Thesis Final Report
Thesis Final Report
Thesis Final Report
I am extremely thankful to almighty ALLAH the most beneficent, merciful and compassionate for giving the ability to perceive, knowledge and wisdom to carry out the study. I want to thank my Advisor MR.ABDUL QADUS for his help, guidance and constructive criticism during the study. Moreover, I am thankful to Sir ASAD HUSSAIN (Director SZABIST Islamabad) and a very kind person for providing us the facilities and support only, this project has been finalized. I also want to thank my fellows for giving me support and helping me out with my problems.
January 05, 2009 The Director SZABIST Islamabad Dear Sir We are pleased to present to you the report of the Research on Marketing Strategies of Cellular Companies of Pakistan in the competitive environment. We have taken the research task during my current semester of MBA as part of my thesis project under the guidance of my advisor and you. The report has basic aim of measuring the marketing strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive environment, as they are a contributor to major promotional marketing campaigns in our country, nowadays. Respected Sir, we may take this opportunity to thank you being our director, though it was really a difficult task to do research in this subject but under guidance which made it much easier, and I hope you will like reading the research work so far. Thanking you for your cooperation. Truly
Author Marketing Strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive envoirnment Page 4
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a. Introduction b. Background c. Problem identification d. Research question e. Objectives of the study f. Limitation of the study III. Chapter no 2 a. literature Review IV. Chapter no 3 a. Methodology b. Brief Problem Identification c. Data Collection d. Sampling Methodology e. Variables f. Testing technique/procedures V. Chapter no 4 a. Analysis b. Result and Discussion VI. Chapter no 5 a. Conclusion b. Recommendation VII. Bibliography VIII. Appendices 108 109 106 21 18 12
Previously frequently calling from a cell phone in Pakistan was an expensive however nowadays it is a normal habit calling your references frequently and talking long hours. The cost of service has greatly reduced too as previously the activation tax alone used to be Rs 10 per minute to any other network and no night packages. Along with this the charges of value added services have greatly reduced. In total there are five cellular operators in Pakistan and my study covers the whole market i.e. all these operators which are providing cellular services. As my study is about marketing strategies of cellular companies in Pakistan and hteir impact to the consumers.. It is known that these cellular operators are going through a maturity stage and having an agressive marketing and promotional campaigns. Based on a study of preferences of 200 subscribers I have been able to identify as to which extent the consumers enjoy utlility and how the marketing strategies of cellular companies has also effected their budget as to get attracted from new packages. This Research study is based on the facts that Cellular Companies in Pakistan namely Mobilink, Ufone, Warid, Telenor and Zong are under cut-throat competition in the market and finding it hard to compete with each other. As a result of their marketing strategies, a price war is going on between the cellular companies, which have been beneficial way to the consumers at large and they are enjoying utility and economy but also the fact that they spent heavily to avail different offers from companies like night packages, family and friends and their use of cell phone has increased.
Cellular Industry in Pakistan has achieved enormous growth in the past years and has become one of the important contributors in our GDP. Moreover, it was the only industry to be forecasted by economic analysts of Pakistan in 2010 to achieve good growth. As a result of more cellular companies entering Pakistan, economic situation of our country and the Global economic crisis, the cellular companies have seen decrease in their revenues and are always altering their marketing strategies to compete and survive in this environment. Pakistan had a total of 98 million mobile subscribers at end-May 2010, according to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA). Mobilink had the highest number of subscribers with 31.98 million subscribers, followed by Telenor with 23.65 million subscribers, Ufone with 19.16 million subscribers, Warid with 16.64 million subscribers, and Zong with 6.55 million subscribers. The mobile density was 59.80 in May 2010 compared to 59.40 in April. Following Number of Subscribers at May-end 2010:
The consumer market is not only large its dynamic. To develop an appreciation of this dynamic consumer market, we will examine consumer behavior and response on certain variables that affect both consumer and the cellular connections. The four major areas include: Pricing Advertising Customer Services Product Line
Based on the above variables the consumer will give preference to the cellular operator packages that which to choose and which seems more attractive and reasonable. Also on these variables the cellular companies are marketing their products and make decisions. So its all abour Preference for consumer keeping in mind the attractiveness towards any network (result of marketing strategy of cellular companies). Preference (or taste) is a concept, used in the social sciences, particularly economics. It assumes a real or imagined "choice" between alternatives and the possibility of rank ordering of these alternatives, based on happiness, satisfaction, gratification, enjoyment, utility they provide. More generally, it can be seen as a source of motivation. In cognitive sciences, individual preferences enable choice of objectives/goals. As according to a research on Consumer Buying-Decision Process as quoted in Marketing 12th edition by Mc Graw Hill, the same consists of five steps: Consumer Buying-Decision Process 1. Need recognition 2. Identification of alternatives 3. Evaluation of alternatives 4. Decisions 5. Post purchase behavior Marketing Strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive envoirnment Page 8
As per the above steps Consumer Buying Behavior consists of a number of steps. Further the choices differ because of difference in age segment, Peer reinforcement, status, parents and emancipation. Each segment needs to be approached separately. In the second step the consumer makes a decision about the different alternatives, hence is the area which we are supposed to inquire further. The purpose of this research study is to determine the performance of Mobilink on cellular companies in Pakistan as a result of their marketing nd promotional strategies. The research has a profound background containing the performance levels in the companies. An efficient exploitation of promotional campaigns and creating value for new products has become decisive in improving inclusive sales. This research study is based upon the concept of a service-product bundle consisted of these elements: pricing, advertising, value added services, customer services and product line.
In past numerous researches have been carried out in services industries, telecom sector but as such no research data could be acquired from either of the mobile operators operating in Pakistan. Hence this study is made to probe further into marketing strategies and their effects.
Telecommunication sector has massively expanded during the past five years in Pakistan. The government has grant new licenses to companies to operate in cellular Industry. "Therefore, it is massive expansion particularly in the cellular sector and the growth in this sector has been more than 800 per cent" During the past eight years, the total number of cellular phone subscribers in the country had been 1,698,536 but now their number has crossed the figure of 98 million. Mobile phone subscribers grew from 2.4M in 12/2003 to 5M in 12/2004 and from 5M to 18M subscribers in the first 10 months of 2005. Telephone rates have massively decreased too. In the telecommunication sector, government has adopted the strategy that prices should be reduced and market base expanded. As a result, the rates of nationwide dialing calls have decreased by 40 to 45 per cent. Mobile phone service was introduced in 1990, with two operators but heavily regulated and taxed. An activation fee of Rs. 20,000 was charged as late as 1996. Service was blocked completely in some cities at some times to prevent terrorists from using cell phones. Things gradually began to change after a new telecom act in late 1996. As a result, in 1998, service was back on everywhere. By 2001 there were four operators in the market (with the PTT entering the mobile market at the beginning of the year under the brand name UFONE) and the activation tax was down to Rs. 5000. Things started to accelerate. By the end of 2002 there were 1.2M mobile subscribers. Marketing Strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive envoirnment Page 10
government granted two more licenses. Telenor won one of those licenses, built a network and launched services in March 2005. Warid won the other, launching services in May 2005.
Second, in June 2004 the government abolished the remaining restrictions on foreign direct investment permitting foreign investors to retain 100% equity in their investments. And third, they dropped the activation tax to Rs. 500. Clearly, the two new operators coming on line in early 2005 have caused a lot of market activity, but their network build out was helped by the largest annual foreign direct investment that Pakistan has ever seen. Finally, the cost of acquiring service has fallen below a critical breakpoint, in part by the reduction in activation fees and in part by the ever declining costs for mobile phones and mobile phone infrastructure. Critical factor in the rise of the mobile subscriber base in Pakistan has been the reduction in activation fees and costs of used handsets which is around Rs 1000/-. This means a new subscriber only needs to spend a very nominal sum on a mobile connection these days, and pretty much everyone can afford to have a mobile connection. Another factor for the growth of the mobile subscriber base has been the rise of prepaid mobile access. There are no monthly connection charges in this system. The factors also contirbuting to the growth (that the report will cover) were also pricing as pricing has reduced to 300% in five years as a Marketing Strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive envoirnment Page 11
result of intense competition. The companies are fighting on paisas nowadays. Also other variable, the new product line with great value added services at reasonable prices like night packages, disocunted rates on friends and family numbers,ladies first, happy hour etc. These were new packages at attratcive prices backed by heavy promotional campaigns resulted in consumer attention and gave growth to industry. Moreover, the cellular operators increased performance of their customer services departments and reengineered them. In the end its the marketing strategy of these cellular companies and it was the low call rates, VAS (Value Added Services), Customer Services, Product line which is important for them to retain or get new customers. Heres a brief description of the top Cellular companies in Pakistan: At the top is Mobilink, the Pakistani unit of Egyptbased telecom company Orascom. It has been operating in Pakistan since 1994. Subscriber share is 35% at the end of Sep 2008.
Ufone, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan Telecommunication Co. Ltd (PTCL), is now under the control of Etisalat group of UAE. It has 21% of subscriber share and added the most lines (2.4 million) from 2006-07. For those in Pakistan it is the one company where they can easily invest locally.
Warid, owned by the Abu Dhabi group of the United Arab Emirates and sister of Wateen group is number 4 with 18% market of subscribers. Recently it sold 30% share to SingTel.
Norways Telenor, a recent entrant with about a billion US dollar investment in Pakistan has been doing well, based on its recent earning report. It has about 20% of the market share. Telenor stock is listed in the Oslo stock market (TEL) and in US(TELNY.PK).
CMPak (Zong brand), formerly Paktel, was the latest target of foreign acquisition. After it got acquired by China Mobile it was rebranded as Zong and launched one of the most successful and aggressive campaigns. Within a matter of few months, Zong has achieved a 6% market share.
There are currently five Cellular Operators in Pakistan Region and my study covers Pakistan region. It is claimed that Cellular Companies were earning huge revenues because of their marketing campaigns and now striving for their survival or will achieve sustained growth or decline. Based on study of respondents it is going to find out that what are their marketing strategies? And what their marketing strategies will result into while comparing with each other? The variables considered will be Pricing VAS (Value Added Service) Advertising Customer Services Product Line
Research Question What are the marketing strategies of cellular companies and how they have influence the consumer and the Industry?
6. To know about the marketing strategies of cellular companies keeping in view the current economic and future situation for telecom Industry in Pakistan
7. To analyze and compare which cellular operator has a better marketing strategy in terms its advertisement, product line, and pricing etc. 8. To give recommendation as per the customers needs, wants and preferences which will lead to better and new marketing ideas and strategies which will be beneficial to consumer hence increase sales/market share and increased profits and stand as a survival for the Telecom Industry.
One of the limitation has been the coverage of Geographic location. My study covered only two cities i.e. Islamabad, Rawalpindi.hence it may not show the overall picture of marketing strategies and its effects.
Moreover, non co-operation from many telecom Industry personnel in making this research a very accurate one specially employees of cellular companies who do not share enough time and complete information about their company marketing strategies.
With the service sector contributing 80 percent of the 2006 Gross National Product attention is being focused more and more on this sector. Consequently, service managers and academic researchers are now directing their efforts to understanding how customers perceive the quality of services, as well as how these perceptions translate into customer Marketing Strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive envoirnment Page 17
satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Consistent with this direction, there is increased interest in understanding such important constructs as service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions (e.g. repeat business, recommending the service, loyalty). Mittal and Kamakura have pointed out that behavioral intentions may or may not be accurate predictors of behavior. However, if they are, then the construct of behavioral intentions is of importance to a service provider. Specifically, would a customer maintain a repeat business relationship, staying with the company for a long time? Satisfied customers who stay with a company for a long period tend to impact the profitability of the company in several ways. First, their repeat business generates income for the company. Second, because of the expenditure involved in advertising, promotion, and start-up activities, acquiring new customers can cost much more than retaining existing ones. Third, as according to Anderson and Sullivan, loyal (and satisfied) customers often spread the good news and recommend the services to several others. The resolution and the understanding of the different issues involved in the constructs of service quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions, and the interaction of these issues, have sparked keen academic interest. Telecommunications is a growing industry that has been globally available for some time. Growth of subscribers, traffic, and most importantly revenues, is by no means automatic. Entry costs for new users and tariffs must be continuously reduced to increase subscriber numbers and minutes of use. Infrastructure solutions that deliver lower cost coverage and more efficient capacity are critical to drive up service volumes and revenues. Competition is often already intense amongst the established players. Additionally, there is a steady stream of new operators and service providers who build up their service capabilities with the latest technology, hoping to create a major competitive advantage. Key needs for telecom operators are higher volumes and new services to sustain revenue growth and improved cost efficiency to protect margins. A prudent yet aggressive adoption of business enhancing technology is also needed to ensure current and future competitiveness: especially as future IP based communications Marketing Strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive envoirnment Page 18
creates the opportunity for much wider competition. Business Growth, Cost Efficiency and Evolution are therefore regarded as key drivers which can be addressed with wireless technology. The remarkable diffusion of mobile services has outperformed experts expectations. From a marginal industry in the shadow of other telecommunications providers (e.g. fixed line and the Internet), it has become a leading sector providing commoditized services. As such, the penetration of mobile phones is almost twice as high as that of personal computers. While only 9.9% of the worlds population owned PCs in 2002, 19% of the population possessed cell-phones. At the beginning of 2004, there were over 1.3 billion cell-phone users. Over the next three years, a demand for mobile services is predicted to grow at an average annual rate of 9.1%. However, this growth mainly stems from the deployment of new networks in developing countries rather than from an inclining penetration in developed states. In the latter group of countries, the market has almost saturated and the install base has reached over 80% penetration. For instance, at the end of 2003, 88.3% of the UKs population had cell phones. According to the Yankee Group (2004), the install base in Canada is expected to grow from 45.6% by the end of 2003 to 53.7% in 2007 with a declining annual growth from 10.8% in 2004 to 5.1% in 2007. The saturated markets in developed countries, combined with the de-regulation of the telecommunication industry and the increasing number of wireless service providers, drives competition. For instance, an average number of wireless operators in most OECD (Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development) countries doubled from 1998 to 2000 and in 2001, new subscriber acquisition costs of Vodafone, UK were over $180. Thus, in order to be competitive and cost efficient, mobile operators need to adjust their marketing strategies and focus on retaining existing customers rather on acquiring new subscribers and increasing market shares. This retention battle is further fueled by the removal of switching barriers. Partial regional standardization (i.e., CDMA in the FarMarketing Strategies of Cellular Companies in Pakistan in the competitive envoirnment Page 19
East and GSM in Europe) allows individuals to switch from one provider to another while keeping a previous handset. In addition, due to Number Portability regulations that emerged in some countries, a person may even keep the same phone number when switching to another provider. The recently mandated Wireless Local Number Portability (WLNP) regulation in the US is an example of a legislation that is predicted to dramatically increase the competition on wireless markets (FCC 2003). The aforementioned changes in the competitive landscape in developed countries demonstrate the importance of identifying factors affecting customer loyalty in the mobile services industry. The motivation for understanding and improving loyalty stems from empirically validated links between loyalty, retention, and profitability.
and clarifying any questions that seemed hard to answer. The survey was carried out in a time span of 100 days.
There are currently five Cellular Operators in Pakistan Region and my study covers Pakistan region. It is claimed that Cellular Companies were earning huge revenues because of their marketing campaigns and now striving for their survival or will achieve sustained growth or decline. Based on study of respondents it is going to find out that what are their marketing strategies? And what their marketing strategies will result into while comparing with each other?
Data Collection
The questionnaire was distributed among two hundred respondents. Before giving the questionnaires all the questions were explained to the respondents so that they can fill the questionnaires easily and with the relevant results. Only one questionnaire was given to each respondent.
Sampling Methodology
A sample size of 200 respondents is considered for this research. A research sample size of 100 is further divided into the ratio of subscribers using different cellular networks i.e 58% responses by Mobilink Users, 19% responses by Telenor users, 11% responses by Ufone users, 7% responses by Warid users and 4% responses by Zong users.
The variables considered will be 1. Pricing 2. VAS (Value Added Service) 3. Advertising 4. Customer Services 5. Product Line A detail literature review has been conducted by careful review of previous researches. With the help of my esteem Supervisor first of all I identified Objectives of the Study. The data for conducting the research was obtained through questionnaires. The questionnaire was divided into two main parts; first part was related to general information about respondents including age gender and occupation and the scale used to measure the information was nominal. The second part of the questionnaire evaluates customers responsee and marketing strategies for five (5) items/variables for all operators. The variables are Pricing, Value Added Services, Advertising, Customer Service and Product Line. And the scale used to measure these variables was ranking from one to five (1to5).
Testing Technique/Procedure
The exploratory research was conducted for the collection of quantitative data which was attained through questionnaires. It took two weeks to get the questionnaires filled, and then a couple of weeks for the data statistics. The data was then analyzed by in excel and also statistical tool used to generate
reliable results and findings. Also relationships of one variable with another are found out using. Explanations of all graphs are given below