EDO - Lecture 1 - 2024

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Engineering Design and Optimization


General Engineering Optimization

Gauti Asbjörnsson
Department of Industrial and Materials Science
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Gothenburg
e-mail: gauti@chalmers.se
Lecture objective

Show ability to master the complete development chain including modeling-


Key points
Optimization formulation
Optimization algorithms
Product development

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establish generate build models run

goals alternatives or prototypes experiments or

A1 Alternative 1
frame the evaluate goals
gap A2 Alternative 2 solution
problem results
A3 Alternative 3 falls short

of goals


Product Solid
Development Mechanics

http://www.mathworks.com/cmsimages/331_wl_op_main_wl_3250.jpg http://www.innovmat.eu/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/CaptureCES_sm.jpg

Optimization Materials
Techniques Selection

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Why optimization?
And what does it mean?

Finding the best solution by changing variables that can

be controlled, often subjected to constraints

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Why optimization?
Where does it apply?


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Design optimization formulation
1. Describe the problem
2. Gather information
3. Define the design variables
4. Define the objective
5. Define the constraints
6. Modelling
7. Explore the problem
8. Solving the problem

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Formulate optimization problem

Design variables




“negative null” form

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Formulate optimization problem

• Objective(s): what do you want to minimize?

• Design variables: what can you modify?
• Parameters: what are you assuming fixed?
• Constraints: what restrictions do you have?

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Objective(s): what do you want to minimize?

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Design Variables

A given set of design variable values defines the system’s design, but whether
this system satisfies all the requirements is a separate question

Can be continuous or discrete.

where 𝑥 and 𝑥ҧ are lower and upper bounds on the design variables

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Every real-life problem is an optimization problem!

What are your objective,

variables and constraints?

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Engineering Design and Optimization


Product Applied
Development Mechanics Map out your
knowledge base from
your master program
Material Automotive
Engineering engineering and identify possible
application of
optimisation within that
… framework

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Master program

Course 1 Course 2 Course 3

Aspect 1 Aspect 1

Topic 1 Topic 1 Aspect 1

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What is an optimal design?

Optimal product is a combination design, material and manufacturing


Material Selection

Most lectures
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Topology Optimization
Spatially optimizes the distribution of material within a defined domain

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Topography Optimization
Shape optimization that generates bead patterns and wave structures in a design space.

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Why optimisation?
And what does it mean?

Perspective? Manufacturing



Transformation of desires and Aerodynamics

requirements into objectives and
constraints for optimization

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Different customers
Different objectives



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Counteracting objectives

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Multi Objective Optimization
Objective 2

Attainable set

Pareto set Pareto point

Objective 1

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Multi Objective Optimization

Skinner and Zare-behtash. (2018) – State-of-the-art in aerodynamic shape optimisation methods

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Multiple Disciplinary Optimization

EU project - The AGILE innovation project for solving realistic MDO problems

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Formulate optimization problem

Keep it simple!

Define the system boundaries and level of abstraction

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Formulate optimization problem
Finding the best solution by changing variables that can
be controlled, often subjected to constraints

Practical problems involve a mixture of

mathematical rigor and engineering understanding

𝑀 equations
𝜎= Simulation models
(FEM, CFD, etc.)
Experimental data

Define the system boundaries and level of abstraction

25 Division of Product Development, IMS 2024-08-26
Formulate optimization problem
Finding the best solution by changing variables that can
be controlled, often subjected to constraints

Design space are the available options



Variable Objective
Solution space are the available solutions
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Formulate optimization problem
Finding the best solution by changing variables that can
be controlled, often subjected to constraints


How to handle variations?
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Formulate optimization problem

Finding the best solution by changing variables that can

be controlled, often subjected to constraints
Global Maxima

Global Minima

( − ( x +1)2 − y 2 )
x  e
z = 3(1 − x) 2 e( − x − ( y +1)2 )
− 10  − x3 − y 5  e( − x − y ) −
2 2 2

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Formulate optimization problem

Finding the best solution by changing variables that can

be controlled, often subjected to constraints

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Optimization problem classification

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Optimization algorithm classification

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Selection of Algorithms

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Formulate optimization problem

Open Box – Objective maximize volume

20 cm x

30 cm

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Starting of with little calculus

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Formulate optimization problem
Open Box – Objective maximize volume

Define Formulate Model

Objective? min -V ( x)
max V xP V ( x) = x( H − 2 x)( L − 2 x)
Design variables? x s.t.
Constraints? H and L V ( x) = 4 x 3 − 2 x 2 ( H + L) + HLx
g1 ( x) = x − H 0
H/2-x > 0 2 V ( x) = 4 x 3 − 100 x 2 + 600 x
L/2-x > 0 g 2 ( x) = x − L  0

V ( x) = 4 x 3 − 100 x 2 + 600 x − B  B 2 − 4 AC
V '( x) = 12 x 2 − 200 x + 600 = 0
x = [3.92 12.74]

V ''( x)  0
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Formulate optimization problem

Tablet – Objective maximize surface

Volume = 1 cm3 h

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Formulate optimization problem
Tablet – Objective maximize surface

Objective? max A
min -A(r , h) A( x) = 2 r 2 + 2h r
Design variables? r,h r , hP
V ( x) = 2 r 2 h = 1
Constraints? s.t.
hi ( x) = V (r , h) − 1 = 0 h=
2 r 2



A(r ) = 2 r 2 +


r A 250

x = 0.54 200


A '(r ) = 4 r − 2

A ''(r )  0

r 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Formulate optimization problem
Practical implementation in Matlab, Python and Ansys

function f = Obj(x)
Obj n=x(2);

f= 3*d*pi/4*((Dk+2*(2*d+10))^2-Dk^2)-n*3*pi*d^2/4;

Design variables Main x0 = [90 24];
lb = [2 4];
ub = [100 24];
[xoptw1,foptw1] = fmincon(@Obj,x0,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,@Con,options);
Constraints Con
function [c,ceq] = Con(x)

c(1) =Ff/(500*As)-n;
c(2) =pi*(Dk+2*5+2*d)/(6*d)-n;
c(3) =n-pi*(144+2*d)/(5+2*d);
c(4) =6-d;
c(5) =n-20;
ceq = [];

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Solving an optimization problem

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Optimization in product development

Ulrich, K.T., Eppinger, S.D. - Product Design & Development

Concept System-Level Testing & Production

Planning Detail Design
Development Design Refinement Ramp-Up

Wheelwright, S.C., Clark, K.B. – Revolutionizing Product Development

Knowledge Concept Prototype Pilot Manufacturing

Basic Design
Acquisition Investigation Building Production Ramp-Up

Where are we?

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The Optimal Design Process

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Optimization in product development

In theory design is a linear or cyclic process

Remember reality is different!

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Developments in Engineering

External driving forces

Intense competition, changing customer expectation, accelerating technological change

• Shorter development cycles, better target products

Exploting product variety, sophisticated discerning customers, technical diversity

• Leverage from critical resources, increasing number of successful development projekt per engineer

Demanding customers, crowded market

• Creativity combined with total product quality, customer integrated with truly cross-functional
development process

43 Division of Product Development, IMS Wheelwright, S.C., Clark, K.B. – Revolutionizing Product Development 2024-08-26
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Optimization Challenges

• Multiple objectives
• Complex systems
• Large number of variables
• Both local and global solutions
• Stochastic and deterministic results
• Computational load
• Interpretation

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Optimization examples

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Optimization examples

Division of Product Development, IMS (http://www.femto.nl/) 2024-08-26

Optimization examples

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Optimization examples

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Optimization examples

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PDO P60 PhD course

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Optimization examples

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In Conclusion

Finding the best solution by changing variables that can

be controlled, often subjected to constraints

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Next lecture(s)

Wednesday at 10.00
Applied Mechanics & Analysis tools (L2) Assignment
Monday at 8.00
Deadline assignment I
Introduction to Optimization (L3)
Part A
• Formulating and exploring the problem
• Chapter 1 Martins & Ning
• Chapters 3.1-3.8 Principles of Optimal Design
• Followed by Workshop 2

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Engineering Design and Optimization


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