SMT8 Technical Manual
SMT8 Technical Manual
SMT8 Technical Manual
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1
2. FEATURES ............................................................................................................1
2.1 ANALOG #1 MAP ............................................................................................ 1
2.2 ANALOG #2 MAP ............................................................................................ 1
2.3 IGN MAP ....................................................................................................... 1
2.4 INJECTION MAP #1 ........................................................................................ 1
2.5 INJECTION MAP #2 ........................................................................................ 2
2.6 SETPOINT ..................................................................................................... 2
2.7 AFR MODIFICATION........................................................................................ 2
2.8 FREQUENCY/PWM MODIFICATION .................................................................... 2
2.9 BOOST CONTROL ........................................................................................... 2
2.10 MAP A/B ....................................................................................................... 3
2.11 CALIBRATION ................................................................................................ 3
2.12 HELP ............................................................................................................ 3
3. GENERAL USE OF THE WINDOWS SOFTWARE ......................................................3
3.1 COMMUNICATION WITH THE SMT8 ................................................................... 3
4. CONNECTIONS .....................................................................................................3
4.1 PIN-OUT TABLE.............................................................................................. 3
4.2 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 6
5. TRIGGER INPUTS .................................................................................................6
6. ANALOG #1 MODIFICATION.................................................................................7
6.1 USAGE.......................................................................................................... 8
6.2 ASSOCIATED PINS ......................................................................................... 8
6.3 REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 9
6.4 MAIN (RPM/THROTTLE) MAP ............................................................................ 9
6.5 COMPLETE CALCULATION ................................................................................ 9
6.6 PARAMETERS................................................................................................. 9
7. ANALOG #2 MODIFICATIONS.............................................................................10
7.1 ASSOCIATED PINS ........................................................................................10
8. IGN (IGNITION) MAP.........................................................................................11
8.1 PURPOSE .....................................................................................................11
8.2 ASSOCIATED PINS (ON 14 PIN CONNECTOR) ....................................................11
8.3 MAX ADVANCE LIMIT .....................................................................................11
8.4 MAX RETARD LIMIT .......................................................................................11
8.5 MAPPING .....................................................................................................11
8.5.1 MAIN (RPM / THROTTLE) MAP...................................................................12
8.5.2 OPTIONAL AMP MAP ................................................................................12
8.5.3 OPTIONAL AIR TEMPERATURE MAP............................................................12
8.5.4 OPTIONAL ENGINE TEMPERATURE MAP......................................................12
8.6 PARAMETERS................................................................................................13
8.6.1 IGNITION SETUP ....................................................................................13
9. INJECTION MAP #1............................................................................................14
9.1 PURPOSE .....................................................................................................14
9.2 ASSOCIATED PINS: .......................................................................................14
9.2.1 MAIN (RPM / THROTTLE) MAP...................................................................15
9.2.2 AMP SIGNAL TABLE (OPTIONAL) ...............................................................15
9.2.3 ENGINE TEMPERATURE MAP (OPTIONAL) ...................................................15
9.2.4 AIR TEMPERATURE MAP (OPTIONAL) .........................................................15
9.3 COMPLETE CALCULATION ...............................................................................15
10. SETPOINT ..........................................................................................................15
10.1 SETPOINT USAGE..........................................................................................16
10.2 ASSOCIATED PINS ........................................................................................17
11. MAP SWITCHING................................................................................................18
11.1 MECHANICAL SWITCH ...................................................................................18
11.2 SOFTWARE SWITCH ......................................................................................18
11.3 AUTOMATIC SWITCHING ................................................................................19
12. FREQUENCY MODIFICATION ..............................................................................20
12.1 ASSOCIATED PINS ........................................................................................20
Welcome to the Digital Data Systems (DDS) SMT8 Technical Manual. The Technical Manual needs
to be used in conjunction with the LetRipp Software User Guide. The Technical Manual will assist
you in the operation of the DDS SMT8 product.
The SMT8 is the result of many years of development in the “Piggy-Back” industry.
An analog signal is intercepted via the A1 (IN) (pin 7/12) to A1 (OUT) (pin 5/10) connections. It
is mapped via Throttle/RPM, Engine temperature, Air temperature and AMP, for the purpose of
altering fuel at specific engine conditions. The output signal can be limited (high and low).
The analog signal on A2 (IN) (pin 9/12) is mapped to the A2 (OUT) (pin 4/10) via Throttle/RPM,
AMP, Air and Engine temperature, for the purpose of altering (mapping) an analog signal, which
in turn may alter certain engine operations. The output signal can be limited (high and low).
Up to 3 ignition signals (CRANK+2xCAM) can be intercepted and mapped via Throttle/RPM, AMP,
Air and Engine temperature, for the purpose of retarding/advancing the ignition. Notice that the
Ignition mapping affects ALL ignition signals (advance/retard). The output signal can be set to
maximum advance and retard limits.
The SMT8 can drive one extra injector (13 ohm) for supplementing fuel at high boost. The extra
injector can be controlled via Throttle/RPM, AMP, Engine and Air temperature maps. This allows
for precise fuel delivery at boost conditions. This feature is very popular with turbo and
supercharger installations. The Injector #1 output is assigned via the SET-POINT map.
The SMT8 has 3 set point (relay) drive outputs, which can be activated from 14 different signal
sources. This is for the implementation of, for example, fan control, gearshift lights, idle
assistance and all other small jobs around the engine and cockpit. All functions can be combined
in a logical fashion, and full polarity (higher than/lower than) selection is possible. Furthermore,
The SETPOINT procedure can be used to switch between the TWO operating maps A/B. The SET-
POINT outputs are SHARED with the injection outputs.
A large 16 x 24 map allows for the precise AFR (Lambda) signal modification via the AFR (IN)
(pin 5/12) to the AFR (OUT) (pin 10/10). The AFR is mapped via Throttle/RPM, AMP and Engine
A digital signal (PWM or FREQUENCY) can be modified via the FREQ (IN) (pin 2/12) and the FREQ
(OUT) (pin 2/10) signal path. The mapping is via RPM/TPS, AMP, Engine and Air temperature.
The Smt8 can pulse a solenoid to raise the boost above the waste gate canister default pressure.
The boost is mapped via low TPS/RPM, high TPS/RPM, Air temp/RPM and Boost target/RPM.
The SMT8 has two complete maps. That is to say that you can switch between two different
tuned maps while driving. It is possible to have one map for fuel-economy, and the other for
performance. Or use the maps for different weather conditions. The Maps can be switched
automatically from the SETPOINT procedure, or from the hardware input (Switch). The
parameters and calibration are not switched. The maps can be ‘locked’ in to a fixed position from
the PC for tuning and downloading. When the map switching is enabled in the Set points the hard
switching (pin 8/12) will no longer function
The Throttle, RPM range, AMP sensor, Air temperature and Engine temperature sensor and scales
can be calibrated and specified. A sensor not used can be left out or switched off. The Calibration
2.12 HELP
This is explained in the LETRIPP SOFTWARE USER GUIDE, and covers items like software
installation, the use, and features.
The SMT8 uses a USB2.0 communication. The supplied cable should be used or any standard
cable with an ‘interference prevention ferrite’.
NOTE: The GROUND pin on the 10pin INJECTOR CONNECTOR is conducting CURRENT and
therefore must be connected via heavy gauge wires to chassis,
12 11 10 9 8 7 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 10 9 8 7 6
6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
The SMT8 derives the RPM reading from the CRANK signal input (pin2/14). The CAM signal inputs
can be left open.
The type of trigger signal used is set up via the parameter screen.
The SMT8 ANA1 feature can modify one analog signal, namely ANALOG #1 INPUT and output the
mapped signal on ANALOG #1 OUT.
Most analog signals, with a few exceptions, range from 0 to 5 Volts and are used by the ECU to
determine the fuel quantity. By routing the signal through the SMT8 the analog voltage is
changed, which in turn results in a fuel change. Thus, allowing the car to be tuned. The input to
output voltage relationship can be changed at various engine-operating points. This process is
called “MAPPING”.
For the Throttle (deflection) to work: Connect pin 11 of the 12-pin connector to the analog
deflection signal (normally the throttle position sensor).
Note: The AMP map is a multiplier so when it is not used set all the values to 1.0
This map follows the concept of the ANALOG #1, except in the following details:
The ignition angle of an engine can be modified (retarded or advanced) to achieve one of the
following effects:
A) More power with high quality fuel (advance).
B) Avoid detonation after a turbo (Supercharger) installation (retard).
C) Retarding for poor quality fuel.
There are numerous other applications, which require better ignition angle control. Ignition
control is not successful on engines with active knock sensor control.
CAM #1: 3 4 10 11
CAM #2: 5 6 12 13
This is the maximum total advance the unit will allow for modification. It must be a positive
This is the maximum total retard the unit will allow for modification. It can be positive or
negative entry. See: CONFIG, PARAMETERS
The Ignition signal can be mapped within the specified (above) limits by:
For the Throttle to work: Connect pin 11 of the 12-pin connector to the analog deflection signal
(normally the throttle position sensor).
Enter a number in the range from the max retard limit to max advance limit on the main map.
Zero, will do no modification to the signal!
The MAP deflection comes from the AMP (IN) pin 3 of the 12-pin connector.
The AIR temperature map can be ENABLED/DISABLED. If ENABLED, the active value will be
added to the value on the main map, for no modification place a zero on this map.
The air temperature deflection comes from AIRT (IN) pin 10 of the 12-pin connector.
A disabled table does nothing. It has the same effect as entering 0 in all table positions.
The Engine temperature side table can be ENABLED/DISABLED. If ENABLED=ACTIVE, the active
value is added to the other values to form the overall IGNITION modification.
The Engine Temperature input comes from pin 4 of the 12-pin connector.
This is the time in seconds after starting the Smt8 waits before it will modify the ignition signal.
The Teeth per Turn and the Edges per Turn need to be configured for the SMT8 to advance and
retard the timing. First setup the Edges per Turn until the LetRipp Software displays the same
RPM as the rev counter.
The INJECTION #1 (F1) screen allows the control of ONE injector placed in the manifold.
The injector must be wired to the SP1 output and assigned to it in the SET-POINT
A multiplication factor in the range from 0.01 to 9.99 can be used. An entry of 1.00 will do no
multiplication to the value in the main map. The MAP deflection comes from the AMP (IN) pin 3
of the 12-pin connector.
The entry in this map is ADDED to the main fuel map entry. Entries range from 0 to 999. 100
counts equate to 1.00 MS.
The entry in this map in the range from 0 to 999 is added to the other map values. An entry of
100 results in 1.00MS added fuel.
The SMT8 has a very powerful set point control feature, which allows the activation of relays. The
relays can control more powerful devices such as lamps, motors, solenoids, pumps and fans.
The unit has 3 output pins, each capable of driving a relay/solenoid of 1A. For details of the
This check has three options:
NONE: No further checking is performed, and the limit result is copied.
AND: The true LOGICAL ‘AND’ evaluation is performed with any other function.
OR: The true LOGICAL ‘OR” evaluation is performed with any other function.
A TRUE condition is required to proceed.
The MAP SWITCHING feature is attached here! See: MAP SWITCHING
If both of the above conditions are TRUE, then an output is activated when a WIRE is
The result of the FUNCTION EVALUATION can be used to switch the operating map A/B. See:
MAP SWITCHING for more details. The hard cut and soft cut options are used in the Protection
map (SHIFT F10)
The SMT8 comes with two entirely separate tune maps in memory. We call them map “A” and
map “B”. The LETRIPP Software displays the present map in the upper right hand corner or in the
STATUS display. Two maps are used for:
• Performance versus Economy
• Tested versus un-tested
• Normal versus high altitude
• Good fuel versus bad fuel
• Weather
NOTE: Please make sure that you have a valid tune map in map “B” before you
flip the switch.
There is an option to connect (pin 8/12) an external mechanical switch to the SMT8 to enable it
to do map switching. Without this mechanical external switch, the unit will default on power up
to Map A (open pin). Should the mechanical switch be installed, the unit will power up and run on
the map selected. The transition between maps switching is seamless and can be performed
while the vehicle is in operation, provided both maps are loaded.
Pin 8 of 12
Pin 8 of 12
The tuning software can also change the Selected Map, regardless of what the external
mechanical switch is presently set to. However, as soon as the unit is reset or is powered up, the
SMT8 will revert back to the external mechanical switch setting. By changing the software map
switch, the unit will switch maps, even while the vehicle is in use. The PC FREEZES the selected
map and renders any other map-switching mute.
The SETPOINT feature can switch the operating maps. This is done from the FUNCTION level. A
FALSE evaluation selects map A. Mechanical map switching will no longer function
For this feature to work the following items must be set:
The SMT8 has a separate FREQUENCY/PWM modification channel for the purpose of tuning a
digital signal. These signals are used in airflow meters and solenoid drives. The SMT8 can tune
the ON and OFF periods of the signal simultaneously in the frequency mode, or just the ON
period length in the PWM mode
The purpose of the AFR (Lambda) modification channel is to change the AFR reading the ECU
receives from an exhaust sensor. This in turn affects the ECU fuel loop. Thus AFR tuning
becomes a powerful tool for fuel modifications.
The same modification could be achieved via the ANALOG #1/2 maps in volts, but the signal
remains in volts.
This feature allows the ‘TUNING’ of a BOSCH LSU4 sensor. The mode is enabled in the SYSTEM
DEFINITION screen. Because of the special LSU4 sensor controller and signals, the AFR/LAMBDA
cannot be interpreted by the SMT8, but the signal can be modified none-the-less.
The SMT8 has a boost control feature, which can be used to IMPLEMENT a boost control loop
after adding a turbo.
It is often desirable to add a turbo to an engine without DE-COMPRESSING the engine. In this
application precise boost control is required at lower RPM to avoid knocking, but higher boost
pressures can be used at high RPM.
The boost control is achieved via a “BLEEDER” valve, which controls the effective canister
pressure, and thus operates the waste gate. The signal to the bleeder valve is PWM.
To manifold
To atmosphere SP # 2
To wastgate Smt8
A waste gate canister with a pressure of less or equal to the LOWEST boost pressure must be
used. Normally 0.2-0.3 bar (3.5lb) is sufficient.
The SMT8 can be programmed to ‘protect’ the engine should an input go out of range.
The MOD protection works on the Analog 1, 2 and 3 outputs. The protection circuit will make the
output 0 volts or 5 volts if the programmable limit/s are breeched. Any or all 3 analog outputs
can be protected. The output can be inverted (Shift F2) which will make the output 0 volts when
a limit is reached. The protection is enabled in the Shift F2 map.
16.1 ECU
A wire is cut, and the two ends are “routed” through the SMT8 for the purpose of changing the
A wire from the SMT8 is joined to the standard wiring loom. The signal is only read, and no
modifications take place.
A lambda probe, oxygen probe, or AFR sensor all measure the oxygen content in the exhaust
pipe. At lambda 1.00 the AFR=14.7 and a narrow band sensor generates a voltage between 0.2
and 0.8 Volts.
Traditionally this applies to changing the “chip” of the ECU to provide better performance. When
ECU’s started to control the engine it meant changing an EEPROM. The term now also applies to
adding a SMT8 to the car, without changing any chips or EEPROMS. The SMT8 has the advantage
over chipping because of the online tune and the retune capability.
16.7 MAF
Mass Air Flow sensor. It could be a device with a “FLAP” or a solid-state “hot wire” sensor. It
generates basically an analog output voltage, which increases with higher airflow. Some devices
compensate for air temperature (density).
16.8 MAP
Manifold Absolute Pressure. It is a solid-state device with 3 wires and provides an analog output
voltage, which increases as the manifold pressure increases. Since it measures the absolute
pressure the output voltage DECREASES at idle. We don’t like this term because is also applies to
a tuning map.
16.9 AMP
Absolute Manifold Pressure. The same thing as a MAP! We like this term because it can’t be
confused with a tuning “map”.
All of our units have two tuning maps, which can be switched while driving. There are THREE
possible map-switching scenarios.
16.11 CAM 1, 2
This is a 5 wire lambda probe (BOSCH LSU-4) with the part number starting with 025800. The
SMT8 can’t read the probe information, but can modify it. This probe is very popular because it
measures the AFR very fast and at very RICH mixtures, which is useful for turbo/supercharger
16.14 PICKUP
It is a sensor, which “picks up” an engine measurement like temperature or crank angle position.
A method where a wire is cut and routed through the SMT8 for the purpose of modifying the
electrical signal.
Refers to a magnetic pickup (CRANK/CAM position) where the pickup coil is isolated from ground.
If a balanced input is tested with a scope, then both wires have an opposing signal on it. The
SMT8 has balanced inputs on all three trigger inputs.
An “open collector” output, which can drive a relay of 1A at 12 volts. The unit switches to
ground, so the other coil wire of the relay must be connected to + 12v battery or switched +12v.
The output state can be configured via the tuning software to switch on various set points. It can
also be set to depend on the polarity and in the case of linked set point functions an AND\OR
logic state.
The SMT8 switches to ground. The current rating is sufficient for ONE 13 ohm injector per
It is a tee-in signal in the range from 0 –5Volts. Normally a low voltage refers to a closed
16.21 ETC
Electronic throttle control. This is a throttle body that is controlled by the ecu electronically and
not by a conventional cable.
17.1 POWER
Ground 6-12
+12V 1-12
17.10 ANALOG #1
Input 7-12
Output 5-10
17.11 ANALOG #2
Input 9-12
Output 4-10