Adenta Easyway Coil

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A Proven Technique for effective alignment of impacted

incisors, canines, and premolars

• Zero inflammatory reactions recorded

• Zero loosening of bonded attachment
• Zero breakages recorded
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(Clinical research conducted by Dr. Schubert, Germany) “Invente ert,
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EASY-WAY-COIL SYSTEM ® for lingual and buccal treatment clinically reliable, efficient, easy to use and
economical system for the alignment of impacted and ectopic teeth.

tension spring which is pivot-mounted to a lingual button with

a bonding base. The appliance is activated by systematically
shortening the spring. It is reliable and demonstrates a constant
application of force throughout the treatment procedure, includ-
ing stable maximum anchorage.

Pivot-mounted button

Many different traction appliance options are available for the

task of aligning the ectopic or impacted tooth. The forces in some Bonding base button
of these appliances are generated by elastics. The quality of the
material of elastics, elastic chains or an elastic rubber thread
makes frequent replacement necessary for the purpose of re-
activation. Lever designs are highly elastic and supply effective Space maintaining spring
force for a relatively long period of time, but they are easily
damaged, rather uncomfortable for patients, and make oral
hygiene more difficult.
The EASY-WAY-COIL SYSTEM ® consists of a stainless steel Chosen if force direction is
90° to the bonding surface

Easy to use Finish quickly Clinically reliable Predictable

Inventor Dr. Michael Schubert

The EASY-WAY-COIL system design did not come to me overnight, in fact this design
formed slowly and gradually over a period of a few years. Each time I experienced an
adverse effect directly related to the design and function of a particular appliance, I
started to formulate new appliance design solutions.

In my opinion the EWC system has three distinct advantages:

The rigid nature of this traction spring system permits controlled tooth movement in all
directions of space, as long as one point of anchorage is available. Remember this
anchorage does not always have to be the archwire, however I choose the arch wire
repeatedly for its ease of use.

I wanted to design a system that was simple, easily reproducible and clinically easy to perform. Cutting 3 rings of the spring
equals cutting 1mm of active length, which generates a force of 0.158N. Thus the total force generated can be adjusted by
clipping multiples of 3 rings.

Control of rotational torque/moment

Probably the most pronounced advantages of my system is its ability to control torque. The rigid nature of this spring
produces an anti-rotational movement. Now I can move my canines in a lateral direction without unintentionally exerting a
rotational movement (favorable for canines with palatinal impaction). With a traction force of roughly 0.3N and the lingual
button attached at a distance of 2-3mm from the cuspid’s longitudinal axis, an anti-rotational torque of 0.8-0.9 Nmm is

My patients have greatly profited from the EWC system with excellent treatment results and optimal comfort. I have experi-
enced a high level of controlled tooth movement with a full understanding and control of forces needed for efficient and safe
tooth movement.

Dr. Michael Schubert

EASY-WAY-COIL spring system produces a complete treatment approach for impaction producing
many advantages that other systems cannot provide.

• Sturdy and stable • Variable direction of traction

• Prevents undesired rotation • Simple re-activation
• Repels Mucosa and scar tissue • Precisely quantified amount of force
• Prevents inflammatory reactions • High degree of comfort for patients
• Intermitting forces • Clinically reliable & economical
• Long activation • Unilaterally or bilaterally
• Constant precise force during activation • Can treat both lingual and buccally impacted teeth
• Simple re-activation and variable direction

“Choosing the right force minimizes root damages
and reduces treatment time!”
Dr. Schubert, Germany


Intermitting forces
The EASY-WAY-COIL® is activated in small steps in 4 week inter-
vals. As the tooth reaches the position needed for re-activation,
this in turn creates an interval of tooth movement and allows
recovery of the tissue in between activation steps. These intermit-
ting forces allow permanent blood supply to all surrounding

Activation Distance = 2mm - Optimum Force = 32 cN

The advantages of using a stainless steel spring vs. a Niti spring

can be seen clearly throughout all our clinical testing. Couple
this high functioning spring with a custom designed button and
you have the perfect traction appliance.

Sturdy and stable

Stainless steel springs permit accurate and sturdy formation of
the eyelet, with no introduction of rotation and allows simple and
easy re-activation later in treatment.
13.1 months after exposure
Prevents undesired rotation of spring
An experimental study confirmed that the steel spring’s rigidity
has an anti-rotation effect and can thus generate a counter-
torque of 0.75 N mm, against the strong rotation of a palatally
Item Sales Unit
ectopic cuspid.
1 Patient Kit –
Repels Mucosa and scar tissue 1 Space maintaing spring
Mucosa or scar tissue can grow in between the separated spiral 5 Patient Kit –
winding of a NiTi spring, this prevents the spring from contract- EWCS5 5 EASY-WAY-COIL springs
ing, and thus making it impossible to estimate how much traction 5 Space maintaing springs
force is effectively being applied to the tooth. Activation with the 1 Patient Kit – 90° version
steel spring is low, the “tube from” is retained and mucosa or EWCS1-90 1 EASY-WAY-COIL spring
scar tissue is easily repelled. This allows the spring to contract 1 Space maintaing spring
and slide easily with little friction. 5 Patient Kit – 90° version
EWCS5-90 5 EASY-WAY-COIL springs
5 Space maintaing springs
Prevents inflammatory reactions
Since 2008 the EASY-WAY-COIL® system, no patient has suf-
fered inflammatory reactions in the oral mucosa adjacent to the
traction spring during treatment.

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