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Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 4:10 PM
To: 'Deepak Builders Engineers India Pvt. Ltd.'
Cc: 'Deepak Builders and Engineers India Private Limited'; 'Danit Rawani'; 'Yatin Kapila'
Subject: RE: Faridabad Railway Station | DBR MEP R1

Dear Sanjay Sir,

Kindly refer below responses for discussion with higher management and decide whether need to be mentioned in DBR:

1. Maintenance of assets shall be comprehensive type , All the consumables material during warranty period shall
be covered under CAMC as per MOM dated 14 th Sep 2023.

Reply: Check scope whether consumables are to be included during defect liability period. Also check with
respective OEMs whether they would provide comprehensive maintenance for their respective systems or

2. DG sets should be designed as per latest guidelines of ECBC and mentioned in the enclosed letter of
Commission for Air Quality management in National Capital Region and Adjoining area (F.No. A-
110018/01/2021-CAQM/827(DT)- Dated 02.06.2023).

Reply: Since, the new DG Norms which were published recently are quite stringent and due to which the pricing
of gensets has increased considerably. Since, the latest DG norms were not in place while the contract was
awarded, the higher management shall discuss this with Railway Authorities before mentioning in DBR. And also
if norms of Air Quality Management dated June 2023 are to be adhered, additional cost need to be

Request to discuss the above pointers with higher management and let us know further.


Jitender Singh

On behalf of:

M : +91 9711551910, T : +91 120 4939757

B-78, Second Floor, Sector-2 Noida, U.P.-201301

From: Deepak Builders Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. <>

Sent: 27 October 2023 15:18
To: Danit Rawani <>; Yatin Kapila <>;
Cc: Deepak Builders and Engineers India Private Limited <>
Subject: Fwd: Faridabad Railway Station | DBR MEP R1

Dear Sir,

Please incorporate additional comments in MEP DBR as mentioned in the trailing maail & revert the same.

Thanks & Regards

Sanjay Singh

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Sanjay MEHRA <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 at 14:23
Subject: RE: Faridabad Railway Station | DBR MEP R1
To: Deepak Builders Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. <>, Deepak Builders and Engineers
India Private Limited <>
Cc: Dy. CE_S&C S&C <>, <>, Girraj
Singh <>, <>, Vishnu SARKAR
<>, Prabhat RATHORE <>,

Dear Sir

In-continuation of the below mail, please find additional comments for MEP DBR :

1. Outdoor units of VRV system should be designed on peak summer temperature. COP of VRV system should fulfill
the latest NBC guidelines as per MOM dated 14th sep 2023.
2. Maintenance of assets shall be comprehensive type , All the consumables material during warranty period shall
be covered under CAMC as per MOM dated 14 th Sep 2023.
3. DG sets should be designed as per latest guidelines of ECBC and mentioned in the enclosed letter of
Commission for Air Quality management in National Capital Region and Adjoining area (F.No. A-
110018/01/2021-CAQM/827(DT)- Dated 02.06.2023).

Please incorporate the above comments also in DBR and Resubmit for approval from Authority.


Sanjay Mehra

From: Sanjay MEHRA
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2023 11:04 AM
To: Deepak Builders Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. <>; Deepak Builders and Engineers
India Private Limited <>
Cc: Dy. CE_S&C S&C <>;; Girraj Singh
<>;; Vishnu SARKAR <>;
Prabhat RATHORE <>
Subject: FW: Faridabad Railway Station | DBR MEP R1

Dear Sir

Below are the comments to be incorporated in the MEP DBR.

Please resubmit after corrections.


Sanjay Mehra

Team Leader

From: Prabhat RATHORE <>

Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 5:03 PM
To: Sanjay MEHRA <>
Subject: RE: Faridabad Railway Station | DBR MEP R1

Dear Sir,

Please find the below mentioned comments for the revised DBR of MEP services:

1. Please realign all page no in Index at right side .

2. Please recheck first page of index and correct all clerical mistake.
3. Please Mark West Side Substation instead East Side Substation at 6.5
4. Copper bus bar shall be provided for all Motor Control Centre panels as per MOM dated 14 th Sep 2023.
5. PVC insulated copper wires of all sizes shall be of FRLSH type as per MOM dated 14 th Sep 2023.

Please incorporate the above comments in DBR and Resubmit for approval from Authority.

Prabhat Rathore

From: Deepak Builders Engineers India Pvt. Ltd. <>

Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 1:02 PM
To: Sanjay MEHRA <>
Cc: Prabhat RATHORE <>; Mihir JHA <>; Dy. CE_S&C
S&C <>;; Deepak Builders and Engineers India Private Limited
Subject: Fwd: Faridabad Railway Station | DBR MEP R1

Dear Sir, We are forwarding the trailing mail of th e MEPF DBR revised on the change d for mat, for your review & kin d appr oval. Thanks and regards, Ar. Ri ni Mathew, Dee pak Builder s & E ngineers I ndia Pvt. Ltd. M ob: 9 1 8800 9632 90----------

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Dear Sir,

We are forwarding the trailing mail of the MEPF DBR revised on the changed format, for your review & kind approval.

Thanks and regards,

Ar. Rini Mathew,

Deepak Builders & Engineers India Pvt. Ltd.

Mob: 91 8800963290

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Yatin Kapila <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 at 12:45
Subject: Faridabad Railway Station | DBR MEP R1
To: Deepak Builders <>, Deepak Builders Engineers India Pvt. Ltd.
Cc: <>, <>


Please refer the below Link to download the MEPF DBR revised on the changed format.

Thanks and Regards

Yatin Kapila

On behalf of:

M : +91 9899488962, T : +91 11 45541858

B-78 Sector 2, Noida

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