WTN Arc Guidelines Final Version
WTN Arc Guidelines Final Version
WTN Arc Guidelines Final Version
Architectural Guidelines
March 2018
Fences page 5
Per the COVENANTS, the "Committee" shall be the governing body charged with using its best efforts
to promote and ensure a high level of design, quality, harmony and conformity throughout the
Property. To that end, the ARC only judges the aesthetic qualities of additions and/or modifications
for which approval is being requested, and approval may be withheld for purely aesthetic reasons.
As clarification, in order to eliminate possible conflicts of interest and to avoid even the appearance of
impropriety, any BOD officer or ARC member who is either a friend of or is related in any way to an ARC
Request applicant, is required to disqualify themselves from voting on such a Request.
The Covenants are binding on all homeowners and renters, so they need to be fully understood. The
fact that each homeowner is subject to these Covenants should assure all homeowners that the
standards of design quality will be maintained, enhancing the community's overall environment and
protecting property values.
To obtain a copy of the COVENANTS, you may request a printed copy from the Board of Directors (BOD)
or download one from the Wynston website: http://wynstonways.weebly.com/
In a planned community such as Wynston, the question naturally arises as to how to maintain a
harmonious, quality development as the community matures and technology evolves. These Guidelines
attempt to balance private interests with the broader interests of the Wynston community. Please
retain these Guidelines as part of your permanent papers, and make these Guidelines available to any
renters of your home.
Homes, yards, all improvements and any personal property, including vehicles, in public view shall be
maintained in good condition at all times, and no miscellaneous dismantled items are allowed to
accumulate on any Lot.
You must submit an Architectural Request form and obtain approval in writing from the ARC before
undertaking any exterior changes to the home not specifically included in the Blanket Approvals. The
ARC is allowed up to 30 days to act on a Request. Therefore, it is recommended that the homeowner
NOT commit labor or materials until your Request has been approved in writing. If you begin work
before your Request is approved, a $40 fine will be levied.
Items in this category do not require approval when these guidelines are followed. Items that
are not specifically included here require approval.
• Plants, shrubs and flowers planted within three feet of the front of your house are not to
grow higher than the lowest portion of the windows.
• Bedding borders, when constructed using common residential landscaping designs, cannot
exceed 8 inches in height.
• Plantings of flowers and shrubs around trees.
• Plantings around a mailbox post, if they do not extend beyond the curb or onto the
• Vegetable gardening in backyards provided the plants do not exceed allowed fence heights
or grow through to a neighbor’s yard.
• Outside decorations may be displayed up to 30 days before and 10 days after a holiday.
• Hose caddies affixed to the home and portable hose caddies must be maintained on the
side of or the rear of the home.
• Repainting, re-siding or refurbishing the façade (siding, trim) of your home in its original
color and building material
• Replacing an exterior light fixture with a fixture of similar size and color.
• Adding lawn furniture and barbecue equipment exposed to the elements. These must be
stored in the backyard and not be visible from the street when not in use.
• Attic turbines mounted on the rear of the house roof if they extend no higher than the
roof peak, and are no more than 12” above the roof surface.
• Mail boxes, if repainted black in color or replaced with a same size and design.
• Flags affixed to the outside of your home may be a maximum of 3’ x 5’. When affixed to your
mailbox post, they may be a maximum size of 11” x 17”.
• Front storm door frames must either be white or match the color of existing trim. The glass
must be clear (no color). Smoked glass, stained glass, and all other front-door design
variations must be approved in advance
• Installation of a satellite dish, not greater than one meter (39.37”) in diameter and the
location of the satellite dish is in the backyard or on the rear roof. If placement is necessary
on the side or front of the home, documentation must be provided and screening may be
• An outdoor clothes drying device may be built behind the home or in the backyard.
Items in this category require approval. An Architectural Request form must be submitted and
the description(s) must comply with these guidelines. Wynston Plat Maps are available online:
Exterior painting:
• Any color change requires approval. You should specify the type and color of paint you will
use and include a color sample when requesting approval. The submittal should also include
the color scheme of the neighboring homes.
Exterior Façade:
• You are changing the building material(s), you must specify the type and color of the
siding/trim you will use, and include a color sample when requesting approval.
• It is the responsibility of the Homeowner to assure that their fence complies with all
ordinances and standards of the Town and obtains all required permits for construction.
• Material may be white vinyl or wood, with matching gate. No chain link or metal fences or
gates are permitted. The smooth side must face neighboring property.
• If two fences are to be joined, the Request must include the signature of the owner of the
fence to which the new fence is intended to join.
• A fence height of 6 feet is the maximum allowed. For picket fences, the maximum height is
4 feet.
• Fences must be maintained free of defects. A 60-day grace period is allowed to repair fences
after they are cited with a maintenance violation.
• It is the responsibility of the Homeowner to assure that their storage shed complies with all
ordinances and standards of the Town and obtains all required permits for construction.
• When planning for the addition of a shed in your back yard, be advised that R-10 Ordinances
require that sheds not be closer than 10 feet to any property line and no closer than 20 feet
to any street right-of-way.
• If placement is such that the shed is readily visible from street view, a front 6’ privacy fence
or approved vegetation must be installed to shield it from street view.
• Sheds can be no larger than 12’ x 14’ in size and 10’ high at the roof’s peak.
• Building materials must be similar in color to your home.
These Appearance Standards supplement those described in Article XI
of the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions”
• Paint and stain must be maintained in uniform and good repair (with no peeling, chipping,
cracking, or discoloration) on the trim and siding. This also applies to mailbox posts and any
exterior fixtures and ornamentation.
• Lawns must be well kept with uniform ground coverage. Grass height should be kept below
~4” high, including edges around all structures and growths. The designated lawn area
should be fully covered with grass and essentially free of weeds. Any brown or bare patches
should be repaired during the spring or fall seeding season. Grass clippings on sidewalk,
driveway and street areas must be removed after each mowing and/or edging.
• Dead shrubs are to be removed and replaced (in season) with plantings of similar size &
• No parking of vehicles is permitted on lawns or in common areas.
• No tractor trailer trucks or cabs shall be parked on any street or Lot.
• Boats, trailers & campers cannot be parked in a driveway or at the curb for more than 48
hours within a 7 day period. No permanent parking of these items on Lots is permitted
without screening (approved vegetation or fence) from street view.
• Storage PODS for temporary storage of household and personal goods located in any street
yard are permitted for a maximum of 7 consecutive days, except when necessitated by
reconstruction of damage.
• No personal property may be left in the front or side yards overnight, except for patio
furniture and accessories which must be kept on the porch.
• The external view of all interior window treatments must be a neutral color and well
• No fans or air conditioners are to be placed in windows. Portable air conditioning units that
exhaust through a window opening are also prohibited.
ARC Process
Submit Architectural Request form via email or mail to Management Company
it Him's'
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii REQUEST
Name: Date:
Daytime Phone: Evening Phone:
E-mail Address: __
Request: ______________________________________
In order for your application to be reviewed, you must submit all required information for your application to be
deemed complete. Please note failure to provide this information may cause a delay in the review process. Provide
a detailed description below:
Fences MUST be stained/waterproofed within one year. Also, the smooth side of the fence must face out.
Major improvements such as pools, additions, etc., require a neighbor’s signature on the plot map.
Please mark the box with an “X” beside your proposed project type. The numbers in parentheses correspond to the
required attachments for each project.
Signature Date
Submission without a Plat Map/Survey: I hereby certify that my mortgage company did not
require a survey. In lieu of a recorded plat map, I certify that the attached rendering is true,
complete, and correctly drawn to scale to the best of my knowledge. As Lot Owner, I accept
Initial liability for any inaccuracies that may be proven in the future and release the Association,
Here Management and its Agents from any responsibility.
Disclaimer. The Association reviews applications primarily based upon aesthetic qualities and to a
lesser degree, basic construction practices. Owners (and their contractors) are responsible for determining
and ensuring that all applicable municipal, county and state requirements are met and all necessary
Initial permits, variances, etc. are obtained. Should the requirements set forth by the municipality, county and
Here state be more stringent/restrictive than those established by the Association, the more
stringent/restrictive requirements prevail.
You may submit your application via E-mail (info@charlestonmanagement.com), Upload your request directly to the website at
www.charlestonmanagement.com (see instructions below), Fax (919) 848-1548, US Mail to:
c/o Charleston Management Corp
PO Box 97243
Raleigh NC, 27624
Directions for Uploading your request online:
Visit the website link listed above, click the ‘Homeowner Log In’ link and sign in.
Once you have logged on to your homeowner home page, please go to ‘Association Business’
Create a request
Submit your scanned form
Complete the email address field and give a description of your project in the comments field.
Please upload your form, plat map, and any other supplemental documents or details.
Select ‘Submit Architectural Control Request’ and you will receive an email confirmation.