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1.1 Introduction
The telecommunications industry in Bangladesh has experienced remarkable growth
and transformation in recent years. With a population exceeding 160 million and a
rapidly increasing mobile phone penetration rate, Bangladesh represents a dynamic
and competitive market for telecom operators. Banglalink, one of the leading telecom
companies in the country, has played a pivotal role in shaping this industry.
Promotional strategies are essential tools for telecom companies seeking to gain a
competitive edge in this crowded marketplace. Effective marketing and promotion not
only drive customer acquisition but also influence customer retention and loyalty.
They are pivotal in conveying a company's brand identity, services, and value
propositions to a diverse and discerning consumer base.
1.2 Origin of the Report
As a student of Business Administration (BBA) every student is required to conduct a
practical orientation in any organization for fulfilling the requirements of the Project
Program . The main purpose of the program is to introduce the students with the real
world situation. I have done my Project in Banglalink. This Project Report is
generated under the academic supervision Mrs. Farzana Haque Boby, Lecturer,
Department of Business Administration, Dhaka Commerce College, Dhaka. This
report is prepared as the partial requirement of BBA degree. The topic is “Marketing
Promotional Strategies of Banglalink”.
While numerous marketing theories and frameworks exist, the application of these
theories in real-world scenarios often presents challenges. This study bridges the gap
between theoretical marketing concepts and practical implementation by evaluating
Banglalink's strategies in a real-world context. This practical perspective can enrich
marketing literature and provide students and scholars with a more nuanced
understanding of marketing in the telecommunications sector.
The findings of this research can serve as a valuable resource for Banglalink's
strategic decision-makers. By identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats in the current promotional strategies, the study can guide the company in
making informed decisions to optimize its marketing efforts and maintain a
competitive edge.
The telecommunications industry in emerging markets like Bangladesh presents
unique challenges and opportunities. As such, empirical studies on marketing
promotional strategies in this context are relatively scarce. This study contributes to
the existing body of knowledge by providing data-driven insights into the telecom
marketing landscape in Bangladesh, making it a valuable resource for future research
and academic discourse.
To contribute to the academic understanding of marketing promotional
strategies in the telecommunications industry, particularly in emerging
markets like Bangladesh, by conducting empirical research and bridging the
gap between theory and practice.
1.6 Methodology of the Report
In order to collect relevant and adequate data it is necessary to follow proper
Methodology. No one can collect relevant information without maintaining a proper
1.7 Limitations of the study
There are some limitations that I have faced in preparing this report. Basically I faced
difficulties in collecting data from the different sources. I could not collect primary
data for lack of time. For secondary data, I faced problem of unorganized record of
documents keeping by different sources. Preparing the report I faced some difficulties
which are-.
Lack of proper information in the websites of the Banglalink.
Lack of necessary information in the official publications of
telecommunication companies.
Inexperience and time constraint are the other limitations.
Secondary data were collected from the Annual Reports which may contain
biased information.
This project has been prepared with limited resources. Due to this reasons the
justifications stated may not reflect the actual scenario.
Organization Overview
2.1 About Banglalink
Launched in February 2005, with over 33.69 million subscribers over a decade,
Banglalink was the catalyst in making mobile telephony an affordable option for
consumers in Bangladesh. The initial success of Banglalink was based on a simple
mission: “Bringing mobile telephony to the masses”, which was the cornerstone of
Banglalink’s strategy.
The growth of Banglalink over the years have been fueled with innovative products
and services targeting different market segments, aggressive improvement of network
quality and dedicated customer care, creating an extensive distribution reach across
the country and establishing a strong brand that emotionally connected customers
with Banglalink.
Banglalink provides equal opportunities to employees and has always shown zero
tolerance for any non-compliance activity. Banglalink’s HQ became the first certified
Green Office by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Bangladesh. The company
has relatively formed a flat organization, Banglalink is now working relentlessly to
bring digital world to each and every customer to build a true digital Bangladesh.
including Russia, Italy, Algeria, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine,
Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia, and Laos. VEON operates
under the “Beeline”, “Kyivstar”, “WIND”, “Jazz”, “banglalink”, and “Djezzy” brands
(in millions)
Grameen Phone Ltd (GP) 74.053
Robi Axiata Limited (Robi) 47.341
Banglalink Digital Communications Limited
Teletalk Banglaldesh Ltd. (Teletalk) 4.014
Total 159.780
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2.3 Mission of the Company
Banglalink’s success was based on a simple mission: “Bringing mobile telephony to
the masses”This was the cornerstone of its strategy. With this mission on hand
Banglalink changed the mobile phone status from luxury to a necessity and brought
mobile telephone to the general people of Bangladesh thus making a place in their
hearts. The mobile phone has become the symbol for the positive change in
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2.7 Value of Banglalink
Banglalink aims to understand peoples. needs best and develop appropriate
communication services to improve people’s life and make it simple. To ensure their
vision is achieved, they have set their selves a few values, they want to be:
Customer focus Integrity quality
Team work
Respect for the individual
Responsible Citizenship
Straight Forward
2.8 Logo
2.9 Slogan
“Start Something New”
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2.10 Level of Competition:
The level of competition of the Banglalink is very high. Competitors are
– Grameen Phone
– Robi
– Teletalk
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2.13 Product and service Offerings
At present, Banglalink is the third largest telecommunication service provider of
Bangladesh and it has been possible through continuous improvement in the product
and service quality along with innovative ideas of product offerings. Banglalink is
always up to date with them customer needs and customize the products accordingly.
The main function of Banglalink is to provide Mobile Telecom Product and Services
to its valued customer including Voice Communication, SMS service and other
ValueAdded Services (VAS). It also Provides Data services to its customers. Main
Product and services are-
2.13.1 Packages:
Pre-paid: People tend to consume the pre-paid packages more frequently in
comparison to other packages. So, it is the main or core service offering of
Banglalink. Pre-paid packages are very flexible in nature. So, capitalizing the main
characteristics of pre- paid Packages Banglalink is adding various Value-added
service in continuous basis. According to their customer market they customized their
pre-paid plans in such a way that every consumer can get best service. Prepaid
Package offering is Banglalink Desh Ek Rate Darun- This offer gives the consumers
as low as 22 paisa/10 sec to any operator, all day long. 10 second pulse is applicable.
Post-paid: Banglalink understands that every customer has unique needs and usage
patterns. Therefore, it gives choices to the customers so that they can pick according
their need rather than offering the same solution as everyone else. Banglalink post-
paid packages are tailored to serve the consumers exact purposes and give them the
best value for money. In terms of Post-paid plans Banglalink has a wide variety of
packages. There are some simple rules and regulation consumers must follow to
subscribe for the postpaid packages. Post-paid packages are also common and easy to
follow but are not as much flexible as Pre-Paid packages. So, the businessman and
other important officials are the main Target consumer for their Post-paid plans. The
initial type of Post-paid packages is that the, consumer will pay after the consumption
of the service. Basically, consumers of Post-paid plans make the payment of monthly
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basis after the service consume. Some post-paid schemes of Banglalink are as follows
Banglalink Inspire- Banglalink inspire brings special new features for post-paid
subscribers with remarkably low call rates 9 poisa/10 second, along with the 07 nos.
FNF numbers up to 11% discount and many other services and facilities.
Banglalink SME- The salient features of the Banglalink SME package are flexibility
to choose from 2 packages: Banglalink SME post-paid and Banglalink SME call &
control. Banglalink SME post-paid offers best call rates 24 hours with 1 second pulse,
field force locator service, closed user group, attractive bundle package, best rates in 5
FNF numbers, bonus on recharge, and bonus on incoming.
Banglalink SOHO (Small Office / Home Office)- Banglalink offers special SOHO
package with many other important features to cater to your daily business needs of
small and home business. The outstanding features of the Banglalink SOHO package
Banglalink SOHO Call and Control
The most competitive call rates 24 hours with 1 second pulse
FNF facility (Any Operator)
Bulk SMS
Friend Finder
Priyojon Program - Banglalink values its loyal and regular customers. So, they
introduce different programs for the customers to make their life easier. Among
different Priyojon Program, there are priyojon prize point program, priyojon current
promotion, priyojon partnership program, priyojon insurance.
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management-based services (voice mail service, call block, Banglalink easy divert,
call waiting, missed call alert etc.) etc
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2.15 Promotional Tools of Banglalink:
Promotional activities are of different types. These are:
1. Advertising.
2. Personal selling.
3. Sales Promotion.
4. Sponsorship program.
5. Publicity & Public Relation.
6. Internet Marketing 6. Direct Marketing
In terms of Banglalink, they are now using advertising, sales promotion, sponsorship
program, public relation, internet marketing and direct marketing.
Advertisements through billboards: Billboards are the cheapest and easiest way to
catch the attention of the moving people of the city. The billboards of Banglalink are
hung beside the busiest of roads and streets of the city, where people travel frequently
such as Gulshan, Banani, Dhanmondi, uttara etc.
Transit Advertising: One of the most popular ways of advertising today is transit
advertising, which are the ads on body of the big buses as majority of the people of
the country uses them for traveling.
Personal Selling: Personal presentation by the firm’s sales forces for the purpose of
making sales and building customer relationship. Banglalink uses personal selling in
different stages of marketing and distribution.
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Sales promotion: Sales promotion includes a wide way of tools that can attract
consumers attraction, strong incentive of purchase, free gifts, discount and several
types of occasional program.
Public Relation: Public relation is used to promote products, people, places, ideas,
activities, organizations and even nations. Public relation can also influence a product
sales or brand awareness. Banglalink arrange meeting always with the wholesalers
and retailer for maintaining a good relationship with them.
2.16.1 Strength:
Strong customer relationship
Create good image of company in customer mind
Provide better service
Flexible call rate
Efficient performance and enthusiastic workforce
Fastest network service
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Strong network
Skilled employees
2.16.2 Weaknesses:
Lack of skills of some employee
Weak network in rural area
Lack of proper train on unskilled employees
Scarcity of innovative product
Absence of strong marketing activities
2.16.3 Opportunities:
Distinct operating procedures
Launching new products and services
Experienced managers and customer care representative
2.16.4 Threats:
Increasing competitive other telecom customer service in the market
Similar products are offered by the other telecom company
Industrial downward trend due to failed to gain customer from competitor
Government rules and regulations
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Literature Review
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3.1 Overview of Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh
Historical Perspective
The telecommunications industry in Bangladesh has witnessed a remarkable
transformation over the past few decades. Historically, the sector was characterized
by limited infrastructure, low teledensity, and a state-owned monopoly. However,
significant reforms and investments since the early 1990s have led to a dramatic shift
in the landscape.
Key Players
Several telecommunications companies operate in Bangladesh, with Banglalink,
Grameenphone, Robi Axiata, and Teletalk being among the major players. Each of
these companies has played a pivotal role in expanding access to telecommunications
services and improving connectivity across the country.
Mobile Penetration
Bangladesh boasts a rapidly growing mobile phone penetration rate, with a significant
portion of the population now owning mobile devices. The widespread availability of
affordable feature phones and smartphones has driven this growth, making mobile
communication a fundamental part of daily life for many Bangladeshis.
Technological Advancements
The industry's growth has been further facilitated by advancements in technology. The
introduction of 3G and 4G networks has enabled faster data speeds and access to a
wide range of digital services, including mobile internet, mobile banking, and e-
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Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the industry's success, it faces several challenges, including regulatory issues,
infrastructure development, and spectrum allocation. Moreover, as a densely
populated country, Bangladesh offers unique opportunities for telecommunications
companies to expand their services and reach previously underserved areas.
Government Initiatives
The government of Bangladesh has recognized the critical role of telecommunications
in economic development and has undertaken various initiatives to support the
sector's growth. These include policies to promote digital inclusion, improve
infrastructure, and ensure fair competition.
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3.2 Promotional Strategies in Telecom Sector
The telecommunications industry is fiercely competitive, and successful promotional
strategies are essential for telecom companies to acquire and retain customers. In the
context of the telecom sector, promotional strategies encompass a wide range of
marketing and advertising approaches tailored to attract and engage consumers. Here
is a comprehensive overview of common promotional strategies in the telecom sector:
Radio Advertising: Radio ads are used to reach local and regional audiences, often
promoting specific offers or highlighting network reliability.
Print Advertising: Print media, including newspapers and magazines, are still
employed for targeted advertising, especially for promoting specific deals and
2. Sales Promotions
Discounts and Bundles: Telecom operators frequently offer discounts on mobile
plans, device purchases, or bundle services like mobile, broadband, and television to
incentivize customers.
Limited-Time Offers: Time-limited promotions, such as "buy one, get one free" or
"double data for a month," create a sense of urgency among consumers.
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Referral Programs: Some companies encourage customers to refer friends and family
with incentives like bill credits or discounts on future services.
Email Marketing: Email campaigns are used for customer communication, service
updates, and delivering personalized offers.
Personalized Offers: Tailored promotions and offers are designed for specific
customer segments to enhance relevancy and engagement.
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6. Mobile Apps and Self-Service Portals
Mobile Apps: Telecom companies offer mobile apps that empower customers to
manage their accounts, monitor usage, and access customer support conveniently
from their smartphones.
Self-Service Portals: Online portals enable customers to troubleshoot issues, pay bills,
customize services, and make changes without the need for direct customer support.
7. Influencer Marketing
Collaborations: Telecom operators partner with social media influencers, celebrities,
or industry experts to promote their services, especially during product launches and
major campaigns.
8. Customer Engagement Programs
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3.3 Role of Promotional Strategies in Competitive
In the telecommunications industry, promotional strategies play a crucial role in
shaping a company's competitive advantage. Competitive advantage refers to the
unique strengths and advantages that a company has over its rivals in the market.
Here's a comprehensive look at how promotional strategies contribute to gaining a
competitive edge in the telecom sector:
2. Customer Acquisition
Attracting New Customers: Promotions, such as discounts, special offers, and bundled
services, entice new customers to switch to a telecom provider. These strategies can
lead to a larger customer base.
Market Expansion: Promotional strategies can enable telecom companies to enter new
markets or regions successfully by offering compelling incentives to potential
3. Customer Retention
Enhancing Loyalty: Promotions designed for existing customers, such as loyalty
programs, discounts on upgrades, or personalized offers, encourage them to stay with
the company, reducing churn.
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Preventing Competitive Attrition: Competitive promotional strategies can deter
customers from switching to rival telecom providers who may offer similar services.
4. Differentiation
Highlighting Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Promotional efforts allow companies
to emphasize their unique features or service offerings that set them apart from
competitors. This helps create a distinct brand identity.
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Competitive Response: Telecom operators can respond swiftly to competitive moves
by launching counter-promotions, defending their market position, and retaining
8. Cost Efficiency
Economies of Scale: Effective promotional strategies, when executed at scale, can
lead to cost efficiencies in customer acquisition and retention, improving the
company's bottom line.
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3.4 Previous Studies on Banglalink's Marketing Promotions
[Citation 1]: Provide a brief summary of the first academic study related to
Banglalink's marketing promotions. Include the objectives, methodologies, key
findings, and any implications for Banglalink's promotional strategies.
[Citation 2]: Summarize the second academic study's main points, focusing on how it
contributes to the understanding of Banglalink's promotional strategies.
[Citation 3]: Discuss the third academic study, emphasizing its relevance to
Banglalink's marketing promotions and its findings.
[Report 1]: Outline the key insights and recommendations from a relevant industry
report or analysis that has assessed Banglalink's promotional strategies.
[Report 2]: Summarize the findings and insights from another industry report or
analysis that sheds light on Banglalink's marketing promotions.
[Survey 1]: Provide an overview of any customer surveys or feedback analysis related
to Banglalink's promotional strategies, highlighting key findings and customer
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[Survey 2]: Summarize the results of another survey or feedback analysis, focusing on
its implications for Banglalink's marketing efforts.
4. Comparative Studies
[Comparative Study 1]: Discuss any comparative studies that have benchmarked
Banglalink's promotional strategies against those of other telecom operators, both
within Bangladesh and in similar markets.
[Comparative Study 2]: Highlight findings from another comparative study that
provides insights into how Banglalink's promotions stack up against industry peers.
5. Case Studies
[Case Study 1]: Present the main takeaways from case studies that have explored
specific marketing campaigns or strategies employed by Banglalink.
[Case Study 2]: Summarize findings from additional case studies, if available, that
showcase the effectiveness or challenges of Banglalink's promotional efforts.
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Findings and Analysis
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4.1 Introduction
After completing the project report survey, I started the data preparation for the
project. As soon as I received the questionnaires from the field I kept all the
information in Microsoft Excel program. Since, this is a descriptive research and the
data analysis should be done quantitatively. For this reason, I used MS Excel
software. This information is analyzed collectively rather than individually. Here, no
statistical tools have been used.
A model questionnaire has been developed to elicit essential data. The Questionnaire
is structured in nature and is based on Likert Scale method.
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4.3 Data Analysis
Question 1: Our advertisements are easy to understand
Table-4.1: Advertisements are understandable
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Question 2: Our advertising quality is good
Table-4.2: Advertising quality is good
Comment: So it is clear to us that our advertising quality is good for the customers.
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Question 3: Our advertising is standard
Table-4.3: Advertising is standard
Scale No. of respondents
Strongly Disagree 5
Disagree 5
Neutral 10
Agree 10
Strongly Agree 14
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Question 4: Our advertising maintains Bangladesh social and
cultural values
Table-4.4: Advertising maintains social and cultural values.
Scale No. of respondents
Strongly Disagree 8
Disagree 4
Neutral 8
Agree 9
Strongly Agree 15
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Question 5: Our publicity system is appropriate
Table-4.5: publicity system is appropriate.
Scale No. of respondents
Strongly Disagree 5
Disagree 5
Neutral 8
Agree 7
Strongly Agree 19
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Question 6: Aggressive publicity is helpful for you
Table-4.6: Aggressive Publicity is helpful
Scale No. of respondents
Strongly Disagree 6
Disagree 4
Neutral 7
Agree 10
Strongly Agree 17
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Question 7: You are Happy with our online promotional activities
Table-4.7: Happy with our online promotional activities
Comment: So it is clear to us that you are Happy with our online promotional
activities system.
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Question 8: Promotional activities by SMS are helpful for you:
Table-4.8: Promotional activities by SMS are helpful
Scale No. of respondents
Strongly Disagree 4
Disagree 8
Neutral 6
Agreed 12
Strongly Agree 14
Comment: So it is clear to us that Promotional activities by SMS are helpful for you.
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Question 9 : You are Happy with our e-portal services:
Table-4.9: Happy with our e-portal services
Scale No. of respondents
Strongly Disagree 6
Disagree 9
Neutral 6
Agree 8
Strongly Agree 15
Depending on the customer’s participation on my question wither you are Happy with
our e-portal services or not. 6 respondents are highly disagree on this statement 9 are
disagree, 6 shows neutral opinion and 8 customers are agree others 15 respondents are
highly agree on this statement.
Comment: So it is clear to us that you are Happy with our e-portal services.
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10 : Banglalink internet service is standard:
Table-4.10: Internet/Data service is standard
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Question 11: You are Satisfied with our door to door promotion
Table-4.11: Satisfied with our door to door promotion
Comment: So it is clear to us that customers are satisfied with our door to door
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Question 12: Customer care department of Banglalink Company is
sincere to respond quickly:
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Question 13: You are satisfied with our customer care center service:
Table-4.13: Satisfied with our customer care center service
Comment: So it is clear to us that customers are not satisfied with our customer care
center service.
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Question 14 : Banglalink properly notify by SMS to their customer
regarding different promotion.
Table-4.19: Notify by SMS to their customer regarding different promotion.
Scale No. of respondents
Strongly Disagree 10
Disagree 5
Neutral 5
Agree 10
Strongly Agree 14
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Question 15 : Banglalink is able to help their customer
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Question 16 : Our network is strong enough to maintain voice and
data quality
Table-4.16 Our network is strong enough to maintain voice and data quality
Scale No of respondents
Strongly Disagree 13
Disagree 8
Neutral 5
Agreed 7
Strongly Agree 11
Figure-4.16: Our network is strong enough to maintain voice and data quality
Comment: So it is clear to us that our network is not so strong to maintain voice and
data quality.
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4.4 Findings
1. Maximum respondents think that Banglalink advertisement is easy to understand
as its influence consumer´s taste and perception.
2. Most of the respondents think that Banglalink advertising quality is good and
effective also to spread the product or service information quickly to a large
3. Maximum respondents think that Banglalink advertising is standard, much clear
and meaningful so, advertiser can present their product with proof in front of
4. Maximum respondents think that our advertising maintains Bangladesh social and
cultural values.
7. Most of respondents think that they are happy with Banglalink online promotional
activities system.
8. Maximum respondents think that Promotional activities by SMS are helpful for
9. Most of respondents think that they are Happy with Banglalink e-portal services.
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10. Many of respondents think that Banglalink internet service is not standard. For
example; when we use Banglalink internet then we find that internet connection is
slow or disconnected suddenly.
11.Maximum respondents think that customers are satisfied with our door to door
promotion i.e. home delivery process is a very easy way to buy a sim and other
13.Many respondents think that customers are not satisfied with our customer care
center service.
16.Many of respondents think that Banglalink network is not so strong for maintain
voice and data quality.
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Recommendation and Conclusion
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5.1 Recommendation
The recommendation part of the project is prepared based on the research findings. By
following those recommendations, Banglalink can decrease the dissatisfactions of the
customers and thus earn a sustainable, distinct competitive advantage to achieve more
market share.
To improve internet and voice quality, Banglalink must upgrade the network coverage
both 3G and 4G as early as possible to reduce dissatisfaction regarding network
quality and coverage problem.
Most of the customer are concerned about the network system, frequent promotions
and reward. So, to keep customers trust, these services must be enhanced.
It should start more customer support screen to upgrade the information about them
The division should be always prepared to discover best alternatives for customers which
surpass their objectives.
The customer support workers can say sorry individually when the customers are not pleased
with their service, regardless of any mistake.
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5.2 Conclusion
Banglalink is one of the leading telecom service providing company where customer
satisfaction is the in main goal and marketing tool. Today’s customers in the telecom
industry, where lots of offers are available, are harder to satisfy. They are smarter,
more price conscious, more demanding, less forgiving and they are approached by
many more companies with equal or better offers. The challenge is not only to
produce satisfied customers but also to produce loyal and delighted customer. This is
competitive and customer driven market. It is high time for Banglalink to satisfy and
retain its existing customers. As the mobile connection price, call charge, even the
price of the handset has been reduced due to technological advancement people of all
income level are started using cell phone. Nowadays, most of the students and the low
income people are deeply relying on Banglalink because of the cheap cost. Hence, it
has become inevitable for Banglalink to expand the network coverage soon for a
sustainable future.
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