2020 2025 MIE Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan


©Malawi Institute of Education

P.O Box 50
Tel: +265 1536 304/266/300
Fax: +265 1536 235/ 221
Email: miedirector@sdnp.org.mw


ACRONYMS ........................................................................................ v

FOREWORD ....................................................................................... vi

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................... vii

SECTION ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1


SECTION THREE: SWOT ANALYSIS......................................................... 5

SECTION FOUR: STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS ............................................. 7

SECTION FIVE: STRATEGIC STATEMENTS .............................................. 9


(2020-2025) ...................................................................................... 10


ANNEX 1: IMPLEMENTATION MATRIX ..................................................... 31

Strategic Pillar 1: Accessible, Quality, Relevant, Inclusive Education .......... 31

Strategic Pillar 2: Institutional Strengthening .......................................... 44

Strategic Pillar 3: Public Relations and Marketing ...................................... 59

Strategic Pillar 4: Cross-cutting Issues..................................................... 63

ANNEX 2: MIE ORGANOGRAM ................................................................ 67


DAF Department of Administration and Finance

DCD Department of Curriculum Development
DSTD Department of School and Teacher Development
DREPS Department of Research and Evaluation and Policy
EMRDC Department of Education Materials Development
Resources Centre
MGDS Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
MIE Malawi Institute of Management
PESTEL Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Ecological,
SADC Southern Africa Development Community
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
NESIP National Education Sector Investment Plan


I am delighted to present to you MIE 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. This plan

outlines the Institute’s vision, mission, core values and strategic pillars
which will guide MIE’s operations for the next five years from 1st July 2020
to June 2025.

Through this Strategic Plan, MIE intends to reaffirm its role and
commitment in developing curricula that respond to the current and future
needs of Malawi. The development of this Strategic Plan involved careful
evaluation of the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan, and this necessitated the need
to respond to challenges that were encountered in an attempt to achieve
such plans. It has always been the Board’s desire to ensure that the
Strategic Plan aligns well with the Malawi Growth and Development
Strategy (MGDS) III and the National Education Sector Investment Plan

The 2020-2025 Strategic Plan therefore focuses on the following strategic

pillars: Accessible, quality, relevant and inclusive education; institutional
capacity strengthening; public relations and marketing; and cross cutting

Key to the successful implementation of this Strategic Plan is stakeholder

involvement and participation. In this regard, MIE commits itself to promote
stakeholders’ engagement by setting it under its own pillar: institutional
capacity strengthening. I am certain that, with the collaboration of various
stakeholders and development partners, the pillars will formulate strategies
that will translate into actions that benefit the Malawi nation through the
primary and secondary school and primary teacher education.

Prof Address Malata



The 2020-2025 Strategic Plan entails a deliberate avenue for MIE’s

departure from its outgoing Strategic Plan of 2014-2019, from which a lot
has been learnt and through which MIE made a number of notable
achievements in its core business of curriculum design and development.
At the same time, the Strategic Plan creates an opportunity for MIE to make
bold changes and introduce innovative strategies that can further
guarantee the achievement of MIE’s mandate as stipulated in the Education
Act of 2013. The Strategic Plan also aligns with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) globally and the Malawi Growth and
Development Strategy (MGDS) III and the National Education Sector
Investment Plan (NESIP) locally.

The 2020-2025 Strategic Plan sets out to address various objectives in line
with the following strategic pillars: Accessible, quality, relevant and
inclusive education; institutional capacity strengthening; public relations
and marketing; and cross cutting issues.

In order to achieve these strategic objectives, there is a need to create an

enabling environment with necessary support in both expertise and
finances which shall be realised through different engagements by various
stakeholders. MIE is committed and geared towards achieving these desired
results in order to contribute to the improvement of education standards in

The development of this Strategic Plan has been a result of magnificent

work and dedication by Management and MIE staff. Let me also
acknowledge the commitment demonstrated by the Board of Governors as
well as other stakeholders throughout the strategy development processes.

Particularly, MIE is indebted to the USAID – funded organisation,

Counterpart International for the financial and technical support towards

the development of this Strategic Plan. I also wish to thank our Consultant,
Mr Joseph Friday Chalamba, for the technical support rendered to the
Institute throughout the development process.

As MIE sets out to implement this five year Strategic Plan, I wish to reiterate
the need for continued support, determination and commitment from the
Board, Management and staff, our valued stakeholders as well as
development partners. This is vital for the achievement of MIE’s mandate
and goals.

Dr Fritz Kadyoma


1.0 Preamble
This 2020-2025 Strategic Plan succeeds its predecessor Plan (2014-2019),
and charts forth a five-year strategic trajectory for the Malawi Institute of
Education (MIE) and its collaborating partners. In order to realize
incremental progress towards MIE’s vision and mission, the Strategic Plan
builds its momentum from the successes and challenges experienced in
implementation of the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan, while responding to the
current and future emerging issues inside and outside the Institute.
Consistent with this drive, MIE places premium value-driving objectives to
strengthen its mandate of designing, developing, monitoring and evaluating
the national school and primary teacher education curricular, and providing
continuing professional development to education personnel.

In addition, MIE intends to enhance its mandate to publish and evaluate

curriculum materials, and undertake educational research. Finally, through
this Strategic Plan, MIE seeks to build institutional capacity in the areas of
good corporate governance and management, financial sustainability, and
stakeholder engagement and networking, while managing emerging
crosscutting issues.

2.0 Background and Mandate

The Malawi Institute of Education (MIE) is a leading national curriculum

development center in Malawi. Established as a Government semi-
subvented parastatal in 1979 by order Government Notice No. 60, 1979
under Education Act Chapter 30. 01 (Revised Education Act 2012 CAP
18.01), MIE is mandated to design, develop, monitor and evaluate the
national school and primary teacher education curricular and provide
continuing professional development to education personnel. In addition,

the Institute is mandated to publish and evaluate curriculum materials, and
undertake educational research. This legal mandate provides institutional
powers to MIE to ensure that education provided, responds to the current
and future needs of the society, thereby contributing to access and equity,
improved quality and relevant education for all, and improved governance
and management of the education sector in line with the National Education
Sector Investment Plan (NESIP).

3.0 Governance Structure

MIE is responsible to the Government of Malawi through the Ministry of

Education, Science and Technology (MoETS) in Malawi. The Institute is
governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Government of Malawi,
and its Secretariat is in Zomba. Under the leadership of the Executive
Director, the Institute has five directorates, namely: Department of
Research and Evaluation and Policy Studies (DREPS); Department of School
and Teacher Development (DSTD); Department of Education Materials
Development and Resources Centre (EMRDC); Department of Curriculum
Development (DCD); and Department of Administration and Finance
(Annex 2).

4.0 Rationale

Pursuant to its vision and mission, MIE defines its roadmap through five
year strategic plans. This provides the medium to long term strategic intent
for the Institute and its key stakeholders. The 2014-2019 Strategic Plan
expired in June 2019. Over the implementation period, there has been
some notable achievements in the areas of curriculum development,
project implementation, education research, teacher development,
materials development, human resources, and financial management.
However, as the Institute continues to be affected by external rapid and
turbulent socioeconomic changes, there is need for agility and innovation
for it to timely respond to the emerging issues and challenges. In addition,
MIE is compelled by a plethora of internal challenges to overcome

overdependence on external funding for its operations; weak Information,
Communication and Technology platforms; obsolete technologies, policies,
culture, procedures and systems; weak monitoring and evaluation system;
poor team work; inadequate visibility; and inadequate staff incentives,
among others.

5.0 The Process

The Strategic Plan was developed through a consultative and participatory

system design. A thorough desk study of relevant documents, alongside
diagnostic workshops with key stakeholders was undertaken. The
stakeholders consulted included Government officials, donor partners, and
the Board, Management and Staff of the Institute. The process also audited
the external and internal operating environments of MIE through PESTEL
and SWOT analysis. Data was analyzed through the content analysis


2.1 Guiding Policies, Strategies

The socio-economic development programme of Malawi is implemented
within the framework of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy III
(MGDSIII), being an overarching medium-term strategy for the country in
attaining its Vision 2020. This MGDSIII puts a premium on education and
skills development as one of the key priority areas.

Development of this Strategic Plan has been guided by this national

development agenda and sectoral policies informing the Education Sector
in Malawi and beyond. These include the National Education Sector
Investment Plan (NESIP), Southern African Development Community
(SADC) Protocol on Education, and the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), inter alias. MIE has aligned this Strategic Plan with these socio-
economic development frameworks in the education sector to contribute to
quality education through expanded access and equity, improved quality
and relevance, and improved governance and management.


In this section, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)

are presented as follows:

Table 1: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats


1. An established institution under the 1. Over dependency on

Education Act Chapter 30. 01 (Revised Government and donor
Education Act 2012 CAP 18.01) with funding
clear mandate 2. Inadequate promotion and
2. Sure source of funding through visibility of programmes
Government subvention 3. Weak programme monitoring
3. Offering demand-driven services in and evaluation
the education sector e.g. curriculum 4. Inadequate research,
development, education research, consultancy and advisory
teaching and learning materials initiatives
development 5. Unattractive conditions of
4. Organogram with well-defined service and staff incentives
functions: management, professional, 6. Absence of formal linkage with
technical and support staff other institutions in the
5. Purpose built infrastructure education sector
6. Availability of systematic training 7. Irregular and inadequate
curricula for primary, secondary and curriculum review
teacher education levels 8. Low public-private
9. Weak capacity building
10. Ineffective internal and
external communication
11. Derailing from mandate and
its full implementation e.g.
publication of learning and
teaching materials
12. Weak ICT and Management
Information System
13. Weak governance and
management function in the
areas of procurement, audit
and support services

1. Recognition and goodwill by 1. Unstable macro-economic
Government and the donor performance affecting
community Government priorities and
2. Emerging cross-cutting issues offering funding
opportunities for diversification of 2. Donor policy shifts and fatigue
services and products in the education to support MIE’s
sector activities
3. High demand for education services 3. Competition by similar
for learners, education personnel and institutions due to
education provider institutions mushrooming of private
4. Existence of political will for the teacher’s training colleges
education sector in the country 4. Weak coordination among
5. Growing technological development stakeholders in the education
providing opportunities for sector
innovation in service delivery 5. HIV-AIDS pandemic
6. High demand for education services 6. Unclear role clarification
7. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) between MIE and MoEST
give opportunity for better
8. Availability of National Education
Policy and Education Act to guide


MIE recognizes the critical role its stakeholders play in the implementation
of the Strategic Plan. In so doing, the Institute will strengthen engagement
and networking with its stakeholders to mobilize resources and synergies
in implementing the Strategic Plan.


Government 1. Provides support and guidance to MIE activities

2. Provides oversight on education
3. Develops infrastructure
4. Reviews, develops and implements relevant
national policies and regulations
5. Pays subventions to support MIE activities
Development 1. Provide funding for education specific
Partners/Non- programmes
Governmental 2. Assist in MIE’s visibility
Organizations 3. Assist in beneficiary identification and
4. Ensure continued capacity development for
education sector

Public and Private 1. Ensure continued relevance of education

Sector Players 2. Provide job markets for learners
3. Participate in Public-Private Partnership projects

Teachers/Learners 1. Attend learning and training

2. Provide demand for teacher education services
3. Deliver learning and training
4. Make financial contributions for learning and
5. Manage their learning and training

Education Provider 1. Deliver primary, secondary and teacher education
Institutions 2. Make MIE visible
3. Monitor learning for teacher education

Quality Assurance 1. Set standards for quality assurance

Bodies 2. Carry out external verification of assessment
3. Facilitate development of curricula

Awarding Bodies 1. Set, print and administer examinations

2. Award qualifications

Community 1. Support implementation of primary, secondary

and teacher education
2. Raise MIE’s visibility

Media 1. Information dissemination

Parliament 1. Make and/or amend laws

2. Lobby for increased budget support from

MIE Board of Provides oversight on governance, policy and

strategic direction of MIE’s mandate

Management and Implements Strategic Plan and approved policies at

strategic, tactical and implementation levels
staff of MIE


5.1 Vision
Students in Malawi primary, secondary and teacher education levels acquire
quality education that befits the aspirations for national development in

5.2 Mission
MIE will endeavor to review and develop new curricula and teaching and
learning materials for primary, secondary and teacher education levels
that meet the aspirations for quality education in Malawi.
5.3 Core Values

NO Value Ethos

1 Professionalism We are committed to discharge our

duties with a high degree of
expertise and integrity
2 Transparency and accountability We are committed to ensure
openness in all our dealings and
that members of staff are held
responsible and accountable
3 Equity and equality We are committed to exercise
fairness in carrying out our
programmes with recourse to the
principles of natural justice and the
rule of law.
4 Respect for one another We recognize the important role
each member of staff plays in
achieving our mandate; therefore
our policies and programmes will
always reflect that.
5 Stakeholder involvement We are committed to constantly
consult and involve relevant
stakeholders in curricula and
teacher development programmes

STRATEGIES (2020-2025)

MIE sets out to address various objectives for 2020-2025 in line with
identified strategic pillars presented in this section. Each strategic objective
specifies strategies that have been formulated to achieve related goals. This
narrative is supported by an implementation matrix (Annex 1).

6.1 Strategic Pillar 1: Accessible, Quality, Relevant, Inclusive

Pillar 1 contributes to quality education through expanded access and
equity, improved quality and relevance of education in Malawi at primary,
secondary and teacher education levels. MIE aligns itself to the NESP
(2008-2017), the MGDSIII and SDGs through improvements in curriculum
development, continuous professional development (CPD) of teachers and
education personnel, research and publications, and development of high
quality education materials.
Goal: To enhance quality and relevance of curricula at primary, secondary
and teacher education levels

Strategic Objective 1: To improve quality and relevance of Curricula at

primary, secondary and teacher education levels by

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1:Enhance relevance of curricula at 1. Periodically review primary school

primary, secondary and teacher curricular
education levels
2. Periodically review secondary school

3. Periodically review teacher

education curricular

4. Develop and implement

supplementary materials

5. Train and orient teachers on

developed curricular and
supplementary materials

6. Lobby for policy change in

curriculum implementation

ST2: Strengthen monitoring and 1. Develop a monitoring and

evaluation of curricula at evaluation framework for
curricular implementation
primary, secondary and
teacher education levels 2. Conduct periodic school visits to
monitor curricular implementation

3. Develop and implement platforms

for sharing of lessons learnt and
best practice amongst teachers

4. Incentivize and award best

curricular implementation practice

ST3: Enhance quality management 1. Audit quality management at MIE

systems at MIE 2. Develop and implement MIE
Quality Management System

3. Monitor and evaluate Quality

Management System at MIE

5. Resource Science Laboratory

ST4: Enhance capacity of teachers 1. Train primary, secondary school and
TTC lecturers in pedagogy
2. Train primary, secondary school
and TTC lecturers in content issues

3. Train primary, secondary school

and TTC lecturers in emerging and
cross-cutting issues

4. Train education personnel in

effective educational leadership
and management

5. Train education personnel in action


6. Establish diploma training program

in leadership and management

7. Establish diploma training program

in leadership and management

Strategic Objective 2: To Enhance research and publications for

evidence- based curriculum implementation
activities by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1:Enhance evidence-based 1. Identify areas that require study at

programming for curricular primary, secondary and
activities primary teacher education levels

2. Conduct research studies at

primary, secondary and teacher
education levels

3. Disseminate research studies

through journals, reports,
conferences and website.

4. Hold discussions at national and

international symposiums

5. Collaborate with other education

research institutions at national,
regional and global levels.

ST2: Strengthen audio-visual and 1. Produce annual newsletters

publications at the Institute to 2. Publish 3 peer reviewed papers in a
support curricular activities year

3. Write books on various topics at all


4. Design educational materials in

different formats i.e. videos,
illustrations, print narrative

5. Develop clear, user

friendly illustrations

6. Acquire modern digital publishing

and printing equipment for
producing educational materials

7. Acquire modern digital audiovisual

production equipment for
producing educational materials

8. Train staff in modern education
materials development methods

Strategic Objective 3: Operationalize Museum of Education by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1: Invest in Museum of Education 1. Develop artifacts collections and

management guidelines

2. Refurbish Museum of Education


3. Construct show cases

4. Mount artifacts

5. Paint Diorama

6.2 Strategic Pillar 2: Institutional Strengthening

The NESP (2008-2017) calls for good governance and management in the
education sector. Institutional Strengthening seeks to enhance core service
delivery through strengthened governance and management systems,
human resources, institutional visibility and image, resource mobilization,
financial management and audit, and procurement procedures.

Goal 1: To Improve governance and management systems

Strategic Objective 1: To improve governance and management

systems by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1: Enhance administration service 1. Develop and implement

delivery and infrastructure
Standard Operating Procedure

2. Construct, renovate and
modernize infrastructure

3. Modernize catering and

housekeeping services

4. Develop and implement a debt

management system

5. Modernize ICT infrastructure and


6. Implement effective internal

control systems to enhance
efficient use of resources

7. Establish a wellness center

8. Review and implement HIV and

AIDS policy at the

9. Conduct awareness campaigns

on HIV and AIDS

ST2: Improve leadership and 1. Enhanced participatory decision

management systems making

2. Establishing conducive
environment for employees
through open-door policy

3. Periodic monitoring and reporting

of operations

4. Enhanced training of personnel in

5. Reinforce policy
implementation at all times

6. Ensure compliance to legal and

regulatory instruments to
safeguard the mandate and
autonomy of the Institute

7. Inculcate a culture of corporate

citizenship across board

ST3: Strengthen governance and 1. Develop and implement Board

management structures

2. Undertake periodic Board


3. Periodically orient Board and

Management on their roles and

4. Implement functional review of


Goal 2: To strengthen human resources

Strategic Objective 1: To enhance human resources management by


Strategies Key Interventions

ST1: Capacity building of staff 1. Undertake a capacity needs

assessment to inform a
Capacity Development Plan for

2. Develop and implement staff

Capacity Development Plan

3. Monitor and evaluate Capacity

Development Plan

4. Develop and implement Human

Resource Manual

5. Develop and implement training

policy for staff

6. Review and implement Terms

and Conditions of Service

7. Review and implement

Performance Management and
Appraisal System

8. Monitor and evaluate

Performance Management and
Appraisal System

9. Implement functional review of


10. Procure and implement Human

Resource Management System

11. Undertake annual team building


Goal 4: To attain financial sustainability

Strategic Objective 1: To ensure adequate financial resources for MIE

by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1: Enhance resource mobilization 1. Develop and implement

Resource Mobilization Strategy
to guide fundraising activities

2. Organize round table meetings

with traditional and potential
donors to explore funding

3. Train staff in resource


4. Engage Private-Public
Partnership for fundraising

5. Lobby Government for 1% fee

on royalties for each book

Goal 5: To improve Financial Management Systems

Strategic Objective 1: To strengthen efficient and economic use of

funds at all times

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1: Enhance financial management 1. Implement internal controls

2. Develop and implement cost-
cutting strategy

3. Organise regular meetings with

section heads and Directors on
cost-cutting measures

4. Introduce E-Banking facility

5. Strengthen compliance with

approved budget

6. Enhance efficient and effective

stores management

7. Develop and implement Risk

Management Strategy

8. Domesticate and implement

international standards of
financial reporting and best
practices and regulations

9. Create an e-platform for

institutional networking

10. Enhance security of staff,

property, equipment and
sensitive educational materials

11. Review and implement an up

to-date asset register

12. Develop, implement and
submit internal audit plan

ST2: Promote transparency and 1. Conduct periodic external audits

accountability in the use of
2. Publish periodic audited financial

3. Produce monthly management


Goal 6: To Improve procurement services at MIE

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5: To enhance procurement services by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1:Enhance procurement procedures 1. Develop and implement a

Procurement Policy in line with
Strategic Plan and Public
Procurement and Disposal of
Assets Act

2. Monitor and review Procurement


3. Produce timely reports

4. Enhance internal controls

ST3:Adherence to Public Procurement 1. Develop and implement

and Disposal Act and other Standard Operating Procedures
relevant guidelines Procurement (SoPs) for procurement in line
standards with Public
Procurement and Disposal of
Assets Act

2. Implement Government policy

on procurement and disposal
of assets

GOAL 7: To improve stakeholder engagement and networking

Strategic Objective 1: To improve stakeholder engagement and

networking by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1:Enhance stakeholder 1. Conduct stakeholder mapping

engagement and collaboration
2. Holding symposium meetings
with various stakeholders

3. Conduct consultative donor


4. Patronize and facilitate

international education

5. Institute and communicate a

culture of corporate
ambassadorship and
citizenship among MIE
employees in order to sell the
Institute at different fora and

6. Undertake periodic staff

orientations on corporate
ambassadorship and
citizenship among employees
of MIE

6.3 Strategic Pillar 3: Public Relations and Marketing
Through this pillar, MIE will develop and strengthen its public relations and
marketing efforts to build a favorable image of the Institute, and market its
products and services. To achieve this, the Institute will strengthen its
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) interventions through
implementation of its Communications Strategy and roll out a deliberate
plan for its public relations marketing.

Goal 1: To raise the profile for MIE products and services and make them
visible nationally, regionally and globally

Strategic Objective 1: To enhance image and visibility of MIE by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1:Strengthen Information, 1. Implement and review

Education, Communication (IEC) Communications Strategy

in and out of MIE 2. Monitor and review

Communications Strategy

3. Rebrand MIE and products

4. Update Website

5. Digitalize MIE products and


6. Develop ICT infrastructure

7. Build staff capacity on new ICT

infrastructure and application

8. Produce IEC materials

9. Mainstream public relations in all

functions and activities

10. Develop and implement

memorandum of understanding
with media houses

11. Update various social media


Goal 2: Improve marketing of MIE products and services

Strategic Objective 1:To enhance marketing of MIE products and

services by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1: Enhance marketing of MIE 1. Conduct needs assessment (both

products and services internal and external)

2. Conduct marketing research for


3. Develop and implement

marketing plan

4. Monitor and review marketing


5. Review customer service charter

6. Install suggestion boxes at

strategic points

7. Undertake more outreach


8. Open more selling outlets for

textbooks and other
educational materials

9. Participate in trade fairs and

exhibitions to showcase MIE
products and services

10. Network with regional and global

curriculum institutions through

6.4 Strategic Pillar 4: Cross Cutting Issues
Pillar 4 deals with cross-cutting issues meant to address any emerging
issues in the implementation of the three pillars presented in this Strategic
Plan. Cross-cutting issues will focus on the emerging issues of climate
change and environment, HIV and AIDS, Sexual Reproductive Health and
Rights, Non-Communicable Diseases, Gender, Disaster Risk Management,
Human rights, Global Citizenship Education (GCE), including peace
education and inclusive education.

Goal 1: Better management of cross-cutting issues

Strategic Objective 1: To mainstream cross-cutting issues by 2025

Strategies Key Interventions

ST1: Strengthen management of 1. Conduct situational analysis of

cross-cutting issues cross-cutting issues already
in programming incorporated in the curriculum and
emerging issues

2. Collaborate with relevant

stakeholders on specific
crosscutting issues

3. Develop and distribute

sourcebooks/materials for
crosscutting issues

4. Orient stakeholders on how to use

the developed materials

5. Coordinate projects on cross cutting


6. Develop proposals on cross cutting


7. Develop policies for individual

crosscutting issues

8. Appoint focal persons on all cross

cutting issues


7.1 Implementation Arrangements

Implementation of this Strategic Plan rests on the leadership, and concerted
efforts by staff of MIE across the board. Furthermore, key stakeholders
have a pivotal role to play in supporting implementation of the Strategic
Plan. The stakeholders include Government through the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technology; Ministry of Finance; the private and
public sector; civil society; development partners; and education provider
institutions, among others. Involvement of key stakeholders is critical to
mobilizing goodwill, financial and human resources existing outside MIE,
and the education sector in general. MIE will further endeavor to address
the capacity gaps highlighted in this Plan and mobilize the needed resources
for proper implementation of the planned strategies.

7.1.1 Board and Management

The Secretariat, through the respective directorates, shall take a lead in the
implementation of this Strategic Plan. Heads of directorates under the
overall coordination of the Executive Director shall develop annual plans to
inform responsible implementation of the strategies in areas falling under
their functions, as indicated in the implementation matrix (Annex 1). The
Annual Plan shall form the basis for developing the Institute’s Annual
Working Plans and Budgets. The Institute’s Board of Directors, through
quarterly reports and meetings, shall have an oversight role over
Management in implementing the Strategic Plan.

7.1.2 Staff
MIE shall continue to build the capacity of its staff as well as provide the
right working environment for them as prerequisites for motivation and
productivity. This will be achieved through capacity assessments to
determine capacity action plans for workload, quality of work environment,
staff satisfaction and motivation, and training needs analysis for the staff
early in the implementation period, and full implementation of the

recommendations from these studies. Management will ensure that staff
are inducted on the Strategic Plan.

7.1.3 Resources
To implement this Strategic Plan, MIE will require investing in resources.
While there are other existing funding mechanisms such as Government
subvention and donor funding, the Institute will vigorously mobilize
resources from revenue generating enterprises highlighted in this Strategic
Cost-reduction due to wastage control will also serve as a key intervention
that will greatly contribute to resource mobilization and efficient use via
resource direction to areas where they are most required. This will also be
a key intervention that will substantially build resources for the Institute.
The total cost of implementing the Strategic Plan over the five (5) years is
summarized in Table

Table Cost of Implementing MIE Strategic Plan

No. Pillar Malawi Kwacha
1 Accessible, Quality, 8,600,348,000.00
Relevant, Inclusive
2 Institutional 1,455,500,000.00

3. Public Relations and 744,500,000.00

4 108,000,348.00
Cross-Cutting Issues
Total Cost 10,908,348,348.00

7.1.4 Improvements in Capacity

MIE shall continue to strengthen its relationship with Government, the
private and public sectors, civil society, development partners, education
provider institutions and other key stakeholders that will continue to
support its cause through goodwill, financial, material, and human

resources. To reinforce this relationship, the Institute will build the
necessary capacity and put emphasis on improving the absorption capacity
of stakeholder support, networking and enhancing accountability of own
actions and transparency in planning, implementation, monitoring and
accounting for resources provided.

7.1.5 Improvements in Efficiency

MIE shall ensure measures are put in place to maximize the use of available
resources. First, it will pursue and emphasize improved costing of its
activities to avoid wastage and inefficiency in the use of resources. Second,
the Institute shall ensure proper use and scheduled maintenance of
facilities, equipment and mobile assets to reduce costs associated with idle
capacity. Lastly, it will leverage on ICT to reduce costs through adoption of
direct internal and external paperless communication and below the line

7.1.6 Risk Management of Strategy Implementation

MIE recognizes that risks are occurrences that may affect the successful
implementation of the Strategic Plan. The Institute will ensure that it adopts
a risk based management approach to manage all risks regardless of level
of significance.

7.1.7 Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of this Strategic Plan will be followed by monitoring
and evaluating (M&E) of its activities. The overarching goal of the M&E in
the implementation of this Strategic Plan is to provide relevant performance
information for well informed decision making. An M&E framework based
on the milestones presented in the implementation matrix of this document
will provide feedback critical for tracking progress on implementation of this
Strategic Plan, enabling Management to make fact-based and informed
decisions. MIE will monitor and evaluate this plan in its annual and quarterly
reporting on the Performance Contract to Government through the Board,

and this will be controlled and normalized through reports during review

Management of MIE has the ultimate responsibility to ensure

implementation of this Strategic Plan. The Executive Director of MIE shall
exercise individual oversight to monitor the performance of this Plan in
accordance with the activities indicated in the implementation matrix. A
Monitoring and Evaluation Committee for the Strategic Plan will be formed
with the following key responsibilities:

a) Develop a reporting template and M&E tool for the Strategic Plan.

b) Receive, analyze, summarize and consolidate reports and promptly

forward them to the Management every quarter.

c) Undertake process, mid-term and end-term evaluation of the Strategic


d) Report the Performance Contract.

The Heads of Directorates will submit monthly reports to the Executive

Director through the M&E Committee on a quarterly and annual basis. The
M&E Committee will analyze, summarize and consolidate the quarterly
report for submission to the Board. The quarterly reports will be
consolidated into annual reports that shall be presented to Government
through the Board.

An external evaluator will conduct Midterm and End-term evaluations on

the implementation of this Strategic Plan. If for any reason, there is a
significant unexplained variation in performance in a very critical indicator
in the Plan, an Ad hoc evaluation may be conducted to inform decisions on
possible interventions in such an area. The following tools will be used to
implement this Strategic Plan.
a) The Annual Performance Contract targets for Management and MIE will
be derived from this Strategic Plan.

b) Annual work plans will be derived from the implementation matrix in
this Strategic Plan and the status of implementation of preceding year’s
c) Annual budgets will be based on annual work plans drawn from the
implementation matrix.

d) The Performance Management and Appraisal System will be used to

cascade performance contracts to individual members of staff.
e) The Strategic Plan may be reviewed at any time based on changing

Strategic Pillar 1: Accessible, Quality, Relevant, Inclusive Education

Goal: To enhance quality and relevance of curricula at primary, secondary and teacher education levels
Strategic Objective 1: To improve quality and relevance of Curricula at primary, secondary and teacher education levels
by 2025
Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.
Interventions Verification

ST1: Periodically No. of reviews Curriculum Baseline= 1 Curricula 2020- DCD

Enhance review primary Target= 1 2025
relevance school curricula
of curricula
at primary, Periodically No. of reviews Curriculum Baseline= 1 Curricula 2025 DCD
secondary review Target=1
and secondary
teacher school curricula
Periodically No. of reviews Curriculum Baseline= 1 Curricula 2020- DCD
review teacher Target=1 2025

Develop No. of Supplementary Baseline= 8 Supplementary 2020- DCD
materials materials Target=53 materials 2025

Train and of teachers Training reports Baseline= 152 Trainees 2020- DCD
orient teachers trained Target=1102 2025
on developed and
curricula and

Lobbying for No. of Progress Baseline=0 Policy 2020- ED

policy change policies Report Target=1 2022
in curriculum

ST2: Develop a oring and Monitoring and Baseline= 0 M&E June – DREPS
Strengthen monitoring and Evaluation Evaluation Target=1 Framework August
monitoring evaluation Framework Framework 2020
and framework for Developed
evaluation of curricula and
Curricula at implementation implemented

primary, Conduct No. of Progress Baseline=x Curricular 2025 DCD
secondary periodic school monitoring Report Target=20 monitoring
and teacher visits to visits visits
education monitor
levels curricula

Develop and No. of Progress Baseline=0 Platforms 2020- DSTD

implement platforms Report Target=5 2025
platforms for
sharing of
lessons learnt
and best

Incentivize and Percentage Progress Baseline= x Platforms 2020- DAF

award best No. of awards Report Target=100% 2025
ST3: Audit quality audits Audit Report Baseline= 0 Audits DAF
Enhance management Target=5
quality at MIE
management Develop and Quality Functional Baseline= 0 y Management July-June DAF
systems implement MIE Management Quality Target=1 System 2020
at Quality System Management
MIE Management developed and System
System implemented

Monitor and System Monitoring & Baseline= x M&E 2020- DAF
evaluate monitored and Evaluation Target=100% 2025
Quality evaluated Report
System at MIE
Resource Science Progress Baseline=0% Resource 2020- DAF
Science Laboratory Report Target=80% 2021
Laboratory resourced

ST4:Enhance of Train primary, ● Percentage Training report Baseline=30% Teachers 2025 DSTD
capacity secondary No. of Target=70%
teachers school and TTC primary
lecturers in teachers
pedagogy trained Baseline=10%
● Percentage Target=60%
No. of
trained Baseline=10%
● Percentage Target=60%
No. of TTC

Train primary, ● Percentage Training report Baseline= 0% Teachers 2020- DSTD
secondary No. of Target=20% 2025
school and TTC primary
lecturers in teachers
content issues trained Baseline= 0%
● Percentage Target=10%
No. of
trained Baseline= 0%
● Percentage Target=10%
No. of TTC

● Percentage Training report Baseline=10% Lectures 2020- DSTD
Train primary, No. No. of Target=30% 2025
secondary primary
school and TTC teachers
lecturers in trained
emerging and Baseline=20%
● Percentage Target=40%
issues No. No. of
o. of TTC

Train education No. of Training report Baseline= Personnel DSTD

personnel in educational 20%
effective personnel Target=60%
educational trained
leadership and
Train education No. of Training report Baseline=250 Personnel DSTD
personnel in educational Target=500 DREPS
action research personnel

Establish Diploma Progress Baseline= 0 rship and 2020- DSTD
diploma training Report Target=1 management 2021
training program in diploma
program in leadership and programme
leadership and management
management established

Strategic Objective 2: To Enhance research and publications for evidence based curriculum implementation activities
by 2025
Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.
Interventions Verification
ST1:Enhance Conduct No. of studies Progress Baseline= 7 Studies 2020- DREPS
evidencebased research conducted Report Target=10 2021
programmin studies at
g for primary,
curricular secondary and
activities teacher

Disseminate ● No. of Progress Baseline= 7 Studies 2020- DREPS

research studies Report Target=10 2021
studies published
● No. of
and website. ● No. of
presented on

Hold national ● No. of Progress Baseline= 0 Symposiums November DREPS
and national Report Target=2 2021 and
international symposiu
symposiums ms held
● No. of November
internation 2024
symposiu ms

Collaborate ● No of Memorandums Baseline=0 Collaborations 2020- DREPS
with other institutions of Target=6 2025
education collaborati Understanding
research ng with at 1 global, 3
institutions at national national, 3
national, level international
regional and ● No of
global level. institutions
ng with at
● No of
ng with at

ST2: Produce annual No. of issues Progress Baseline=0 Issues 2020- EMDRC
Strengthen newsletters produced Report Target=7 2025
publications Publish No. of peer Published Baseline=0 Publications 2020- EMDRC
at the peer reviewed articles Target= 3 per 2025
Institute to reviewed papers year
papers published
activities Write books on Percentage Books Baseline=0 Publications 2020- EMDRC
various topics No. of books Target= 2025
at all levels written 100%

Design Percentage Progress Baseline= x Education 2020- EMDRC

educational No. of Report Target= materials 2025
materials in educational 100%
different materials
formats i.e. designed
print narrative

Acquire No. of pieces Inventory Baseline= 0 Pieces of By 2024 EMDRC

modern digital of modern Target= 1 equipment
publishing and digital
printing publishing and
equipment for printing
producing equipment
educational procured

Train staff in Percentage Training Baseline= x Staff By 2025 EMDRC
modern No. of staff Report Target=
education trained in 100%
materials modern
development education
methods materials

Strategic Objective 3: Operationalize Museum of Education by 2025

Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.

Interventions Verification
ST1: Invest in Develop Artifacts copy of Baseline= 0 cts collections By 2020 DREPS
Museum of artifacts collections and developed Target=1 and
Education collection and management artifacts management
management guidelines collection and guidelines
guidelines developed management

Refurbish um of Education Progress Baseline= 0 Refurbishment By 2020 DREPS

Museum of building Report Target=1
Education refurbished
Construct show No. of show Progress Baseline= 0 Cases By 2020 DREPS
cases cases Report Target=30
Mount artifacts Artifacts Progress Baseline=0 Artifacts By 2020 DREPS
mounted Report Target=TBD
Paint Diorama Diorama Progress Baseline= 0 Diorama By 2020 DREPS
painted Report Target=2

Strategic Pillar 2: Institutional Strengthening

Goal 1: To Improve governance and management systems

Strategic Objective 1: To improve governance and management systems by 2025

Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.

Interventions Verification
ST1: Enhance Develop and Standard SoPs manual Baseline=0 Standards July 2020 ED/DAF
administration implement Operating Target=1
service Standard Procedures
delivery and Operating developed and
infrastructure Procedures (SoPs) implemented

Construct, Infrastructure Progress Baseline=x Infrastructure 2020-2025 ED/DAF

renovate and renovated and Report Target=100%
modernize modernized

Modernize Catering and Progress Baseline= x Services Dec 2020 ED/DAF

catering and housekeeping Report Target=100%
housekeeping services
services modernized

Develop and Debt Progress Baseline= 0 System By Jul 2022 ED/DAF

implement a debt management Report Target=1
management system
system developed and

Enhance fleet Fleet Progress Baseline=25% Fleet 2024 ED/DAF
management management Report Target =100%
developed and

Modernize ICT Percentage No. Progress Baseline= 30% Infrastructure 2020-2025 DAF
infrastructure of ICT Report Target=90% and services
and services infrastructure
and services

Implement Internal control Progress Baseline=70% m 2020-2025 ED/DAF

effective internal systems Report Target=80%
control systems implemented/en
to enhance hanced
efficient use of

Establish a Wellness center Progress Baseline= 0 Center July 2021 DAF

wellness center established Report Target= 1
Review and HIV and AIDS Progress Baseline= 0 Policy July 2021 ED
implement HIV policy reviewed Report Target=1
and AIDS policy and

Conduct No. of Progress Baseline=x Campaigns 2020-2025 DAF
awareness awareness Report Target=10
campaigns on HIV campaigns on

ST2: Improve Enhance Participatory Progress Baseline=80% Participatory 2020-2025 ED
leadership and participatory decision making Report Target=100% decision
management decision making enhanced making
Establishing Open-door Progress Baseline=0 Policy 2020-2025 ED
conducive policy Report Target=1
environment for established
through open-
door policy

Periodic No. of Progress Report Baseline=30 Reports 2020-2025 DAF

monitoring and monitoring Target=60
reporting of reports

Enhanced training Percentage No. Training Baseline= 60% Personnel 2020-2025 DAF
of personnel in of personnel Report Target=100%
leadership trained in

Reinforce policy Policy Progress Baseline=70% Policy 2020-2025 ED/DAF/D

implementation at implementation Report Target=100% IRECTOR
all times reinforced S

Ensure Compliance to Progress Baseline=70% Compliance 2020-2025 ED
compliance to legal and Report Target=100%
legal and regulatory
regulatory instruments to
instruments to safeguard the
safeguard the mandate and
mandate and autonomy of the
autonomy of the Institute

Inculcate a culture Percentage No. Progress Baseline= 50% Staff 2020-2025 ED

of of staff Report Target=100%
corporate exhibiting a
citizenship across culture of
board corporate

ST3: Strengthen Develop and Board Charter Board Baseline=0 Board 2020-2025 ED
governance and implement Board developed and Charter Target=1 Charter
management Charter implemented
structures Undertake No. of board Board Baseline= 0 Evaluations 2020-2025 ED
periodic Board evaluations minutes Target=2 per
evaluations undertaken appointed board
Periodically orient No. of board Board Baseline=0 Orientations 2020-2025 ED
Board and orientations minutes Target=1 per
Management on held appointed board
their roles and

Implement Functional Progress Baseline=0 Functional Feb 2020 ED
Functional Review Review of MIE Report Target=100% Review
of MIE implemented

Goal 2: To strengthen human

Strategic Objective 1: To enhance human resources management by 2025

Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.

Interventions Verification
ST1: Capacity Undertake a Capacity needs Capacity Baseline=0 Capacity July-Oct DAF
building of staff capacity needs assessed Needs Report Target=1 needs 2020
assessment to
inform a Capacity
Development Plan
for staff
Develop and Capacity Capacity Baseline= 0 Plan Nov-Dec DAF
implement staff Development Development Target=1 2020
Capacity Plan developed Plan
Development Plan
Monitor and Capacity M&E Report Baseline= 0 Evaluations 2020-2025 DAF
evaluate Capacity Development Target=5 end
Development Plan Plan monitored year; 5 mid-
and evaluated year
1 end-term

Develop and Human Human Baseline= 0 Manual June-Sept DAF
implement Resource Resource Target=1 2020
Human Resource Manual Manual
Manual developed and

Implement an Medical scheme Medical Baseline= 10% Report 2024

efficient and implemented Scheme Target =10%
effective medical

Develop and Training Policy Training Baseline=0 Policy Jul 2020 DAF
implement developed and Policy Target=1
training policy for implemented
Review and Terms and Terms and Baseline= 1 Terms and Jul 2020-Jun DAF
implement Terms Conditions of Conditions of Target=1 Conditions of 2021
and Conditions of Service Service Service
Service reviewed
Review and Performance Performance Baseline= 1 System June-Sept DAF
implement Management Management Target=1 2020
Performance and Appraisal and Appraisal
Management and System System
Appraisal System reviewed and

Monitor and No. of Monitoring & Baseline=0 Evaluations 2020-2025 ED
evaluate monitoring & evaluation Target= 5
Performance evaluation reports
Management and reports
Appraisal System
Implement Functional Progress Baseline=1 Functional June 2020 ED
Functional Review Review of MIE Report Target=1 Review
Procure and Human Human Baseline=0 System June 2021 D-DAF
implement Resource Resource Target=1
Human Resource Management Management
Management System System
System procured
Undertake annual No. of annual Report Baseline= 0 Exercises D-DAF
team building team building Target=5
exercises exercises

Goal 4: To attain financial sustainability

Strategic Objective 1: To ensure adequate financial resources for MIE by 2025
Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.
Interventions Verification

ST1: Enhance Develop and Resource Resource Baseline= 0 Strategy June-Aug ED
resource implement Mobilization Mobilization Target=1 2020
mobilization Resource Strategy Strategy
Mobilization developed and
Strategy to guide implemented

Organize round No. of Minutes and Baseline= 3 Meetings 2020-2025 ED

table meetings roundtable Progress Target=20
with traditional meetings Reports
and potential organized
donors to explore

Training of staff in Percentage No. Training Baseline= 15% Staff 2020-2025 DAF
resource of staff trained Report Target=100%

Engage No. of Memorandum Baseline= 0 Partnerships 2020-2025 ED

PrivatePublic partnerships of Target=8
partnership for engaged Understandin
fundraising g
Lobby No. of meetings Progress Baseline= 0 Lobby 2020-2025 ED
Government for Report Target=TBD meetings
1% fee on
royalties for each
book reviewed

Goal 5: To improve Financial Management Systems
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To strengthen efficient and economic use of funds at all times
Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.
Interventions Verification
ST1: Enhance Implement Internal controls Audit Report Baseline= 0 Annual 2020-2025 D-DAF
financial internal controls implemented Target=5 Reviews
systems Develop and Cost cutting Cost cutting Baseline=0 Strategy June 2020 D-DAF
implement cost strategy strategy Target=1
cutting strategy developed and

Set up task force Task force on Minutes of Baseline= 1 Task force July 2025 ED
on cost-cutting cost-cutting meetings Target=15

Introduce E- E-Banking Functional Baseline= Facility Dec 2020 D-DAF

Banking facility facility EBanking 0Target=1
introduced facility

Strengthen Compliance with Audit Report Baseline= 0 Annual 2020-2025 D-DAF

compliance with approved Reviews
approved budget budget Target=5

Enhance efficient Stores Progress Baseline= 0 Annual 2020-2025 D-DAF

and effective management Report on Reviews
stores enhanced Inventory Target=5

Develop and Risk Risk Baseline=0 Strategy 2020-2025 D-DAF
implement Risk Management Management
Management Strategy Strategy Target=1
Strategy developed and
Domesticate and International Progress Baseline= 0 Annual 2020-2025 D-DAF
implement standards of Report Reviews
international financial

standards of reporting and

financial reporting best practices
and best practices and regulations
and regulations domesticated

Create an e- E- platform for Functional e- Baseline= 0 Platform Dec 2020 D-DAF

platform for an an institutional platform
institutional networking Target=1
networking created and

Enhance security Security of staff, Progress Baseline=0 Annual 2020-2025 D-DAF

of staff, property, property, Report Reviews
equipment and equipment and Target=5
sensitive sensitive
educational educational
materials materials

Review and Asset register Reviewed and Baseline= 1 Register Annual D-DAF
implement an up reviewed and updated
to-date asset updated Asset register Target=1

Develop, Internal audit Internal audit Baseline= 0 Plan Annual D-DAF/IA
implement and plan developed plan
submit internal and Target=1
audit plan implemented

ST2: Conduct periodic No. of external Audit Report Baseline= 0 Audits 2020-2025 D-DAF
Promote external audits audits
transparency conducted Target=5
Publish periodic No. of periodic Published Baseline= 0 Financial Annual ED
audited financial audited financial audited statements
in the use of Target=5
statements statements financial
published statements

Produce monthly Management of Published Baseline= 0 Management 2020-2025 D-DAF

management accounts management accounts
accounts published accounts Target=60

Goal 6: To Improve procurement services at MIE

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 5: To enhance procurement services by 2025

Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.

Interventions Verification
ST1: Develop and Procurement Procurement Baseline= 1 Plan June 2020 D-DAF
Enhanc implement Plan developed Plan
e Procurement Plan and Target=1
in line with
procure implemented in
Strategic Plan
ment and Public line with
Procurement and Strategic Plan
Disposal Act
Monitor and Procurement M& E Report Baseline=0 Annual 2020-2025 D-DAF
review Plan monitored Target=5 Reviews
Procurement Plan and reviewed
Produce timely Reports Report Baseline= 0 Report 2020-2025 D-DAF
reports produced timely Target=5

Enhanced internal internal controls Progress Baseline=0 Report 2020-2025 D-DAF

controls enhanced Report Target=5
ST3: Develop and Standard Standard Baseline= 0 Standards June –Sept D-DAF
Adherence to implement Operating Operating 2020
Public Standard Procedures for Procedures Target=1
Operating procurement
Procedures (SoPs) developed and
and Disposal for procurement in
Act and other implemented
line with Public
relevant Procurement and
Disposal Act

procurement Implement Government Progress Baseline= 0 Policy Jan 2020 D-DAF
standards Government policy on Report Target=1
policy on procurement
procurement and implemented
disposal of assets

GOAL 7: To improve stakeholder engagement and networking

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To improved stakeholder engagement and networking by 2025

Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.
Interventions Verification
ST1:Enh Conduct Percentage No. Stakeholder Baseline=50% Stakeholders 2020-2025 ED
ance stakeholder of stakeholders list
stakehol mapping mapped Target=100%
engage Holding Percentage No. Workshop Baseline= 20% Symposia 2020-2025 ED
ment symposium of stakeholder Report
and meetings with meetings held Target=60%
collabor various
ation stakeholders

Conduct Percentage No. of ● Minutes Baseline= 20% Meetings 2020-2025 ED

consultative donor ● MoU
donor meetings meetings Target=60%
Patronize and Percentage No. Conference Baseline= 5% Conferences 2020-2025 ED
facilitate of international Report
international education Target=60%
education conferences
conferences patronized and

Undertake No. of Workshop Baseline=0 Orientation 2020 ED
periodic staff orientations Report
orientations on Target=12 2025
and citizenship
among MIE

Strategic Pillar 3: Public Relations and Marketing

Goal 1: To raise the profile for MIE products and services and make them visible nationally, regionally and globally
Strategic Objective 1: To enhance image and visibility of MIE by 2023
Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.
Intervention Verification

ST1: Strengthen Implement Communications Progress Baseline= 0 Annual 2020- ED

Information, Communicatio Strategy Report Reviews 2025 PRO
Education, ns Strategy implemented Target=5
Communication Monitor and Communications Progress Baseline= 0 Annual 2020- ED
(IEC) in and out of review Strategy Report Reviews 2025 PRO
MIE Communicatio monitored and Target=5
ns Strategy reviewed midyear; 5
Rebrand MIE MIE products Rebranded Baseline= 0 Brand June— PRO
products rebranded MIE products Target=1 Sept Marketing
Update Website Website Baseline=0 Website August D-DAF
Website updated Updated Target=1 2020

Digitalize MIE MIE products Automated Baseline=15% Products and 2020- D-DAF
products and and services MIE products services 2025
services automated and services Target=70%

Develop ICT ICT ICT Baseline= 0 Infrastructure Dec D-DAF

infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure Target=1 2020

Build staff Percentage No. Progress Baseline= 20% Staff 2020- D-DAF
capacity on of Staff Report Target=100% 2025
new ICT capacitated
and application

Produce IEC No. of IEC IEC materials Baseline=x Materials 2020- PRO
materials materials 2025
produced Target=TBD

Mainstream Public Relations Progress Baseline= x Functions and 2020- PRO

public mainstreamed Report activities 2025
relations in all in all functions Target=100%
functions and and activities
Develop No. of MoUs Baseline= 0 MoUs Dec PRO
and memorandum of 2020
implement understanding Target=3
memorandum with media
of houses develop
understanding and
with media
Update No. of social Social media Baseline= 3 Platforms Annual PRO
various social media platforms platforms
media updated Target=100%

Goal 2: Improve marketing of MIE products and services

Strategic Objectives 1:To enhance marketing of MIE products and services by 2025

Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.

Intervention Verification
ST1: Enhance Conduct needs Needs Needs Baseline= 0 Report JuneAugust PRO
public relations assessment assessment Assessment 2020
marketing of (both internal conducted Report Target=1
MIE products and external)
Conduct Marketing Report Baseline= 0 Report Sept- PRO
marketing research Nov
research for conducted Target=1 2020

Develop and Marketing Plan Marketing Plan Baseline= 0 Plan Nov PRO
implement developed and 2020March
marketing implemented Target=1 2021

Monitor and Marketing Plan M&E Report Baseline= 0 Annual 2020- ED

review monitored and Reviews 2025
marketing reviewed Target= 5

Review Customer Customer Baseline=1 Charter Jan-Feb PRO

Customer Service Charter Service 2020
Service reviewed Charter Target=1

Mount No. of Suggestion Baseline= 0 Boxes July PRO
suggestion suggestion boxes 2020
boxes at boxes mounted Target=4

Undertake more No. of outreach Progress Baseline= 0 Activities Biannual PRO

outreach activities Report Target=10
activities undertaken
Open more No. of centers Opened centers Baseline= 1 Centers Dec PRO
selling outlets opened 2020
for textbooks Target=3 regions
and other

Participate in No. of trade fairs Progress Baseline= 10 Trade Fairs 2020- ED

trade fairs and and exhibitions Report and 2025
exhibitions to patronised Target=5 Exhibitions
showcase MIE
products and

Network with ● Percentage ● MoUS Baseline= 5% Stakeholders 2020- ED

regional and No. of ● Conference Target=60% and 2025
global stakeholders Reports Conferences
curriculum engaged
● No. of

Strategic Pillar 4: Cross-cutting Issues

Goal 1: Better management of cross-cutting issues

Strategic Objective 1: To mainstream cross-cutting issues by 2025

Strategies Key Indicators Means of Target Description Period Resp.

Interventions Verification
ST1: Conduct a Situational Situation Baseline= 0 Report 2020 – 2021 DAF
Strengthen situational analysis of Analysis Report
management of analysis of cross-cutting Target=1
cross-cutting cross-cutting issues already
issues in issues already incorporated
incorporated in in the
the curriculum curriculum and
and emerging emerging
issues issues

Collaborate with No. of ● MoUs Baseline=0 Stakeholders 2020-2025 ED

relevant stakeholders ● Progress
stakeholders on engaged Target=6
Develop and Percentage Progress Report Baseline= 0 Books 2020-2025 EMDRC
distribute No. of source Target=5
source books
books/materials distributed
for cross-cutting

Orient Percentage Workshop Baseline= 0 Stakeholders 2020-2025 PRO
stakeholders on No. of Report Target=100%
how to use the stakeholders

developed oriented on
materials materials

Coordination of Projects on Progress Report Baseline= 0 Annual Annual DAF

projects on cross cutting Reviews
cross cutting issues Target=5
issues coordinated

Develop No. of Proposals Baseline=0 Proposals Annual DAF and all

proposals on proposals Target= 5 per departmenta
cross cutting developed on year l heads
issues cross-cutting

Develop policies Policies for Policies Baseline= 0 Policies 2020-2025 ED

for individual individual Target=10
crosscutting crosscutting
issues issues

Appoint focal Focal persons Appointed Baseline= 0 Persons June 2020 ED

persons on all on all cross persons Target=1
cross cutting cutting issues
issues appointed



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