Adenta Easyway Coil
Adenta Easyway Coil
Adenta Easyway Coil
EASY-WAY-COIL SYSTEM ® for lingual and buccal treatment clinically reliable, efficient, easy to use and
economical system for the alignment of impacted and ectopic teeth.
Pivot-mounted button
Easy to use Finish quickly Clinically reliable Predictable
The EASY-WAY-COIL system design did not come to me overnight, in fact this design
formed slowly and gradually over a period of a few years. Each time I experienced an
adverse effect directly related to the design and function of a particular appliance, I
started to formulate new appliance design solutions.
The rigid nature of this traction spring system permits controlled tooth movement in all
directions of space, as long as one point of anchorage is available. Remember this
anchorage does not always have to be the archwire, however I choose the arch wire
repeatedly for its ease of use.
I wanted to design a system that was simple, easily reproducible and clinically easy to perform. Cutting 3 rings of the spring
equals cutting 1mm of active length, which generates a force of 0.158N. Thus the total force generated can be adjusted by
clipping multiples of 3 rings.
My patients have greatly profited from the EWC system with excellent treatment results and optimal comfort. I have experi-
enced a high level of controlled tooth movement with a full understanding and control of forces needed for efficient and safe
tooth movement.
EASY-WAY-COIL spring system produces a complete treatment approach for impaction producing
many advantages that other systems cannot provide.
“Choosing the right force minimizes root damages
and reduces treatment time!”
Dr. Schubert, Germany
Intermitting forces
The EASY-WAY-COIL® is activated in small steps in 4 week inter-
vals. As the tooth reaches the position needed for re-activation,
this in turn creates an interval of tooth movement and allows
recovery of the tissue in between activation steps. These intermit-
ting forces allow permanent blood supply to all surrounding