding lake(s) Regulations regarding children Enforcement of regulations
12 14 Ii, I0,
9 ii Ii 12 12 13 15 15 15 16
5. 6. 7.
16 16
18 19 20, 21
Purpose of Architectural Control The purpose of Architectural Control, whether or not stated in the governing documents of a community association, are twofold: (i) To establish and preserve a harmonious design for the community and (2) to protect the value of property in the community. or architectura! control has been described as a way to enhance the quality of life, to promote those qualities in the environment which bring value to the community, to foster the attractiveness and functional utility of the community as a place to live, and even to raise the level of community expectations for the quality of its environment. These are but elaborations on a theme, deceptively simple to state, but wonderfully complex to live with: the basic purpose of design review is to keep the community looking like a nice place to live. Approval of any project by the Board does not waive the necessity of obtaining required building permits or other approva!; obtaining such permits and approvals does not waive the need for Board approval.
B. General guidelines
~hny addition to an existing building, any exterior alteration] modification; or change to an existing building ~ust have the appr0val 0f the Board of Di~d~ BEFORE ~h~ ~rk is Undertaken. Any addition, exterior alteration, modification, or change to an existing building shall be compatible with the original design. Only the exterior materials existing on the parent structure or compatible with the architectural design character of the community will be approved. No changes in the exterior colors will be approved. Painting of the exterior is not allowed. The front and garage doors can be touched up, but the color cannot be changed. When touch up is required contact the Management Company for proper color information. In general, only those areas that are painted will be repainted; only those areas that are to be stained will be restained; unpainted surfaces and unstained areas such as stone shall remain unpainted and unstained.
Request for Change, Procedures: The following guide is to assist homeowners when requesting an exterior change, to the Board of Directors. l.Only a written request for change, using the ARCHITECTUR3kL CH3iNGE REQUEST FORM, will be considered. 2.The ARCHITECTURIiL CHANGE REQUEST FORM and necessary attachments are to be sent to the Attention of the Architectural.Control Committee or the President of the Board of Directors care of the Management Co. 3.The Architectural Control ~Committee (if established) will review requests and make recommendations to the Board based on the established guidelines within thirty (30) da_~. 4.The description of the project should include all necessary information for the Committee to take action. A sketch or photograph should be submitted including the following information: materials to be used, dimensions (height, width, length), color, location, etc. If the alteration affects the drainage pattern, a proposed drainage solution must also be submitted. If this change affects neighboring unit(s) in any way, those unit(s) owners may be informed and may have to agree in writing to their acknowledgment and acceptance of the change if deemed necessary by the Board.
Corrective Procedure
Possible violations of the Architectural Change Process should be submitted to the Board of Directors, c/o Management Co. in writing. (The name of the complainant wil! remain confidential.) Exterior Changes and Modifications The following items must have Board approva! with an ACR form prior to installation__s l.Storln Doors Full view, white colored storm doors can be added. Security doors may be installed, subject to normal architectural change request approval process. 2.Satellite Dishes and Exterior Antennas are governed by the following FCC Ruling: On August 6, 1996, the FCC released a rule regarding the preemption of community association restrictions on satellite antennas less than one meter in diameter, off-the-air television antennas, and multipoint distribution service (MDS) antennas less than one meter. This rule applies only to an individual who owns or has exclusive use of the area in which he or
she wants to install one or more antennas. Under this rule, association restrictions which prevent, unreasonably delay, unreasonably increase the cost of antenna installation, maintenance or use, or preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal will no longer be enforceable. However, reasonable architectural guidelines which do not impair signal reception will continue to be enforceable. Examples of permissible restrictions include: mandatory painting or screening of antennas and requiring the minimal visual intrusion possible. The rule appears to permit a prompt application process. In addition, masts to which MDS antennas are to be attached may be prohibited if more than 12 feet above the roofline. Restrictions designed to implement a clearly defined safety objective or maintain the nature of a historic district are exempt from the rule. In exceptional circumstances, an association may petition for a waiver of this rule. Guidelines for Satellite Dishes (hereinafterreferred to a~!sh")shall---~e allowed p~0~ided they are insta!led in Such a !fashi0n that!the~ia~ hidden from view by placement in the rear 0f the dwelling Or beside heat up~p~ir---~onditcnirlg__cc~pi_ei~rs, iuti~ity~ meters or mounted o~ in an inconspicD~L~ i~ ~-f- a small dish has to be installed in the yard in YfS-n-~-~Ethe dwelling, the dish must be screened by landscaping so as to insulate it from view from the street. If landscaping is used to secrete a small dish, the landscaping shall be of such a design or nature that the dish shall not be visible throughout by landscaping so as to insulate it from view from the street and shall be of such a design or nature that the dish shall not be visible throughout the year. Mounting~cn the~bui!dng roof or the chimney above.the roof linelmay not be allowed: Requests for installation of small d~shes Shall be submltted ~ ARCHITECTURAL CHANGE REQUEST and be approved by;the Board of DireCtOrS!prior oiinstallationit0 insure each installation~ complies with the aesthetic requirementS The owner will be responsible for all liability of the small dish and if it is removed, will be responsible for all repair to the common ground or building exterior. 3. Garage Lighting Garage light fixture replacement/ maintenance will be the Owners responsibility. It is the responsibility of the owner to keep these lights on during evening hours. 4. Awnings/Sun Screens, as a general rule, do not enhance the aesthetic qualities of a community and are,
therefore, not allowed. 5. Patio coverings (turf, carpeting) cannot be installed by the homeowner on the front or rear concrete pad. 6. Bug lights are not allowed. 7. Banners are not to be displayed. The national flag may be displayed on national holidays. 8. Storage of anything under elevated decks is prohibited. 9. Trash and garbage containers shall not be permitted to remain conspicuous, except the evening before or day of trash collections. 10.Signage (for sale/rent, etc.) will not be allowed on the property. Signs may be placed inside windows only. A limit of three (3) "Open House" signs may be strategically placed in the community the day of the open house only. Ii. Porch Lights/Deck Lights Replacements of these lights must match existing lights. The Management Company can provide fixture specifications upon request. 12. Landscaping Additionallandscaping or alterations to existing bushes, trees, and shrubs must be submitted on the Architecturai change Form for reVieW by the B0ard. Installation of Annual or Perennial flowers may be planted in existing flower beds without prior approval. 13. Deck Expansion/Construction Is not permitted by the Association. SECTION 2 ASSOCIATION ASSESSMENTS As a Homeowner, you are obligated to pay an "Association ~qn~h!ylassessment" which represents your share of the~common expenses. This monthly assessment is due~oni<thelfirst ofieach monthl If the full payment of the monthly assessment is not received by the thirtieth (30th) of each month for which it is due, a $20.00 late payment fee will be imposed. You will receive coupons and pre-addressed envelopes for each month to be used when remitting your fee payment. (It is your responsibility to pay the monthly fee. If a change of ownership occurs, we request a copy of the settlement sheet or a formal notice from the settlement attorney.)
W~IAT CONSTITUTES A DELINQUENCY The By-Laws provide the ability that Assessments be paid in advance either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. At the present time a unit-owner is responsible for making monthly paywnents on the first of each month. A. The Offender
If it is .necessary to involve any legal means for the sole purpose 6f maintaining up to date assessment payments, it will then be established that the units assessments wil! be changed to a yearly payment in advance for the remainder of the calendar year.
B. Delinquency Procedure
Delinquency Chronology Ist Day 30th Day Assessment fee due and payable "REMINDER NOTICE" is sent to homeowner requiring full payment. A $20.00 late fee is assessed.
60th Day "OVERDUE NOTICE" is sent to homeowner requiring payment in ful!, giving the homeowner 15 days to pay assessment fee. 75th Day "FINAL NOTICE" is sent to homeowner requiring payment in ful! within 15 days; if payment is not received within the allotted 15 days, the account is turned over to the Association Attorney for immediate legal action and filing suit. The monthly fees will be accelerated to the end of the calendar year. Therefore, now due in full. HOMEOWNERS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ATTORNEY FEES AND COURT COSTS! NOTE: Legal action may/will result in acceleration of fees, garnishment of wages, a lien upon the property and foreclosure. If the Board of Directors has to send a homeowners account to the Attorney for collection, the Board of Directors will accelerate the Association fees remaining for the fiscal year, as provided for in your documents. The Association will also charge a $95.00 administrative charge to the owner to absorb expenses related to handling the delinquent account.
The intent of these regulations is to avoid unnecessary maintenance costs, to preserve the continuity and integrity of the community, and to retain HIGH standards of appearance, thereby protecting the investment of each homeowner.
A. Regulations R~garding Pets
i. Only customary house pets are permitted in the community. 2. When pets are outside the house, they must be leashed and accompanied by the pet ow~@~ a~d th~ pet must NEVER be out of the sight of this person. ~3. Pet owners are responsible for seeing that all vaccinations required by law are up to date. 4. Any damage to the grounds will be the financial responsibility of the owner. 5. NO pet shall be housed or chained outside any residence. 6. Owners are responsible for controlling the noise level of pets so that neighbors are not excessively annoyed. 7. The housing of more than three (3) pets in any residence is prohibited. 8. The owner will be responsible for picking up solid wastes left by their animal upon discharge. 9. The Board of Directors reserves the right to seek removal of any pet that becomes a community nuisance due to chronic disregard of established rules and regulations. B. Regulations for Motor Vehicles I. The parking of recreational vehicles, trailers, campers Or boats is prohibited on the streetS~! driveways and Common parking areas of th~ ommunity~ 2. Due to Fire Department Regulations the parking of motor vehicles on community streets or blocking a fire hydrant at any time is prohibited.
3. Vehicles shall not be parked in such a way that they will restrict other homeowners from entering or leaving their garage. 4. Parking at the intersection of streets is not permitted. 5. No overnight parking on streets.
6. Any motor vehicle which is i~operative or not being used for normal transportatlon must be k~t Within a closed ga_~rage. 7. The parking of motor vehicles on grassy or landscaped areas is prohibited. 8. No boats, campers, trailers of any kind, buses, mobile homes, trucks, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, mini bikes, mopeds, or any other vehicles of any description other than normal passenger automobiles shall be permitted to be parked or stored anywhere within the Property unless the Board determines otherwise. However, nothing shall prevent the parking or storage of such vehicles completely enclosed within a garage. 9. Damage to the grounds caused by motor vehicles will be repaired at the owners expense. This includes damage to streets and driveways resulting from automobile fluids leaking onto the asphalt. i0. Automobile repairing shall be performed only within the onfines of a homeowners garage. No welding, construction or painting of vehicles is al!owed in the garage or anywhere in the complex. Only normal maintenance procedures should be performed in the complex. Ii. Any parked vehicle impeding the removal of snow from community streets may be removed immediately, withQut notice. 12. common area parking is for use by guests in the community~ 13. All vehicles must be moved within a 24 hour period.
4. Violators receiving a combination of three iolation letters or tagging of their vehicles w~ll be owed at the owners expense without further notice.
same address in a successive six month period, any additiona! violation will be towed without further notice, at the owners expense. Please note that these violations need not be for the same vehicle, but for any vehicle, guest or otherwise, that the unit owner has allowed usage of the communitys common area. 16. The Board of Directors reserves the right to have a vehicle removed at the owners expense due to disregard of the established rules and regulations. Regulations Regarding Landscaping I. The addition or removal of shrubs or trees must be approved by the Board. 2. Residents are permitted to plant annual flowers andiperennial flowers in areas where iexisting mulch. beds border the home or patio: Vegetable gardens are not permitted in these mulch beds. Potted plants are permitted and encouraged; however, permanent soil filled areas on patios or decks for the purpose of growing vegetables or ornamental plants is prohibited. The application of fertilizer or chemicals to the~ prohibited. ~.~awns by homeowners is 4. Lawn decorations, such as statutes, stonework, or other ornamentation must be approved by the Board. 5. Firewood storage: Not more than one (i) rick per home owner can be stored on the deck/patio or rear foundation. Wood needs to be stored off the ground and in a meta! rack or box. No wood should be stored on the front porches or have contact with the building.
Regulations Regarding Lakes
I. The lakes are for visual enjoyment only and NO fishing is allowed. 2. Swimming in the lakes is not permitted.
3. Boats, rafts, or other flotation devices are prohibited. 4. Docks, piers, or other structures may not be erected on the lake shores. 5. Residents may not introduce aquatic vegetation,
fish or other aquatic species into the lakes. 6. Dams or other structures which prohibit the flow of water may not be erected in the spillways. Regulations Regarding Children i. Parents are responsible for controlling the activities of their children so that other residents are not ~nduly disturbed. 2. Children should not ride bicycles, mopeds, mini bikes or go carts in those areas of the community where they cannot be clearly seen by oncoming motorists. 3. Children riding on tricycles, "Hot wheels" and other low profile vehicles are not easily noticed by motorists. Therefore, these vehicles should be ridden in the driveway areas only. 4. Bicycles and other vehicles shall not be ridden on grassy or landscaped areas. All toys, bicycles, etc., shall be kept in the 5. home or garage when not in use. 6. Any damage to the grounds caused by children will become the financial responsibility of the parent homeowner.
7. NO permanent basketball goals are permitted. Portable goals must be stored in garage after each use. Enforcement of Regulations
Enforcement of the regulations is one of the most delicate problems which the community, must handle. However, in the interest of the community as a whole, enforcement becomes a matter of necessity. Therefore, unless otherwise noted above, violations of the rules and regulations will be treated as follows: The Association is responsible to enforce the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions as described in the Declaration, the By-Laws and the Community Rules and Regulations as adopted by the Board. Please review these documents to familiarize yourself with the scope of the Associations responsibilities. Problems not illustrated in the documents most likely are the responsibility of outside agencies such as the Police, Department of Transportation, Zoning, etc. and should be reported to
those entities. Maintenance concerns that are the Associations responsibility should be submitted immediately to the Management Company by telephone. The Association requires that all rule violation complaints that fal! within the Associations jurisdiction be submitted in writing (for a first offense) and identify the violation, date of occurrence, the address of the violating party and any details available...such as auto make and color, or the breed, size and/or color of offenders animal to better define the problem. This information will enable your Association to have a written complaint on file to substantiate the complaint and action taken by the Board. Once a written complaint is on file for a specific offense we will accept any subsequent complaints verbally in regard to this offense from the party that lodged the original written complaint. Complaints will be responded to by sending the violating party a letter regarding correcting the infraction and consequences if the problem persists. In order for the complainant to know that their issues have been addressed an additiona! copy of the violation letter will be forwarded to him/her. Chronic disregard to the community rules may result in charges incurred to the homeowner. The Association appreciates your cooperation in following the above policy in order to enable your Board of Directors to effectively enforce the communitys rules, regulations and restrictions. The cost of repairing damage to the grounds caused by cars, dogs, children, or any other means is the sole responsibility of the homeowner and will be subjected to the same rules of enforcement as would any other problem. Additionally, there will be a $35.00 charge to the unit owner for all violation letters in excess of three, regarding the same violation. This charge is to offset the expenses being incurred by the Assoc., and will be added to the unit owners account. Collection will be governed by the current account collection procedure. There may be additional expenses incurred by the Association in pursuing correction of the violation that will also be charged to the violating unit owner.
SECTION 4 INSURANCE One of the many functions of your Board of Directors is the purchase 0f an Insurance Policy to cover the buildings and common liability of our Association. It is the intent of the Board to provide coverage that would restore your unit to its original condition in the event of a loss. As a unit owner, it is important that you understand certain aspects of the Associations Master Policy, as it relates to your own insurance program. You must cover your own personal property and personal liability. You are alsolrequired to cover floor and wal! c~v~rings and any improvements to the unit with a HO6 condominium O~ner Policy as required by all mortgage holders. The Association policy has a $250.00 deductible. When a claim is made through the Associations Master policy, it may be necessary for the unit-owner to pay this deductible. This situation would most commonly occur when the loss originates from within a unit. In the event of a loss involving your unit it is your responsibility to MINIMIZE THE LOSS and report it to R & G Management Company. We wil! take the loss report, forward the information to the insurance company and advise you how to proceed in obtaining estimates and any emergency or temporary repairs needed. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT NO GENERAL REPAIR WORK BE STARTED BEFORE THE INSURANCE COMPANY HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES AND/OR APPROVE THE REPAIR ESTIMATE(S). INSUI~ANCE CLAIMS If a claim on a master insurance policy is identified, the responsibility of the deductible is as follows: i.) Damage occurring outside of the exterior wall pane of the unit: the Association will be responsible for the deductible and wil! coordinate all repalrs and payment of invoices. 2.) Damage occurring inside the exterior wall plane of the unit, including under the unit and in the attic: the homeowner is responsible for the deductible. Many times the unit owners HO6 policy can be applied toward satisfylng the Associations deductible. The Association is the named insured on the policy. The homeowner will submit estimates and invoices )if there were emergency repairs) to R & G Management who will issue any claim proceeds, less the deductible, co the association, which will then disburse them to the homeowner and!or contractor upon receiving invoices for work done.
3.) Roof leaks and Interior Damages: if the roof leak and interior damages (if any) are related to an external "act of God" (hail, wind, tree limb, ice jam, etc.) The Association will repair the exterior and the drywall damage at no cost to the owner and submit a claim (if applicable). The owner wil! be responsible to insure all wall and floor coverings (paint, wallpaper, carpet, tile, etc.) personal property and improvements to the property. If the roof leak is not related to such a cause, but instead results from construction failure, normal wear and tear, the Association will repair the exterior damages. If interior damage results from an owners neglect or failure to maintain items within his unit, the owner must pay the Associations deductible. Please keep in mind that the Association is the named insured on the Master Policy and therefore the insurance company will be responsible for coordinating the claim processing. Upon satisfactory completion of any loss involving individual units the insurance company will send the insurance proceeds less the deductible to the Association for distribution to the contractor who preformed the work. We are doing our best to give you advice as to areas that require your consideration as a unit owner. We cannot act as your insurance advisor; however, we strongly urge you to take steps to protect your property with the very best possible coverage. SECTION 5
R & G Management, our managing agent, is responsible for financial administration of the Association and for the administration and maintenance of the common areas of your community. The~monthly Association assessments collected are used to pay for common services (including maintenance of the grounds, snow removal, the Associations master insurance policy, repairs to the common areas, etc.) Any questions or problems should be directed to the managing agent.
In this booklet you will find a "CHANGE OF ADDRESS" form, which should be completed and mailed to the Management Co. if you relocate, but do NOT sell your home. Providing this information to us is very important since, as an Owner, you will continue to receive all pertinent information regarding the Association. If, however, you do sell your home, please complete the "NOTICE OF RESALE" form and mail it to the Management Co. Both of these documents are extremely important to the Association and you as a member. SECTION 7
If you notice a problem with the exterior of your unit or anywhere on your building, please contact the Management Company as soon as convenient by phone or in writing so that the problem can be corrected before any additional damage can be done. B. Interior
Each individual homeowner is responsible for all problems with the interior as well as the windows, doors (garage, front and patio), including maintenance and repair on the skylight. SECTION 8 A. Snow Removal, Freezing
Many of us like to see snow but few of us like the problems that can follow. Every effort will be made during the snow season to remove the snow with as little inconvenience to you as possible. There typically will not be any removal ~0nsidered until two (2) inch~s Of sn0W has fallen~ At that time the following factors will be considered concerning removal: A. Time of day B. How much additional snow is expected C. How hard the wind is blowing and if there is a potential for drifting D. Contractor scheduling What will be plowed: A. Streets B. Driveways C. Sidewalks The removal crews will normally NOT be able to come back to clear where cars were parked during the initial remova!, so
please park in your garage whenever possible. The contractor is expected to remove snow, not ice. Occasiona! sanding can be done at dangerous intersections. We would suggest you keep a bag or two of sand NOT SALT to use on your sidewalk when it is covered with ice. Salt will cause excessive damage to the concrete and asphalt. B. Freezing Temperatures and Plumbing The Associatiqn master insurance policy normally will provide coverage f~r ruptures in water lines due to freezing; however, there are a few exceptions. Even if coverage is available, it is in everyones best interest to do all they can to prevent such a loss. As with any insurance, if the loss experience is too high, your premium, will increase and/or it may become more difficult for the Association to obtain proper insurance coverage. Please take every available step to avoid frozen popes this winter including leaving water running when the temperature is forecasted to be in the single digits or below, particularly if there is going to be a substantial wind-chill factor. If a pipe freezes and/or ruptures. It responsibility to thaw it out and stop the further loss. You will then need to report Management Company. (refer to Section #4 will be your water to prevent the loss to the INSURANCE)
Date FORMER OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY NEW OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY (as shown on Deed) Lot No. Address of Propert~ Alternate Address, if applicable Business Phone Settlement Date Expected Move-in Date
~ome Phone
Name of resident(s) (if different than Owner) Business Phone Additional Remarks or Information: Sales Price Mortgage Loan Lender Association Fees pro-rated: Check Enclosed: Yes Yes Home Phone
INSTRUCTIONS: Contact the office of R & G Management Company at (317) 875-5600 to obtain a Certificate of Assessments, if necessary. Please complete the above information as requested and mail to: R & G Management Co. P.O.Box 436 Zionsville, IN 46077
HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION HOMEOWNER CURRENT ADDRESS UNIT NIIMBER NEW ADDRESS NEW PHONE NUMBER NOTE This form should be completed and mailed if you relocate but do not sell your home to: R & G Management Company P. O. Box 436 Zionsville, IN 46077 If you have any questions, please call (317) 875-5600.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMSIITTEE Bay Shore Villas C.O.A., Inc. Homeowner Request for Change Please complete items 1-6 only. Name Phone Address Mode! or Unit Type Briefly describe the proposed change:
3. Will there be changes or modifications in basic utility services or existing structures to accommodate the proposed change? Please indicate. Yes No Yes No Electric Telephone Gas Water Sewage Exterior Walls Patio Fencing Patio Slab Sidewalks Pavements
TV Cable Other 4. Please list below the major construction materials which will be used in this project. Be as specific as possible. (Exterior materials must conform to those used on the original building or be sufficiently compatible.)
5. If the proposed project is an addition or alteration that would change the structural appearance of your residence, please attach the following information. A. Plot plan indicating the location and dimensions of the project. B. Blueprints or working drawings indicating all necessary dimensions and elevations. C. If available, a photograph or drawing of a similar completed project.
Project schedule: The project will be done by: Contractor(s) Name Both Homeowner
Please indicate the approximate time needed to complete the project, subsequent to the Board approval. Please indicate any building permits that wil! be required. NOTE: All submitted materials shall remain the property of the Association. You may wish to make a copy for your personal records. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL STAIqDARDS set forth by the Board, as wel! as the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. Homeowners Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW Committee Action: ( ) Approved as submitted ( ) Deferred ( ) Additional information required:
( ) Other:
( ) Comments:
Signed Date
2 5 5 5 7
8 9 9
15 2O
26 27
Ins% ~ ~OOO-OO1~696
28 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 35 36
THIS DECLARATION of Bayshore Villas Horizontal Property Regime ("Declaration") made this Z~~ day of ~-~ , 2000 by
Rottlund Homes of Indiana Limited Partnership, a Minnesota Limited Partnership, an agent and subsidiary of The Rottlund Company Incorporated, a Minnesota Corporation, (the "Declarant"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Declarant is the purchaser of certain real estate and improvements thereon, !ocated in Marion County, Indiana, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" hereto (hereinafter called the "Real Estate"); and WHEREAS, Declarant, by execution of this Declaration, hereby creates a Horizontal Property Regime (the "Regime") upon the Real Estate, subject to the provisions of the Horizontal Property Law of the State of Indiana, (the ~Act") and the terms and conditions of this Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE Declarant hereby makes this Declaration, and declares that the Rea! Estate shall be a "Horizontal Property Regime" as provided in the Act, subject to and in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
SECTION I. Definitions. The following terms, as used in this Declaration, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, shal! mean the fol!owing:
~Act" means the Horizontal Property Law of the State of State of Indiana, Acts 1963, Chapter 349, Sections 1 through 31, as amended. The Act is incorporated herein by reference, and identifie~ in the Indiana Code as 32-1-6 et seq. ~Association" means Bayshore Villas Co-Owners Association, Inc., an Indiana not-for-profit Corporation, being the Association of the CoOwners of Bayshore Villas, more particularly described in Section ii hereof. "Board of Managers, means the governing body of the Association, being the initial Board of Managers referred<i to<~&n~i the By-Laws or subsequent Board of Managers elected by the Co-Owners in accordance with the By-Laws~ The term "Board of Managers", as used herein and in the By-laws, shall be synonymous with the term "Board of Directors" as used in the Act.
(d) ....~Building" means any structure on the Real Estate in which Common Areas, Limited Areas or one or more Condominium Units are located. The buildings are more particularly described and identified on the Plans and in Section 2 of this Declaration. (e) ~By-Laws" means the Code of By-Laws of Bayshore Villas Co-Owners Association, Inc., providing for the administration and management of the Association as required by and in conformity with the provisions of the Act. A true copy of the By-Laws is attached to this Declaration and incorporated herein by reference. "Common Areas" and "Limited Areas" mean [he common areas, limited common areas and facilities as defined in Sections 5 and 6 of this Declaration.
"Common Expenses" means expenses of administrati0~ 0f the Association, expenses foE the upkeep, mainten~nce~ ~ePa~r and replacement of the common Areas and Limited Areas ahd all other ~osts and expenses incurred by the Associati0n for the benefit of Common Areas and Limited Areas or for the common benefit of all Owners; provided, h~e~4~ ~hat Common Expenses Shall not inclUde any costs of ini~tial construction or initiai r~n0vati0n of any Building or other P~0perty Or improvements or any portion Of the Tract, nor any costs of repairs covered by any Warranty of Declarant as builder of the Condominium Units, nor to any costs or repairs arising out of construction, renovation or other activities on any portion of the Real Estate. ~Condominium Units" means any one of the living units constituting Bayshore Villas, each individual living unit being more particularly described and identified on the Plans and in Sections 3 and 4 of this Declaration. "Condominium Unit" includes the undivided interest in the Common Areas and Limited Areas pertaining to such unit. ~Co-Owners" means all of the Owners of all of the Condominium Units in the Regime. shal! mean and refer to Rottlund Homes of Indiana Limited Partnership and any successors and assigns of Rottlund Homes of Indiana Limited Partnership, whom it designates in one or more recorded instruments to have the rights of Declarant hereunder, including, but not limited to, any mortgagee acquiring title to any portion of the Property pursuant to the exercise of the rights under, or foreclosure of, a mortgage executed by Declarant. "Drainage System" means the storm sewers, drainage tiles, pipes and subsurface structures, and other structures, fixtures, properties, equipment and facilities located in, upon, or under the Common Areas, Easements, or Streets and designed for the purpose of expediting the drainage of surface
(j) ~Declarant"
~Owner" means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other legal entity or any combination thereof who or which owns the "fee simple title to a Condominium Unit; provided, however, that persons or entities owning a single Condominium Unit as tenants-in-common, joint tenants, tenants by the entireties, or any form of joint or divided ownership, shall be deemed one Owner for purposes of this Declaration. Persons or entities owning more than one Condominium Unit shall have the status of an Owner for each Condominium Unit owned. ~Percentage Interest" means that percentage of the total undivided interest accruing to al! the Condominium Units which is appurtenant to each Condominium Unit and accrues to the Owner thereof. The formula for determining "Percentage Interest" is set forth in Section 15 hereof. means the floor and building plans of the Buildings and Condominium Units prepared and certified by Mark A. Smith, of M_AS Associates, LLC, registered architects, dated /~ .~ /q , 1999, and the site plans, surveys, and elevation plans of the Rea! Estate and Buildings prepared by Maurer & Associates, Inc., a registered engineer under date of .~ -~ , 1999, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. Amd made a part of the Regime by such references. "Property" means the Real Estate and appurtenant easements, the Condominium Units, the Buildings, improvements, and Property of every kind and nature whatsoever, real, personal or mixed, located upon the Real Estate and used in connection with the operation, use and enjoyment of Bayshore Villas, but does not include the personal property of the Owners. 4
(o) "Plans"
~Bayshore Villas" means the name by which the Horizontal Property Regime shall be known.
built, Buildings containing Condominium Units on the Real Estate as shown on the Plans. As of the date of this Declaration, A
description of the Buildings and the Condominium Units contained or to be contained therein is set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof by this reference. SECTION 3. Leqal Description and Percentage Interest. Each Condominium Unit is identified on the Plans by a number. The Legal Description for each Condominium Unit shall consist of the identifying number for such Condomnium Units as shown on the Plans, and shall be stated as ~Condominium Unit" (with identifying number) in Bayshore Villas Horizontal Property Regime. The
Percentage Interest of each Owner in the Common Areas and Limited Areas as hereinafter defined shall be the same percentage of interest as each Condominium Unit as set forth on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. SECTION 4. Description Of Condominium Units. (a) "Appurtenants". Each Condominium Unit shall consist of all space within the boundaries thereof, as hereinafter defined, and all portions of the Building situated within such boundaries, including, but not limited to, all fixtures, facilities, utilities, equipment, appliances, and structura! components designed and intended solely and exclusively for the
enjoyment, use~ and benefit of the Condominium Units wherein the same are located, or to which they are attached, but excluding therefrom that designed or intended for the use, benefit, support, safety or enjoyment of any other Condominium Unit or which may be necessary for the safety, support, maintenance, use, and operation of any of the Buildings, or which are normally designed for common use; provided, however, that all fixtures, and appliances designed or intended for the exclusive enjoyment, use and benefit of a Condominium Unit shall constitute a part of such a Condominium Unit, whether or not the same are located within or partly within the boundaries of such Condominium Unit. Also, the interior sides and surfaces of all doors and interior and exterior or size and frames of all windows in the perimeter walls of the Condominium Unit, whether or not located within or partly within the boundaries of the Condominium Unit, and all interior walls and al! floors and ceilings within the boundaries of the Condominium Unit, are considered part of the Condominium Unit. (b) "Boundaries". The boundaries of each Condominium Unit shall be as shown on the Plans and shall be measured between the interior unfinished surface of the floors, ceilings and perimeter walls of each Condominium Unit. In the event any horizontal or vertical or other boundary line as shown on the Plans does not coincide with the actual location of the respective wall, floor, or ceiling surface of the Condominium Unit because of inexactness of construction, settling after construction or for any other reason, the boundary lines of each Condominium Unit shall be deemed to be and treated for purposes of ownership, occupancy, possession, maintenance, declaration, use and enjoyment, as in accordance with the actual existing construction. In such case~ permanent appurtenance easements for exclusive use shall exist in favor of the Owner of each Condominium Unit in and to such space lying outside of the actual boundary lines of the Condominium Unit, but within the appropriate wall, floor or ceiling surfaces of the
Condominium Unit. SECTION 5. Common Areas And Facilities. "Common Areas" shall include the following, except to the extent otherwise specifically designated in this Declaration as being within a Condominium Unit or as a Limited Area: (a) (b) The Real.. Estate, excluding the Condominium Units; The foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports and exterior surfaces of roofs of the Buildings; The yards, sidewalks, parks, pathways, ponds, lakes, trails, interior and exterior driveways, parking areas, entrances and exits; electricity, gas, water, air conditioning and sanitary sewer mains serving the Buildings unless separately metered to a particular Condominium Unit; Exterior lighting fixtures and electrical service lighting to the exterior of the Buildings unless separately metered to a particular Condominium Unit; and ducts, electrical wiring and conduits and public floors, roofs and exterior permanent walls of the Buildings, except to the extent the same are otherwise classified and defined herein as Limited Areas or as part of a Condominium Unit.
(d) Central
(f) Pipes,
fol!ows: (a) The front entrance ways, patios, porches, and all exterior sides and surfaces of doors and frames surrounding the same on each Condominium Unit shall be limited to the exclusive use of the Condominium Unit to which they appertain. 7
Any other areas designated and shown on the Plans as Limited Areas shal! be limited to the Condominium Unit or Condominium Units to which they appertain as shown on the Plans.
SECTION 7. OwnershiD Of Common Areas and Percentaqe Interest. Each Owner shall have an undivided interest in the Common Areas and Limited Areas, as tenants-in-common with all the other Owners, equal to his or he~r Condominium Units Percentage Interest. The Percentage Interest in the Common Areas applicable to each Condominium Unit shall be determined in accordance with the formula set forth in Section 15 hereof. The Percentage Interest in the Common Areas and Limited Areas presently pertaining to each Condominium Unit is specified in Exhibit "C" hereto. In any
computation of Percentage Interests, the figure obtained shal! be rounded to the nearest one-thousandth of a percent, and shall be so presented for all purposes of conveyance and for a!l purposes contemplated under this Declaration. SECTION 8. Encroachments, Easements For Common Areas and
Ingress and Eqress Easements. If, by reason of the location, the construction, settling or shifting of a Building, any Common Area or Limited Area now encroaches or shall hereafter encroach upon any Condominium Unit, then in such event an easement shall be deemed to exist and run to the Co-Owners and the Association for the maintenance, use and enjoyment of such Common Area or Limited Area. Each Owner shall have an easement in common with each other Owner to use all pipes, wires, ducts, cables, conduits, utility lines and other common facilities located in any of the other Condominium
Units and serving his Condominium Unit. Each Owner shall have an easement over the Common Areas for the purpose of ingress and egress from his Condominium Unit, and to use all Common Areas wherever located, and such easement shall be perpetual and appurtenant to the Condominium Unit. SECTION 9. R~al Estate Taxes. Real Estate taxes are to be separately assessed and taxed to each Condominium Unit as provided in the Act. In the event that for any year Real Estate taxes are not separately assessed and taxed to each Condominium Unit, but are assessed and taxed on the property as a whole, then each Owner shall pay his or her proportionate share of such taxes to the extent attributable to the Property in accordance with his respective Percentage Interest. SECTION I0. Utilities. Each Owner shal! pay those utilities which are separately metered to his or her Condominium Unit. Utilities which are not separately metered shall be treated as and paid as a part of the Common Expenses unless otherwise agreed by the majority of the Percentage Interest. SECTION II. Association of Owners. Subject to the rights of Declarant reserved in Section 24 hereof, maintenance, repair, upkeep, replacement, administration, management and operation of the Property shall be by Bayshore Villas Co-Owners Association Inc., (the "Association"), a not-for-profit Corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana. Each Owner of a
Condominium Unit, be and become a member of the Association and shall remain a member until such time as his or her ownership ceases, the membership shal! terminate when such person ceases to be an Owner, and shall be transferred to the new Owner. The Association shall elect a Board Of Managers annually (except for an initial Board of Managers defined in the By-Laws) in accordance with and as prescribed by the By-Laws. Each Owner shall be en~itled to cast a vote commensurate with the number of Condominium Units owned by that Owner for the election of th~ Board of Managers, except for such initial Board of Managers who shall serve on the initial Board of Managers, whether as an original member thereof or as a member thereof appointed by Declarant to fil! a vacancy, and who shall be deemed a member of the Association and an Owner sqlely for the purpose of qualifying to. act as a member of the Board of Managers and for no other purpose. A person serving on the initial Board of Managers shall not be deemed or Considered a member of the Association nor an Owner of a Condominium Unit for any other purpose unless he is actually a Owner of a Condominium Unit and thereby is a member of the Association. the The Board of Managers shall be the governing body of Association, representing all the Owners in providing for the management, administration, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and upkeep of the Property exclusive of the Condominium Units.
The Association and any aggrieved Condominium Unit Owner shall have a right to action against any Condominium Unit Owner for failure to comply with the provisions of the Declaration, By-Laws or decisions of the Association which are made pursuant to authority granted the Association in such documents. Condominium Unit Owners shall..have a similar right of action against the Association. SECTION 12. Use of Common Areas. The Board of Managers shall adopt rules and regulations concerning maintenance, repairs, use and enjoyment of the Common Areas and Limited Areas as it deems appropriate, and may amend and modify the same from time to time as it deems advisable, necessary or appropriate.The Board of Managers or their designated agents shall have the right at reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice (except in cases of emergency in which ~case no notice shall required), to enter into each individual Condominium Unit for the purpose of inspection of the Common Areas and Limited Areas appurtenant thereto and replacement, repair and maintenance of such Common Areas and Limited Areas. SECTION Replacements. (a) Common Areas. The Association will be responsible for the maintenance, repair, decoration, restoration, and replacement of the Common Areas. Maintenance, decoration, repairs, and replacements of the Common Areas shall be furnished by the Association and the costs thereof shall be part of the Common Expenses. The Association may elect to 13. Maintenance, Decoration, Repairs And
delegate such duties to a Managing Agent and may enter into a management contract for such purpose, provided that such agent and the terms of such contract are approved by a majority of the vote present or represented at any meeting of the Association. Declarant or an entity affiliated with Declarant may serve as the Managing Agent for the Association so long as Declarant retains control of the Association, and may perform all property managemen~ functions on behalf of the Associatfon. Any management contract made or which is deemed to arise between the Association and Declarant (or any a~filiate) shall be terminable by the Association without cause and without penalty upon thirty (30) days written notice at any time after Declarant relinquishes control of the Association. The Board of Managers has the right to adopt such rules and regulations concerning the maintenance, repairs, use and enjoyment of the Common Areas as it deems appropriate, including the appointment of ~ committees to oversee the same. The Board of Managers shall have the exclusive right to determine the outside decor of each Building, including without limitation the color and type of paint and other decor pertinent to the exterior of each Building. Condominium Units. Each Owner shall control and have the right to determine the interior decor of his or her Condominium Unit, but this shall not include the right to make structural changes to the Unit, nor the right to use interior decor which in the discretion of the Board of Managers adversely affects the external appearance of the Condominium Unit, as more particularly set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. No act or omission which constitutes waste shall be Committed or suffered in or upon any Condominium Unit, the Common Areas, or Limited Areas. Each Owner shal! maintain and repair at his or her sole cost and expense all fixtures, appliances, equipment, and other improvements constituting a part of his or her Condominium Unit under Section 4 hereof, and each Owner shall promptly repair any condition or defect existing or occurring in his or her
Condominium Unit which, if not repaired, might adversely affect any Condominium Unit, Common Area or Limited Area. The Board of Managers and the Managing Agent Shall have the right at reasonable times and upon reasonable prior notice (except in cases ~of emergency in which case no notice shall be required) to enter in the Condominium Units and Common Areas adjacent to each Condominium Unit to replace, repair, and maintain such Common Areas, In the event that any Owner fails or is unable to maintain Or repair any condition or defect for which he or she is responsible and the Board of Managers or the Managing Agent have a reasonable basis for believing that such condition or defect has caused or threatens to cause immediate and/or substantial harm to any person or to any property outside such Owners Condominium Unit, the Board of Managers and the Managing Agent shall each have the right to enter such Owners Condominium Unit to remedy or repair such condition or defect, and any costs or expenses incurred in connection therewith (including attorneys fees) shall be payable by such Owner upon demand by the Board of Managers or the Managing Agent. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to represent a contractual liability to any Owner on the part of the Declarant, the Association, or the Board of Managers for maintenance, repair, or replacement of any Condominium Unit, Common Areas, or Limited Areas, and the liability of the Association, the Board of Managers and Managing Agent in this regard shall be limited to damages resulting from gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct, unless otherwise provided in the management contract in the case of the Managing Agent. SECTION 14. Alterations, Additions and ImDrovements. No Owner shall make any alterations or additions to or which would affect, the Common Areas or Limited Areas without the prior written approval of the Board of Managers, nor shall any Owner make any alteration in or to his respective Condominium Unit and within the
boundaries thereof which would affect the safety and structura! integrity of the Building in which Condominium Unit is located. Declarant reserves the right to change the interior design and arrangement of all Condominium Units and alter the boundaries between Condominium Units so long as Declarant owns the Condominium Units so altered. ~. No such change shall increase the number of ~ Condominium Units or change the Percentage Interest applicable to such Condominium Unit. If Declarant shall make any changes in the Condominium Units so authorized, such changes shall be reflected by a supplement to the Plans and such Supplement to the Plans need not be approved by the Association or any other Owners. Section 1.5. PercentaGe Interest~ The Owner of each
Condominium Unit shall have a Percentage Interest appurtenant to his Condominium Unit Ownership based upon the number of Condominium Units owned by that Owner divided by the total number of all of the Condominium Units existing in the Regime at that time in accordance with Section 7(a) (3) of the Act (hereinafter called the ~Formula") In order to determine the Percentage Interests in accordance with the Formula, the total number of all of the Condominium Units in the Regime shall be taken from the Plans, which are filed herewith, as such Plans may be amended from time totime. This method of calculating Percentage Interest shall result in an equal Percentage Interest to each Condominium Unit. The total Percentage Interests shall at all times equal one hundred percent (100%), or as close to one hundred percent (100%) as is mathematically possible, after
The Co-Owners, through the Association, shall purchase a master casualty insurance policy issued in the name of the iAssociation for the use and benefit of the Owners affording fire and extended coverage insurance insuring the Propgrty in an amount Consonant with the full replacementvalue of the Property and improvements including the individual Condominium Units, the Common Areas and Limited Areas and facilities, and further including fixtures, building service equipment and common personal property and supplies belonging to the Association. For all Condominium Units which are subject to a first mortgage, the insurance must cover fixtures, equipment and other personal property inside individual Condominium Units if they are secured by a first mortgage~i A Certificate of Insurance shall be issued to each Condominium Unit Owner and each Mortgagee upon request~ iand no such policy shall be canceled or substantially modified without at least thirty (30) days prior!written notice to the Association and to each Mortgagee listed as Mortgagee in the policies. The insurance policy must contain the standard m~rtgage clause and must name the Mortgagee or the servicer of the Mortgagee. If a servicer is named as Mortgagee, its name shall be followed by the phrase "Its successors and assigns." The Board of Managers shall also obtain "all risk" coverage if available. The Board of Managers shal! be responsible for reviewigg at least annually the amount and type of such insurance and shall purchase such additional insurance as is necessary to provide the insurance required above. If deemed advisable by the Board of Managers, the Board may cause such full replacement value to be determined by a qualified appraiser. The cost of any such appraisal shall be a Common Expense. Such insurance coverage shall be for the benefit of each Owner, and if applicable, the Mortgagee of each Owner upon the following terms and conditions: (i) All proceeds payable as a result of casualty losses sustained which are covered by insurance purchased by the Association as hereinabove set forth shall be paid to it or to the Board of Managers, who shal! act as the insurance trustees and hold such
proceeds for the benefit of the insured parties. In the event that the Board of Managers has not posted surety bonds for the faithful performance of its duties as such Managers or if such bonds do not exceed the funds which will come into its hands, and there is a damage to a part or all of the Property resulting in a loss, the Board of Managers shall obtain and post a bond for the faithful performance of its duties as insurance trustee in an amount to be determined by the majority of the Owners but not to exceed one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the loss, before the Board of Managers shall be entitled to receive the proceeds of the insurance payable as a result of such !oss. The sole duty of the insurance trustee shall be to receive such proceeds as are paid and to hold the same in trust for the purpose elsewhere stated herein, and for the benefit of the Owners and their respective Mortgagees. The proceeds shall be used or disbursed by the Association or Board of Managers, as appropriate, only in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration.
Such master casualty insurance policy, and ~all risk" coverage if obtained, shall (to the extent the same are obtainable) contain provisions that the insurer (i) waives its right to subrogation as to any claim against the Association, the Board of Managers, its agents and employees, Owners, their respective agents and guests, and (ii) waives any defense 16
based on invalidity arising from the acts or omissions of the individual Condominium Unit Owners that are not under the control of the Association, and providing further, (iii) that the insurer shall not be entitled to contribution against casualty insurance which maybe purchased by individual Owners as hereinafter permitted and (iv) that notwithstanding any provision thereof giving the insurer an election to restore damage in lieu of a cash settlement, such option shall not be exercisable in the event the Owners do not elect to restore pursuant to Section 17 of this Declaration. The Co-Owners, through the Association shall also purchase a master comprehensive public liability insurance policy in such amount or amounts as the Board of Managers shall deem appropriate from time to time; however, such coverage shall be for at least Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) for bodily injury, including deaths of persons and property damage arising out of a single occurrence. Such compensation public liability insurance policy shall cover the Association, the Board of Managers, any committee or organ of the Association or Board of Managers, any Managing Agent appointed or employed by the Association, all persons acting or who may come to act as agents or employees of any of the foregoing with respect to Bayshore Villas,~ all Owners of Condominium Units and all other portions of Bayshore Villas. Coverage under this policy shall include, without limitation, legal liability of the insureds for the property damage, bodily injuries and deaths of the persons in connection with the operation, maintenance or the use of the Common Areas and Limited Areas, and if available, legal liability arising out of law suits related to employment contracts of the Association. No insurance coverage as described hereinabove shall be prejudiced by the act or neglect of an individual Condominium Unit Owner who was not in control of the Owners collectively. Such policies shall also provide that it may not be canceled or substantially modified by any party without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Association and to 17
each holder of a first mortgage on any Condominium Unit in the Property which is listed as a scheduled holder of a first mortgage in the insurance policy. The Co-Owners, through the Association, shall also obtain any other insurance required by law to be maintained, including but not limited to, workers compensation insurance, flood insurance, and such other insurance as the Board. of Managers shall from time to time deem necessary, advisable or appropriate, including but not limited to, comprehensive liability insurance on vehicles owned by the Association, officers and directors liability policies, contractual and allwritten contract insurance, and employers liability insurance. Such insurance coverage shall also provide for and cover cross ~liability claims of one insured party against another insured party. Such insurance shall inure to the benefit of each Owner, the Association, the Board of Managers and any Managing Agent acting on behalf of the Association.
Each Owner shall be deemed to have appointed the Board of Managers to represent each Owner in any proceedings, negotiations, settlements or agreements with the insurance companies tb adjust al! losses under policies purchased by the Board of Managers. The premiums for all such insurance hereinabove described shall be paid by the Association as part of Common Expenses. When any such policy of insurance hereinabove. described has been obtained by or on behalf of the Association, written notice of the attainment thereof and of any subsequent changes therein or termination thereof shall be promptly furnished to each Owner or Mortgagee whose interest may be affected thereby which notice shall be furnished by the officer of the Association who is required to send notices of meetings of the Association. In no event shall any distribution of proceeds be made by the Board of Managers directly to an Owner where there is a mortgage endorsement ]8
on the Certificates of Insurance. In such event any remittance shall be to such Owner and Mortgagee jointly.
Each Owner shall be solely responsible for, and may obtain, such additional insurance as the Owner deems necessary or desirable at the Owners own expense affording coverage upon his personal property, contents of the Owners Condominium Unit (including, but not limited to, all f~oor, ceiling and wall coverings and fixtures,~ betterments and improvements inst~lled by the Owner) and the Owners persbna! property stored elsewhere on the Property, and for the Owners personal liability, but all such insurance shalll contein the same provisions for waiver of subrogation as referred to in the foregoing provisions of the master casualty insurance policy to be obtained by the A~s0~iatlon. Each Owner may obtain casualty insurance at the Owners own expense upon the Owners Condominium Unit but such insurance shall provide that it shal! be without contribution as against the casualty insurance purchased by the Association. If a casualty loss is sustained and there is a reduction in the amount of the proceeds which would otherwise be payable in the insurance purchased by the Association pursuant to this paragraph, due to proration of insurance purchased by an Owner under this paragraph the Owner agrees to assign the proceeds of this latter insurance, to the extent of the amount of such reduction, to the Association to be distributed as herein provided. Notwithstanding any other foregoing provisions and requirements relating to property or liability insurance, there may be named as an insured on behalf of the Association, an authorized representative, including any trustee with " whom the Association may enter into an insurance trust agreement or any successor to such trustee who shall have exclusve authority to negotiate losses under any policy providing such property or liability insurance and to perform such other functions as are necessary to accomplish this purpose. Each Condominium Unit 0wnerhereby appoints the Association as attorney-in-fact for the purpose of purchasing
and maintainfng such insurance, and the fol!owing additional purposes: the collection and appropriate disposition of the proceeds thereof; the negotiation of losses and execution of releases of liability related thereto; the execution of all documents necessary in connection therewith; and the performance of all other acts necessary to accomplish such purposes. (i) All of t~9 aforedescribed insurance shall be procured by generally acceptable insurance carriers. Casualtv and Restoration; Condemnation; and
(a) Except
as hereinafter provided, damage to or destruction of any Building due to fire or any other casualty or disaster shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Association and the proceeds of insurance, if any, shall be applied for that purpose; provided, however, that repair and reconstruction shal! not be compulsory in the event of "complete ~destruction of all the Buildings" (hereinafter defined) it shal! only be done in accordance with provisions hereinafter set forth. As used herein, the term "complete destruction of al! the Buildings" means a determination, made by a vote of two-thirds of all Co-Owners at a, special meeting of the Association called for the purpose of making such determination, that total destruction of all of the Building has occurred. A specia! meeting of the Association shall be called and held within ninety (90) days after any fire or any other casualty or disaster damaging or destroying any of the Buildings. If such a meeting is not called and held within such ninety (90) day period, or if the determination of whether or not there has b~en a complete destruction of all the Buildings has not been made within such ninety (90) day period, then it shall be conclusively presumed that the Co-Owners determined that there was not a complete destruction of all the Buildings, and the Association shall proceed with repair and reconstruction as herein provided. 2O
If the insurance proceeds, if any, received by the Association as a result of any such fire or any other casualty disaster are not adequate to cover the costs of repair and reconstruction, or in the event there are no insurance proceeds, and if the Property is not to be removed from the Horizontal Property Regime, the costs for restoring the damage, repairing or reconstructing the Building or Buildings so damaged or destroyed (or the costs thgreof in excess of the insurance proceed~ received, if any) shall be paid by .all of the Owners of Condominium Units in proportion to the ratio that the Percentage Interest of each Condominium Unit bears to the tota! Percentage Interest of all Condominium Units. ~hny such amounts payable by the CoOwners shall be assessed as part of the Common Expenses and shal! constitute a lien from the time of assessment as provided herein the Act. purposes of Subsections (a) and (b) above, repair, reconstruction and restoration shall mean construction or rebuilding of the Condominium Units as near as possible the same condition as they existed immediately prior to the damage or destruction and with the same type of architecture.
(c) For
If, under Subsection (a) above, it is determined by the Co-Owners at the special meeting of the Association referred to therein that there has been a complete destruction of all the Buildings, the Co-Owners shall, at such same special meeting, vote to determine whether or not such complete destruction of all the Buildings shall be repaired and reconstructed. The Buildings shall not be reconstructed or repaired if it is the determination of the Co-Owners at said special meeting that there has been a complete destruction of all of the Buildings, unless by a vote of two-thirds of all the Co-Owners a decision is made to rebuild, reconstruct and repair the Buildings. If two-thirds of all of the Co-Owners vote and decide that the Buildings are to be rebuilt, reconstructed and repaired, insurance proceeds, if any, received by the Association shall be applied and any excess of construction costs over insurance
proceeds, if any received by the Association shall be contributed and paid as hereinabove provided in Subsections (a) and (b). (e) If, in the case of the complete destruction of all of the Buildings, less than two-thirds of all of the Co-Owners vote in favor of the rebuilding, reconstruction and repair of the Buildings, the Buildings shall not be rebuilt, reconstructed and repaired, and, in such event, ~be Property shall be deemed and considered as to be removed from the provisions of the Act under Section 28 of the Act and in accordance with Section 21 of the Act: (i) The property shall be deemed to be owned in common by the Condominium Unit Owners; (ii) The undivided interest in the Property owned in common which shal! appertain to eadh Condominium Unit Owner shal! be the percentage of undivided interest previously owned by such Owner in the Common Areas and facilities; ~ (iii) Any liens affecting the Condominium Units shall ~be deemed to be transferred in accordance with the existing priorities to the percentage of the undivided interest of the Condominium Unit Owner in the Property; and (iv) The Property shall be subject to an action for partition at the suit of any Condominium Unit Owner, in which event the net proceeds of sale, together with the net proceeds of insurance on the Property, if any, shall be considered as one fund and shall be divided among all Condominium Unit Owners in a percentage equal to the percentage of undivided interest owned by each Owner of the Property after first paying out of the respective shares 22
of Condominium Unit Owners to the extent sufficient for the purpose, all liens on the undivided interest in the Property owned by each Condominium Unit Owner. (f) Immediately after a fire or other casualty or disaster causing damage to any Property for which the Board of Managers or Association has the responsibility of maintenance and repair, the Board of Managers shall obtain reliable and detaf~ed estimates of the cost to place the damaged Property in condition as good as that before the casualty. Such costs may include professional fees and premiums for such bonds as the Board of Managers desires. The proceeds of insurance collected on account of any Such casualty, and the sums received by the Board of Managers from collections of assessments against Owners on account of such casualty, shall constitute a construction fund which shall be disbursed, if the Building to be reconstructed and repaired, in payment of the costs of reconstruction and repair in the following manner: If the amount of th~ estimated cost of reconstruction repair is less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) then the construction fund shall be disbursed in payment of such costs upon order of the Board of Managers; provided, however, that upon request of the Mortgagee which is a beneficiary of an insurance policy, the proceeds of which are included in the construction fund, such fund shall be disbursed in the manner hereinafter provided in the following Subsection (ii).
(ii) If
the estimated costs of reconstruction and repair of the Building or other improvement is more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), then the construction fund shall be disbursed in payment of such costs upon approval of an 23
architect qualified to practice in Indiana and employed by the Board of Managers to supervise such work, payment to be made from time to time as the work progresses. The architect shall be required to furnish a certificate giving a brief description of the services and materials furnished by various contractors, subcontractors, mate[ialmen, the architect, or other persons who have rendered services or furnished materials in connection with the work, (I) that the sums requested by them in payment are justly due and owing and that said sums do not exceed the value of the services or materials furnished; (2) that there is no other outstanding indebtedness known to the architect for services and materials described; and (3) that the costs estimated by the architect for the work remaining to be done subsequent to the date of such certificate, do not exceed the amount of the construction fund remaining after payment of the sum requested.
Encroachments upon or in favor of Condominium Units which may be created as a result of such reconstruction or repair shall not constitute a claim or basis of a proceeding or action by the Owner upon which property such encroachment exists, provided that such reconstruction was either substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications or as the Building was originally constructed. Such encroachments shall be al!owed to continue in existence for so long as the Building stands. In the event that there is any surplus of monies in the construction fund or the reconstruction or repair of the damage has been fully completed and all costs paid, such sums may be retained by the Board of Managers as a reserve or may be used in the maintenance or operation of the Common Areas, or, in the discretion of the Board of Managers, it may be 24
distributed to the Owners in the Buildings affected and their Mortgagees who are the beneficial Owners of the fund. The action of the Board of Managers in proceeding to repair or reconstruction damage shall not constitute a waiver of any rights against an Owner for committing willful or malicious damage. (J) In the event of the condemnation of all or any part of the Common Areas or all or any part of the Building(s), Condominium Unit(s) or lot(s), the Board of Managers is hereby authorized to negotiate with the condemning authority and/or to contest an award made for the appropriation of such Common Areas, Buildings or Condominium Units. For the purpose of such negotiation and/or contest of such award to the Board of Managers as to Buildings and Condominium Units and lots, the Board of Managers is hereby declared to be the agent and attorney-in-fact of any Owners affected by the condemnation. This appointment of the Board of Managers shall be deemed coupled with an interest and shal! be irrevocable. Nothing contained herein, however, shall preclude any Owner from asserting any rights or claims to compensation which cannot be legally asse~ted by the Board of Managers.
Awards for the taking of all or part of a Building, Condominium Unit or !ot shall be collected by the Board of Managers and distributed to the affected Owner(s). To the extent possible, negotiated awards or awards resulting from a contest shall specify the allocation of the award among the Owner(s) affected. In the event that an Owner does not agree with [he distribution of an award, said Owner shall be entitled to have the dispute settled by arbitration. The protesting Owner shall appoint one arbitrator,
the Board of Managers acting as agent for all other affected Owners shall appoint one arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators
shall appoint a third arbitrator. The majority decision of the arbitrators shall be binding on all Owners and shall be enforceable in a court of competent jurisdiction. The Association shall pay the costs and expenses incurred as a result of such arbitration. The Association shall then bill each Owner involved in the arbitration separa~ely for his or her share of the costs and expenses which share shall be calculated by dividing the sum of the costs and expenses by a numerator which numerator will equal the number of Owners involved in the arbitration plus one for the Association. The Association shall be entitled to file and foreclose upon a lien against the Condominium Unit of any Owner who, within thirty (30) days of having been billed for same by the Association, shall fail to pay his or her share of the costs and expenses. SECTION 18. Covenants and Restrictions. The covenants and restrictions applicable to the use and enjoyment of the Condominium Units and the Common Areas and Limited Areas are set forth in the By-Laws, including the limitation that each of the Condominium Units shall be limited to residential use. These covenants and restrictions are for the mutual benefit and protection of the present and future Owner or Owners. Present Or future Owners or the Association shall be entitled to injunctive relief against any violation or attempted violation of these provisions and shal! be entitled to damages for any injuries resulting from any violations thereof, but there shal! be no right of reversion or forfeiture of
title resulting from such violation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the By-Laws, including but not limited to, any covenants and restrictions set forth in the By-Laws, Declarant shall have, until the applicable date as defined in Article III of the By-Laws, the right to use and maintain any Condominium Unit owned by Declarant, such other portions of the Property (other than individual Condominium Units owned by persons other than Declarant) and any portions of the additional Real Estate not then part of the Regime, all of such number and size and at such locations as Declarant in its sole discretion may determine and as Declarant may deem advisable or necessary in its sole discretion to aid in the construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation of Condominium Units and sale of Condominium Units or for the conducting of any business or activity attendant thereto, including, but not limited to, model sales offices, management offices and business offices. At no time shall any facility so used or maintained by Declarant be or become part of the Common Areas, unless so designated by Declarant, and Declarant shall have the right to remove the same from the property at any time. SECTION 19. Sale, Lease or Other Transfer of Condominium Unit BV Owner. For the purpose of maintaining the congenial and
residential character of Bayshore Villas, and for the protection of the Owners with regard to insuring having financially responsible residents, the lease of any Condominium Unit by an Owner shall be
subject to the following conditions and restrictions: Lease. No Owner shall lease his or her Condominium Unit or enter into any other renta! or letting agreement for his or her Condominium Unit for a term of less than one hundred eighty (180) days. In any event, Owner shall use a lease form which has been approved by the Board of Managers, and a copy of such lease shal! be provided by Owner to the Board.of Managers promptly after execution thereof. (b) Sale. The Association shall have no right of first refusal to purchase any Condominium Unit which an Owner wishes to sell and an Owner may sell his or her Condominium Unit free of any such restriction.
SECTION 20. Amendment of Declaration. Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration, amendments to this Declaration shall be proposed and adopted in the following manner: (a) Notice. Notice of the subject matter of the proposed amendment shall be included in the notice of any meeting at which the proposed amendment is considered, including any annual meetings. Resolution. A resolution to adopt a proposed amendment may be proposed by the Board of Managers or Owners having in the aggregate at least a majority of the Percentage Interest. Meetinq. The resolution concerning a proposed amendment must be adopted by the designated vote at a meeting duly called and held in accordance with the provisions of the By-Laws. AdoDtion. Any proposed Material Amendment (as hereinafter defined) to this Declaration must~ be approved by a vote of not less than twothirds of the Owners. In the event any Condominium Unit is subject to a first mortgage, the Mortgagee (hereinafter referred to as "Eligible Mortgagee") shall be notified of the meeting and the proposed Materia! Amendment in the same manner as an Owner if
the Eligible Mortgagee has given prior notice of its mortgage interest to the Board of Managers in accordance with the By-Laws, and any pf0poSed Material Amendment must be approved by a vote of not less than a majority of the Eligible Mortgagees. An Eligible Mortgagee who receives a written request to approve amendments and does not deliver or post to the requesting party a negative response within thirty (30) days shall be deemed tQ~have approved such request. A change zo any of the following shal! be deemed to be a Material Amendment:
Expansion or contraction of the Proper~y, or the addition, annexation or withdrawal of property to or from the Property;
(ix) Insurance or fidelity bonds; (x) Leasing of Condominium Units; (xi) Imposition of any restrictions on a Condominium Unit Owners right to sell or transfer his or her Condominium Unit;
(xii) A decision by the Association to establish self-management when a professiona! management agent had been required previously by an Eligible Mortgagee; or repair of the (xiii) Restoration Property (after a hazard damage or partial condemnation) in a manner other than that specified in the Declaration;
(f) Amendments
to those currently performed by such entities, (iii) to induce any such agencies or entities to make, purchase, sell, insure or guarantee first mortgages, or, (iv) if such amendment or supplem~nt is made to correct clerical or typographical errors. In furtherance of the foregoing, a power coupled with an interest is hereby reserved and granted to the Declarant to vote in favor of, make, or consent to any amendments described in this Section 20 on behalf of..each Owner as proxy or attorney-infact, as the case may be. Each deed, mortgage, or other instrument affecting a Condominium Unit and acceptance thereof shall be deemed to be grant and acknowledgment of, ~nd a consent to the reservation of, the power of the Declarant to vote in favor of, make, execute and record any such amendments. The right of the Declarant to act pursuant to rights reserved or granted under this Section 20 shall terminate at such time as Declarant no longer holds or controls title to any part or portion of the Real Estate. (g) Additional Restrictions On Amendments.
(1) The
consent of Owners of Condominium Units to which at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the votes in the Association are allocated and the approval of the eligible holders of first mortgages on Condominium Units to which at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the votes of the Condominium Units subject to a mortgage appertain shall be required to terminate the Condominium Regime for reasons other than substantial destruction or condemnation of the Property. used in this Section, the term "eligible holder" shall mean a holder, insurer or guarantor of a first mortgage on the Condominium Unit who has requested notice in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.03(a) of the By-Laws.
(2) As
SECTION 21. AcceDtance and Ratification. All present and future Owners, mortgagees, tenants and occupants of the Condominium Units shall be subject to and shal! comply with the provisions of this Declaration, the Act~ the By-Laws appended hereto, and the rules and regulations as adopted by the Board of Managers as each may be amended or s~pplemented from time to time. The acceptance of a deed of conveyance or the act of occupancy of any Condominium Unit shall constitute an agreement that the provisions of this Declaration, the Act, the By-Laws and rules and regulations as each may be amended or supplemented from time to time are accepted and ratified by each such Owner, tenant or occupant, and all such provisions shall be covenants running with the land and shall bind any person having at any time any interest or estate in a Condominium Unit or the Property as though such provisions were recited and stipulated at length in each and every deed, conveyance, mortgage or lease thereof. Al! persons, corporations, partnerships, trusts, associations, or other legal entities who may occupy, use, enjoy or control a Condominium Unit or Condominium Units or any part of the Property in any manner shall be subject to the Declaration, the Act, the By-Laws, and the rules and regulations applicable thereto as each may be amended or supplemented from time to time. SECTION 22. Negligence. Each Owner shall be liable for the expense of any maintenance, repair or replacement rendered necessary by the Owners own negligence or by that of any member of
the Owners family, their guests, employees, agents or lessees, to the extent that such expense is not covered by the proceeds of insurance carried by the Association. An Owner shall pay the amount of any increase in insurance premiums occasioned by such Owners use, misuse, occupancy or abandonment of the Owners Common Areas or Condominium Unit om its appurtenants or of the Limited Areas. SECTION 23. Granting of Easements. The Board of Managers of the Association is granted the authority to grant easements to utility companies (excluding transportation companies) upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration as it deems appropriate. SECTION 24. Reservation of Rights to Use the Common Areas. Declarant shall have, and hereby reserbes, an easement over, across, upon, along, in, through and under the Common Areas and, to the extent necessary, the Limited Areas, for the purposes of installing, maintaining, repairing, replacing,~ relocating and otherwise servicing utility equipment, facilities and installations to serve the Real Estate, to provide access to and ingress and egress to and from the Real Estate, to make improvements to and within the Rea! Estate, and to provide for hhe rendering of public and quasi public services to the Real Estate. The foregoing
easement shall be a transferable easement and Declarant may at any time and from time to time grant similar easements, rights or privileges to other persons and parties for the same purposes. By
way of example, but not in limitation of the generality of the foregoing, Declarant, and others to whom Declarant may grant such similar easement, easements or rights or privileges, may so use the Common Areas and, to the extent necessary, the Limited Areas, to supply utility services to the Real Estate and any portions of the Regime which are not part of the Real Estate and to permit public and quasi public vehicles, including, but not limited to, police, fire and other emergency vehicles, trash and garbage collection, post office vehicles and privatelyowned delivery vehicles, and their personnel to enter upon and use the streets, the Common Areas, and to the extent necessary, the Limited Areas Of Bayshore Villas in the performance of their duties. SECTION 25. Initial Manaqement. As set forth in the By-Laws, the initial Board of Managers shall consist of persons selected by Declarant. Prior to the Applicable Date, as defined in Article III of the By-Laws, all contracts or leases including any management agreement entered into by the Board of Managers shall provide a right of termination without cause or penalty, at any ~time after the Applicable Date upon no more than sixty (60) days notice to the other party. The Board of Managers has entered or will hereafter enter into a management agreement with R and G Management Company, Inc. (the "Managing Agent") for a term beginning April I, 2000 and which will expire not later than Magch 31, 2001, unless earlier terminated or extended by agreement of the parties under which the Managing Agent will provide supervision, fisca! and general
management and maintenance of the Common Areas, and, to the extent the same is not otherwise the responsibility of Owners of individua! Condominium Units, the Limited Areas, and, in general, perform all the duties and obligations of the Association. Such Management Agreement is or will be subject to termination by Declar~nt at any ti~e prior to the expiration of its term, in which event the Association shall upon and thereafter resume performance of all of its duties and obligations and functions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, so !ong as such management agreement remains in effect, Declarant shall have, and Declarant hereby reserves to itself, the exclusive right to oversee the Managing Agent and if necessary manage the Property and to perform all the functions of the Association. SECTION 26. Costs and Attorneys Fees. In any proceeding arising because of failure of an Owner to make any payments required by this Declaration, the By-Laws or the Act, or to comply with any provision of the Declaration, the Act, the By-Laws, or the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto as each may be amended from time to time, the Association shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys fees incurred in connection with the default or failure. SECTION 27. Failure of Owner to Pav Assessments. (a) No Owner may become exempt from liability for contribution toward the Common Expenses by waiver Of the use or enjoyment of any of the Common Areas or Limited Areas or by abandonment of the Owners Condominium Unit. 35
Each Owner shal! be personally liable for the payment of all assessments by the Association.
(b) Upon
failure by any Owner to make any payment of assessment on the date when due, the lien against the Owners Condominium Unit may be foreclosed against as provided for by Section 5.06 of the By-Laws and applicable law. Any lien for assessments becoming payable after the recordation of a first mortgage on Owners Condominium Unit shall be subordinate to the first mortgage on the Owners Condominium Unit as more fully set forth in Section 5.06(b) of the By-Laws. Severabilit Clause. The invalidity of any
covenant, restriction, condition, limitation or other provision of this Declaration or by the By-Laws filed herewith shall not impair or affect in any manner the validity, enforceability or effect of the rest of this Declaration or the attached By-Laws. SECTION 29. Pronouns. Any reference to the masculine,
feminine or neuter gender herein shall, unless the context clearly requires the contrary, be deemed to refer to and include the masculine, feminine and neuter genders. Words in the singular shall include and refer to the plural, and vice versa, as appropriate.
IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Declaration to be executed the date and year first above written. BY: ROTTLUND HOMES OF INDIANA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A MINNESOTA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Dennis Yov~hovich, President 36
CO~T )
) ) SS:
Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ~Ni~ l~\/~n~\l~ , who first having been sworn upon his oath, states the foregoing statements are true and accurate, this 2~_~ day of ~[~_OJ~lat~l_,
~tary Public Printed County of Residence:
My Commission Expires:
This instrument prepared by Cameron F. Clark, Attorney an Law, Clark, Quinn, Moses & Clark, One Indiana Square, Suite 2200, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2011, (317) 637-1321.
cf c\doc\BayShoreVill as. DEC
Legal Description
A part of the East half o~the Northeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 14 North, Range 4 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Franldin Township, Marion County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, thence South 00 degrees 26 minutes 13 seconds West on and along the East line of said Half Quarter Section a distance of 1150.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds West parallel to the North line of said Half Quarter Section a distance of 550.00 feet; thence north 00 degrees 26 minutes 13 seconds East parallel to the said East line a distance of 600.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 14 minutes 58 seconds West parallel to the said North line a distance of 440.00 feet; thence north 00 degrees 26 minutes 13 seconds East parallel to the said East line a distance of 550.00 feet to a point on the North line of said Quarter Section; thence North 88 degrees 14 minutes 58 seconds East on and aiong the said North line a distance of 990.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 20.061 acres more or less. Subject to ail easements, highways, rights-of-ways and other restrictions of record.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Aspen 5847 Shipwatch Lane Breckenridge 5843 Shipwatch Lane Breckenridge 5839 Shipwatch Lane As=~enr_ 5835 Shinwafch Lane Aspen 5836 Shipwatch Place Breckenridge 5840 Shipwatch Place Breckenridge 5844Shipwatch Place Aspen 5848 Shipwatch Place Aspen 5825 Shipwatch Lane Dunhill 5821 Shipwatch Lane 5817 Shipwatch Lane Dunhill Aspen 5813 Shipwatch Lane Aspen 5814 Shipwatch Place Dunhill 5818 Shipwatch Place Dunhill 5822 Shipwatch Place Aspen 5826 Shipwatch Place Aspen 5849 Shipwatch Place Breckenridge 5845 shipwatch Place Breckenridge 5841 Shipwatch Place Aspen 5837 Shipwatch Place Aspen 5838 Beacon Cove Way Breckenridge 5842 Beacon Cove Way Breckenridge 5846 Beacon CoveWay Aspen 5850 Beacon Cove Way Asl~en 5827 Shil~watch Place 5823 Shipwatch Place Dunhill Dunhill 5819 Shipwatch Place Aspen 5815 Shipwatch Place Aspen 5816 Beacon Cove Way Dunhill 5820 Beacon Cove Way Dunhill 5824 Beacon Cove Way Aspen 5828 Beacon Cove Way Aspen 5847 Beacon Cove Way Breckenridge 5843 Beacon Cove Way Breckenridge ~839 Beacon Cove Way Aspen 5835 Beacon Cove Way Aspen 5836 Beacon Cove Place Breckenridge 5840 Beacon Cove Place Breckenridge 5844 Beacon Cove Place Aspen 8848 Beacon Cove Place
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CODE OF BY-LAWS OF BAYSHORE VILLAS HORIZONTAL PROPERTY REGIME AND OF BAYSHORE VILLAS CO-OWNERS ASSOCIATION,INC. ARTICLE I Identification and APDlicabilitV Section 1.01 Identification andAdoDtion. These By-Laws are adopted simultaneously with the execution of a certain ~eclaration creating Bayshore Villas Horizontal Property Regime (hereinafter sometimes referred to ks "Bayshore Villas") to which these By-Laws are attached and made a part thereof. The Declaration is incorporated herein by reference, and all of the covenanrs, rights, restrictions and liabilities therein contained shall apply to and govern the interpretation of these By-Laws. The definitions and terms as defined and used in the Declaration shall have the same meanlng in these By-Laws. The provlslons of these By~Laws shall apply to the Property and the administration and conduct of the affairs of the Association. These By-Laws shall also constitute the By-Laws of the Association. Section 1.02 Individual Application. All of the Owners, future owners, tenants, future tenants, or their gueszs and invitees, or any other person who might use or occupy a Condominlum Unit or any part of the Property, shall be subject to the restrictions, terms and conditions set forth in the Declaration, these By-Laws and the Act, and to any rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Managers as herein provided.
the members of the Association shall be held within one year after the recording of the Declaration on a date established by the first Board of Managers. Each subsequent regular annua! meeting of the members shall be held at least once each year on the same day of the same month of each yea9 thereafter (unless the Board of Managers designates a different date for annual meetings), at such hour as may be designated by the Secretary in the notice of said meeting, as hereafter provided. At the annual meeting the Owners shall (subject to the provisions of Section 3.02 hereof) elect the Board of Managers ~.of the Association in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws and transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. .~ection 2.03 Special Meetings. A special meeting of the members of the Association may be called by resolution of the Board of Managers or upon a written petition of Owners who ha~e not less than a majority of the Percentage Interest. The resolution or petition shall be presented to the President or Secretary of the Association and shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is to be called. No business shall be transacted at a sPecial meeting except as Stated in the petition or resolution Section 2.04 Notic~ and Place of Meetin sq_~. All meetings of the members of the Association shall be held at any suitable place in Marion County, Indiana, as may be designated by the Board of Managers. Written notice stating the date, time and place of any m~eti~g and, in the case of a specia! meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting: is called~ shall! be delivered or mailed by the Secretary of the Association to each member entitled to vote thereat not less than ten (i0) days ~ior to the date of such meeting. The notice shall be mailed or delivered to the Owners at their designated addresses. A copy of each such written notice shall als0 be delivered or mailed simultaneously by the Secretary of the Association to each Mortgagee (a) which requests in writing that such notices be delivered to it, and (b) which has furnished the Association with its name and address in accordance with Section 8.01 of these By-Laws. Section 2.05 Waiver of Notice. A member, either before or after a meeting of the members of the Association, may waive notice of the meeting, and his waiver shal! be deemed the equivalent of giving notice. Attendance at a meeting of the members, either in person or by proxy, of a person entitled to notice shall constitute a waiver of notice of the meeting unless he attends expressly for the purpose of objecting to the transaction of business on the ground that the meeting was not properly called in accordance with these By-Laws.
Section 2.06 Voting~. (a) Nu!nber of Votes. Each Owner shall be allocated votes commensurate with the number of Condominium Units owned by that Owner and shall be enEitled to cast said number of votes on each matter coming before the meeting as to which he is entitled to vote. (b) MultiDle Owner. Where the Owner of a Condominium Unit constitutes or consists of more than one person, or is a partnership, there shall be only one voting represent~tive entitled to cast the vote allocable to that Condominium Unit. At the time of the acquisition of title to a Condominium Unit by a multiple Owner or a partnership, those persons constituting such Owner or the partners shall file with the Secretary of the Association an irrevocable proxy appointing one of such persons or partners as the voting representative for such Condominium Unit, which shall remain in effect until all of such parties constituting such multiple Owner or the partners in such partnership designate another voting representative in writing, or such appointed representative relinquishes such appointment in writing, becomes incompetent, dies or such appointment is otherwise rescinded by order of a court of competent jurisdiction or the Owner no longer owns such Condominium Unit. Such appointed voting representative may grant a proxy ~o another to vote in his place at a particular meeting or meetings pursuant to paragraph (d) of this Section 2.06, which shall not constitute a permanent relinquishment of his rlght ~o ac~ as voting representative for the Condominium Unit. (c) Voting bv CorDoration or Trust. Where a corporation or trust ~s an Owner or ~s otherwise entitled to vote, the trustee may cast the vote on behalf of a trust and the agent or other representative of a corporation duly empowered by the board of directors of such corporation may cast the vote to which the corporation is entitled. The secretary of the corporation or trustee of the trust so entitled to vote shall deliver or cause ~o be delivered, prior to the commencement of the meeting, a certificate signed by such person no the Secretary of the Association stating who is authorized to vone on behalf of said corporation or trust.
(d) Proxy. 7kn Owner may vote either in person or by his duly authorized and designated attorney-in-fact. Where voting is by proxy, the owner shall duly designate his attorney-in-fact in writing, which writing shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Association prior to the commencement of any meeting at which such proxy shall be effective. Section 2.07 Q_~grum. Except where otherwise expressly provided in the Declaration, these By-laws, the Act or the Indiana Not-For Profit Corpa~ation Act of 1971 (hereinafter referred to as the "Statute"), the Owners representing a majority of the Percentage Interest shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. The term "majority of Owners" or "majority of Percentage Interest", as used in these By-Laws, shal! mean the Owners entitled to more than fifty percent (50%) of the Percentage Interest in accordance with the applicable percentage set forth in the Declaration, as such may be amended from time to time. Section 2.08 Conduct of 7hnnual Meeting.. The President of the Association shal! act as the Chair of al! annual meetings of the Association if he or she is present. At all annua! meetings, the Chair shal! cal! the meeting to order at the duly designated time and business wil! be conducted in the fol!owing order: (a) Ouorum. The Secretary shall present the voting register and proxy certifications and thereafter determine if a quorum is established. (b) Readin~ of the Minutes. The Secretary shall read the minutes of the last annual meeting and the minutes of any special meeting held subsequent thereto, unless such reading is waived by a majority of the Percentage Interest. (c) Reports. Officers and any special com/aittees shall give their reports. (d) Treasurers ReDort. The Treasurer shall report to the Owners concerning the financial condition of the Association and answer relevant questions of the Owners concerning the Common Expenses and financia! report for the prior year and the proposed budget for the current year. (e) Bud_B~t. The proposed budget for the current fiscal year shall be presented to the Owners for approval or
amendment. (f) Elecfiion of Board of Managers. Nominations for the BOard of Managers may be made by any Owner from those persons eligible to serve. Such nominations must be in writing and presented to the Secretary of the Association at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the annual .... meeting. Voting for the Board of Managers will be by paper ballot. The ballot shall contain the name of each person nominated to serve as a Board member. Each Owner may cast the total number of votes to which he is entitled for as many nominees as are to be elected; however, Owners shall not be entitled to cumulate their votes. Those persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. Each voting Owner shall sign his ballot. The foregoing provisions are subject to the provisions of Section 3.02 hereof. (g) Other Business. Other business may be brought i~before the meeting only upon a written request submitted to the Secretary of the Association at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting; provided, however, that such written request may be waived at the meeting if agreed by a majority of the Percentage Interest ......... ~(h) Adjournment. Any meeting of the Association may be adjourned. Notice of the adjourned meeting, or the business to be transacted there, other than by iannouncement at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken, shall not be necessary. At any adjourned meeting at which a quorum is present or represented, any business may be transacted which could have been transacted at the meeting originally called. Section 2.09 Conduct of SDecial Meetings. The President of the Association shall act as Chair of any special meetings of the Association if he or she is present. The Chair shall call the meeting to order at the duly designated time and the only business to be considered at such meeting shall be consideration of the matters for which such meeting was called, as set forth in the notice of such special meeting. Section 2.10 Power of Attornev. Each Owner, by acceptance of a deed to a Condominium Unit, or by acquisition of any interest in a Condominium Unit by any type of juridic act inter vivos or causa mortis, or otherwise, shall be deemed to have appointed Declarant as such Owners agent, attorney-in-fact and proxy, which
shall be deemed coupled with an interest and be irrevocable until the Applicable Date determined as provided below, to exercise all of said Owners right to vote, and to vote as Declarant determines on all matters as to which members are entitled to vote under the Declaration, these By-Laws, the Act, the Statute or otherwise. This appointment of Declarant as such Owners agent, attorney-infact and proxy shall not be affected by the subsequent incompetence of the Owner granting the same. ARTICLE III The Board of Managers Section 3.01 ManaGement. The affairs of the Association of Bayshore Villas shal! be governed and managed by a Board of Managers (herein collectively called "Board" or "Managers" and individually called "Manager"). The Board of Managers shall be composed of six (6) persons. No person shall be eligible to serve as a Manager unless he or she is, or is deemed in accordance_with the Declaration to be, an Owner, including a person appointed by Declarant as provided in Section 3.02 hereof. Section 3.02 Initial Board of Managers. The members of the Initial Board of Managers (hereinafter referred to as the "Initial Board"), have been appointed by Declarant. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in, or any other provisions of, these By-Laws, the Declaration, the Act or the Statute (a) the Initial Board shall hold office from the date of the first conveyance of a Condominium Unit to an Owner other than Declarant until that date which is five (5) years later; or until that date which is sixty (60) days after the conveyance of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Condominium Units designated on the Plan to Owners other than Declarant; or a recording of a written surrender of contro! of the Association by the Declarant, which ever occurs first (the applicable date being herein referred to as the "Applicable Date"), and (b) in the event of any vacancy or vacancies occurring in the Initial Board for any reason or cause whatsoever, prior to the Applicable Date determined as provided above, each such vacancy shall be filled by a person appointed by Declarant, who shall thereafter be deemed a member of the Initial Board. The Initial Board<shall consist of three (3) members, those persons being Dennis Yovanovich, President; Matthew Ochs; Vice President; and Jan Vollmer, Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 3.03 Additional Qualification. Where an Owner consists of more than one person, or is a partnership, corporation, trust or other legal entity, then one of the persons constituting the multiple Owner, or a partner, officer or trustee (as applicable) shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Managers, except that no single Condominium Unit may be represented on the Board of Managers by more than one person at a time. Section 3.04 Term of Office and Vacancv. Subject to the provisions of Section 3.02 hereof, two (2) members of the Board of Managers shall be elected at each annua! meeting of the Association. The Initial Board shall be deemed to be elected and re-elected as the Board of Managers at each annual meeting until the Applicable Date provided in Section 3.02 hereof. After the Applicable Date, eachi member of the Board of Managers shall be elected~ifor a term of~ three (3) years, except that at-ithe ~first election after the Applicable Date, two (2) members of the Board of Managers shall be elected for a three (3) year term, two (2) for a two (2) year term,~and two for a one (I) year term, so that the terms of:one-third (1/3) of the Managers shall expire annually. There shall be separate nominations for the office of each Manager to be elected at such first election after the Applicable Date. Each Manager shall hold office throughout the term of his election and until his successor is elected and qualified. Subject to the provisions of Section 3.02 hereof as to the Initial Board, any vacancy or vacancies occurring in the Board shall be filled by a vote of a majority of the remaining Managers, or by vote of the Owners if a Manager is ~emoved in accordance with Section 3.05 of this Amticle III. The Manager so filling a vacancy shall serve until the next annual meeting of the members and until his successor is elected and qualified. At the first annual meeting following any such vacancy, a Manager shall be elected for the balance of the term of the Manager so removed or in respect to whom there has otherwise been a vacancy. Section 3.05 Removal of Managers. A Manager or Managers, except the members of the Initial Board, may be removed with or without cause by vote of a majority of the Owners at a special meeting of the Owners duly called and constituted for such purpose. In such case, his successor shall be elected at the same meeting from eligible Owners nominated at the meeting. A Manager so elected shall serve until the next annual meeting of the Owners and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. Section 3.06 Duties of the Board of Managers. The Board of Managers shall provide for the administration of Bayshore Villas Horizontal Property Regime, the maintenance, upkeep and replacement
of the Common Areas and Limited Areas and the collection and disbursement of the Common Expenses. The Board shall, on behalf of the Association, be entitled to employ a reputable and recognized professional property management agent (herein called the "Managing Agent") upon such terms as the Board shall find, in its discretion, reasonable and customary. The Managing Agent, if employed, shall assist the Board in carrying out its duties, which include, but are not limited to: (a) protection, surveillance and replacement of the Common Areas ~nd Limited Areas, unless the same are otherwise the responsibility or duty of Owners of Condominium Units; provided, however, that this duty shall not include or be deemed or interpreted as a requirement that the Association, the Board or any Managing Agent provide any on-site or roving gnards, security service or security system for protection or surveillance, and the same need not be furnished; (b) procuring of utilities used in connection with Bayshore Villas, removal of garbage and waste, and snow remova! from the CommonAreas; (c) landscaping, painting, decorating, furnishing, maintenance and upkeep of the Common Areas and, where applicable, the Limited Areas; (d) surfacing, paving and maintaining private streets, common driveways, parking areas and sidewalks to the extent the same are not included in a Condominium Unit or constitute Limited Areas; (e) assessment and collection from each Owner of the Owners share of the Common Expenses; (f) preparation of the proposed annual budget, a copy of which will be mailed or delivered to each Owner at the same time as the notice of annual meeting is mailed or delivered; (g) preparing and delivering annually to the Owners a full accounting of all receipts and expenses incurred in the prior year; such accounting shall be delivered to each Owner simultaneously with delivery of the proposed annual budget for the current year; ....... (h) keeping a current, accurate and detailed record of
receipts and expenditures affecting the Property, specifying and itemizing the Common Expenses; all records and vouchers shall be available for examination by an Owner at any time during normal business hours; payment vouchers for all expenditures shall, prior to payment, be approved by a member of the Board or such other person (which may include the Managing Agent) as the Board may delegate; (i) procuring and maintaining for the benefit of the Owners, the A~sociation and the Board all insurance coverage required under the Declaration and such other insurance coverage as the Board, in its sole discretion, may deem necessary or advisable; and (j) making available to Owners and Mortgagees current copies of the Declaration, By-Laws and other rules governing the Regime and any other books, records and financial statements of the Association. The Association shall also make available to prospective purchasers current copies of the Declaration, By-Laws, other rules governing the Regime, and the most recent annual audited financial statement, if such statement has been prepared. "Available" shal! mean available for inspection upon request, during normal business hours or under other reasonable circumstances. Upon written request by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Deve!opment the Veterans Administration or Federal National Mortgage Association, the Association shall also prepare and furnish within a reasonable time an audited financial statement of the Association for the immediately preceding fiscal year. section 3.07 Powers of the Board of Manaqers. The Board Of Manag~rs s-~-al~ have such powers as are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the performance of their duties. These powers include, but are not limited to, the power: (a) to employ a Managing Agent to assist the Board in performing its duties; provided, that after the Applicable Date any employment agreement with the Declarant (or a corporation or other entity affiliated with the Declarant) either as Managing Agent or for any other service shall be subject to termination by either party without cause and without payment of a termination fee, upon sixty (60) days prior written notice to the other party, and shall be terminable for cause by the
Association on thirty (30) days written notice; (b) to purchase for the benefit of the Owners such equipment, materials, labor and services as may be necessary in the judgment of the Board of Managers; (c) to employ legal counsel, architects, contractors, accountants and others as in the judgment of the Board of Managers may be necessary or desirable in connection with the business and affairs of Bayshore Villas; (d) to employ, designate, discharge and remove such personnel as in the judgment of the Board of Managers may be necessary for the maintenance, upkeep, repair and replacement of the Common Areas and, where applicable, the Limited Areas; (e) to include the cost of all of the above and foregoing as Common Expenses and to pay all of such costs therefrom; (f) to open and maintain a bank account or accounts in the name of the Association; and (g) to adopt, revise, amend and alter from time to time rules and regulations with respect to use, occupancy, operation and enjoyment of the Property. Section 3.08 Limitation on Board Action. Prior to the Applicable Date all contracts or leases entered into by the Board of Managers shall provide a right of termination withou~cause or penalty at any time after the Applicable Date upon sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. After the Applicable Date, the authority of the Board of Managers to enter into a contract shall be limited to contracts involving a total expenditure of less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) without obtaining the prior approval of a majority of the Owners, except that in the following cases such approval shal! not be necessary: (a) contracts for replacing or restoring portions of the Common Areas or Limited Areas damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty where cost thereof is payable out of insurance proceeds actually received; (b) proposed contracts and proposed expenditures expressly set forth in the proposed annual budget as approved by the Owners at the annual meeting; and
(c) expenditures necessary to deal with emergency conditions in which the Board of Managers reasonably believes there is insufficient time to call a meeting of the Owners.
~ 3.09 ComDensation. No Manager sha!l receive any c0mp~n~t~n for h~S 0r h~r services ~ a M~, except to such extent as may be expressly authorized by a majority of the Owners. The Managing Agent, if one is employed, shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for its services, the cost of which shall be a Common Expense~ Section 3.10 Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Managers may be held at such time and place as shall be determined from time to time by a majority of the Managers. The Secretary shall give notice of regular meetings of the Board to each Manager personally or by United States mail at least five (5) days prior to the date of such meeting. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or any two members of the Board. The person or persons calling such meeting shall give written notice thereof to the Secretary who shall either personally or by mail, and at least three (3) days prior to the date of such special meeting, give notice to the Board members. The notice of the meeting shall contain a statement of the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. Such meeting shall be held at such place and at such time within or without Marion County, Indiana, as shall be designated in the notice. Section 3.11 Waiver of Notice. Before any meeting of the Board, any Manager may, in writing, waive notice of such meeting and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. The presence of any Manager at a meeting or his subsequent consent to the actions taken thereat, shal!, as to such Manager, constitute a waiver of notice of the time, place and purpose thereof. If all Managers are present at any meeting of the Board, no notice shall be required and any business may be transacted as such meeting. Section 3.12 ~uorum. At all meetings of the Board, a majority of the Managers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the votes of the majority of the Managers present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the decision of the Board.
Section 3.13 Non-Liability of Managers. The Managers shall not be liable to the Owners or any other persons for any error or mistake of judgment exercised in carrying out their duties and responsibilities as Managers, except for their own individua! willful misconduct, bad faith or gross negligence. The Association shall indemnify and hold harmless and defend each of the Managers against any and all liability to any person, firm or corporation arising out of contracts made by the Board on behalf of Bayshore Villas or the Association, unless any such contract shall have been made in bad faith or contrary to the provisions of the Declaration or By-Laws. It ~ intended that the Managers shall have no persona! liability with respect to any contract made by them on behalf of Bayshore Villas or the Association and that in all matters the Board is acting for and on behalf of the Owners as their agent. The liability of any Owner arising out of any contract made by the Board or out of the aforesaid indemnity in favor of the Managers shall be limited to such percentage of the total liability or obligation thereunder as is equal to his Percentage Interest. Every contract made by the Board or Managing Agent on behalf of Bayshore Vil.las shall provide that the Board of Managers and the Managing Agent, as the case may be, are acting as agent for the Owners and shall have no personal liability thereunder, except in their capacity as Owner (if applicable) and then only to the extent of their Percentage Interest. Section 3.14 Additiona! Indemnity of Managers. The Association shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend any person, his heirs, assigns and legal representatives, made a party to any action, suit or proceeding by reason of the fact that he or she is or was a Manager of the Association, against the .reasonable expenses, including attorneys fees, actually and necessarily incurred by him or her in connection with the defense of such action, suit or proceeding, or in connection with any appeal therein, except as otherwise specifically provided herein in relating to matters as to which it shall be adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding that such Manager is liable for gross negligence or misconduct in the performance of his or her duties. The Association shall also reimburse to any such Manager the reasonable costs of settlement of or judgment rendered in any action, suit or proceeding, if it shall be found by a majority of the Owners that such Manager was not guilty of gross negligence or misconduct. In making such findings and notwithstanding the adjudication in any action, suit or proceeding against a Manager, no Manager shall be considered or deemed to be guilty of or liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of his or her duties where, acting in good faith, such Manager relies on the books and records of the Association or statements or advice made
by or prepared by the Managing Agent of Bayshore Villas or any officer or employee thereof, or any accountant, attorney or other person, firm or corporation employed by the Association to render advice or service, unless such Manager had actua! knowledge of the falsity or incorrectness thereof; nor shall a misconduct by virtue of the fact that he or she failed or neglected to attend a meeting or meetings of the Board of Managers. Section 3.15 Bond. The Board of Managers shall provide blanket fidelity bonds for all officers, directors, trustees and employees of the AsSociation and shall require the Managing Agent, its officers, employees and agents handling or responsible for funds of or administered on behalf of the Association and such other persons handling or responsible for funds of or administered by the Association, indemnifying the Association against larceny, theft, embezzlement, forgery, misappropriation, - wrongful abstraction, willful misapplication, and other acts of fraud or dishonesty, in such sum and with such sureties as may be approved by the Board of Managers, and any such bond shall specifically include protection for any insurance proceeds received for any reason by the Board. The premium of any such bonds (except for premiums on fidelity bonds maintained by a management agent for its officers, emp!oyees and agents) shall be paid by the Association as a Common Expense. Such fidelity bonds shall name the Association as a obligee and shal! not be less than the estimated maximum of funds, including reserve funds, in custody of the Association or the Managing Agent, as the case may be, at any given time during the term of each bond. However, in no event may the aggregate amount of such fidelity bonds be less than a sum equal to three (3) months aggregate assessments on all Units plus reserve funds. The bonds shall contain waivers by the issuers of the Bonds of all defenses based upon the definition of "employees", or similar terms or expressions. The bonds shal! also provide that they may not be canceled or substantially modified (including cancellation for nonpayment of premium) without at least ten (I0) days prior written notice to the Association, and any insurance trustee and to each holder of a first mortgage, or its mortgage servicer. ARTICLE IV Officers Section 4.01 Officers of the Association. The principal officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the Board. The Managers may appoint an assistant Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary and such other officers as in their judgment may be
necessary. Any two or more offices may be held by the same persons, except that the duties of the President and Secretary shall not be performed by the same person. Section 4.02 Election of Officers. The officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Board at the initial meeting of each new Board. Upon an affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board, any officer may be removed either with or without cause, and his successor elected at any regular meeting of the Board or at any special meeting of the Board called for such purpose. ~ Section 4.03 ~ The President. The President shall be elected from among the Managers and shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shal! preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board, and shall have and discharge all the general powers and duties usually vested in the office of the President or Chief Executive Officer of an association or a stock corporation organized under the laws of Indiana, including but not limited to the power to appoint committees from among the Owners as he or she may deem necessary to assist in the affairs of the Association and to perform such other duties as the Board may from time to time prescribe. Section 4.04 The Vice President. The Vice President shall be elected from among the Managers and shal! perform all duties incumbent upon the President during the absence or disability of the President. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as these By-Laws may prescribe or as shall, from time to time, be imposed upon him or her by the Board or by the President. Section 4.05 The Secretary. The Secretary shall be elected from among the Managers. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Association and of the Board and shall keep or cause to be kept a true and complete record of the proceedings of such meetings, shall perform all other duties incident to the office of the Secretary, and such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Board. The Secretary shal! specifically see that all notices of the Association or the Board are duly given, mailed or delivered, !n accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws. Section 4.06 The Treasurer. The Board shall elect from among the Managers a Treasurer who shall maintain a correct and complete record of account showing accurately at all times the financia! condition of the Association and who shall perform such other duties incident to the office of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the legal custodian of all monies, notes,
securities and other valuables which may from time to time come into possession of the Association, and shall immediately deposit all funds of the Association coming into his or her hands in a reliable bank or other depository to be designated by the Board and shall keep such bank account or accounts in the name of the Association. The Treasurer may permit the Managing Agent to handle and account for monies and other assets of the Association to the extent appropriate as part of its duties. SeCtion 4.07 Assistant Officers. The Board of Managers may, from time to time, designate and elect from among the Managers an Assistant Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer who shall have such Powers and duties as the officers whom they are elected to assist shall delegate to them and such other powers and duties as these By-Laws or the Board of Managers may prescribe. ARTICLE V Assessments and Maintenance and Repairs Section 5.01 Annual Ac~ountinq. Annually, after the close of each fiscal year of the Association and prior to the date of the annual meeting of the Association next following the end of such fiscal year, the Board shall cause to be prepared and furnished to each Owner an unaudited financial statement, which statement shal! show all receipts and expenses received, incurred and paid during the preceding fiscal year. Any Mortgagee or guarantor of a mortgage shall be entitled to have an audited financial statement prepared at its own expense. ~ Section 5.02 Proposed Annual Budqet. Annually, on or before the date of the annua! meeting of the Association, the Board of Managers shall cause to be prepared a proposed annua! budget for the current fiscal year, estimating the total amount of the Common Expenses for the current fiscal year, and shall furnish a copy of such proposed budget to each Owner at or prior to the time the notice of such annual meeting is mailed or delivered to such Owners. The annual budget shall be submitted to the Owners for adoption at the annual meeting of the Association and, f so adopted, shall be the basis for the Regular Assessments (hereinafter defined) for the current fisca! year. At the annual meeting of the Own@rs, the budget may be approved in whole or in part or may be amended in whole or in part by a vote of a majority of the Owners; provided, however, that in no event shall the annual meeting of the Owners be adjourned until an annual budget is approved and adopted at such meeting, either the proposed annual budget or the proposed annual budget as amended. The annual
budget, the Regular Assessments and all sLu~s assessed by the Association shall be established by using generally accepted accounting principles, applied on a consistent basis. The annual budget and the Regular Assessments shall, in addition, include the establishment and maintenance of a replacement reserve fund for capita! expenditures and replacement and repair of the Common Areas and LimitedAreas, which replacement reserve fund shal! be used for those purposes and not for usual and ordinary repair expenses of the Common Areas and Limited Areas. An amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) shall be collected at the time the sale of a Condominium Unit is closed to fund that Units initia! share of the replacement reserve fund. Such replacement reserve fund for capital expenditures and replacement and repair of the Common Areas and Limited Areas shall be maintained by the Association in a separate interest bearing account or accounts with one or more banks or savings and loan associations authorized ko conduct business in Marion County, Indiana, selected from time to time by the Board. The annual budget and the Regular Assessments shall also be established to include an allowance or reserve to meet unforeseen contingencies or expenditures. Any amounts paid into this fund shall not be considered as advance payment of Regular Assessments. Each Condominium Units share of the working capital fund will be 9ollected at the time the sale of the Unit is closed and transferred to the Association for deposit to a segregated fund. The failure or delay of the Board of Managers to prepare a proposed annua! budget and to furnish a copy thereof to the Owners shall not constitute a waiver or release in any manner of the obligations of the Owners to pay the Common Expenses as herein provided, whenever determined. Whenever, whether before or after the annual meeting of the Association, there is no annual budget approved by the Owners as herein provided for such current fiscal year, the Owners shall continue to pay Regular Assessments based on the last approved budget or, at the option of the Board, based upon one hundred ten percent (110%) of such last approved budget, as a temporary budget. Section 5.03 ReGular Assessments. The annual budget as adopted by the Owners shall, based on the estimated cash requirement for Common Expenses in the current fiscal year as set forth in said budget, contain a proposed assessment against each Condominio/n Unit based on the Percentage Interest of each CondominillmUnit. Immediately following the adoption of the annual budget, each Owner shall be given written notice of such assessment against his respective Condominium Unit (herein called the "Regular Assessment"). In the event the Regular Assessment for a particular fiscal year is initially based upon a temporary budget, such Regular Assessment shall be revised, within fifteen (15) days
fol!owing adoption of the final annual budget by the Owners, to reflect the assessment against each Condominium Unit based upon such annual budget as finally adopted by the Owners. The aggregate amount of the Regular Assessments shall be equal to the total amount of expenses provided and included in the final annual budget, including reserve funds as hereinabove provided. The Regular Assessment against each Condominium Unit shall be paid in advance in equal monthly installments, commencing on the first day of the first month of each fiscal year and monthly thereafter through and including the first day of the last month of each fiscal year. Payment of the monthly installments of the Regular Assessment shall be made to the Board of Managers or the Managing Agent, as directed by the Board of Managers; provided, however, Owners may elect to pay monthly assessments semi-annually or annually, in advance. In the event the Regular Assessment for a particular fisca! year of the Association was initially-based upon a temporary budget, (a) if the Regular Assessment based upon the final annual budget adopted by the Owners exceeds the amount of the Regular Assessment based upon the temporary budget, that portion of such excess applicable to the period from the first day of the current fiscal year to the date of the next payment of the Regular Assessment which is due shall be paid with such next payment and such next payment, and all payments thereafter during such fiscal year shall be increased so that the Regular Assessment as finally determined shall be paid in full by the remaining payments due in such fiscal year, or (b) if the Regular Assessment based upon the temporary budget exceed the Regular Assessment based upon the final annual budget adopted by the Owners, such excess shall be credited against the next payment or payments of the Regular Assessment coming due until the entire amount of such excess has been so credited; provided, however, that if an Owner had paid his or her Regular Assessment either semi-annually or annually in advance, then the adjustments set forth under (a) or (b) above shall be made by a cash payment by, or refund to, the Owner on the first day of the second month following the determination of the Regular Assessment based upon the annual budget finally adopted by the Owners. The Regular Assessment for the current fiscal year of the Association shall become a lien on each separate Condominium Unit as of the first day of each fiscal year of the Association, even
though the final determination of the amount of such Regular Assessment may not have been made by that date. The fact that an Owner has paid his Regular Assessment for the current fiscal year in whole or in part based upon a temporary budget and thereafter, before the annual budget and adjusted as herein provided, sells, conveys or transfers his Condominiu-~ Unit or any interest therein, shall not relieve or release such Owner or his successor as Owner of such Condominiux~ Unit from payment of the Regular Assessment for such Condominium Unit as finally determined, and such Owner and his successor as Owner of such Condominiu/~ Unit shall be jointly and severally liable fo~ the Regular Assessment as finally determined. ~hny statement of unpaid assessments furnished by the Association pursuant to Section 8.02 hereof prior to the fina! determination and adoption of the annual budget and Regular Assessment for the year in which such statement is made shal! state that the matters set forth therein are subject to adjustment upon determination and adoption of the final budget and Regular Assessment for such year, and all parties to whom any such statement may be delivered or who may rely thereon shall be bound by such final determinations. Monthly installments of the Regular Assessments shall be due and payable automatically on their respective due dates without any notice from the Board or the Association, and neither the Board nor the Association shall be responsible for providing any notice or statements to Owners for the same. Section 5.04 Special Assessments. From time to ti~-~ Common Expenses of an unusual or extraordinary nature or not otherwise anticipated may arise. At such time and without the approval of the Ow~lers, unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws, the Declaration or the Act, the Board of Managers shall have the full right, power and authority to make special assessments which, upon resolution of the Board, shal! become a lien on each Condominium Unit, prorated in accordance with the Percentage Interest of each Condominium Unit (herein called "Specia! Assessment"). Without limiting the generality of the Board of Managers from time to time to pay for capital expenditures, to pay for the cost of any repair or reconstruction of damage caused by fire or other casualty or disaster to the extent insurance proceeds are insufficient therefor under the circumstances described in the Declaration. Section 5.05 Declarant Excused. If the Declarant is the Owner of an unoccupied Condominiu!~ Unit offered for the first time for sale, then the Declarant is excused from contributing toward the Cormmon Expenses for those Units during the period of time that shall begin on the date of the recordation of the Declaration and shall terminate twenty-three (23) months and one (I) day fol!owing the month in which the closing of the sale of the first Condominium
Unit within Bayshore Villas Horizontal Property Regime occurs. However, if the Common Expenses incurred during a fiscal year while the Declarant is excused from contributing towards same exceed the amount assessed against the other Owners, then the Declarant shall pay the excess. Section 5.06 Failure of Owner to PaV Assessments.
(a) No Owner may become exempt from paying Regular Assessments and Special Assessments, or from contributing toward the expenses of administration and of maintenance and-repair of the Common ~_reas and, in the proper case, of the Limited Areas, of the Buildings, and toward any other expenses lawfully agreed upon, by waiver of the use or enjoyment of the Common Areas or by abandonment of his or her Condominium Unit. Each Owner shall be personally liable for the payment of all Regular and Specia! Assessments. Where the Owner constitutes more than one person, the liability of such persons shall be joint and several. The Board shal! cause to be notified in writing any ~mortgage holder, insurer or guarantor of a Condominium Unit which has a ~delinquency of sixty (60) days or more.of the assessments or charges. If any Owner shall fail, refuse or neglect to make any payment of any Regular Assessments or Special Assessments when due, the lien for such Assessments on the Owners Condominium Unit may be filed and foreclosed by the Board for and on behalf of the Association as provided by law. Upon the failure of an Owner to make timely payment of any Regular Assessments or Special Assessments, when due, the Board may, in its discretion, accelerate the entire balanceof the unpaid Assessments and declare the same immediately due and payable, notwithstanding any other provisions hereof to the contrary. In any action to foreclose the lien for any Assessments, the Owner and any occupant of the Condominium Unit shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment to the Association of reasonable rental for such Condominium Unit, and the Board shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver for the purpose or preserving the Condominium Unit and to collect the rentals and other profits therefrom for the benefit of the Association to be applied to the unpaid Regular Assessments or Special Assessments. The Board may, at its option, bring a suit to recover a money judgment for any unpaid Regular Assessment or Special Assessment without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing the same. In any action to recover a Regular Assessment or
Special Assessment, whether by foreclosure or otherwise, the Board, for and on behalf of the Association, shal! be entitled to recover interest at a rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from the due date, costs and expenses of such action incurred, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys fees, from the Owner of the respective Condominium Unit. (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section or elsewhere in the Declaration and these ByLaws, any liin for Common Expenses and Assessments becoming payable after the recordation of a first mortgage on a Condominium Unit shall be subordinate to the first mortgage on the Condominium Unit, and any sale or transfer of a Condominium Unit to a Mortgagee pursuant to a foreclosure on its mortgage or conveyance in lieu thereof, or a conveyance to any person at a public sale in the manner provided by law with respect to mortgage foreclosures, shall extinguish the lien of any unpaid installment of any Regular Assessment or Special Assessment as to such installments which become due prior to such sale, transfer or conveyance; provided, however, that the extinguishment of such lien shall not relieve the prior owner from persona! liability therefor. No such sale, transfer or conveyance shall relieve the Condominium Unit or the purchaser at such foreclosure sale, or grantee in the event of conveyance in lieu thereof, from liability for any installments of Regular Assessments or Special Assessment thereafter becoming due or from the lien therefor. Such unpaid share of any Regular Assessments or Special Assessments, the lien for which has been divested as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be a Common Expense, collectible from all Owners (including the party acquiring the subject Condominium Unit from which it arose), as provided in the Act. Section 5.07 Initial Budgets and Assessments. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the Declaration, in the Act, in the Statute or otherwise, until the Applicable Date, the annual budget and all Regular Assessments and Special Assessments shal! be established by the Initial Bo~rd without meetings with or the concurrence of the Co-Owners. The agency, power of attorney and proxy granted to. the Declarant by each Owner pursuant to Section 2.10 hereof shal! be deemed to cover and include each Owners right to vote on and approve the annual budget and any Regular Assessments and Special Assessments until the Applicable Date.
Sectio____~n 5.08 Maintenance and ReDairs. Every Owner shall promptly perform all maintenance and repair within hisown condominium Unit which, if neglected, would affect the value of the P~operty, In addition, each Owner shall furnish, and shall be responsible at his own expense for, the maintenance, repairs and replacements of his Condominium Unit and certain portions of the Limited Areas as may be established by rules. Such maintenance, repairs and replacements which each Owner is responsible to make personally and at his own expense include, but are not necessarily limited to, water lines, gas lines, plumbing and electric lines which service the Owners Condominium Unit only and are located within exterior walls of the Condominium Unit, including any lines in the area from below the floor to above the roof if they are within an extension of the exterior walls of the Condominium Unit; all partitions and interior walls, ceiling and floors; appliances, to include garbage disposal, dishwashers, stove, ranges and refrigerators, telephones, air conditioning and heating equipment(whether located wholly or partially inside or outside the Condominium Unit), doors, screens and windows (including window frames, casings, and the exterior and interior of all glass and screen surfaces), lamps and interior and exterior grouting and/or caulking, and all other accessories appurtenant to the Condominium Unit or belonging to the Owner thereof. If due to the willful, intentional or negligent acts or omissions of an Owner or of a member of his family or of a guest, tenant or other occupant or visitor of such Owner, damage shall be caused to the~Common Areas or to a Condominium Unit or Limited Area owned by or reserved for the use of others, or if maintenance, repairs or replacements shall be required thereby which would otherwise be at the Common Expense, then such Owner shall pay for such damage and such maintenance, repairs and replacements, as may be determined by the Association, unless such loss is covered by the Associations insurance with such policy having a waiver of subrogation clause. Maintenance, repairs and replacements to the Common Areas or the Condominium Units or Limited Areas shall be subject to the rules and regulations adopted from time to time by the Board. To the extent that equipment facilities and fixtures within any Condominium Unit shal! be connected to similar equipment, facilities or fixtures affecting or serving other Condominium Units or any Common Areas or Limited Areas, then the use thereof by the Owner of such Condominium Unit shall be subject to the rules and regulations adopted from time to time by the Board. The authorized representatives of the Association or Board of Managers or the Managing Agent for the Association, shal! be entitled to reasonable
access to any Condominium Unit as may be required in connection with maintenance, repairs or replacements of or to the Common Areas or Limited Areas or any parts thereof, or any equipment facilities or fixtures affecting or serving other Condominium Units or any Common Areas or Limited Areas. ARTICLE Vl Restrictions, Entry and Rules and ReGulations Section 6.01 "Restriction on Use. The following restrictions on the use and enjoyment of the Condominium Units, Common Areas, Limited Areas and the Property shall be applicable to Bayshore Villas in addition to those set forth in the Declaration. These are as fol!ows: (a) All Condominium Units shall be used exclusively for residential purposes and no Condominium Unit may be partitioned or subdivided. (b) No additional buildings shall be erected or located on the Tract other than the Buildings designated in the Declaration without the consent of the Board of Managers. (c) Nothing shall be done or kept in any Condominium Unit or in the Common Areas or Limited Areas which wil! cause an increase in the rate of insurance on any Building or the contents thereof. No Owner shall permit anything to be done or kept in his Condominium Unit or the Common Areas or Limited Areas which wil! result in a cancellation of insurance on any Building or any part of the Common Areas or contents thereof, or which would be in violation of any law or ordinance or other requirements of any insurance underwriting or rating bureau. (d) No nuisance shall be permitted and no waste shall be committed in any Condominium Unit, Common Areas, or Limited Areas. (e) No Owner shall cause or permit anything to be hung or displayed on the outside of the windows or placed on the outside walls of any Building, and no sign, awning, canopy, shutter or radio or television antenna or other attachment or thing shal! be affixed to or placed upon the exterior walls or roofs or any other parts of
any Building without the prior consent of the Board. This restriction shall not apply to any seasonal or holiday display or decoration so placed at the appropriate time of the year and so located on temporary and/or limited basis. (f) No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised bred or kept in any Condominium Unit or in the Common Areas or Limited Areas or on the Property, except that pet dogs, cats or customary household pets may be kept in~ Condominium Unit, provided that such pet is not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose, or does not create a nuisance. Pets shall be taken outdoors only under leash or other restraint and while attended by its owner and an Owner shall be fully liable for any injury or damage to persons or property, including~the Common Areas or Limited Areas, caused by his!~pet. The tethering of pets in any area outside an Owners Condominium Unit does not constitute "attended".~ Pets shall be walked only in an area not common to residents and pet leavings on the main ground and walks shall be picked up immediately by the pets owner and disposed of in a proper receptacle. The Board may adopt such other rules and regulations regarding pets as it may deem necessary from time to time including, but not limited to, a requirement that any Owner desiring to bring a pet on the Property shall deposit with the Board a security deposi~ in an amount to be determined by the Board to cover any damage that may be caused by such pet. Any requirement for the depositing of such a security deposit shall not be deemed to release or in any way limit an Owners responsibility and liability for injury and damage caused by his pets. Any pet which, in the judgment of the Board, is causing or creating a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance or noise, shall be permanently removed from the Property within ten (I0) days after written notice from the Board to the respective Owner to do so. (g) Nothing shall be done or permitted in any Condominium Unit which will impair the structural integrity of any Building or which would structurally change any Building or which would affect the exterior appearance of any Condominium Unit, except as otherwise provided in the Declaration or these By-Laws. No Condominium Unit shall be used in any unlawful manner or in any manner which might cause injury to the reputation
of Bayshore Villas or which might be a nuisance, annoyance, inconvenience or damage to other Owners and occupants or Condominium Units or neighboring property, including without limitation the generality of the foregoing, noise by the use of any musica! instruments, radio, television, loud speakers, electrical equipment, amplifiers or other equipment or machines or loud persons. (h) No clothes, sheets, blankets, rugs, laundry or other things s~all be hung out or exposed on, or so as to be visible from any part of the Common Areas. The Common Areas shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris and other unsightly materials. (i) No industry, trade, or other commercial or religious activity, educational or otherwise, designed for profit, altruism or otherwise, shall be conducted, practiced or permitted on the Property. (j) No "for sale", "for rent" or "for lease" signs, or other signs, or other window or advertising display shall be maintained or permitted on any part of the Property or any Condominium Unit without the prior consent of the Board; provided, however, that the right is reserved by the Declarant and the Board to place or allow to be placed "for sale" or "for lease" signs on or about the Property in connection with any unsold or unoccupied Condominium Units. (k) Al! Owners and members of their families, their guests, or invitees, and all occupants of any Condominium Unit or other persons entitled to use the same and to use and enjoy the Common Areas and the Limited Areas or any part thereof, shall observe and be governed by such_rules and regulations as may from time to time be promulgated and issued by the Board governing the operation, use and enjoyment of the Condominium Units, the Common Areas, and Limited Areas. (i) No boats, campers, trailers of any kind, buses, mobile homes, trucks, or any other vehicles of any description other than normal passenger automobiles, shall be permitted, parked or stored anywhere within the Property. No repair work shall be done on the Property on any vehicles, including passenger automobiles.
(m) No Owner shall be allowed to plant trees, landscape or do any gardening in any of the Common Areas or Limited Areas, except with express permission from the Board. (n) All garbage, trash, and refuse shall be stored in appropriate containers inside the Condominium Unit and shall be kept therein unti! not earlier than sundown of the evening before scheduled trash collection. Garbage, trash and refuse shall be placed in sealed disposable plastic bags o~ other containers approved by the Board for scheduled trash collection and shall be placed at such locations for trash collection as are designated by the Board. (o) Common Areas and Limited Areas shall be used only for the purposes for which they are designed and intended, and shall be used subject to the rules and regulations from time to time adopted by the Board. Section 6.02 Right of Entrv. All Owners and occupants of a Condominium Unit shall be deemed to have granted the right of entry thereto to the Managing Agent or any other person authorized by the Board in case of any emergency originating in or threatening his or her Condominium Unit or the Building in which it is located, whether the Owner is present at the time or not. Any Owner shall permit other persons, or their representatives when so required, to enter his or her Condominium Unit for the purpose of performing installations, alterations or repairs to the mechanical or electrical services, or to make structural repairs, provided that request for entry are made in advance and that such entry is at a time reasonably convenient to the Owner. In case of emergencies, such right of entry shall be immediate. Section 6.03 Right of Board to AdoDt Rules and Regulations. The Board may promulgate such additional rules and regulations regarding the operation of the Property, including but not limited to the use of the Common Areas and Limited Areas, as it may deem necessary from time to time and such rules as are adopted may be amended by a vote of a majority of the Board, and the Board shall cause copies of such rules and regulations and al! amendments thereto to be delivered or mailed promptly to all Owners .......
ARTICLE VII Amendment to Bv-Laws. Section 7.01 Subject to any contrary, overriding or superseding provisions set forth herein or in the Declaration, these By-Laws may be amended in the same manner, and subject to the same limitations and requirements, as amendments to the Declaration, as set forth in Section 20 of the Declaration. Amendment to these ~y-Laws shall be considered as amendments of the Declaration and shal! be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Marion County, Indiana, as required by the Declaration and the Act. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Declaration, there shall be no amendment of the Declaration or these By-Laws prior to the Applicable Date without the Consent and approval of the Declarant. ARTICLE VIII
Section 8.01 Notice to Association. Any Owner who places a first mortgage lien upon his Condominium Unit shall notify the Secretary of the Association thereof and provide the name and address of the Mortgagee. A record of such Mortgagee and name and address shall be maintained by the .Secretary and any notice required to be given to the Mortgagee pursuant to the terms of the Declaration, these By-Laws or the Act shall be deemed effectively given if mailed to such Mortgagee at the address shown in such record within the time provided. Unless notification of any such mortgage and the name and address of Mortgagee are furnished to the Secretary, either by the Owner or the Mortgagee, no notice to the Mortgagee as may otherwise be required by the Declaration, these By-Laws or the Act shall be required, and no Mortgagee shall be entitled to vote on any matter to which he or she otherwise may be entitled by virtue of the Declaration, these By-Laws, the Act, or any proxy granted to such Mortgagee in connection with the mortgage. Section 8.02 Notice of UnDaid Assessments. The Association shal!, upon request of a Mortgagee, a proposed mortgagee, or a proposed purchaser who has a contractual right to purchase a Condominium Unit, furnish to such Mortgagee or purchaser a statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid Regular Assessments or Special Assessments against the Condominium Unit, which statement shal! be binding upon the Association and the Owners, and any Mortgagee or grantee of the Condominium Unit shal!
not be liable for nor shall the Condominium Unit conveyed be subject to a lien for any unpaid assessments in excess of the amount set forth in such statement or as such assessments may be adjusted upon adoption of the final annual budget, as referred to in Section 5.03 hereof. Section 8.03 Mort~a~ees RiGhts.
(a) An eligible holder of a first mortgage, upon written request to the Association, (such request to state the nameand address of the eligible holder and the Condominium Unit number), shall be entitled to timely written notice of: (i) any proposed amendment of the Declaration or By-Laws effecting a change in (i) the boundaries of any Condominium Unit or the exclusive easement rights appertaining thereto, (ii) the interests in the Common Areas or Limited Areas appertaining to any Condominium Unit or the liability for Common Expenses appertaining thereto, (iii) the number of votes in the Association appertaining to any Condominium Unit or (iv) the purposes to which any Condominium Unit or the Common Areas are restricted; (2) Regime; any proposed termination of the
(3) any condemnation loss or any casualty !oss which affects a material portion of the Property or which affects any Condominium Unit on Which there is a first mortgage; (4) any delinquency in the payment of assessments or charges owed by an Owner of a Condominium Unit subject to the mortgage, where such delinquency has continued for a period of sixty (60) days; (5) any lapse, cancellation or material modification of any insurance policy maintained by the Association pursuant to the Declaration; and
(6) any proposed action that requires the consent of a specified percentage of eligible mortgage holders. Other Provisions for Mortqaqes. (i) Any restoration or repair of the Property after a partial condemnation or damage due to an insurable hazard shall be substantially in accordance with the Declaratibn and the original Plans and specifications, unless the approva! ofthe eligible holders of first mortgages on Condominium Units to which at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the votes of Condominium Units subject to mortgages held by such eligible holders are al!ocated is obtained. ~ (2) Any election to terminate the Condominium Regime after substantia! destruction or a substantial taking in condemnation of the Property must require the approval of the eligible holders of first mortgages on Condominium Units to which at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the votes of Condominium Units subject to mortgages held by such eligible holders are allocated. (3) No reallocation of interests in the Common Areas resulting from a partial condemnation or partial destruction of the Property may be affected without the approval of the eligible holders of first mortgages on Condominium Units to which at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the votes of the Condominium Units subject to mortgages held by such eligible holders are al!ocated. (4) As used in this Section, the term "eligible holder" shall mean a holder, insurer or guarantor of a first mortgage on a Condominium Unit who has requested notice in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.03(a) above.
ARTICLE IX Miscellaneous
Section 9.01 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of January in each year and end on the last day of December next following.
Section 9.03 MembershiD Certificates. Each member of the Association shall receive a certificate ! from the Association, signed by the ~President or Vice President, and ~Secretary or Assistant Secretary !thereof, stating that he or she is a member of the Association. Such certificates shall be non-transferable, and a members certificate shall become void and of no force and effect upon sale by a member of his or her Condominium Unit. Such membership~certificate shall be in a form and style determined by the Board.~ Section 9.04 Personal Interest. No member of the Association shall have or receive any earnings from the Association, except that a member who is an officer, director or employee of the Association may. receive fair and reasonable compensation for his or her services as officer, director or employee, and a member may also receive principal and interest on monies loaned or advanced to the Association as provided in the Statute. Section 9.05 CaDtions. The captions herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of these By-Laws or the intent of any provision hereof. Section 9.06 Waiver. No restriction, condition, obligation or provision contained in these By-Laws shall be deemed to have been abrogated or waived by reason of any failure to enforce the same, irrespective of the number of violations or breaches thereof which may Occur. Section 9.07 Election Under Internal Revenue Code. The Board shall make and file all elections and documents required pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, and any other applicable statute or regulation, in order to exempt from taxation, insofar as possible, the income of the Association consisting of assessments paid by Unit Owners.
Section 9.08 Invalidity. The invalidity of any part of these By-Laws shal! not impair or affect in any manner the validity, enforceability or effect of the balance of these By-Laws.
The undersigne~ hereby certifies that the foregoing Code of By-Laws were adopted as the By-Laws of Bayshore Villas Co-Owners Association, a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Indiana, by action of the Board of M~ ers at the first meeting thereof, effective this ~!~day of
SI zretary
NOW, THEREFORE, I hereby issue to such corporation this Certificate of Incorporation, and further certify that its corporate existence ~-Iii begin October 01, 1999.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the State of Indiana, at the City of Indlanapolls, this First day of October , 1999.
CORPORATIONS DIVISION 302 W. Washington St., Rm. E018
7. Nonprefi~ co~o~tlons must quafl~ with the ln~emal Revenue Semite and ~e indiana Depa~ment of Revenue, I~ Is s~ng~ suggestad you do not complete or file this fo~ befom contacting both agencies,
2. Filing Fee $30.00 made payable to Indiana Secretary of State 3. Article VII must be completed appropriately. Please see (1) above.
The undersigned incorporator or incorporators, desidng to form a corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation") pursuant to the provisions of the Indiana Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1991 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), execute the following Articles of Incorporation. .
Name of the Corporation: (the name must include the word "Corporation", "Incorporated", "Limited", "Company" or one Of the abbrevfaZions thereoO :
ZIP ~de
Not-For-Profit operation and management of a residential horizontal property regime homeowners association.
The Corporation is a: [] public benefit corporation, which is organized for a public or charitable purpose; [] religious corporation, which is organized primarily or exclusively for religious purposes; Or ~mutual benefit corporation (aft others).
Registered Agent: The name and skeet address orthe Corporations Registered Agent and Registered Office for service of process are:
(a.k.a. Co-Owners)
(Continued on the reverse side)
Name(s) and sdd~s(es) of the incorporator(s) is/am as follows: Number and Street or Building
Janice P. Vollmer
11350 N. Meridian
Street, Suite 150
c~ Carmel
ZIP code
Assets shall be distributed after all debts and obligations of the Corporation have been satisfied. The distribution of the assets shall be made to all the Co-0wners of Bayshore Villas Co-Owners Association, Inc. The amount received by each Co-Owner shall be determined by the percentage interest of the total undivided interest each Co-Owner shall have in the Corporation.
I (we) hereby vedfy, subject to penalties of perjury, that the facts contoined herein are ~Je, (Notorizatlon not necessao/) Slgna Pdnfad name Janice P. Vollmer Signature~ Pdnted name Signature P~int~d name
Janice P. Vollmer
ddra~ ,. 11350 N. Merzdlan Street, Suite
::lgV"dV9 9NIAI-] : :
le^el .~eddrl
~=o DNI[,J]
~e^e~ Jeddl
le^e"l ~edd1
IAJOOEI(33~] a31SVIAI mo~qle8 pu~
Z# IAlOO~!(33~]
BAY SHORE VILLAS 2001 APPROVED BUDGET 18 Unit Basis 12 Month Fiscal 2000 Dist Per UniUMnth 56 Unit Basis "12 Month Fisc~ 2001 Budget Dist. Per 2001 Unit/Mnth,
Budget 2000
135.00 0,12 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.00 54.81 50.00 1.16 0.00
29,160.00 5,960,00 TotalAsssciationFees 25.00 0,00 Non-Sufficient Funds Charge 0,00 0.00 Legal Fee Reimbursement 160.00 160.00 Late Fees 0.00 0,00 Collection Cost Reimbursement 0.00 0,00 Insurance Claim income 11,839,00 200.00 Developer Funding 10,800.00 2,0~0.00 Reserve Start Up Fee 250,00 0.00 Reserve Intsrest 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous
90,720.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 9,600.00 0.00 0.00
135.00 0.00 0.00 0,30 0.19 0.00 0.00 14.29 0.00 0.00
(10.00) (2,160.00) (450.00) (Less Reserve Income) (1.16) (250.00) 0.00 (Less Reserve Interest) (80,00) (10,800.00) (2,000.00) (Less ReserveStsrt Up Fee)
GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES 12,25 0,93 0.00 10,90 0.00 0.00 4.41 84.21 29.17 1.62 6.71 12.73 0.00 9,26 1.16 2.31 2,647.00 2,275.00 Management Fees 0,00 Legal Fees 290,00 0.00 Accounting Fees 0o00 0,00 Insurance Premiums 2,354.00 0.00 0,00 Insurance Claim/Deductible 0,00 0.00 Colle~on Costs 95,3.00 297.00 Administ, ratJve 18,190,00 0.00 Common Utilities 0.00 Lawn Care 6,300,00 0.00 Tree/Shrub Care 350.00 1,450.00 0.00 Common Area Maintenance 2,750.00 0.00 !rtigation 340,00 Lake Care 0.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 Snow Removal 0.00 Miscellaneous 250,00 500.00 0.00 General Operating Reserve 4,200,00 200.00 250.00 12,500.00 0,00 125,00 737,00 10,000,00 10,370,00 0.00 0,00 2,000.00 675,00 2,000.00 100.00 0.00 6~25 0.30 0,37 18,60 0.00 0.19 1.10 14.88 15.43 0,00 0,00 2.98 1.00 2,98 0.15
5.00 1,080.00 1,958.00 Excess/(Deficlt) 0.00 0.90 Pdor Years 0.00 Excess/(Deficit)
:~eO urge!
Tree & Shrub Care: Plant Replacement Pruning Mature Tree Removal/Care Fe~llzatlonllnsect & Disease Contro~ Miscellaneous
Common Area MaintJImprevemants: ..... Building Maintenance Common Ground Maintenance Gutter Cleaning/Repairs Roof Repairs CfittedPest Control Miscellaneous
0,00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0 00 0.00 ....
0.00 0.00 0.00
Weed and Algae control treatments Maintenance and water used Lake care maintenance Streets, drives & walks @ 2" accumulation + sand as needed For expenses which do not relate to any existing catsgor[es "
2000 ,GenemlOpereting&lnsuranee $125.00 Reserve $10.00 2001 ,,,General OpereUng & nsurance $125,00 Reserve $10.00 Total 135,00 Total 135.00
2001 RESERVE BUDGET 2000 Budget 2000 Projected Actual Description INCOME
2001 Budget
10.00 14.29
0.00 Income Taxes - Federal 0.00 Income Taxes- State 0.00 Siding 0.00 Miscellaneous
61.16 61.16
16,320.00 0.00
24.29 0.00
*Reserves are set aside yearly to accumulate enough monies to ensure to have adequate funds for capital repaire/replacements In the future (le: roof replacement, gutter replacement, painting, asphalt end concrete replacement).