Table 2
Data Presentation
Total credit, liquidity Ratio, Lending rate, Cash reserve ratio, Gross Domestic product of Deposit
Money Banks
Years Loans to Liquidity Total credit Landin Cash Gross M2(Mon Inflatio
Deposit ratio in (N’Billions) g rate Reserv Domestic ey n
Ratio in (%) (%) e Ratio Product supply) %
% (%) (N’
2000 - - 508.3 17.98 - 6897.48 48.07 6.93
2001 65.6 52.9 796.2 18.29 - 8134.14 27 18.87
2002 62.8 52.5 954.6 24.85 - 11332.25 21.55 12.88
2003 61.9 50.9 1210.0 20.71 - 13301.56 24.11 14.03
2004 68.6 50.5 1519.2 19.18 - 17321.30 14.02 15.00
2005 70.8 50.2 1976.7 17.95 - 22269.98 24.35 17.86
2006 63.6 55.7 2524.3 17.26 - 28662.47 43.09 8.24
2007 70.8 48.8 4813.5 16.94 - 32995.38 44.8 5.38
2008 80.9 44.3 7799.4 15.14 3.0 39157.88 57.88 11.58
2009 85.7 30.7 8912.1 18.99 1.3 44285.56 17.07 11.54
2010 74.2 30.4 7706.4 17.59 1.0 54612.26 6.91 13.72
2011 44.8 42.0 7312.7 16.02 8.0 62980.40 15.43 10.84
2012 42.3 49.7 8150.0 16.79 12.0 71713.94 16.39 12.22
2013 38.0 63.2 10005.6 16.72 12.0 80092.56 1.2 8.48
2014 64.2 38.3 12889.4 16.55 20.0 89043.62 0.56 8.06
2015 69.6 42.3 13222.65 16.85 20.0 94144.96 18.87 9.01
2016 75.95 41.25 15829.30 16.87 22.5 101498.49 25.92 15.68
2017 78.18 49.05 15775.45 17.58 22.5 113711.63 22.19 16.52
Source: CBN Statistical Bulletin (December, 2017)
Table 3
GDPE Current Basic Prices, Consumer Price Index, Implicit Price, Deflator ACGSF (value
of loans Guaranteed and Sectoral utilization of foreign exchange US $ from year 2000 to
Table 4
Table 4:0
In other to avert the occurrence of spurious results, there is need to test for the presence of unit
root in order to ensure that the parameters are estimated using stationary time series data. The
essence of the ADF test is the NULL hypothesis of nonstationary it shows that money supply,
interest ratio, inflation rate and monetary policy rate were stationary at first difference 1%, 5%
and 10% critical value is their T statistics value at first differencing is greater than the critical
value at 1%, 5% and 10%. However, Agricultural GDP, achieved stationary at second
* (**) denotes rejection of the hypothesis at 5 (1%) significance level. Last Regression test
indicates 2 comtegrating equation(s) at 5% significance level. The Johansen cointegration
testwas used to determine if there exists longrun equilibrium relationship among the variables
under study. The result above showed three cointegration variables at 5% critical value as the
likelihood ratio value of these variables in the table was greater than their 5 percent critical
value. That is 110.5908,47.67041 and 5.709500 is greater than 68.52, 47.21 and 3.76. we
therefore, reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there exists longrun equilibrium
relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
Table 4.2
Sample 2000-2017
Null Hypothesis Obs f-stat Probability
Log INT does not Granger cause Log AGDP 17 5.98375 0.00919
Log AGDP does not Granger cause Log INT 2.58525 0.10032
Log INF does not Granger cause Log AGDP 17 0.43897 0.65076
Log AGDP does not Granger cause Log INF 3.81500 0.03949
Log MPR does not Granger cause Log AGDP 17 1.40132 0.26943
Log AGDP does not Granger cause Log MPR 3.29384 0.05801
Log INF does not Granger cause Log INT 17 2.68852 0.09245
Log INT does not Granger cause Log INF 0.63805 0.53874
Log MPR does not Granger cause Log INT 17 0.81217 0.45801
Log INT does not Granger cause Log MPR 2.55950 0.10239
Log MPR does not Granger cause Log INF 17 4.09381 0.03234
Log INF does not Granger cause Log MPR 1.91953 0.17275
The granger causality analysis presented in table 4:2 showed that at 5% significance
level, there was no case of bidirectional causality; however, a unidirectional causal relationship
was seen running INT to AGDP, AGDP to INF and MPR to INF.
Sample 2000-2017
Included observation 18
Log AGDP= 4.34+0.168 log MS+0.0321 log INT -0.0072 log INF -0.0036 log MPR
Durbin Watson=1.502288
The shortrun OLS test results areanalyzedin two parts. The global utility of the model and the
relative statistics of the estimated model.
The econometric property of the estimated equation shown that the global utility or the overall
goodness of fit is high with an f-statistics of 80.06204 and probability value of 0.00000. From
OLS regression result, R2 is 0.935 or 93.5% and the adjusted R 2 is 92.4%. This implies that at
level series, about 93% of the total variations in the output level of goods and services (GDP) are
explained by the changes or adjustments in the bank financial intermediation function indicators
in the economy-MS, INT, INF and MPR. The log likelihood ratio, Akaike information criterion
and Schwaz Bayesian criterion statistic all showed that the model has good forecasting power.
The test of significance from our result showed that two variables (MS and INT) were
statistically significant for the period under review at 5% level of significance while at 10% level
of significance, INF was statistically significant. This is due to the fact that their T.Probability
values of 0.0000, 0.0000 and 0.0226 are all less than 0.05 (5% level of significance) while the T-
probability value of INF at 0.00580 is less than 0.10 (10% level of significance). We therefore
reject the Null hypothesis. The f-stat value also shows that the entire regression model was fit
and further confirms the value of the R 2, while the Durbin Watson value of 1.502288 tend
towards 2, hence we conclude that there exists no serial autocorrelation.
The coefficient of money supply (0.168), interest rate (-0.032) and monetary policy rate (-
0.0036) all appeared with the expected signs and conformed to expectations. This shows that at
1% increase in money supply, will lead to an increase in AGPD by 0.168% this is in the line with
the new quantity theory of money that increase.