La Fortuna Nhs GPB 2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Region
Schools Division Of Agusan del Sur
Veruela III District
La Fortuna, Veruela, Agusan del Sur


FY 2022
Agency: Department of Education - SDO AGUSAN DEL SUR
School: La Fortuna National High School
Gender Issue Cause of the GAD Result Relevant GAD Activity Output GAD Budget Source of Responsible
and/or GAD Gender Issue Statement/ Agency Performance Budget Unit/Office
Mandate GAD MFO/PAP Indicators and
Objective Target
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (9)

Lack of access to gender Lack of To provide the Basic Education GAD Information Campaign Installation of GAD 5,000.00
welfare and programs dedicated area students and Services materials Corner/ Gad
services. where the teachers a • Evident in bulletin boards Bulletin Boards
students and repository • GAD Corner in designated
teachers could dedicated for area
easily access for GAD related School
GAD related materials/ School
materials/ information MOOE
information/ data
Agency: Department of Education - SDO AGUSAN DEL SUR
Gender responsive Basic Need to Strengthened Basic Education * Production and distribution of 100% of the school
Education Policy ( DO mainstream appreciation on Services Information Education Campaign population has been
#32 s. 2017) gender in all GAD concepts, materials such as flyers, brochures, informed about the
policies and issues, and and handouts on Gad related topics program.
programs, concerns among such as eliminating VAWC, gender
projects and the students. and family relations, and gender on
activities (PPA) responsive laws and policies to
School Child
To increase School Protection
awareness on the 10,000.00
MOOE Coordinator
ways to stop and WCPD
bullying and

Absence of a sex Shared comfort Ensure GAD Basic Education Installation and maintenance of Installed and 20,000.00
disaggregated comfort rooms for men responsive office Services comfort rooms for men and maintained gender
rooms. and women women. sensitive comfort School
employees rooms. School
Agency: Department of Education - SDO AGUSAN DEL SUR
Need for further Inadequate Enhance Basic Education Conduct Seminars/Webinars and Seminars/Webinars 15,000.00
consciousness on GAD opportunities to awareness Services trainings on GAD related issues trainings, activity
issues, concerns, and enhance among teachers and concerns
policies among awareness on to enable them to Conducted with
personnel GAD Programs be more 100% of
committed and participation
responsive to
issues to School GFPS/Legal
eliminate the MOOE Office
gender bias.

Attributions(25%-100% Attibutions of every Activity/Project Proposal to be assessed by the Division GFPS Secretariat Headed by SEPS -HRD)

TOTAL 50,000.00
Prepared by: Approved by: Date:


Teacher I Principal III Day/Month/Year
School GAD COORDINATOR GFPS Chairperson Approving Authority
Gender responsive Need to Ensure youth Basic Conduct leadership Empowered 50,000.00 PSF-Youth all youth
Basic Education mainstream empowerment Education skills and gender youth Formation formation
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services sensitivity leaders coordnators
2017) policie and trainings for youth
programs, projects leaders and
and activities division
(PPA) coordinators of

Gender responsive Need to Planning and Field Basic Institutionalizing Gender 400,000.00 MOOE/PS Butuan City-
Basic Education mainstream Operations Education GAD Responsive SGOD
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services Database/Sex- PAPS Planning
2017) policie and disaggregated Data
programs, projects
and activities
Gender responsive Need to To acquaint the newly- Basic Orientation and 100% of 12,500.00 MOOE HRDD
Basic Education mainstream hired employees with Education Induction Program newly-hired
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all their new working Services for Newly Hired personnel
2017) policie and environment and ensure RO Personnel were
programs, projects that they seamlessly fit oriented and
and activities in with the working inducted
(PPA) principles of the
organization and starts
contributing towards the
short term and long-
term objectives of the

RA 11313 (Safe Need to Basic Orientation on 140/140 RO 47,748.80 MOOE HRDD

Spaces Act 0f mainstream Education Localized HR employees
2018) gender in all Services Policies to RO were
policie and To apprise the Regional Personnel oriented
programs, projects Office officials and
and activities employees on the
(PPA) policies of the four core
systems of PRIME-HRM
through emergency
remote services.
RM 16 s. 2022 Need to Basic Orientation on 1. 12/12 of 27,500.00 MOOE HRDD
mainstream Education NEAP Operation SDOs are
gender in all Services and represented
policie and Implementation in the re-
programs, projects orientation
and activities and policy
(PPA) meeting. 2.
12/12 SDOs
are able to
submit PPAs
with gender
To exhibit a deep grasp
of the guidelines on the
Implementation of the d and
NEAP Transformation integrated.
as provided by DO 11.
S. 2019 and accomplish
the NEAP Forms 1 and 2
while revisiting the
NEAP recognition and
evaluation process.
RM 16 s. 2020 Need to To support all DepEd Basic Personal Financial 100% of RO 35,250.00 MOOE HRDD
mainstream Caraga personnel in Education Management personnel
gender in all their journey toward Services Training has attended
policie and financial freedom Personal
programs, projects Financial
and activities Management
(PPA) Training
RM 16 s. 2022 Need to Basic Orientation on 1. 12/12 of 27,500.00 MOOE HRDD
mainstream Education NEAP Operation SDOs are
gender in all Services and represented
policie and Implementation in the re-
programs, projects orientation
and activities and policy
(PPA) meeting. 2.
12/12 SDOs
are able to
submit PPAs
with gender
To exhibit a deep grasp
of the guidelines on the
Implementation of the d and
NEAP Transformation integrated.
as provided by DO 11.
S. 2019 and accomplish
the NEAP Forms 1 and 2
while revisiting the
NEAP recognition and
evaluation process.
Article II of RA The need to To increase the level of Basic Advocates for 60/60 of 0 Partners/ Medical,Yout
11166 provide age- knowledge and Education Health: Capability invited SHS DOH and hF Coor -
appropriate awareness on Services Building Training students NGOs HRDD Joint
reproductive appropriate for Peer Education across the 12 Project
health and gender- reproductive health Counselors SDOs
sensitive concepts practices among completed
among learners vulnerable youth and the course
Gender responsive Lack of awareness To increase awareness Basic 1. Conduct of Increased 200,000.00 Division Surigao del
Basic Education campaign for on womens rights and Education capabiltity building awareness MOOE/ Norte
Policy ( DO #32 s. women's right and their role in nation Services from among SDO, on Women's GAD Division &
2017) GAD program building from among district and school right and Schools
SDO personnel and personnel like appreciate
other district/school Teachers Induction GAD
teachers/officials Program, Women;s program/acti
Month celebration, vities
18th- day VAW
Campaign, Gender
Sentivity Training
and other Learning
and Development
activities with
GAD inclusion
topic/ activities

2. Beautify
lactating room for
the working moms
of the Division
Gender responsive Need to ensure To provide egual Basic Involve all DepEd Gender 200,000.00 PS/MOOE Finance
Basic Education involvement of all opportunity among Education Caraga RO/DO responsive Division
Policy ( DO #32 s. DepEd Caraga depEd Caraga Services Accountants, FY 2021
2017) Accountants and Accountants and RO/DO Budget Year-end
Budget Officers, Budget Officers Officers, and select and FY 2022
regardless of Bookkeepers Mid-year
gender, in the during the conduct Preparation
Preparation of of FY 2021 Year- of Financial
Financial Reports end and FY 2022 Reports
Mid-year Financial

1. Conduct of SBM No. of 100,000.00 PS/MOOE FTAD

Capacity Buildings capacity
2. Capacity No. of 10,500.00 PS/MOOE FTAD
Building of the capacity
RFTATs on the building
SBM-WinS tool

3. Conduct of No. of 6,750.00 PS/MOOE FTAD

Coordination coordination
meetings among meetings
the RFTAT conducted

4. Conduct of No. of 33,000.00 PS/MOOE FTAD

Quality reviews
Management conducted
Non-compliance Review
to DO 32, s. 2017
Gender responsive
in the pre- To comply to the Basic
Basic Education
implementation, requirements set by DO Education
Policy ( DO #32 s.
during and post 32 s. 2017 Services
implementation of
the PAPs
to DO 32, s. 2017
Gender responsive
in the pre- To comply to the Basic 5. Upskilling of the No. of 12,500.00 PS/MOOE FTAD
Basic Education
implementation, requirements set by DO Education program holders on Program
Policy ( DO #32 s.
during and post 32 s. 2017 Services quality risk holders
implementation of asessment upskilled
the PAPs
6. Conduct of No. of IQA 112,500.00 PS/MOOE FTAD
Internal Quality conducted
7. Conduct of No. of DCC 9,000.00 PS/MOOE FTAD
Interface activity interface
with the DCC activity
members conducted

8.Harmonization No. of 71500 PS/MOOE FTAD

and Alignment of harmonizati
the RO processes on
with NQMS on conducted
ISO 9001:2015

1. Conduct of No. of 181050 PS/MOOE RO-QAD

Quarterly consolidated
SY 2022 EA Reports

2. Quarterly No. of 19500 PS/MOOE RO-QAD

Coolaborative collaborative
Meeting with meetings
Need to Counterparts in the conducted
mainstream SDO's
Gender responsive
gender in all To comply the Basic
Basic Education
policies and requirement set by D.O. Education
Policy ( DO #32 s.
programs, projects 32, s. 2017 Services
and activities
Need to
Gender responsive
gender in all To comply the Basic
Basic Education
policies and requirement set by D.O. Education 3. Quarterly No. of 37500 PS/MOOE RO-QAD
Policy ( DO #32 s.
programs, projects 32, s. 2017 Services Conduct of Virtual Kulukabilto
and activities Kulukabildo with virtual
(PPA) Education Leaders conducted
and Teachers For conducted
SY 2022

4. Caraga Region No. of 47, 250 PS/MOOE RO-QAD

Education Summit summit

Gender responsive Need to To duly capacitate the Capacity SDO's learners and Gender 300,000 MOOE Surigao City
Basic Education mainstream School Division Development other stakeholders Sensitivity GFPS
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Office's (SDO's) PAPs of the with clear Awareness
2017) policies and learners and other learners and understanding and
programs, projects stakeholders on GAD other appreciation of the
and activities Perspectives. stakeholders entire perspective
(PPA) such as but not of GAD
limited to
and meetings.
Gender responsive Need to To duly capacitate the Capacity RA No. 100,000 MOOE Surigao City
Basic Education mainstream School Division Development 10627: Anti- GFPS
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Office's (SDO's) PAPs of the Bullying
2017) policies and learners and other learners and Awareness
programs, projects stakeholders on GAD other
and activities Perspectives. stakeholders
(PPA) such as but not
limited to
and meetings.

Gender responsive Need to To duly capacitate the Capacity Raising awareness SDO-Wide 100,000 Surigao City
Basic Education mainstream School Division Development on GAD participation GFPS
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Office's (SDO's) PAPs of the perspective in the on advocacy
2017) policies and learners and other learners and community and activities
programs, projects stakeholders on GAD other learner level such as but
and activities Perspectives. stakeholders not limited
(PPA) such as but not to:
limited to Children's
trainings, Month
and meetings.
Gender responsive Need to To duly capacitate the Capacity Conduct Workshop 60,000.00 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education mainstream School Division Development on Development of Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Office's (SDO's) PAPs of the Advocacy Special Point System
2017) policies and learners and other learners and Materials for IP Funds (GFPS)
programs, projects stakeholders on GAD other Day/Month members and
and activities Perspectives. stakeholders celebrations othr human
(PPA) such as but not resource
limited to ( Surigao del
trainings, Norte
workshops, Division)
and meetings
integrating the

Gender responsive Need to Learning Environment Basic Establish VAW Ensured a 400,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS, Child
Basic Education mainstream Education desk in schools and gender-fair Protection
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services intensification of and committee
2017) policies and Child Protection violence-
programs, projects Policy, Anti- free school
and activities bullying Policy environment

Gender responsive Need to School Health Basic Conduct periodic Monitored 400,000.00 PS/MOOE H&N
Basic Education mainstream Education health assessment learners'
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services to learners and health status
2017) policies and teachers in schools
programs, projects
and activities
Gender responsive Need to School Health Basic Craft and Distributed 10,000.00 PS/MOOE H&N
Basic Education mainstream Education distributed IECs on IECs on
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services health and health and
2017) policies and sanitation sanitation
programs, projects
and activities

Gender responsive Need to School Health Basic Monitor and gather consolidated 20,000.00 PS/MOOE H&N
Basic Education mainstream Education COVID-related sex-
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services data from schools aggregated
2017) policies and data from
programs, projects schools
and activities

Gender responsive Need to Information and Basic Print and distribute Gender 50,000.00 PS/MOOE ITO,
Basic Education mainstream Communication Education IEC on GAD Responsive Information
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all technology ( ICT) Services concerns PAPS officer -
2017) policies and Bislig City
programs, projects
and activities

Gender responsive Need to Education Facilities Basic Ensure the Gender 6,000,000.00 PS/MOOE Physical
Basic Education mainstream Education construction, repair Responsive Facilities -
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services and maintenance of PAPS Bislig City
2017) policies and gender-sensitive
programs, projects and responsive
and activities classroom
(PPA) buildings and
Gender responsive Need to Planning and Field Basic (1) Establish Gender 100,000.00 PS/MOOE Planning and
Basic Education mainstream Operations Education functional Sex- Responsive Research, ITO
Policy ( DO #32 s. gender in all Services disaggregated Data PAPS - Bislig City
2017) policies and Management
programs, projects System
and activities (2) Analyze gender
(PPA) audit findings
through GMEF


Gender responsive Need to ensure Ensure the Basic GFPS Gender 200,000.00 MOOE / PS GFPS- Butuan
Basic Education gender parity Functionality of the Education Benchmarking Responsive City SDO
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and GAD Focal Point Services Office
2017) create an enabling System
work environment

Gender responsive Need to ensure Ensure Gender ensitivty Basic Conduct Capacity Gender 200,000.00 MOOE/PS GFPS- Butuan
Basic Education gender parity awareness among Education Building for all sensitive City SDO
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and employees Services employees on personnel
2017) create an enabling Gender Responsive
work environment Basic Education
and in handling
gender issues and
Gender responsive Need to ensure Ensure Gender Basic Integrate gender in Gender 200,000.00 MOOE/PS HRTD-
Basic Education gender parity Mainstreaming in all Education all learning and Responsive Butuan City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and PAPs Services development PAPs SDO
2017) create an enabling programs and
work environment interventions.

Gender responsive Need to ensure Ensure Gender Basic Ensure that Gender 200,000.00 MOOE/PS HRTD-
Basic Education gender parity Mainstreaming in all Education training Responsive Butuan City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and PAPs Services methodologies and PAPs SDO
2017) create an enabling standards are
work environment gender sensitive /
Building on
Gender and

Gender responsive Need to ensure Ensure Gender Basic Strengthening of Gender 250,000.00 MOOE/PS GFPS-Butuan
Basic Education gender parity Mainstreaming in all Education the GAD Focal responsive City SDO
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and PAPs Services Point System: policies and
2017) create an enabling PAPs
work environment

Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional GAD Focal Basic Conduct GFPS 300,000.00 MOOE/PS GFPS-Butuan
Basic Education gender and Point System Education continuing members City SDO
Policy ( DO #32 s. development Services education to GFPS have
2017) institutional relative to GRBE internalized
mechanism Gender
to being
Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional and updated Basic Conduct regular Gender 200,000.00 MOOE/PS GFPS-Butuan
Basic Education gender and Complaint and Education meeting and Responsive City SDO
Policy ( DO #32 s. development grievance committee in Services capacityu building Office
2017) institutional offices for committee on
mechanism decorum and
( CODI) and

Gender responsive Need to conduct Promote Gender Pride Month GFPS 200,000.00 PS/MOOE SGOD-
Basic Education continuous Equality among Celebration members Butuan City
Policy ( DO #32 s. advocacy amployees have SDO
2017) campaign to internalized
promote gender Gender
eguality Sensitivity

Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Conduct Capacity Gender 300,000.00 Division Agusan del
Basic Education gender parity development Education Building for all sensitive MOOE NOrte GFPS/
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services employees on personnel GAD
2017) create an enabling Gender Responsive Coordinators/
work environment Basic Education all SDO
and in handling Personnel
gender issues and

Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Create a pool of Existence of 150,000.00 School Agusan del
Basic Education gender parity development Education GRBE experts by GRBE MOOE NOrte GFPS/
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services conducting experts GAD
2017) create an enabling trainings for SDO Coordinators/
work environment personnel. all SDO
Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Monitor the Gender 30,000.00 Division All District
Basic Education gender parity development Education integration of Responsive MOOE Programs
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services gender in all PAPs Focal Persons
2017) create an enabling learning and - Agusan del
work environment development Norte

Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional GAD Focal Basic Conduct Gender 150,000.00 Agusan del
Basic Education gender and Point System Education continuing Responsive NOrte GFPS/
Policy ( DO #32 s. development Services education to GFPS Office GAD
2017) institutional relative to GRBE Coordinators/
mechanism all SDO

Gender responsive Lack of gender To properly serve the Basic Conduct periodic Strengthened GAA and School-Based
Basic Education capacity purpose of the creation, Education meeting such as and duly Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. strengthening, and Services but not limited to institutionali Special Point System
2017) instituionalization of Management zed GFPS Funds (GFPS)
GFPS Committee structure and members and
(ManCom) properly othr human
Conference and addressed 500,000.00 resource -
SDO and School- gender Surigao City
based for a issues
Gender responsive Non-observance To properly serve the Basic Conduct Duly GAA and School-Based
Basic Education of monitoring and purpose of the creation, Education monitoring and monitored Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. evaluation (M&E) strengthening, and Services evaluation of the and Special Point System
2017) of the instituionalization of implemented GAD evaluated Funds (GFPS)
implemented GFPS PAPs by the PAPs by the members and
GAD PAPs. Technical Working SDO human othr human
Team (RA 9710 resource in- resource -
MCW Section 36) charge in the Surigao City
M&E of all
SDO PAPs 100,000.00

Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Issuance of Duly issued GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education policies relative to policies for Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services strengthening the Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of GFPS and for the strengthenin Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS welfare of SDO g of GFPS members and
responsibilities human resource welfare of othr human
SDO Human 150,000.00 resource -
resource Surigao City
Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Identification of 12 GFPS 100,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education the SDO-wide members for Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services GFPS members the SDO, 8 Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of and Pool of GFPS Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS Trainers members for members and
responsibilities schools and othr human
10 Pool of resource -
Trainers Surigao City
(PoT) (1)
e per District
Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Identification of Three (3) 150,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education the SDO-wide SDO-Based, Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services GFPS members Ten (10) Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of and Pool of District Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS Assessors for Office- members and
responsibilities assessing P/A/P Based othr human
proposals using the (DO) , one resource -
gender audit tool (1) per DO Surigao City
expended Box 7: and one
Combined Generic hundred
Checklists for seventy-four
Project (174) (two
Identification and per school)
Design School-
Based PAP
who are
Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Prepare and review Proper GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education the anecdotal data accounting Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services by means of of GAD- Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of Incident Report related Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS (IR) for GAD- untoward members and
responsibilities related issues and incidents othr human
concerns 100,000.00 resource -
Surigao City

Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Improve quality Conduct of GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education service through Prime-HRM Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services strenghtening activities for Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of Prime-HRM Four (4) Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS systems in SDO Systems: members and
responsibilities following EEOP RSP, PM, othr human
Principle. L&D and 5,500,000.00 resource -
R&R Surigao City

Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Conduct gap Strengthened 50,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education analysis based on action plan Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services the IR Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS members and
responsibilities othr human
resource -
Surigao City
Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Formulate Action Formulated GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education Plan (AP) Action Plan Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS members and
responsibilities othr human
resource -
Surigao City

Gender responsive Time constraint to To properly serve the Basic Monitor, evaluate, Effective 50,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education focus on th purpose of the creation, Education review, and and efficient Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. execution of the strengthening, and Services implement the duly implementat Special Point System
2017) respective duties instituionalization of approved AP ion of Funds (GFPS)
and GFPS Action Plan members and
responsibilities othr human
resource -
Surigao City

Gender responsive Uninstitutionalize To properly serve the Basic Strengthening the Strengthened 150,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education d Committee of purpose of the creation, Education Committee of and Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. Decorum and strengthening, and Services Decorum and functional Special Point System
2017) Investigation instituionalization of Investigation CODI both Funds (GFPS)
(CODI) GFPS (CODI) on the members and
School and othr human
SDO Levels. resource -
Surigao City
Gender responsive Uninstitutionalize To properly serve the Basic Properly file and Proper GAA and School-Based
Basic Education d Committee of purpose of the creation, Education safekeep the school recording Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. Decorum and strengthening, and Services copy of the IR and and Special Point System
2017) Investigation instituionalization of AP by the GFPS accounting Funds (GFPS)
(CODI) GFPS Secretariat for of GAD- members and
Future reference related othr human
untoward resource -
incidents Surigao City

Gender responsive Uninstitutionalize To properly serve the Basic Conduct SDO- Proper 50,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education d Committee of purpose of the creation, Education wide gap analysis recording Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. Decorum and strengthening, and Services and official and Special Point System
2017) Investigation instituionalization of inventory on GAD- accounting Funds (GFPS)
(CODI) GFPS related resources of GAD- members and
related othr human
resources resource -
Surigao City

Gender responsive Uninstitutionalize To properly serve the Basic Provide technical Strengthened 20,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education d Committee of purpose of the creation, Education assistance to the institutionali Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. Decorum and strengthening, and Services SDO human zation of Special Point System
2017) Investigation instituionalization of resource on GAD mainstreami Funds (GFPS)
(CODI) GFPS perspective ng GAD members and
mainstreaming perspective othr human
resource -
Surigao City
Gender responsive Uninstitutionalize To properly serve the Basic Conduct of Dully 5,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education d Committee of purpose of the creation, Education equitable CODI Addressed Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. Decorum and strengthening, and Services forum for SDO SDO Human Special Point System
2017) Investigation instituionalization of human resource resources Funds (GFPS)
(CODI) GFPS grievances grievances members and
othr human
resource -
Surigao City

Gender responsive Lack of gender To duly capacitate the Basic Capacity SDO Human 300,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education capacity School Division Education Development resource Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. Office's (SDO's) Services Program of the with a clear Special Point System
2017) learners and other SDO human understandin Funds (GFPS)
stakeholders on GAD resource such as g and members and
Perspectives. but not limited to appreciation othr human
trainings, of the entire resource -
workshops, perspective Surigao City
seminar, symposia, of gender
conferences, and and
moral and spiritual development
Gender responsive Lack of basic To duly capacitate the Basic Rendering TA to Duly 200,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education understanding on School Division Education the SDO human rendered TA Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. GAD perspective Office's (SDO's) Services resource and other to the SDO Special Point System
2017) learners and other stakeholders for human Funds (GFPS)
stakeholders on GAD GAD-related issues resource and members and
Perspectives. and concerns other othr human
stakeholders resource -
for GAD- Surigao City
issues and

Gender responsive Lack of basic To duly capacitate the Basic Provision of GAD One (1) 150,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education understanding on School Division Education Corner in the SDO GAD Corner Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. GAD perspective Office's (SDO's) Services in the SDO Special Point System
2017) learners and other Funds (GFPS)
stakeholders on GAD members and
Perspectives. othr human
resource -
Surigao City
Gender responsive Lack of basic Insufficient awareness Basic Participation of the Atleast 50% 500,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education understanding on on GAD-related Education teaching and non- of the SDO Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. GAD perspective campaigns Services teaching of the human Special Point System
2017) SDO human resource Funds (GFPS)
resource on with members and
capacity building continuous othr human
activities relative awareness resource -
to GAD (e.g., and capacity Surigao City
forum, seminars, building on
and etc) the updates
relative to

RA 1172: 18-Day Absence of To devote the services Basic Participation of the Duly GAA and School-Based
Campaign to End advocacy among of select SDO's Education teaching and non- participated Other GAD Focal
VAW the SDO human teaching and non- Services teaching of the awareness Special Point System
resource. teaching human SDO human campaign Funds (GFPS)
resource in addressing resource on other activities members and
gender issues and awareness relative to othr human
serving the needs of the campaign activities GAD by the resource -
learners and other SDO relative to GAD teaching and Surigao City
human resource. such as but not non-teaching 300,000.00
limited to: RA human
6949 Women's resource of
Month the SDO
RA 1172: 18-Day Absence of Basic Issuance of Duly issued 100,000 GAA and School-Based
Campaign to End advocacy among Education policies and or policies and Other GAD Focal
VAW the SDO human Services guidelines relative or guidelines Special Point System
resource. to mainstreaming relative to Funds (GFPS)
GAD perspective mainstreami members and
ng GAD othr human
perspective resource -
Surigao City
RA 1172: 18-Day Absence of Basic Participation of the Participation 100,000 GAA and School-Based
Campaign to End advocacy among Education teaching and non- of the Other GAD Focal
VAW the SDO human Services teaching SDO teaching and Special Point System
resource. human resource on non-teaching Funds (GFPS)
any for a initiated SDO human members and
by the SDO's resource on othr human
partner agencies any for a resource -
for continuous initiated by Surigao City
awareness on the the SDO's
updates of matters partner
related therein and agencies for
strengthened continuous
linkages such as awareness
but not limited to: on the
Quarterly meeting updates of
of GAD matters
Coordinating related
Council both City therein and
and Provincial strengthened
LGUs linkages.
Gender responsive Lack of proper To properly assess the Basic Conduct Gender 700,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education execution of the gender-responsiveness Education Analysis using the Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. monitoring and of major policies, Services Checklist for Special Point System
2017) evaluation (M&E) activities, programs, Evaluation of Funds (GFPS)
on the Sdo PAPs. and projects of the SDO Training Proposal members and
(CfEoTP), othr human
Certificate of resource -
Venue and Surigao City
(CoVaAl), Online
Evaluation, and
other gender audit
tools to ensure that
the different
concerns of men
and women are
addressed equally
and equitably in
the PAPs.
Gender responsive Improper To properly assess the Basic Properly 100,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education determination gender-responsiveness Education examined Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. whether the of major policies, Services and Special Point System
2017) organizations activities, programs, monitored Funds (GFPS)
internal practices and projects of the SDO SDO's level members and
and related of gender othr human
support systems mainstreami resource -
for gender ng or extent Surigao City
mainstreaming are Conceptualize of gender
effective, PAPs and issues responsivene
reinforcing each policies which ss of its
other and are mainstream gender policies,
being observed perspective guided activities,
by the desired programs,
outcomes and and projects,
golas embodied in the level of
the RA 9710 gender
Magna Carta of awareness
Women (MCW), and
other relevant competence
laws, the of its human
Philppines Plan to resource and
Gender- the presence
Responsive or absence
Development of enabling
(PPGD), Women's mechanisms
Empowerment and that support
Development gender
toward Gender mainstreami
Equality Plan, ng.
(WEDGE Plan),
succeeding term
plans for GAD as
well as the United
Nation Convention
on elimination of
all forms of
Against Women
(UN CEDAW) and
other international
Equality Plan,
(WEDGE Plan),
succeeding term
plans for GAD as
Gender responsive Improper To properly assess the Basic well as the United Preparation 100,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education determination gender-responsiveness Education Nation Convention and Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. whether the of major policies, Services on elimination of submission Special Point System
2017) organizations activities, programs, all forms of of the GAD Funds (GFPS)
internal practices and projects of the SDO Discrimination Plan and members and
and related Against Women Budget othr human
support systems (UN CEDAW) and (MCW resource -
for gender other international Section 36) Surigao City
mainstreaming are commitments and
effective, Accomplish
reinforcing each ment Report.
other and are
being observed

Gender responsive Absence or To provide gender- Basic Construction or Duly 1,000,000 GAA and School-Based
Basic Education defective gender- responsive facilities or Education renovation or assessed Other GAD Focal
Policy ( DO #32 s. responsive instratructure projects Services establishment of gender- Special Point System
2017) facilities or for the safety, gender-responsive responsive Funds (GFPS)
infrastructure protection, accessibility facilities in facilities or members and
projects. and usage of the providing safety, infrastructur othr human
learners. protection, e projects resource -
accessibility and using a Surigao City
usage of learners gender audit
Institutionalizing No systematic To institutionalized Basic Development or Proper 200,000 GAA and School-Based
GAD data produced or GAD database/ Sex- Education innovation or planning, Other GAD Focal
Database/Sex- gathered inputs as disaggregated data or Services conceptualization budgeting, Special Point System
Disaggregated Data bases for information from other and integration of programmin Funds (GFPS)
planning, major programs or GAD information g, and policy members and
budgeting, services of the SDO for to include gender formulation othr human
programming, and its clients and gender statistics and sex- enabling the resource -
policy formulation gaps or issues faced by disaggregated data school Surigao City
its male and female in the SDOs human
employees existing database resource to
be gender-
sensitive or

Institutionalizing No systematic To institutionalized Basic Issuance of Duly issued 200,000 GAA and School-Based
GAD data produced or GAD database/ Sex- Education policies relative to policies Other GAD Focal
Database/Sex- gathered inputs as disaggregated data or Services institutionalizing relative to Special Point System
Disaggregated Data bases for information from other GAD the Funds (GFPS)
planning, major programs or database/SDD institutionali members and
budgeting, services of the SDO for zing GAD othr human
programming, and its clients and gender database/SD resource -
policy formulation gaps or issues faced by D Surigao City
its male and female
Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Formulate, Gender 400,000.00 PS/MOOE HRDD- Bislig
Basic Education gender parity development Education recommend and responsive City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services implement policies policies and
2017) create an enabling and frameworks PAPs
work environment consistent with the
principles of
gender responsive,
selection and
learning and
development ,
management and
rewards and

Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Conduct Capacity Gender 500,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/ GAD
Basic Education gender parity development Education Building for all sensitive Coordinators/
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services employees on personnel all schools
2017) create an enabling Gender Responsive ( Bislig City)
work environment Basic Education
and in handling
gender issues and
Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Create a pool of Existence of 300,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD
Basic Education gender parity development Education GRBE experts by GRBE Coordinators (
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services conducting experts Bislig City)
2017) create an enabling trainings for school
work environment personnel.

Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Integrate gender in Gender 1,000,000.00 PS/MOOE HRDD- Bislig
Basic Education gender parity development Education all learning and Responsive City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services development PAPs
2017) create an enabling programs and
work environment interventions.

Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Ensure that Gender 500,000.00 PS/MOOE HRDD- Bislig
Basic Education gender parity development Education training Responsive City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services methodologies and PAPs
2017) create an enabling standards are
work environment gender sensitive

Gender responsive Need to ensure Human Resource Basic Ensure equal Gender 500,000.00 PS/MOOE HRDD- Bislig
Basic Education gender parity development Education opportunities in responsive City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services scholarships and policies and
2017) create an enabling trainings. PAPs
work environment

Gender responsive Need to ensure Employee Welfare Basic Ensure Employee Gender 7,000,000.00 PS/MOOE HRDD- Bislig
Basic Education gender parity Education welfare; Approve responsive City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services leave applications policies and
2017) create an enabling as per MCW PAPs
work environment provisions
Gender responsive Need to ensure Employee Welfare Basic Ensure that awards Conducted a 300,000.00 PS/MOOE HRDD,
Basic Education gender parity Education and recognition are gender- PRAISE
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services gender-responsive responsive ( Bislig City)
2017) create an enabling R&R
work environment

Gender responsive Need to ensure Employee Welfare Basic Conduct annual Ensure 500,000.00 PS/MOOE H&N - Bislig
Basic Education gender parity Education health and physical health and City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services check-up; conduct wellness of
2017) create an enabling health and wellness teaching and
work environment activities like non-teaching
Zumba, weight loss personnel
programs, etc

Gender responsive Need to ensure Employee Welfare Basic Provided 500,000.00 PS/MOOE H&N - Bislig
Basic Education gender parity Education gender- City
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services sensitive
2017) create an enabling health
work environment (1) Provision of essentials
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
that are appropriate
to the size of
women and men
division and school
Gender responsive Need to ensure Employee Welfare Basic Promoted 400,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD
Basic Education gender parity Education physical, coordinators
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services social, and ( Bislig City)
2017) create an enabling spiritual
work environment well-being
Conduct of
of personnel
Division Family
Day and Moral
Recovery Retreat
Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional GAD Focal Basic Conduct training to Gender 500,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD
Basic Education gender and Point System Education GFPS members Responsive coordinators
Policy ( DO #32 s. development Services Office ( Bislig City)
2017) institutional

Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional and updated Basic Conduct regular Gender 200,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD
Basic Education gender and Complaint and Education meeting and Responsive coordinators
Policy ( DO #32 s. development grievance committee in Services capacity building Office ( Bislig City)
2017) institutional offices for Complaint and
mechanism grievance

Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional and updated Basic Conduct regular Gender 300,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD
Basic Education gender and Complaint and Education meeting and Responsive coordinators
Policy ( DO #32 s. development grievance committee in Services capacity building Office ( Bislig City)
2017) institutional offices for committee on
mechanism decorum and
( CODI) and
Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional and updated Basic Conduct regular Gender 200,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD
Basic Education gender and Complaint and Education meeting and Responsive coordinators
Policy ( DO #32 s. development grievance committee in Services capacity building Office ( Bislig City)
2017) institutional offices for Child
mechanism protection

Need to strengthen Basic 250,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD

gender and Education coordinators
development Services ( Bislig City)
institutional 100%
mechanism particpation
of Division
and 50
Proclamation 1172 Spearhead/Particip schools have
s. 2006 and to protect women and ate in the 18-Day participated
Republic Act children against gender- Orange Campaign in Orange
10398 (2013) based violences to End VAWC Campaign
Need to strengthen Basic 321,700.00 PS/MOOE GFPS/GAD
gender and Education coordinators
development Services ( Bislig City)
institutional Increased
mechanism awareness
Spearhead/Particip on women's
ate in the National rights,
to protect women and Women's Month especially in
Magna Carta of children against gender- Celebration-related the
Women (MCW) based violences activities workplace
Need to enhance Well-informed Basic Continuing Conducted 100,000 PS/MOOE DepEd-
awareness of personnel on existing Education GST/Seminars to atleast 1 Tandag City
Division laws affecting mostly of Services division personnel seminars
Personnel on women and children including the within the
existing laws newly hired. year
reproductive Develop and
health and basic Distribute GAD
human rights advocacy materials 90 % of
received the
Need to Heightened awareness Basic Identify, conduct Conducted 100,000 PS/MOOE DepEd-
continuously on gender equality, Education and participate in or Tandag City
support the women empowerment Services GAD related Participated
observance of the and respect for human projects and in the
National and rights. activities for the activities for
International National and the National
Women’s Month International Women’s
which is a good Women’s Month Month
venue to heighten Celebration
awareness on Send
gender equality, participants
women to national
empowerment and conventions
respect for human regarding
rights gender
nt and
human rights

Non-teaching To avoid the risk on Basic Provision of PPE 0 % case of 100,000 PS/MOOE DepEd-
personnel in the infecting COVID-19 Education that are appropriate COVID-19 Tandag City
division being at among non-teaching Services to the size of in Tandag
risk of being personnel women and men City
infected with Division for
COVID-19 CY 2022
Need to strengthen All Division PPAs Basic Provision of TA on100% of the 100,000 PS/MOOE DepEd-
the capability of should be mainstreamed Education Designing GAD Division Tandag City
all division in GAD Perspective Services Responsive PPA designs Division
personnel in Programs, Projectsfor CY 2022
mainstreaming GAD PPAs of the and Activities were GAD
GAD perspectives division office should Assessed
in all their be executed Inclusion of GAD using the
Programs, Projects economically, Assessment in the HGDG
and Activities efficiently and Division Process Checklist
effectively Flow

All PPA Designs 70% of the

of the Division Division
Office should PPA designs
undergo GAD should have
Assessment using a score of
the HGDG “Gender
Checklist Sensitive” or
by the end of
CY 2022
Financial related Overwhelming Basic Conducted 100% 200,000 PS/MOOE DepEd-
stress of division debt considering Conducted financial Education financial literacy attendance Tandag City
personnel most the high cost of literacy seminar to be Services training during of the Division
especially female living and attended by division Women’s identified
head of the families inadequate income personnel with a net month/Civil participants
take home pay of Service Month
P6,000 and below
Magna Carta of Violence Against To inform policies on Awareness on For students: Teacher and 236,250.00 PS/MOOE School Head.
Women Women and VAWC. “VAWC” Symposium. For students are GFP Finance
Children Trachers: well unit
Symposium/Attend informed on ( Buenavista
ance to seminars policies and National High
watchful. School)
Zero- Tandag City

HR Mechanism Lack of Awareness of HR HRD Services Review HR Gender 200,000.00 PS/MOOE School Head.
knowledge on HR Policies Policies Sensitive GFP Finance
policies HR Policies unit
( Buenavista
National High
Tandag City

Seminar on Gender bias Awareness on Conducive INSET on gender Gender Free 200,000.00 PS/MOOE School Head.
Developing Gender classroom Developing Gender learning responsive learning Environment GFP Finance
Responsive environment responsive learning environment environment unit
Learning environment practices ( Buenavista
Environments National High
Tandag City
Promoting a
COVID-free Provision of
school Lack of gender
COVID School Head,
environment health
supplies,material Teachers
Procurement and equipments 4,050.00 PS / MOOE (Meliton
ive equipment and To provide COVID Purchased
that are M.Ajos MES)
measures in the supplies, material and COVID
appropriate for Tandag City
school for COVID- equipment appropriate supplies,
men and women
19 prevention & for men and women material and
mitigation teachers. equipments

experienced by
School-Based InSeT advocacy
pupils from
on Values campaign on
Support and parents and
Enhancement and Gender and
strengthen the among peers ,
GAD Basic Issues Developmen School Head
Values thus there is a
Strengthened Values and Concern . t and Teaching
Enhancement need to support
Enhancement Program Governance, Conduct Virtual Staff (Vicente
Program and GAD and strengthen 150,000.00 PS / MOOE
and GAD awareness staff Orientation on Empowered L. Pimentel
Awareness and GAD awareness
advocacy campaign. development GAD Awareness school NHS) Tandag
Advocacy and promote
and Gender personnel City
campaign in the IP teachers and
Sensitive issues and
school community parents role to
and concern stakeholders
sustain the
among the pupils on Gender
advocacy of the
said program
Gender Lack of awareness To have a clear Seminar- Re-orientation on 100% of the 20,000.00 MOOE School Head,
responsive Basic of GAD understanding and Workshop GAD topics and employees Fund Teachers,
Education Policy appreciation for GAD programs have Parents and
( DO #32 s. 2017) undergone Students
Gender ( Bayugan
Awareness City)

Gender Working in Promotional and Closing the Trainings on team 100% 10,000.00 MOOE School Head,
responsive Basic Groups ensuring positive gender gap building attendance Fund Teachers,
Education Policy occupational or Parents and
( DO #32 s. 2017) relationship and participation Students
camaraderie ( Bayugan

Gender responsive Need to ensure Functional GAD Focal Basic GFPS Gender 74,000.00 MOOE / PS GFPS-
Basic Education gender parity Point System Education Benchmarking Responsive Cabadbaran
Policy ( DO #32 s. instaffing and Services Office City
2017) create an enabling
work environment
Gender responsive Need to ensure GAD Focal Person Basic Conduct Capacity Gender 80,000.00 MOOE GFPS-
Basic Education that policies, Education Building for all sensitive Cabadbaran
Policy ( DO #32 s. plans, and Services employees on personnel City
2017) programs are Gender Responsive
gender-responsive Basic Education
and that women's and in handling
contribution in the gender issues and
work force are concerns
given importance

Gender responsive Need to ensure GAD Focal Person Basic Attributing Increased 15,504,100.00 PS GFPS-
Basic Education that policies, Education personnel services individual Cabadbaran
Policy ( DO #32 s. plans, and Services to GAD using the efficiency City
2017) programs are Harmonized and work
gender-responsive Gender and productivity
and that women's Development especially
contribution in the Guidelines among
work force are (HGDG) Tool female
given importance employees

Gender responsive Need to strengthen Functional and updated Basic Conduct regular Gender 20,000.00 MOOE GFPS-
Basic Education gender and Complaint and grievance Education meeting and capacity Responsive Cabadbaran
Policy ( DO #32 s. development committee in offices Services building for Child Office City
2017) institutional protection committee
both public and
private schools
Gender responsive Need to provide Human Resource Basic Provide Technical Gender 50,000.00 PS/MOOE GFPS-
Basic Education guidance to development Education Assistance to responsive Cabadbaran
Policy ( DO #32 s. Schools Division Services Schools in the FY 2023 City
2017) in the preparation Preparation of FY Budget
of FY 2023 2023 Budget Proposal
Budget Proposal Proposal including
including GAD GAD Plan and
Plan and Budget Budget.

SUBTOTAL ( Organization-Focused) 14,205,000.00

COORDINATORS(Schoolheads and
Supervisors and PPAs Coor) schoolheads
visor 44
div personnel 40
sleep,out,virtual 84 1,200.00 100800.00


medical 1
drr 1
LR 1
engr 1
350.00x 4=1,400.00 25 1,400.00 35000.00
GFPS MEETING gfps 21 300 6300
1,500 per day
1,800 per day if gawas

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