GAD Action Plan 20

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
REGION _________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF __________________


Agency/Office: Department of Education / _________________________l
Total GAD Allotted for CY 202__: _____________________

GAD GAD Results Relevant Source
Cause of Performance GAD Responsible
Mandate/Gender Statement / Agency / GAD Activity of
Gender Issue Indicators and Budget Persons
Issue GAD Objective MFO / PAP Budget

-Conduct mini-
-100% of the School Head
CLIENT – symposium -

FOCUSED Strengthened about Child school populace

appreciation on Protection Policy has been
informed about GAD Focal
Lack of GAD concepts, and Anti-Bullying
Insufficient the program Person
information issues, and Act among pupils
information School
campaign and concerns -Orientation of -Teachers & PhP250
on GAD PAPs MOOE Teachers
advocacy on GAD among pupils, teachers & Parents were
of the school
Programs, parents and parents on the enlightened about Students
activities and other school RA 9262 (Anti- the Anti-VAWC
projects among stakeholders VAWC Law) & Law & Magna Parents
students RA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women
Carta of Women)

There is low level Inadequate -Assured Conduct School- 100% PhP250 School
of consciousness learners’ mainstreaming Based Contests / participation MOOE School Head
on Gender and exposure and of GAD such as Quiz among students
Development – insufficient Programs Bee, Essay GAD Focal
Related issues instruction to Writing, debate, Person
among students GAD -Increased GAD On-The-Spot
mainstreamin awareness and Poster Making,& Teachers
g consciousness slogan making
among learners contests Students
Address: Brgy. 102, Old Kawayan, Tacloban City
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION _________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF __________________

Low level
There is a need to
awareness of School Head
install gender Updated and Installation and
responsive maintained the maintenance of
disaggregated GAD Focal
information sex- sex- Enhanced sex-
data as one of School Person
system such as disaggregated disaggregated disaggregated PhP250
the key MOOE
maintenance of database of database of Old database
factors in the Teachers
sex – personnel and Kawayan Elem.
formulation of
disaggregated students Sch.
GAD plans Students
database system
and programs
GAD Information
Lack of
dedicated School Head
To provide the materials
area where -Establishment of
students and - evident in
the students School GAD GAD Focal
Lack of access to teachers a bulletin
and teachers Center Person
gender welfare repository boards School
can easily PhP500
and programs dedicated for - GAD MOOE
access GAD- -Installation of Teachers
services GAD-related corners in
related GAD Bulletin
materials / designated
materials / Board Students
information areas of
information /
ORGANIZATION Insufficient Strengthened Conduct 100% of the PhP250 School
– FOCUSED information school awareness / Teaching and MOOE School Head
There is a need to on GAD PAPs personnel on symposium / Non-Teaching
increase the GAD training among Personnel GAD Focal
awareness of information teaching and attended the Person
gender-related awareness non-teaching school-based
issues and personnel orientation on Teachers
concerns among Child Protection
teaching and non- Policy, Anti- Students
teaching Bullying Act, Anti-

Address: Brgy. 102, Old Kawayan, Tacloban City

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION _________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF __________________

Need for further

consciousness on
GAD issues, Seminars,
concerns and Enhance training,
-Conduct School Head
policies among awareness simulation /
seminar/ training
personnel Inadequate among teachers immersion
cum simulation / GAD Focal
Including the opportunities to enable them activities
immersion on Person
strengthening of to enhance to be more conducted with School
GAD-related PhP8,500
level of awareness awareness on committed and 100% MOOE
issues and Teachers
and practice of GAD responsive to participation of
Child Protection programs issues and the School
Policy, Anti-VAWC eliminate Teaching and
Law and R.A. 9710 gender bias Non-Teaching
(Magna Carta of Personnel
Women) among
TOTAL PhP10,000.00

Prepared by: Noted:

School GAD Focal Person School Head

Reviewed by: Approved:

PSDS, DLC 1 Schools Division Superintendent

Address: Brgy. 102, Old Kawayan, Tacloban City


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