NIT SOR GASMaharashtra030622 630641
NIT SOR GASMaharashtra030622 630641
NIT SOR GASMaharashtra030622 630641
E-TENDER No.: 2 9 8 5
The objective of this tender is to invite technical and commercial offers for the subject job. You are invited
to submit your offer as E-bids in two-part bid format (Techno-commercial and Price Bid) for the above
work on the terms and conditions contained in this tender document.
This tender is being invited for the following categories of jobs for the State of Maharashtra.
CNG Station
LMC MDPE Steel Pipe
State Civil Electrical SS Tubing
# of Vendors # of Vendors # of Vendors # of Vendors # of Vendors # of Vendors
Maharashtra 4 2 2 2 3 3
The list of items along with our estimated unit rates (excluding GST) for the same for all the categories
are included in the tender. Bidders are required to quote a percentage on the estimated unit rates in
the range of -5% to +5% for the various categories / sub categories of job. Bidders may quote different
percentages for the various categories/ sub categories they wish to participate for, in the space provided
for the same in the price bid.
Information pertaining to Particulars of Tenderers and Relationship with Directors of BPCL shall
have to be submitted online.
4. Pre-Bid Meeting for the tender will be held on MS Team commencing at 11: 00 Hrs. IST on 10.06.2022. Please
join the meeting by clicking the following link :
5. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD): EMD shall be payable as per the detail in the Tender Document.
6. Online submission of the tender under the digital signature of the authorized signatory shall be considered
as token of having read, understood and totally accepted all the terms and conditions.
7. The vendors who are currently on BPCL / BGRL’s Holiday List or with other PSU Oil marketing companies
such as HPCL and IOCL etc. will not be considered.
8. BPCL reserves the right to accept any offer in whole or part or reject any or all offers without assigning
any reason. BPCL is also not bound to accept the lowest Bid.
9. If BPCL is unable to evaluate any offer for want of information, such offer will not be considered.
10. BPCL reserves the right to change the quantity (increase/decrease) tendered.
11. BPCL’s decision on any matter regarding short listing of Vendors shall be final and any applicant shall not
enter into any correspondence with BPCL unless asked for.
12. Forming Cartel and quoting rates in groups would disqualify the bidder.
13. Bids submitted after the due date and time as mentioned , or not in the prescribed format is liable to be
rejected. BPCL does not take any responsibility for any delay in submission of online bids due to
connectivity problem or non-availability of site and/or other documents to be uploaded online. No claims
on this account shall be entertained.
14. Based on the information and documents submitted, the parties who are found to be techno
commercially eligible shall qualify for the next round of the tender viz. price bid.
15. For e-tender related queries please contact: In case of any clarification pertaining to E-Procurement
Process, the vendor may contact M/s. C1 India Private Limited representatives on Contact Numbers and
E-Mail Ids, as appended below.
For clarifications, if any, please feel free to contact Ch. Mgr. (Engg Serv.), Gas on 022 2217 5172 on any
working day between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Yours faithfully,
Head Engineering (GAS)
1. Interested parties may download the tender from BPCL website ( or the
CPP portal ( or from the e-tendering website (https:// and
participate in the tender as per the instructions given therein, on or before the due date of the tender.
The tender available on the BPCL website and the CPP portal can be downloaded for reading purpose
only. For participation in the tender, please fill up the tender online on the e-tender system available on
2. For registration on the e-tender site https://, you can be guided by the “Instructions
to Vendors” available under the download section of the homepage of the website. As the first step,
bidder shall have to click the “Register” link and fill in the requisite information in the “Bidder Registration
Form”. Kindly remember your e- mail id (which will also act as the login ID) and the password entered
therein. Once you complete this process correctly, you shall get a system generated mail. Login in to the
portal using your credentials. When you log in for the first time, system will ask you to add your Digital
Signature. Once you have added the Digital Signature, please inform us by mail to the vendor
administrator with a copy to for approval. Once
approved, bidders can login in to the system as and when required.
3. As a pre-requisite for participation in the tender, vendors are required to obtain a valid Digital Certificate
of Class IIB and above (having both signing and encryption certificates) as per Indian IT Act from the
licensed Certifying Authorities operating under the Root Certifying Authority of India (RCIA), Controller of
Certifying Authorities (CCA). The cost of obtaining the digital certificate shall be borne by the vendor.
In case any vendor so desires, he may contact our e-procurement service provider C1 India Private
Limited, (Contact No.: 9158346209; 7020200564; 022-24176233) for obtaining the digital signature
4. Corrigendum/ amendment, if any, shall be notified on the site https:// In case any
corrigendum/ amendment is issued after the submission of the bid, then such vendors who have
submitted their bids, shall be intimated about the corrigendum/amendment by a system-generated
email. It shall be assumed that the information contained therein has been taken into account by the
vendor. They have the choice of making changes in their bid before the due date and time.
5. Price bid of only those vendors shall be opened whose Techno-Commercial bid is found to be acceptable
to us. The schedule for opening the price bid shall be advised separately.
6. Directions for submitting online offers, electronically, against e-procurement tenders directly through internet:
a. Vendors are advised to log on to the website (https:// and arrange to register
themselves at the earliest, if not done earlier.
b. The system time (IST) that will be displayed on e-Procurement web page shall be the time considered for
determining the expiry of due date and time of the tender and no other time shall be taken into
c. Vendors are advised in their own interest to ensure that their bids are submitted in e-Procurement
system well before the closing date and time of bid. If the vendor intends to change/revise the bid already
submitted, they shall have to withdraw their bid already submitted, change / revise the bid and submit
once again. In case vendor is not able to complete the submission of the changed/revised bid within due
date & time, the system would consider it as no bid has been received from the vendor against the tender
and consequently the vendor will be out of contention. The process of change / revision may be done any
number of times till the due date and time of submission deadline. However, no bid can be modified after
the deadline for submission of bids.
d. Once the entire process of submission of online bid is complete, the bidder will get an auto generated
email from the system stating you have successfully submitted your bid in the following tender with
tender details.
e. Bids / Offers shall not be permitted in e-procurement system after the due date / time of tender.
Hence, no bid can be submitted after the due date and time of submission has elapsed.
g. For tenders whose estimated procurement value is more than Rs. 10 Lakhs, vendors can see the rates
quoted by all the participating bidders once the price bids are opened. For this purpose, vendors shall
have to log in to the portal under their user ID and password, click on the “dash board” link against that
tender and choose the “Results” tab.
h. No responsibility will be taken by BPCL and/or the e-procurement service provider for any delay due to
connectivity and availability of website. They shall not have any liability to vendors for any interruption or
delay in access to the site irrespective of the cause. It is advisable that vendors who are not well conversant
with e-tendering procedures, start filling up the tenders much before the due date /time so that there is
sufficient time available with him/her to acquaint with all the steps and seek help if they so require. Even
for those who are conversant with this type of e-tendering, it is suggested to complete all the activities
ahead of time. It should be noted that the individual bid becomes viewable only after the opening of the
bid on/after the due date and time. Please be reassured that your bid will be viewable only to you and
nobody else till the due date/ time of the tender opening. The non-availability of viewing before due date
and time is true for e-tendering service provider as well as BPCL officials.
i. BPCL and/or the e-procurement service provider shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect loss
or damages and or consequential damages, arising out of the bidding process including but not limited
to systems problems, inability to use the system, loss of electronic information etc.
j. Singular and Plural: In these tender documents unless otherwise stated specifically, the singular shall
include the plural and vice-versa wherever the context so requires. Words indicating persons shall
include relevant incorporated companies/registered as associations/ body of individual/ firm or
k. Techno-commercial bid (consisting of all the attached tender documents, Techno-commercial Form and
Declaration Form) and Price bid as well as the Integrity Pact duly signed, witnessed and uploaded shall
form the part of the tender. Both the techno-commercial bid and the price bid will be online only. Only
EMD is exception to this rule, which will have to be submitted in envelope.
l. Bidders are requested to accept the Integrity Pact (IP) document by signing it. This document is essential
& binding. Bidder’s failure to accept the IP document shall result in the bid not being considered for
further evaluation.
m. All the supporting documents should be legible and duly signed, stamped and attested by the authorized
signatory, before uploading them online.
n. Techno-commercial bid and price bid shall be required to be digitally signed with a class IIB or above
digital signature by the authorized signatory. The authorized signatory shall be:
i. Proprietor in case of proprietary concern.
ii. Authorized partner in case of partnership firm.
iii. Director, in case of a limited Company, duly authorized by its board of directors to sign.
o. If for any reason, the proprietor or the authorized partner or director as the case may be, unable to sign
the document, the said document should be signed by the constituted attorney having full authority to
sign the tender document and copy of such authority letter as also the power of attorney, duly signed in
the presence of a Notary public should be submitted online with the bid.
p. Bidder to obtain his own Information:
I. The bidder in fixing percentage of variation, shall for all purposes whatsoever be deemed to have
himself independently obtained all necessary information for the purpose of preparing his tender.
The bidder shall be deemed to have examined the tender Documents, to have generally obtained
his own information in all matters whatsoever that might affect the carrying out of the works at the
scheduled rates and to have satisfied himself to the sufficiency to his tender. Any error description
of quantity or omission there from shall not vitiate the contract or release the bidder from
executing the work comprised in the contract according to the Specifications at the scheduled rates.
He is deemed to have known the scope, nature and magnitude of the works and the requirements
of materials and labor involved etc. and as to what all works he has to complete in accordance with
the contract documents whatever be the defects, omissions or errors that may be found in the
Contract Documents.
II. Any neglect or failure on the part of the bidder in obtaining necessary and reliable information upon
the foregoing or any other matters affecting the contract shall not relieve him from any risk or
liabilities or the entire responsibility from completion of the works at the scheduled rates and time
in strict accordance with the contract documents.
III. No verbal agreement or inference from conversation with any officer or employee of the owner
either before or after the execution of the contract agreement shall in any way affect or modify
any of the terms or obligations herein contained.
Bidder/ Vendor should qualify (pass) each of the following Bid Qualification Criteria (BQC) as enumerated
Vendors shall be selected based on the requirement number of vendors against each “Category of Job”.
Vendors selected for a particular category of job will also execute allied jobs under other category of jobs on
SOR rates in compliance with strict laid down quality norms.
Rates (excl. GST) for all service items will be published and vendors will be allowed to quote within a price band
of +/- 5% (of the overall total value)
The lowest quote in a tender for a particular category of job for which the vendor has submitted the bid, will
be considered as lowest quote for the category of job.
A. Detailed Bid Qualification (BQC) for short listing bidders for further evaluation shall be as follows:
Category wise Similar Works” shall be defined as under:
The bidder shall have executed / completed successfully at least one (01) PE contract / work order (s) involving
‘Laying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of MDPE Network’ OR at least one (01) LMC contract / work
order (s) involving ‘Erection, installation, testing and commissioning of GI / Cu piping for domestic PNG
connections’ for any City Gas distribution Company within last seven (07) years ending on last day of the month
previous to the one in which tender is invited.
The bidder shall have executed / completed successfully at least one (01) PE contract / work order (s) involving
‘Laying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of PE Network’ for any City Gas Distribution Company within
last seven (7) years ending on last day of the month previous to the one in which tender is invited.
The bidder should have satisfactorily executed / completed at least one (01) Steel pipe line laying contract
involving ‘Laying, Installation, Testing and mechanical completion of buried hydro-carbon steel pipe line’ for
any City Gas Distribution (CGD) Company / hydro-carbon installation / petroleum & oil refinery / petro-
chemical plant within last seven (7) years ending on last day of the month previous to the one in which tender
is invited.
4.CNG Station Construction Works: The Qualification criteria in this category will be under 3 subcategory.
Bidders have the option to quote for any or all the subcategory mentioned below.
The value of the similar work executed / completed contract, (In INR Lakhs, inclusive of GST ) for each of the
category should be either of the following:
A job (as stated under Technical Criteria of BQC) completed by a bidder as a Sub-Contractor shall be
considered for the purpose of meeting the experience criteria of BQC, subject to submission of following
documents in support of meeting the qualification criteria.
Work order and Completion Certificates indicating the value of works and date of completion issued by Main
Contractor (including SOR, wherever required for establishing scope of work).The main contractor
necessarily have been awarded the work order from a CGD Company/ hydro-carbon installation/ petroleum
& oil refinery / petro-chemical plant.
Category of Job :
Certificate from approved Third Party Inspecting Agency (TPIA) has to provide the list of invoices or work
completion certificates from clients (pertaining to last 7 years ending on the last day of the month previous to
the one in which tender is being floated) as checked/verified and confirming qualification of this criterion.
BPCL reserves the right to demand for these invoices/additional documents as and when required from the
bidders to “establish Technical experience & proven track record”.
The certificate is to be submitted for each category of Job separately, in the indicative format provided below.
a. Turn over :
Minimum Average Annual Turnover during the immediately preceding three financial years should be minimum
Rs. 7.5 Lakhs inclusive of GST.
In case the date of constitution / incorporation of the entity is less than 3 year old, the average turnover in respect
of the completed financial year/s after the date of constitution/ incorporation shall be taken into account for this
b. Net Worth :
The financial net worth of the bidder as per the audited financial results of immediately preceding financial year
should be positive.
Net worth shall be calculated by considering reserves, share application money pending allotment (if any), share
capital, less accumulated losses and deferred expenditure to the extent not written off.
BQC Clause
Description Documents required for qualification
A (I) Experience a) Work order / PO / Agreement of similar works
executed / completed by the bidder mentioning the
value and the scope of work as documentary
b) Completion/ Work in Progress Certificate from the
client/ end user/ any documentary evidence to
establish experience.
Note: The completion certificates shall have details
Like work order no. / Date, brief scope of work,
completion date etc.
A (I) In case of rate a) Purchase Order / Work order along with the quantity
contract in a single order as detailed in BEC under rate
b) Bidder has to submit satisfactory work execution
certificate issued by the end user/owner/ Authorized
consultant as per clause.
A (I) Jobs executed a) Tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by statutory auditor
for Subsidiary / of the bidder and challan towards payments of
Fellow subsidiary/ statutory tax in support of the job executed for
Holding company Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary /Holding company.
II. a Annual Turn-over Bidder(s) shall submit copy of Audited Annual
Financial Statement [Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Account Statement along with its annexures] of last
three (3) preceding Financial Year(s) (TO BE RE-
MENTIONED BELOW) ), as per BQC, along with un-
priced bid. If the bidder is not required to be audited
as per statute, copy of Balance sheet & Profit and
Loss account for the last three consecutive financial
years prepared/certified by practicing Chartered
Accountant has to be submitted.
II b Net Worth Bidder(s) shall submit copy of Audited Annual Financial
Statement [Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account
Statement along with its annexures] of last audited
BQC, along with un-priced bid.
Bidders who do not satisfy the above conditions will not be considered for evaluation/ award.
Bids may be submitted by:
a. An entity (domestic bidder).
b. Fulfillment of eligibility criteria and certain additional conditions in respect of the domestic bidder are stated
c. The entity as defined above (which has completed 3 financial years after date of commencement of business)
shall fulfill each eligibility criteria. B. JV/Consortium bids will not be accepted. Qualification on the strength of
JV Partners / Consortium members will not be accepted.
a. Bidder shall furnish necessary documentary evidence as mentioned above along with the bid. In absence of such
documents, BPCL reserves the right to reject the Bid without making any reference to the Bidder or assigning
any reason what-so-ever.
b. All the bidding document related to Technical & Financial qualification Criteria should be duly verified and
certified by any one of the TPIAs which are registered under “NABCB (National Accreditation Board for
Certification Bodies) accredited bodies as per requirement of ISO/IEC 17020 as Type A” in QCI NABCB website
as on date of verification of documents. All charges of the Third party, for attestations and verification shall be
borne by the Bidders.
c. The bidders who are already registered with BPCL should also submit all documents as per the BQC.
d. BPCL reserves the right to accept / reject any or all bid- qualification documents at their sole discretion without
assigning any reason whatsoever.
e. BPCL, at its discretion reserves the right to verify information submitted and inspect the facilities at party’s work
to confirm their capabilities. BPCL also reserves the right to independently assess the capability and capacity of
the bidder for execution of the project.
f. BPCL decision on any matter regarding short listing of bidders shall be final.
g. Failure to meet the above Qualification Criteria will render the Bid liable to be rejected. Therefore, the bidder
shall in his own interest furnish complete documentary evidence in the first instance itself, in support of their
fulfilling the Qualification Criteria as given above. BPCL reserves the right to complete the evaluation based on
the details furnished without seeking any additional information.
In case any of the supporting documents (either technical or financial) are not in English language, then the
English translation copy of the same shall also be furnished duly certified, stamped and signed by TPIA.
a) In case a start-up is interested in supplying the tendered item, but does not meet the Bid-Qualification
Criteria (BQC)/ Proven Track Record (PTR) of Prior Turnover norm as indicated in the tender document,
i.e., in this case the Bid Qualification Criteria (BQC), the start-up may be requested to write a detailed
proposal separately and not against the present tender requirement, to the tender issuing authority
about its offering. Such proposals should be accompanied by relevant documents in support of Start-
ups as under:
b) Certificate of Recognition issued by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, GOI
c) Certificate of Incorporation/Registration.
d) Audited P&L statement of all the Financial Years since incorporation. In case where balance sheet has not
been prepared, bidder shall submit a certificate in original from its CEO/CFO stating the turnover of the
bidding entity separately for each Financial Year since incorporation along with a declaration stating the
reason for not furnishing the audited P&L Statement. The certificate shall be endorsed by a Chartered
Accountant/ Statutory Auditor.
3. SOR/CONTRACT DURATION shall be for a period of 2 years with an option to extend for one more year,
on mutual consent of BPCL/ BGRL and successful bidder.
4. EMD :
i. Bidders shall submit an interest free EMD by the way of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee from a nationalized /
Scheduled Bank in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited of Rs 1,00,000/- payable at Mumbai.
Scanned copy of EMD / Bid Security must be uploaded under EMD Envelope / Section on BPCL E-proc portal,
otherwise Bid offer is liable for rejection.
ii. MSE Bidders are exempted from submission of EMD.
iii. All Bidders quoting as MSE, would be required to submit Chartered Accountant (CA) certificate along with
“MSE-Certificate” to avail the benefits under Public Procurement Policy as per MSMED Act 2006/Public
Procurement Policy Order 2012. The Chartered Accountant (CA) certificate should be dated after the date of
floating of tender and shall be specific to the tender for which bid is being submitted. Format of the Chartered
Accountant (CA) certificate is attached as Form A.
iv. It is mandatory that all documents verified / attested by Chartered Accountant (CA) should have Unique
Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated on the portal of ‘The Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India’ (’.
v. In case of NSIC Bidder, a valid NSIC (National Small Industries Corporation) certificate to be submitted by bidder
duly certified by listed Third Party Inspection Agency (TPIA) OR Chartered Accountant (CA).
vi. EMD shall be in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited and shall be acceptable in the form of Crossed
Demand Draft (Payable at Mumbai) or Bank Guarantees (B.G.) in the prescribed pro-forma from Scheduled
Commercial banks in India/ Indian Branch of Foreign Bank, EXCEPT YES BANK, CKP CO-OP BANK and Punjab and
Maharashtra CO-OP BANK (PMC). The B.G. shall be valid for a period of 6 months from the final due date of
submission of Bid with a claim period of 3 months.
vii. Bidders are required to submit the EMD (in the prescribed format) in original at the time of bid submission in
sealed envelope and are required to upload the scanned copy of EMD on BPCL e-portal along with eBid. EMD
in original shall be submitted in a sealed envelope titled “SOR for the Category________ “(Category for which
the bid is submitted to be mentioned) at BPCL Maker Tower Office. Bidder must upload the scanned copy of
EMD (in the prescribed format) on BPCL e-procurement site along with the e-bid. Swift message / Cheque /
Cash / NEFT / RTGS shall not be acceptable. In case bidder fails to upload scanned copy of EMD on BPCL e-
portal by the bid due date & time, such bids shall not be considered for evaluation.
viii. BPCL will allow Public Sector Enterprises (Central/State), purchase preference as admissible/ applicable from
time to time under the existing Govt. policy. BPCL shall also follow the Public Procurement Policy on
Procurement of Goods and services from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order 2012 for EMD/ Bid security
also. Directives issued by Govt. of India from time to time shall be given due consideration during bid
ix. If the Bidder is unable to submit original EMD within the due date and time of Bid submission, he may submit
the same within 7 calendar days from the date of unpriced bid opening, provided scanned copy of the same
have been uploaded on E-Tendering website along with the bid. In case the Bidder fails to submit the EMD in
original within 7 calendar days, his bid shall be rejected, irrespective of their status / ranking in tender and
notwithstanding the fact that a copy of EMD were uploaded earlier by the Bidder
x. Following categories of bidders shall be exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):
a. Units registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC).
b. Units falling under Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) category as defined under the MSMED Act 2006. The
above are subject to the fulfilling of under mentioned conditions:
c. Units should be registered with National Small Scale Industrial Corporation Limited (NSIC) or with any of the
Authorities specified under the Public Procurement Policy for MSE’s (DIC / KVIC / KVIB / Coir Board / NSIC /
Directorate of Handicrafts and Handloom or any other body specified by Ministry of MSME). Registration
Certificate should be valid for a period at least upto validity of the bid offer i.e. six months from the schedule
date of bid submission.
Security Deposit (for successful bidders only) INR 65,000/- shall be payable for each category for which the bidder
is being awarded the contract. If a successful bidder fails to submit SD for any category, the equivalent amount
shall be recovered from the EMD.
To expedite BG confirmation process, BPCL has tied up with SBI for implementation of SFMS Bank Guarantee.
Accordingly vendors/ Contractors shall provide BPCL’s Bank Account No. & IFSC Code (Details given below) to
their Bank at the time of application for Bank Guarantee in favor of BPCL. Issuing Bank shall issue the Bank
Guarantee & send SFMS message to BPCL Bank confirming the Bank Guarantee as genuine. BPCL’s Bank (SBI)
shall in turn send the said SFMS message to BPCL’s dedicated email ID basis which BPCL shall consider the said
Bank Guarantee as verified by Bank. After getting the physical BG from the vendor, BPCL shall validate the same
with the Swift message and shall proceed with the release of payment to vendors which is due against the said
Bank Guarantee.
Bank Details
Name of Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: CAG Branch, Mumbai
Account No: 11083980831
IFSC Code: SBIN0009995
6. Liquidated Damages: 0.5% of the actual PO/job value per week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of
5% of the PO value
7. Defect Liability Period: 12 months from the date of completion of work.
8. The estimated unit rates published in the tender are inclusive of all taxes and levies, but excluding GST. GST shall
be paid additionally at the applicable rates. Bidder to quote % rate which shall be applicable on basic unit rates.
9. The successful bidders shall be required to enter into an agreement with BPCL as per proforma given in the
10. RETENTION CLAUSE: For jobs with value greater than Rs. 10 (ten) Lakhs, retention money shall be
applicable at 3% of the total job value for the performance guarantee/defect liability period of 12 months.
Hence 3% of each RA shall be deducted upfront and be retained as retention money. Retention money
shall be held for a period of 12 months from date of completion of job.
The vendor may submit a Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) for 3% of the PO/job value in lieu of the
retention money valid for the performance guarantee/defect liability period. Bank guarantee shall be valid
to cover the completion period and defect liability period with the claim period valid for further period of
6 months from the expiry of defect liability period.
11. The rates, ones finalized, shall be valid for the entire period of the contract, subject to escalation/de-
escalation as detailed in the tender. The contract period shall be 2 (two) years, extendable by 1 (one) more
year, on mutual consent of BPCL/BGRL and successful bidder.
12. Rates finalized in SOR in each category will be valid and applicable for both BPCL and BGRL GAs.
13. Purchase Orders (POs) shall be issued to the successful bidders from time to time for carrying out jobs on
the SOR, within the financial slabs as given in the tender. The successful bidders shall carry out and
complete the works as may be assigned to him, within the stipulated time. BPCL reserves the right to award
work under the SOR to any of the successful bidders.
14. BPCL may authorize any officer at any time to place POs/assign jobs directly to the contractor. Bidders
selected for a particular category of job shall execute allied jobs of other categories at SOR rates in strict
compliance with the terms and conditions of the tender.
15. Only the Techno Commercial Bid, of those bidders submitting their bids before due date and time of submission,
shall be opened.
16. The bid shall be scrutinized and evaluated based on the Bid qualifying criteria mentioned in the tender
document, requisite documents/ certificates uploaded and verification of the documents/ certificates State
Wise, Category of Jobs. Non submission of requisite documents/ certificates shall render the bid liable to be
rejected or the bid shall be evaluated according to the documents/ certificates submitted.
17. The Price Bid of only those bidders shall be opened who qualify as per the Bid qualification cum Techno
commercial criteria after evaluation.
18. Bidder to quote CHANGE IN RATE in percentage band -5% (Maximum percentage below Estimate) to +5%
(Maximum Percentage above estimate) for each of the category of job. Bidders shall be allowed to quote the
percentage change in rate up to 5% with maximum of 2 decimal places. The percentage rate quoted by the
bidder under a particular category of job shall be applied to all the unit rates of the items under that category
of job. If the bidder does not wish to quote for any of the category / sub category then the bidder has the
option not to quote for category.
19. Lowest Quoted percentage will be considered as L-1. If there are multiple bidders quoting the same lowest
quoted percentage, then all such bidders shall be considered as L-1 bidders.
20. In case, the required number of bidders ( as defined in the tender document) is not met by L1 bidder(s), the
next set of bidder(s) i.e. the L2 bidder(s) shall be given an offer to revise their original quoted % in order to
match the quote of L1 bidder(s).
21. Bidders who do not accept BPCL’s offer to match the L1 bidder’s quote, shall not be considered
22. In case the required number of bidders is not met by L2 bidder(s), the process shall be repeated serially with
L3,L4,L5……Ln bidders till the total number of vendors required in respective category is met*.
23. The same process shall be followed for all the category of jobs. A typical illustration is depicted below :
*In case more than required numbers agree to match L1 Rates of particular category / s of job/s, all the bidders
agreeing to match the L1 rate will be considered for awarding of jobs in SOR in that category/s.
i. The bidder has to accept escalation as well as de-escalation in rate based on WPI & CPI.
ii. The weightage of WPI & CPI shall be in the ratio of 70% and 30% respectively.
iii. Since, WPI & CPI are published after a gap of around 3 months; the indices of 9th month will be taken for
calculating the escalation /de-escalation. E.g. for calculating the escalation/de-escalation for 1 year from April
2022 to March 2023, the indices of December 2022 and December 2021 shall be considered.
iv. The percentage increase & decrease shall be the same for all items in the contract irrespective of the material,
labor, fuel or any other input/component. The rate so arrived at shall remain unchanged and valid for next 1
v. Once the purchase order is placed on the Vendor for individual works based on the finalized rates, the rate shall
remain firm for that work irrespective of the completion period or extension granted on whatsoever
reason/ground even if the work extends beyond 1 year.
Note: The same escalation/de-escalation methodology shall be applicable for the second and third year also.
The escalated/de-escalated rates after applying the percentage variation shall be rounded off to the nearest
25. If, at any stage, the documents/information furnished by the bidder are found to be forged/incorrect,
such bidder shall be rejected and/or the contract with such bidder shall be terminated and the EMD
and/or Security Deposit shall be forfeited. Such bidder shall be put on the Holiday List of BPCL as per the
Holiday listing policy.
26. The work will be awarded on need basis and the Contractor is to complete each work within the stipulated
27. The work will be spread in all or any of the locations of the state.
28. Vendors selected for a particular category of job will execute allied jobs in other category of jobs on SOR Rates
in compliance with strict laid down quality norms. State wise rates finalized in SOR in each category will be
valid and applicable for both BPCL and BGRL GAs of that particular State.
29. The bidder to note that the major works that are required to be carried out in the critical area may be
required to be carried out in Restricted times i.e., in the night and on weekly off days. No extra
compensation shall be paid in this regard.
30. The Contractor will carry out the work as per the instructions of Engineer-in charge within the stipulated time
31. Arrangements for supply and storing of materials including handling, loading, unloading, carriage to work
site and allied safety and security arrangements shall be Contractor's responsibility without extra cost to
32. BPCL does not guarantee work to the vendor under all the sub-heads / main items described & nothing
extra is payable on this account.
33. The Contractor shall submit bills for the items of work executed provided all job completion certificates
are produced, within one month from the date of completion of the job. The bill will be processed after
verification by the by the concerned BPCL Officer.
34. In case of failure of timely completion of job, the same may be executed through other agencies at the
Contractor's risks and cost.
35. Defective works, if noticed, the contractor has to replace the same without any additional charges.
36. Vendors finalized for a particular category of job shall execute allied jobs in other category of jobs on
SOR rates in compliance with strict laid down quality norms as required/ instructed by Officer in Charge.
37. The Contractor shall procure materials always conforming to list approved by BPCL.
38. Disposal of rubbish, debris, surplus materials, reusable or unusable materials shall be done as per direction
of BPCL. Disposal has to be done in such a manner as not to draw any objection from the municipality or
any other local body.
39. Any work not done properly / to the satisfaction of Engineer In charge shall have to be redone free of cost.
40. Contractor’s Guarantee: It shall always prevail upon all else that the contractor agrees to give the
guarantee of his work which shall remain valid till the repayment of security deposit.
41. All materials incorporated in the work shall be new unless otherwise mentioned & both workmanship and
materials shall be of good quality.
42. Should at any subsequent date, any material or fitting or workmanship of any element of the structure
have been detected as of sub-standard quality Contractor shall either remove the same & shall re-do it
at his own risk and cost.
44. The whole job is to be carried out in accordance to CPWD specifications and relevant IS codes. The
measurement is also to be done as per mode of measurement (IS: 1200).
45. For items where basic rates are specified, GST invoice of the purchase of material is to be provided along
with the final bill. The contractor must also furnish challans/ vouchers of the material procured by him
whenever asked by the officer in charge.
BPCL has setup a Business Process Excellence Centre (BPEC) for Vendor Invoice processing. BPEC will
function as a payments factory to receive, digitize and process vendor invoices in a timely and accurate
manner. In addition, the centre will receive and account for Performance Bank Guarantees (PBGs) and
sent to BPEC including Supporting Documents for Payments.