Adv Java Syllabus Theory

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OmSterlingGlobal University

BCA-506: Advanced Java Programming

Credit:04 Max.Marks:100(Internal:40,External:60)

3L+1T+0P EndTermExam.3Hours

Course Objectives:
• To familiarize students with Servlet Technology.
• Develop Java Beans
• To Explore Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
• Master JSP and MVC Framework
• Integrate Java Mail API
• Understand Java Messaging Services

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students would be able to:

CO31: Develop, deploy, and manage servlets, handling session management, security, and
communication with applets and databases via JDBC.
CO32: Develop Java Beans, utilize them in various applications, and understand their
integration with tools like the Application Builder and JAR files.
CO33: Achieve proficiency in implementing EJB architecture, developing RMI
applications, and managing remote interfaces, stubs, skeletons, and RMI clients.
CO34: Design and implement JSP pages, utilize MVC architecture, handle errors, and
incorporate Java Beans into JSP applications.
CO35: Understand and use the Java Mail API, integrate it into J2EE applications, and
manage different communication protocols.

Servlet overview – The Java web server – your first servlet – servlet chaining – server side
includes - Session management – security – HTML forms – using JDBC in servlets – applet to
servlet communication

Java Beans: The software component assembly model- The java beans development kit-
developing beans- notable beans – using info bus - Glasgow developments - Application Builder
tool- JAR files- Introspection Bound Properties-Persistence-customizers - java beans API.

EJB: Architecture, requirements, design and implementation
RMI – Overview – Developing applications with RMI: Declaring & Implementing remote
interfaces-stubs & skeletons, registering remote objects, writing RMI clients –Pushing datafrom
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RMI Servlet.

JSP – Introduction JSP-Examining MVC and JSP -JSP scripting elements & directives-
Working with variables scopes-Error Pages - using Java Beans in JSP Working with Java Mail-
Understanding Protocols in Java mail- Components- Java mail API- Integrating into J2EE-
Understanding Java Messaging Services Transactions

Text & Reference Books:

1. J.McGovern,R.Aditya.Fain,2003,J2EE1.4Bible,Wiley-dreamtechIndiaPvt.Ltd,NewDelhi
Schildt, 2002
2. Java2CompleteReference,5thEdition,TataMcGrawHill,NewDelhi
3. K.Moss,1999,JavaServlets,Secondedition,TataMcGrawHill,NewDelhi
4. D.R.Callaway,1999,InsideServlets,AddisonWesley,Boston
5. JosephO’Neil,1998,JavaBeansfromtheGroundUp,TataMcGrawHill,NewDelhi

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