MBBS-DDS 2K17 Respiratory System
MBBS-DDS 2K17 Respiratory System
MBBS-DDS 2K17 Respiratory System
2. Cyanosis is indicated by a higher than normal blood concentration of which of the following
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Deoxyhemoglobin
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Hydrogen ions
3. Which of the following cell types are NOT included in the epithelium of the mucosa lining
the respiratory segment of the nasal cavity?
a) Goblet Cells
b) Brush Cells
c) Basal Cells
d) Basket Cells
4. All of the following activities are metabolic processes of the lung except
a) removal of serotonin
b) conversion of angiotensin 1 to andgiotensin 2
c) inavtivation of bradykinin
d) production of erythropoietin
5. Which of the following CANNOT be measured using a simple spirometer and stop watch?
a) FRC
b) VT
c) VC
6. In which of the following entities is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) casually related.
a) Sinonasal adenocarcinoma
b) Juvenile Laryngeal Papillomatosis
c) Esthesioneuroblastoma
7. Which of the following factors does NOT cause an increase in airway resistance?
a) Breathing cigarette smoke
b) Reducing lung volume below FRC
c) Diving to great depth
d) Increased sympathetic stimulation of airway smooth muscles
8. The larynx extends from:
a) C2 - C4
b) C3 - C6
c) C5 - C6
d) C6 - T1
What type of epithelium lines the luminal surface of the true vocal cord?
a) Columnar Epithelium
b) Squamous Epithelium
c) Stratified Squamous Epithelium
d) Stratified Squamous Non Keratinized Epithelium
10. Which of the following statments about diffusion capacity of the lungs is not true?
a) It is measured with carbon monoxide as this gas diffuses very slowly through the blood
air barrier.
b) Diffusion limitation of oxygen is most likely during exercise at high altitude.
c) It is decreased due to pulmonary fibrosis which causes thickening of the blood air
d) It decreases if one lung is removed.
20. At what level does the conducting portion of the respiratory system end
a) Respiratory bronchiole
b) Terminal bronchiole
c) Tertiary Bronchus
29. Which of the foll is not a type of cell found in resp epi
a) goblet cells
b) brush cells
c) basal cell
d) basket cell
31. Which if the foll is true regarding peripheral chemoreceptors. It is stimulated most by
a) PO2
b) PCO2
c) H+
32. After visiting a cave and being exposed to bat droppings, the patient has developed
a) Saroidosis
b) TB
c) Histoplasmosis
d) Wegener Granumalotosis
34. What is the average resting alveolar ventilation rate for a young male?
a) 7,500 ml/min
b) 5,250 ml/min
c) 500 ml/min
d) 250 ml/min
35. Which one of the following best describes the preferred site for a tracheostomy?
a) First and second rings
b) Second and third rings
c) Fourth and fifth rings
d) Fifth and sixth rings
43. What is not included in the functional unit of the respiratory system?
a) Trachea
b) Alveoli surface
c) Capillary
d) Pulmonary ???
45. Helium oxygen mixtures are more used than nitrogen oxygen mixtures (with the same
oxygen concentration) in deep sea diving because it causes
a) reduced risk of oxygen toxicity
b) reduced risk of decompression sickness
c) increased work in breathing
46. Which of the following statments about diffusion capacity of the lungs is not true?
a) It is measured with carbon monoxide as this gas diffuses very slowly through the blood
air barrier.
b) Diffusion limitation of oxygen is most likely during exercise at high altitude.
c) It is decreased due to pulmonary fibrosis which causes thickening of the blood air
d) It decreases if one lung is removed.
a) Removing serotonin
b) Converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II.
c) .inactivating bradykinin.
d) Production of EPO
48. Outbreak of respiratory infection in nursery. What virus is a common cause of respiratory
infection in infants?
a) Parainfluenza
b) Influenza
c) Adenovirus
d) Respiratory Syncytial virus.
49. Medical student got influenza vaccine when he was in the 1st year of the program. Now he's
in 3rd year, how frequently should he get an influenza vaccine?
a) Once daily
b) Every 5 years
c) Every 10 years
d) Annually
Volume (mL)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (Sec)
5. What is RV
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. Cannot be calculated
6. What is FVC
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
Questions 9-11