PR1 Group 4
PR1 Group 4
PR1 Group 4
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Course
March 2024
Kyla P. Bermejo
Joseph P. Flores
Rj M. Glovo
Lukes T. Javiña
Track : Academic
Year : 2024
This research delved into the experiences and challenges faced by parents of
children with Autism in Balagtasin 1st, San Jose, Batangas. Through qualitative
interviews, the study aimed to understand the unique journey of parenting a child with
Autism within the local community. Findings revealed that parents encounter emotional,
practical, and financial hurdles in raising their children with Autism. Coping strategies
such as implementing structured routines and seeking community support were
identified. Additionally, the study concluded to distribute flyers to raise awareness and
support for children with Autism. The research provides valuable insights into the
complexities of parenting children with Autism in a specific geographical area,
highlighting the need for tailored support and understanding within both individual
families and society at large. Further research on the topic may explore cultural
influences on parenting experiences and the effectiveness of intervention strategies.
The researcher would like to express her heartfelt gratitude to the following
persons who, in one way or another, made this humble work possible.
To Mrs. Tracy Joy D. De Castro, Subject teacher, for her dedication in correcting
grammar mistakes and improving sentence structure. She invested significant time and
effort in carefully reviewing all research chapters.
To the parents, for their support and funding that enabled the completion of
research studies on children with autism, and for encouraging the participation of their
children in the researchers' studies.
To the parents of children with autism, the respondents, for generously dedicating
their time and effort to participate in the interviews, thereby enabling the researchers to
gather valuable information for the study.
To Taysan San Jose Integrated National High School, for providing the
opportunity to conduct the research study. The researchers appreciate the school's
support in equipping them with the essential knowledge and skills needed to conduct
their study effectively.
First and foremost, we owe the success of this research to our parents who
supported us continuously, financially and emotionally. Always at our side, they never
left us alone whenever we experienced hardships that felt like giving up. Each of our
parents gave us advice on what we should do for the success of the research.
Second, we also want to dedicate the success of our research paper to the
residents of Barangay Balagtasin 1st, San Jose, Batangas, as they are the respondents
of the study. This study would not be completed without their cooperation and support,
as they are an important part of the research paper. With their wise and honest insight,
the data that we have been gathered is complete enough to complete this research.
Lastly, we want to dedicate the success of this research study to our teachers, for
never giving up on cheering us and for encouraging us that we can do a lot. For always
giving us hope and for advising us to always think positive, to always think that we can
finish this research and could submit it in the set time.
TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………………………….I
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………..v
LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………………
Literature Review……………………………………………………………..6
Research Design……………………………………………………………...15
Research Locale………………………………………………………………15
Research Insturment………………………………………………………….16
Summary of Findings………………………………………………………26
A. Documentation
Papadopoulos (2021) found that raising a child with ASD can be challenging,
especially in places where there are not enough support services available. Caregivers
often struggle with feelings of anxiety and depression, and their overall quality of life
tends to be lower compared to those caring for typically developing children.
Surprisingly, there’s not much research done on this topic. Only one study conducted in
Iran by Mohammadi et al. (2018) delved into the experiences of parents with autistic
children. This study revealed that these parents prioritize caring for their children with
ASD. Still, they also emphasized the critical need for strong professional support to help
them navigate the complexities of raising a child with ASD effectively.
Historically, the study of Autism dates back to the early 20th century when
researchers began recognizing and documenting the distinct behavioral patterns
exhibited by individuals with the condition. Over time, there have been shifts in
understanding and perceptions of Autism, from early misconceptions and stigmatization
to the recognition of Autism as a complex neurodevelopmental disorder. Advancements
in research and advocacy have led to greater awareness and support for individuals
with Autism and their families, paving the way for more inclusive and compassionate
approaches to addressing their needs.
This study aims to understand the challenges faced by parents of children with
Autism to provide appropriate support. By learning from their experiences, better ways
to support these families can be identified. Also, the study plans to spread awareness
about Autism in the community through an advocacy campaign involving the distribution
of flyers. This research gives hope for a more welcoming and caring society for people
with Autism. Together, a community can be created where everyone feels accepted and
valued, regardless of their differences.
The effect of this study will deeply touch the hearts of parents raising children
with Autism, offering valuable insights into their daily struggles and successes. By
sharing insight into their specific difficulties and how they deal with them, the study
hopes to encourage a strong bond of care, understanding, and togetherness among
people in the community, fostering a deeper connection. Through this careful
exploration, parents will discover comfort in knowing that their experiences are
recognized and validated, creating a nurturing atmosphere where they can rely on each
other for support, motivation, and shared understanding, building strong bonds of
The impact of this research extends beyond just the parents of children with
Autism, reaching out to the wider community. As awareness and knowledge about
Autism expand, there is a chance for society to become more welcoming and supportive.
This growing awareness offers individuals with Autism and their families the chance to
feel more included and empowered, leading to the breakdown of barriers and the
creation of a sense of belonging. This study holds the potential to promote positive
changes in attitudes, policies, and how resources are distributed, ultimately improving
the quality of life for everyone affected by Autism, whether directly or indirectly.
As the exploration of the challenges faced by parents raising children with Autism
concludes, it is vital to acknowledge the profound resilience, love, and unwavering
dedication that define their journey. Their narratives serve as powerful reminders of the
resilience humans can muster in the face of adversity, underscored by the invaluable
support from their communities. In the current landscape, there’s a pressing need to
respond with empathy, understanding, and tangible support for these families. Let
individuals unite in advocating for inclusivity and compassion, becoming vocal
champions for individuals with Autism and their families. By internalizing the insights
gained from their experiences and translating them into meaningful actions, individuals
can strive towards a world where every individual, irrespective of neurodiversity, is
embraced, supported, and celebrated for their unique contributions to society.
This study will Explore the experiences of parents of children With autism.
2. examine the way how parents cope with raising children with Autism.
This study aims to know the daily experiences and challenges of every parent of
children with autism. This would be beneficial to the following personalities:
To the parents: This study provides valuable insights for parents of children with
autism, offering guidance on how to improve their caregiving approach and equipping
them with essential information to make informed decisions.
To the children with autism: This study will offer insights for addressing the
treatment needs of children with autism, it will help advocators to empower children with
autism to grow in society
To the local government officials: This study will enlighten local government
officials, enabling them to develop targeted programs and support initiatives for families
with children with autism.
To the medical professionals: This study will help those professionals in the
field of medicine, offering insights into the specialized care and treatment for children
with autism. Guiding effective strategies for managing and addressing the needs of
these children.
To the current and future researchers: This study will serve as a guide and
provide a reference for future researchers. By presenting new ideas and perspectives,
can enrich and deepen the understanding of the challenges faced by parents of children
with autism.
By concentrating on this particular group, the study aims to delve deeply into the
challenges and successes encountered by these parents. However, it’s essential to
recognize that this narrow focus might limit the range of perspectives considered.
Geographically, the study will be confined to San Jose, Batangas, potentially restricting
the broader relevance of the findings to other areas. Nonetheless, the study prioritizes
capturing the unique experiences of parents in this community, enabling a thorough
examination within this specific context.
Referring to Buffie and Nikki (2022), Numerous children receive diagnoses of
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) annually, and research has highlighted the myriad
challenges parents encounter throughout their parenting journey. These challenges
include stigma, burnout, and the loss of envisioned life trajectories, all of which influence
their perceptions of themselves and their parenting abilities. Nonetheless, research also
acknowledges the positive parenting experiences linked to raising a child with ASD.
Building upon Etournaud’s (2017) research, it has been observed that parents
raising children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) contend with elevated
levels of stress, anxiety, and depression compared to parents of children with different
developmental disorders or physical disabilities. This particular demographic of parents,
characterized by distinctive support requirements, is gaining prominence among mental
health professionals. This heightened attention is partly attributed to the reported global
rise in ASD prevalence, emphasizing the urgent need for tailored support services for
these families.
Mentioned by Tan (2021), Findings indicated that mothers exhibit a predominant
parenting style, along with domain-specific parenting approaches that vary based on the
situation. Commonalities were noted in mothers’ encounters with their child’s diagnosis,
parenting hurdles, and moments of joy. Conversely, disparities in experiences and
parenting styles were observed, particularly concerning family structure.
Parents of children with autism face numerous challenges, including emotional
stress, financial difficulties, and the constant need for support. These challenges extend
beyond the child to affect the whole family, requiring parents to juggle multiple roles and
navigate barriers to ensure their child’s inclusion in society. Despite these struggles,
there are also moments of joy and positive experiences that highlight the resilience of
these families.
Parents of children with autism experience high levels of stress, anxiety, and
depression, highlighting the need for specialized support services. They worry about
their child’s future due to a lack of access to transition planning and postsecondary
support. Despite differences in parenting styles, there are shared experiences of
acknowledgment, acceptance, and dedication among mothers in raising their child with
Parents cope with raising children with Autism. As indicated by Campilla et al.
(2023), Parents employ diverse and multifaceted coping strategies when raising
children with autism. Some parents seek support through formal channels, utilize non-
verbal communication, and engage in research interventions on autism. Additionally,
they adopt adaptive parenting practices aimed at enhancing their children’s learning
As demonstrated by Lucero (2018), Parents of children diagnosed with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) employ various parenting techniques to support their
children’s development. Three main themes emerged: reform parenting, progressive
parenting, and warmth parenting. Additionally, the study identified four outcomes of
these parenting techniques on the child: autonomy, conscientiousness, improved
sociability, and aggression. Reform parenting emerged as particularly significant to
mothers, assisting them in raising and shaping their children’s behavior. This highlights
the diverse strategies parents utilize to cope with raising children with autism.
As outlined by Gona et al. (2016), Parents employ coping strategies that
encompass both problem-focused and emotion-focused approaches. Problem-focused
aspects include diet management and respite care, while emotion-focused aspects
involve beliefs in supernatural powers, prayers, and spiritual healing. This highlights the
diverse array of coping mechanisms utilized by parents in managing the challenges of
raising children with autism.
As indicated by Sahida et al. (2018), Parents’ perceptions significantly impact the
emotional stability and progress of children with ASD. Therefore, attending training
sessions serves as a valuable source of strength for parents. Parent support groups
also play a crucial role, offering a platform for parents to share their experiences and
provide mutual support. Proper learning about ASD has been shown to positively impact
mothers’ viewpoints, leading to reduced feelings of sadness and anxiety, and increased
awareness of ASD as they gain experience in motherhood.
Ilias et al. (2018) Highlighted that parents with children with special needs utilize
social support as a coping mechanism to alleviate parental stress. They identified two
main types of support systems that parents and caregivers engage with: informal
support, where parents seek guidance from professionals such as doctors, teachers,
and therapists; and emotional support, where parents find strength from their family and
friends. Additionally, the researchers mentioned a third source of social support that
parents now engage with in today’s advanced society: online communities, such as
Facebook. These platforms provide additional avenues for parents to connect, share
experiences, and gain support from others facing similar challenges.
According to the findings of Mangalindan et al. (2024), Mothers maintain a
positive outlook despite the challenges of raising autistic children. These mothers
attributed their resilience to their profound love for their children, which fosters
acceptance, patience, a sense of duty, and contentment with their circumstances.
Additionally, the researchers discovered that mothers of autistic children encounter both
positive and negative aspects in their life experiences.
In relation to DeAna (2020), The findings of this study suggest that certain
parents of children with autism engage in emotion regulation efforts when faced with
stigmatization and challenges encountered while raising a child with special needs.
Stigma arises within interactions with close friends and family members, leading to
boundary-crossing issues. Parents of children with autism respond to stigma by
educating those closest to them and normalizing their own and their child’s experiences.
To address the challenges of stigma, some parents also engage in advocacy, problem-
solving, and community-building efforts beyond their immediate relationships.
As claimed by Gorsky (2014), The study highlighted that the age of the child with
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) influenced the extent to which parents integrated
physical self-care practices. Additionally, psychological self-care was identified as
impacting various aspects of self-care. Both genders identified time constraints as the
primary barrier to implementing self-care routines. The study suggests that recognizing
the importance of self-care and integrating small self-care strategies could potentially
enhance other aspects of parental well-being.
while raising a child with a disability based on their own personal experiences. The
implications regarding parental coping mechanisms and the challenges of raising a child
with a disability are discussed.
Parents of children with autism employ a variety of coping strategies to tackle the
challenges they encounter. These strategies range from seeking support through formal
channels like therapy and support groups to utilizing adaptive parenting practices such
as adjusting their communication methods and managing their child’s diet. Additionally,
parents find strength and guidance from professionals, family members, friends, and
online communities, while also turning to spirituality for comfort.
Despite the difficulties they face, parents maintain a positive outlook fueled by
their deep love for their children. This love fosters acceptance, patience, and a sense of
duty, allowing parents to find contentment in their circumstances. They also work to
address stigma and stress by advocating for awareness and education about autism.
While their coping methods may not always lead to improved mental health outcomes,
parents demonstrate resilience and adaptability as they navigate the journey of raising a
child with autism, finding moments of joy and fulfillment along the way.
In the light of Zauderer’s (2023), Findings, numerous autism advocacy
organizations are dedicated to raising awareness and promoting acceptance of autism.
These organizations play a crucial role in providing resources, support, and information
to individuals and families affected by autism. They often collaborate with professionals,
researchers, and policymakers to drive positive change. These organizations organize
events, workshops, and conferences to educate the public about autism and advocate
for the rights and well-being of individuals on the autism spectrum. They also work
towards influencing policy decisions and ensuring that the needs of people with autism
are recognized and addressed.
fundraising initiatives. Utilizing different platforms and strategies, they aim to reach a
wide audience and create a positive impact on the community.
As said by Bardsley (2023), The debate between “Awareness versus acceptance”
has persisted within the autism community for many years. Awareness was initially
crucial due to the scarcity of information about autism, but there is now a growing trend
of people becoming more educated and embracing neurodiversity. A new generation of
advocates is advocating for language evolution to align with this shift. The article
explores the history of autism awareness and how the transition towards acceptance
and inclusion can create new opportunities for businesses to embrace inclusion.
As asserted by Carmona (2017), The study examined the role of autism parent-
led support groups in fostering parental advocacy efforts. The main aim of the research
was to assess whether these support groups facilitated the development of advocacy
skills among parents of children with autism. A secondary objective was to gauge the
magnitude and quality of support offered by these parent-led groups. The study also
sheds light on the assistance provided by these groups and the ways in which it
influences the lives of participants, with a focus on raising awareness through
campaigns for children with autism.
Every April, the world focuses on Autism Awareness, especially on April 2,
known as World Autism Awareness Day. During this time, various autism advocacy
organizations join forces to educate people about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and
promote acceptance globally. These groups provide support, resources, and information
to affected individuals and families, working closely with professionals and policymakers
to bring positive changes. Through events, workshops, and campaigns, they aim to
increase public understanding of autism and ensure that the needs of those on the
autism spectrum are recognized and addressed.
Autism awareness campaigns come in different forms, including social media
initiatives, community events, and advocacy efforts. Their goal is to educate people
about autism, encourage acceptance and inclusion, and offer support to individuals and
families dealing with ASD. Despite ongoing discussions about “Awareness versus
acceptance,” there’s a growing movement towards embracing neurodiversity and
advocating for inclusion. This shift is supported by parent-led support groups that help
families develop advocacy skills and raise awareness through campaigns focused on
children with autism.
This chapter deals with methods and procedures employ in the study. This
discusses the research design, research locale, subject of the study, research
instrument, and data gathering procedure
Research Design
The research design will involve conducting interviews with parents of children
with autism in Balagtasin 1st, San Jose, Batangas. Participants will be selected based
on their experiences and involvement in programs for families of children with autism.
The study will be significant as it directly recognizes the attitudes and experiences of
parents with children with autism, which may lead to solutions and support for their
Research Locale
The study participants are parents of children with autism residing in Balagtasin
1st, San Jose, Batangas. This location was chosen to gain insights into the challenges
and perspectives of parents raising children with autism. Balagtasin 1st, San Jose,
Batangas provides an ideal setting for interviews, as it allows researchers to gather a
wealth of information, experiences, and coping strategies from the parents, which are
essential for the study.
Subject of the Study
The respondents of the study are parents of children with autism residing in
Balagtasin 1st, San Jose, Batangas.
The research involves conducting interviews on their experiences in raising
children with autism, the challenges they face, and the strategies they employ to
support their children.
Each of these areas can provide valuable insights into the unique experiences of
parents raising children with autism in Balagtasin 1st, San Jose, Batangas.
The respondents were chosen by the researchers because their firsthand
experiences can offer valuable perspectives on the challenges and support needs of
families affected by autism in the local community.
The primary tools utilized in this study were interviews, carefully selected by the
researchers. Before implementation, the interviews were thoroughly validated to ensure
their suitability for gathering information from the participants.
Research Instrument
The primary tools utilized in this study were interviews, carefully selected by the
researchers. Before implementation, the interviews were thoroughly validated to ensure
their suitability for gathering information from the participants.
The interviews were designed by the researchers to delve into the experiences
and perspectives of parents raising children with autism. They aimed to understand the
challenges faced by these parents and the strategies they employ in caring for their
Through interviews, the researchers sought to gain a deeper insight into the
experiences of parents with autistic children, aiming to better understand their unique
perspectives and challenges.
Data Gathering Procedure
Before initiating the study and conducting interviews, the researchers sought
approval from the subject teacher.
Once the subject teacher approved the topic and problem statement, the
researchers gathered additional information from online platforms such as Google
Scholar and Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD).
Furthermore, the researchers consulted with their subject teacher before
proceeding with the interview. Upon obtaining approval of the questionnaire and
permission to gather data, the researchers conducted interviews in Balagtasin 1st, San
Jose, Batangas.
In conclusion, the researchers prepared a request letter to conduct the study,
which was approved by the principal of Taysan San Jose Integrated National High
School. After receiving approval, the researchers conducted the study in Balagtasin 1st,
San Jose, Batangas, through interviews with specified respondents. The researchers
prepared a questionnaire about "Strength in Struggles: Stories from Parents of Children
with Autism." After gathering all the respondents' answers, they will analyze them.
The journey of parenting a child with Autism presents unique experiences and
challenges for families. These parents navigate through various aspects of their child’s
development, from understanding their diagnosis to accessing appropriate therapies
and education. In this study, we explore the firsthand experiences of two parents from
Balagtasin 1st, San Jose, Batangas, shedding light on the complexities of raising a child
with Autism within their local community. Despite the small sample size, their insights
offer valuable perspectives into the daily realities and support needs of families facing
similar circumstances.
3. Paano 3. How has the
nakaimpluwensya experience of raising
ang karanasan ng a child with Autism
pagpapalaki ng isang impacted your overall
bata na may Autism approach to
sa inyong parenting and family
pangkalahatang dynamics?
paraan ng pagiging
dynamics ng inyong AND FAMILY DYNAMICS
P: Nakakaimpluwensya P: Our experience in
ang karanasan namin sa raising him has influenced
pagpapalaki sa us to discipline him like any
pamamagitan ng other child, but with more
pagdisiplina sa kanya tulad guidance and attention.
ng ibang bata. Mas
ginabayan namin siya ng
mabuti at binigyan ng
The respondent shared that it’s really sad to see their child’s condition. They’re
getting him checked by a developmental pediatrician to understand more about his
situation and have enrolled him In occupational therapy to address his delayed
development. Financially, it’s tough meeting their child’s needs, especially sending him
to a special education school instead of a regular one. Also, accepting that their child
has special needs was challenging. Their experience in raising him has influenced them
to discipline him like any other child, but with more guidance and attention.
the financial strain of meeting those needs highlight the multifaceted difficulties that
accompany parenting a child with Autism. Despite these challenges, the respondent’s
commitment to seeking medical intervention and providing specialized care
demonstrates their unwavering dedication to their child’s well-being.
Roxas et al. (2022) highlight the big difficulties Filipino parents face when raising
kids with Autism. They say it takes a lot of time and effort. The parents they talked to
chose to get medical help and send their child to occupational therapy. This shows
they’re really dedicated to helping their child. By doing this, they’re making sure their
child gets the help they need to do well despite having Autism. These parents are
working hard to give their child the best care and support possible.
In the study by Kocabryık and Fazhoğlu (2018), it’s found that parents of kids
with Autism go through a lot of feelings and difficulties every day. The parents they
talked to showed sadness and struggled to accept their child’s special needs, which
matches what the study says about the emotional ups and downs. They also worked
hard to figure out how to be good parents and deal with the challenges of raising a child
with Autism, which is something the study found other parents do too. This shows
they’re trying to handle things as best as they can.
Raising children with Autism poses unique challenges for parents, influencing
various aspects of their lives. Parents of children with Autism often encounter emotional,
practical, and financial hurdles that shape their approach to parenting. In this study, we
explore how parents in Balagtasin 1st San, Jose Batangas navigate these challenges.
By understanding their experiences, we aim to provide insights into effective strategies
that support families in similar situations. Through interviews with two parents from the
local community, we seek to uncover the lived experiences and approaches used by
parents raising children with Autism in Balagtasin 1st San, Jose Batangas.
siya ay pinag-aaral namin school.
sa private school ng sped.
P: Hinahanap pa rin namin P: We’re still looking for
ang suporta ng lokal na support from the local
komunidad sa pagbibigay community, especially
tulong pinansyal upang financial assistance to
matustusan ang kanyang cover his therapy or
therapy o pagpapa-check developmental pediatric
up sa development pedia. check-ups.
The respondent answered that they personally address their child’s needs by
providing essential support such as consultations with a developmental pediatrician and
enrollment in occupational therapy, despite the high costs involved. Additionally, they
prioritize their child’s education by sending them to a private special education school.
To further enhance their child’s development, they engage in activities like playing with
clay to improve writing skills, teaching singing to aid speech, and encouraging
interaction with peers to boost social skills. Despite their efforts, the respondent
acknowledges the ongoing need for support from the local community, particularly
financial assistance to cover therapy sessions and medical check-ups.
The respondent's answer offers insight into how they manage and navigate the
challenges of raising a child with Autism. Parenting a child with Autism involves facing
unique obstacles that can be emotionally draining and require flexible approaches to
handle effectively. By mentioning the use of coping strategies, the respondent indicates
a deliberate effort to meet their child's needs. It's clear that their response is influenced
by their own experiences and the specific hurdles they encounter in their parenting
journey. This underscores the importance of personalized approaches and resilience in
dealing with the complexities of raising a child with Autism.
According to Campilla et al. (2023), parents of children with Autism often use
various methods to help their children learn and manage daily routines. This research
finding matches the respondent’s mention of using structured routines and sensory
activities for their child. By using these parenting methods, the respondent likely aims to
create a supportive environment for their child’s growth and well-being. The similarity
between the research and the respondent’s approach highlights the importance of
tailored support for children with Autism. It suggests that such strategies can greatly
benefit their development and overall happiness.
In Lucero’s study (2018), it was found that parents of children with Autism utilize
different parenting approaches to aid in their child’s development. The concepts of
reform parenting, progressive parenting, and warmth parenting identified in the study
parallel the respondent’s description of providing guidance and attention in disciplining
their child. This indicates that the respondent may employ a variety of parenting
techniques to cater to their child’s requirements and encourage favorable outcomes in
their behavior and social interactions. The resonance between the study’s themes and
the respondent’s approach underscores the importance of adaptive parenting strategies
in nurturing children with Autism. It suggests that by embracing a diverse range of
techniques, parents can effectively support their child’s growth and well-being in various
aspects of their life.
In conclusion, the respondent’s answer provides insight into the complex aspects
of parenting a child with Autism, covering emotional, practical, and behavioral
challenges. Their response is likely influenced by their own experiences and broader
patterns identified in existing research on parenting children with Autism. By exploring
their coping strategies and parenting techniques, we gain a deeper understanding of the
respondent’s perspective and the complexities involved in raising a child with Autism.
This highlights the importance of tailored support and comprehension in navigating this
journey effectively. Overall, the respondent’s insights offer valuable perspectives on the
varied challenges parents face in caring for a child with Autism.
Summary of Findings
The Phenomenology method of research was utilized in this study. This study
use an interview as the main data gathering instrument. The respondents are the
parents of children with autism in Balagtasin 1st, San Jose, Batangas.
After collecting all the data, the researchers decided to create some flyers. The
content of the flyers is all about raising awareness and support for children with Autism.
It will also provide some basic information about autism. These flyers will help everyone,
especially parents raising children with autism, to gain knowledge about what autism is.
They will serve as a guide for everyone who wants to understand more about autism
and how to support individuals with the condition. Additionally, the flyers aim to dispel
misconceptions and promote inclusivity and acceptance within the community. By
distributing these flyers, the researchers hope to foster a more supportive and
understanding environment for individuals with autism and their families.
1. It was evident that raising a child with Autism presents emotional, practical,
and financial experiences and challenges for parents, as highlighted by the
respondent's experiences.
2. The findings indicate that the respondent copes with the challenges of raising
a child with Autism by employing various strategies, such as implementing structured
routines and providing guidance and attention in disciplining their child.
3. The researchers have chosen to give out flyers with regards to raising
awareness and support for children with Autism.
3. The researchers recommend that schools and educational institutions
implement inclusive practices and support services for children with Autism to ensure
they receive appropriate education and socialization opportunities.
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Buffie & Nikki (2022). Raising a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Effects on
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Campilla, J. et al. (2023). Challenges and Coping Strategies of Parents in the Education
of their Children with Autism.
Capote, J. et al. (2016). Maternal Challenges of Raising a Child with Autism Spectrum
Carmona, C. (2017). The Role That Autism Parent-Led Support Groups Play In
Facilitating Advocacy.
DeAna, S. (2020). Parents of Children with Autism: The Stigma and Emotion Work
DePape, A., & Lindsay, S. (2015). Parents’ Experiences of Caring for a Child With
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Gona, J. et al. (2016). Challenges and coping strategies of parents of children with
autism on the Kenyan coast.
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Illias, K. et al. (2018). Parenting Stress and Resilience in Parents of Children With
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Southeast Asia: A Systema”ic Review.
Kocabryık, O., & Fazhoğlu, Y. (2018). Life Stories of Parents with Autistic Children.
Mangalindan, S. et al. (2024). Resilience and life experiences of mothers with autistic
Mohammadi, F. et al. (2018). Parental competence among parents with autistic children:
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VH2Bb5 ZigRoJ
Roxas et al. (2022). Experience of Parents with Children with Autism in Mandaue City,
Sahida et al. (2018). Challenges and coping strategies of parents of children with autism
on the Kenyan coast.,+2018).&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_
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Viana, C. et al. (2021). Parenting of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A
Grounded Theory Study.
Appendix A
Name : Prince Jheriel D, Ayeng
Citizenship : Filipino
Citizenship : Filipino
Senior Highschool
Citizenship : Filipino
Senior Highschool
Name : Rj M. Glovo
Citizenship : Filipino
Name : Lukes T. Javiña
Citizenship : Filipino
Senior Highschool
Name : Mark Rafael Real
Citizenship : Filipino
2013- 2018
Name : Blesed Grace U. Rito
Citizenship : Filpino
2013- 2018