M4 Problem Set 4 Inflation and The GDP Deflator
M4 Problem Set 4 Inflation and The GDP Deflator
M4 Problem Set 4 Inflation and The GDP Deflator
C) What was the rate of inflation between 2010 and 2022? (15)________________________
D) If you earned $50,000 in 2000, how much would you have had to earn in 2022 in order to
maintain the same purchasing power? (5) ___________________________________
Part 2: GDP Deflator—50 Points
D) If Nominal GDP is equal to 1500 and Real GDP is equal to 750, what
will the GDP Deflator be equal to?
E) If the GDP Deflator was equal to 271.0 in 2021 and 292.7 in 2022,
what was the rate of inflation? (Round to the nearest tenth)