2018 WA Recall Solved
2018 WA Recall Solved
2018 WA Recall Solved
A. 2431
B 4213
C. 2413
D. 4231
E. 3241
5. The dominant collagen type in tendon
A. I
39. Which of the following substances will elicit the sensation of sour
A) Aldehydes
B) Alkaloids
C) Amino acids
D) Hydrogen ions
E) Ketones
42. All of the following are potential findings in a patient with ZES
A. HCO3-
B. Gastric ulcer
C. Duodenal ulcer
D. Decrease plasma level of gastrin
E. Pancreatic tumour
43. A person with normal lung at sea level (760mmHg) is breathing
50% O2. What is the approximate alveolar PO2
A. 100
B. 159
C. 268
D. 330
E. 380
46. Damage to the tibial nerve in the popliteal fossa would not affect
the following except
A) standing on the heel
B) achilles reflex
C) inversion of the foot
D) flexion of the knee
E) knee reflex
47. At the end of inhalation, with an open glottis, the pleural
pressure is
A. Greater then atmospheric pressure
B. Equal to atmospheric pressure
C. Less than alveolar pressure
D. Equal to alveolar pressure
E. Greater than alveolar pressure
50. An elderly resident of a nursing home fell down the front steps
and subsequently became disoriented and lethargic. He is brought
to the emergency room where an emergency MRI reveals that he
has developed hydrocephalus due to a small hemorrhage
obstructing the foramina of Monro. The foramina of Monro allow
for communication between which of the following?
(A) fourth ventricle and cerebral aqueduct
(B) fourth ventricle and subarachnoid space
(C) lateral ventricles and third ventricle
(D) third ventricle and cerebral aqueduct
(E) third ventricle and fourth ventricle
58. The abdominal aorta provides for the major blood supply in this
region and its branches are organized into paired or unpaired and
visceral or parietal branches. Which of the following are paired
visceral branches of the abdominal aorta?
A. celiac trunk
B. gonadal arteries
C. inferior phrenic arteries
D. lumbar arteries
E. superior mesenteric artery
A. first
B. fourth
C. second
D. sixth
E. third
68. The epithelium covering the vocal cords is which of the following?
(A) pseudostratified ciliated
(B) simple columnar
(C) simple cuboidal
(D) simple squamous
(E) stratified squamous
70. After recovery from the surgical removal of the thyroid gland,
the quality of the voice in a patient changed to a monotone. It was
discovered that the cricothyroid muscle in this patient was
paralyzed. The cricothyroid muscle is innervated by which of the
(A) accessory nerve
(B) ansa cervicalis
(C) external laryngeal nerve
(D) hypoglossal nerve
(E) internal laryngeal nerve
71. Brain area that modulate sensation of pain are
A. Amygdala
B. Locus cereleus
C. Nucleus ambigus
D. Periaquiductal grey matter
(A) Ca2+
(B) Cl
(C) K+
(D) Mg2+
(E) Na+
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E
93. A 30-year-old male seeks help because he lost weight and feels
full after eating only a small amount of food. He is diagnosed with a
delay in gastric emptying. Which of the following hormones has at
physiological levels the strongest effect in inhibiting gastric
(A) cholecystokinin
(B) gastrin
(C) glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide
(D) motilin
(E) pancreatic polypeptide
94. One of the following is wrongly paired
A. Anal Cancer - HIV
B. Hepatocellular Cancer - Hepatitis B and C
C. Nasopharyngeal Cancer - EBV
D. Adult T cell leukemia - human T cell leukemia virus type 1
E. Cervical CA - HPV 16, 18, 31
98. About 75% of the blood supply of the spinal cord is derived
from the anterior spinal artery. This artery arises from which of the
(A) artery of Adamkiewicz
(B) basilar artery
(C) internal carotid artery
(D) posterior inferior cerebellar artery
(E) vertebral artery
106. The pneumotaxic center and apneustic centers of the brain are
located in which of the following?
(A) diencephalon
(B) midbrain
(C) pons
(D) spinal cord
(E) telencephalon
107. The abdominal aorta provides for the major blood supply in
this region and its branches are organized into paired or unpaired
and visceral or parietal branches. Which of the following are paired
visceral branches of the abdominal aorta?
(A) celiac trunk
(B) gonadal arteries
(C) inferior phrenic arteries
(D) lumbar arteries
(E) superior mesenteric artery
131. Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched
A. Sis--- epidermal growth
B. Ras- inhibition of DNA synthesis
C. Abl--- non-receptor activation of tyrosine kinase
139. year old man falls onto an outstretched hand. Following the
accident he is examined in the emergency department.On palpating
his anatomical snuffbox there is tenderness noted in the base. What
is the most likely injury in thisscenario?
A. Rupture of the tendon of flexor pollicis
B. Scaphoid fracture
C. Distal radius fracture
D. Rupture of flexor carpi ulnaris tendon
E. None of the above
141. An elderly resident of a nursing home fell down the front steps
and subsequently became disoriented and lethargic. He is brought
to the emergency room where an emergency MRI reveals that he
has developed hydrocephalus due to a small hemorrhage
obstructing the foramina of Monro. The foramina of Monro allow
for communication between which of the following?
(A) fourth ventricle and cerebral aqueduct (B) fourth ventricle and
subarachnoid space
(C) lateral ventricles and third ventricle
(D) third ventricle and cerebral aqueduct
(E) third ventricle and fourth ventricle
141. The parasympathetic innervation of the testis includes which of
the following nerves?
(A) pelvic splanchnic
(B) vagus
(C) iliohypogastric
(D) ilioinguinal
(E) pudendal
a. common atrium
b. persistent atrioventricular canal
c. persistent truncus arteriosus
d. tetralogy of fallot
e. transposition of the great vessels
146. Which nerve carries the efferent limb of the cremasteric reflex
A. Iliohypogastric
B. Ilioinguinal
C. Genitofemoral
D. Femoral
E. Obturator
157. Irrigation of the seated patient s right ear with warm water
should produce which of the following?
(A) fast conjugate horizontal eye movement to the left
(B) no horizontal eye movements
(C) slow conjugate horizontal eye movement to the left
(D) slow conjugate horizontal eye movement to the right
(E) slow horizontal movement of right eye and fast movement of left
173. A student after sitting for long developed pains at the back of
the thigh which disappeared after standing up for a while. What's
the cause of the pain?
A) Ischial spine
B) Ischial tuberosity
176. The ureters lie on the anterior surface of which of the following
A. Gonadal
B. Inferior mesenteric
C. Internal iliac
D. External iliac
194. A woman whose blood type is A positive and who has always
been healthy just delivered her second child. The father s blood type
is O negative. Because the child s blood type is O negative (O, Rh
negative), what would you expect to find in this child?
A) Erythroblastosis fetalis due to rhesus incompatibility
B) Erythroblastosis fetalis due to ABO blood group incompatibility
C) The child would not be expected to have HDN
E. None of the above
204. Allograft
A) different organism of same species
B) different organism of different species
C) from twins
205. Which of the following events does not occur during the
process of mitosis?
A) Condensation of the chromosomes
B) Replication of the genome
C) Fragmentation of the nuclear envelope
D) Alignment of the chromatids along the equatorial plate
E) Separation of the chromatids into two sets of 46 daughter
206. In comparing two types of cells from the same person, the
variation in the proteins expressed by each cell type reflects which
of the following?
A) Differences in the DNA contained in the nucleus of each cell
B) Differences in the numbers of specific genes in their genomes
C) Cell-specific expression and repression of specific genes
D) Differences in the number of chromosomes in each cell
E) The age of the cells
223. A man being treated for colonic cancer and was informed
recently that his tumor marker level is raised. Which tumor marker
will that be.
A. Carcinoembryonic antigen
B. CA 15-3
C.? Alpha fetoprotein
225. A lady was bitten by her dog at the base of the thumb which
became infected and spread to the radial bursa. Which of the
following muscle tendon will be involved in the infection?
A flexor carpi radialis
B flexor pollicis longus
C flexor pollicis brevis
D. Flexor digitorum superficialis
E. Flexor digitorum profundus
MyPrince :
227. Leukotriene product effective for chemotaxis and aggregation
of leukocytes
B) PG E2
231. Right ureter crosses which of the ffg structures at the pelvic
brim a: external iliac artery
B: internal iliac artery
C: inferior mesenteric artery
233. When the right ear of a sitting lady was syringed with warm
A horital bilateral movt of both eye
B movt of right eye
C. Slow movement of the eye to the right
D. Slow movement of the eye to the left
E. Rapid nystagmus?
234. Immediately a man took a meal, his gastric acid secretion rises
to highest in 1 hour and came back to normal in 4 hours. What time
does it take the PH of the stomach to reach it lowest value after
meal in hours?
A. 1.0
B. 1.5
C. 2.0
D. 2.5
E. 4
Thanks to:
And others
Compiled by: Dr John Alexander O
(Freely you received, freely give.)