Intelligent Traffic Management System Based On The
Intelligent Traffic Management System Based On The
Intelligent Traffic Management System Based On The
Research Article
Intelligent Traffic Management System Based on the Internet of
Vehicles (IoV)
Samir A. Elsagheer Mohamed and Khaled A. AlShalfan4
College of Computer, Qassim University, Qassim, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science and Engineering Dept, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), New Borg-El-Arab City,
Alexandria, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt
College of Computer and Information Sciences at Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Received 11 April 2021; Revised 2 May 2021; Accepted 13 May 2021; Published 27 May 2021
Copyright © 2021 Samir A. Elsagheer Mohamed and Khaled A. AlShalfan. This is an open access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
The present era is marked by rapid improvement and advances in technology. One of the most essential areas that demand im-
provement is the traffic signal, as it constitutes the core of the traffic system. This demand becomes stringent with the development of
Smart Cities. Unfortunately, road traffic is currently controlled by very old traffic signals (tri-color signals) regardless of the relentless
effort devoted to developing and improving the traffic flow. These traditional traffic signals have many problems including inefficient
time management in road intersections; they are not immune to some environmental conditions, like rain; and they have no means of
giving priority to emergency vehicles. New technologies like Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) and Internet of Vehicles (IoV)
enable vehicles to communicate with those nearby and with a dedicated infrastructure wirelessly. In this paper, we propose a new traffic
management system based on the existing VANETand IoV that is suitable for future traffic systems and Smart Cities. In this paper, we
present the architecture of our proposed Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) and Smart Traffic Signal (STS) controller. We
present local traffic management of an intersection based on the demands of future Smart Cities for fairness, reducing commute time,
providing reasonable traffic flow, reducing traffic congestion, and giving priority to emergency vehicles. Simulation results showed that
the proposed system outperforms the traditional management system and could be a candidate for the traffic management system in
future Smart Cities. Our proposed adaptive algorithm not only significantly reduces the average waiting time (delay) but also increases
the number of serviced vehicles. Besides, we present the implemented hardware prototype for STS.
(d) They are not immune to some environmental con- In this paper, we propose the use of the existing IoV and
ditions, like rain, fog, and the like. Thus, they may VANET infrastructure to provide an efficient and intelligent
not work correctly in these conditions or be visible. traffic management system. We provide the details of the
This causes accidents and fatalities. proposed architecture that reuses the same building blocks
(e) They have no method of giving priority to emergency of IoV and VANET without incurring any further com-
vehicles (Ambulances, Firemen, Police, etc.). Such plexity of extra components or hardware or any special
vehicles require intelligent traffic signals to open the deployment. We propose the Smart Traffic Signal archi-
road for them even before arriving at the tecture and its operation. Furthermore, we present an
intersection. adaptive algorithm to provide efficient and near-to-the-
optimal traffic management of local intersections supporting
(f ) There are many other drawbacks of the traditional
any number of phases that is fully parameterized. Moreover,
traffic management systems due to the inability of
we present a simulator that we have developed for simu-
the traditional traffic signals to help provide dynamic
lating and studying the effectiveness of the proposed algo-
and adaptive services.
rithm compared to the fixed-time algorithm under different
Based on the previously mentioned drawbacks of the traffic conditions and in different scenarios. One essential
traditional traffic management system, it is clear that there is a feature of the proposed architecture is that it supports any
great need to improve its functionality by providing some form adaptive algorithm without having to change the
of intelligence to enable dynamism and adaptivity. This, in architecture.
turn, can help in reducing traffic jams and road congestion, Tables 2 and 3 show the most used abbreviations in this
thus minimizing the travel time and reducing pollution. The paper.
traditional traffic management system was designed several In the proposed system, there will be no need for color
decades ago. The number of vehicles was very small at that time lights. Vehicles will be able to communicate with the In-
and the traditional system was sufficient to efficiently manage telligent Signals wirelessly to achieve their services and
the traffic with the available technology at that time. It is clear provide the following features: the ideal traffic flow as the
that with the massive increase in the number of vehicles and the opening (green light) for any road will be based on a dy-
inability to increase the sizes and the number of roads in many namic priority; the opening time will be based on the
cities, there is a need for smarter solutions that use recent and number of waiting vehicles. This can optimize the waiting
most sophisticated technologies to adopt a smart traffic time (reduce the delay), reduce traffic congestion, give
management system. priority to crowded roads, and eliminate useless openings,
Thus, there is a great and urgent need to replace the thus facilitating adequate traffic flow. This in turn can reduce
traditional traffic signal system with a new system: An In- the total travel time and hence reduce pollution and fuel
telligent Traffic Management System (ITMS). This ITMS consumption. The ITMS can also provide priority access to
system will provide many services that cannot be provided emergency, police, and firefighter vehicles to seamlessly
by the traditional system and it will solve the previously navigate the roads and arrive at open intersections.
mentioned problems. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Related
Internet of Vehicles (IoV) [1–4] or connected vehicles is works are presented in Section 2. Technologies that are
a recent research venue that allows the development of many essential for developing the proposed Intelligent Traffic
promising applications in Smart Cities [5–7] based on the Management System (IMTS) are highlighted in Section 3.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). IoV [8] will be This includes VANET, IoV, and Positioning Systems. Fur-
deployed widely in Smart Cities. Thus, instead of deploying thermore, Section 4 provides the details of the proposed
dedicated infrastructure and very complex and expensive IMTS architecture, the Smart Traffic Signal (STS), and the
legacy systems to control and manage traffic, why not use the operation of the IMTS. In Section 4.1, we provide the
essential building block of future Smart Cities without any proposed adaptive algorithm for traffic management and
extra complexity and provide a better performance, hence signal control to reduce the average waiting time and in-
solving most of the problems in the old system. crease the number of serviced vehicles. In Section 5, we
There are many efforts in the literature seeking intelli- present our developed simulator and the obtained results.
gent traffic control. Most of the existing approaches rely Finally, Section 6, provides the general conclusion and the
solely on counting the vehicles on each road segment at the future research direction.
intersection. These approaches are named sensor-based
technologies that include inductive loops, magnetometer, 2. Related Works
microwave radar, laser radar, ultrasonic, acoustics, video
cameras [9], and counting cables [10]. In-depth studies of The problem of road traffic management has been an active
these sensor-based approaches are given in [11, 12]. Table 1 research topic for several decades. Several attempts to
summarizes the features of each of these approaches. propose an intelligent traffic control system are found in the
However, these techniques cannot be deployed largely be- literature. For example, in [13], the design of the Intelligent
cause of the complexity and the very high manufacturing Traffic Light Controller Using Embedded System is pro-
cost. In addition, they are not scalable or reliable. Damage of posed. Again, they use the traditional means to count the
the counting cable and even the video cameras can limit the number of vehicles. In [14], the development of an intelli-
reliability of the whole system. gent traffic light for reducing traffic accidents is proposed. In
Journal of Advanced Transportation 3
Table 3: Notations—parameter and symbol definitions that are used in the algorithms and the figures.
Symbol Description
R The number of roads at the intersection (default: 4)
L(r) The number of lanes on the road r.
Tg min Minimum time to open a road (default: 3 sec)
Tg max Maximum time to open a road, to prevent the starvation of roads having few vehicles
Tr max Maximum time for a red signal. This is very important to avoid starvation
Ty Transition time to change the open road state from open to closed. Equivalent to the yellow light signal
Tturnover Total estimated time to service one round of all the roads
tr (r) Time at which the road r became red
tg Time since green light is on
rg The currently open road (similar to the green light)
gt A timer for the open road (green timer)
τ Current time
dr Road heading direction
SLr The intersection stop line for the road r
dir Distance from the current location of vehicle i on the road r to the intersection stop line SLr
Maximum distance from the intersection stop line SLr on any road to consider any vehicle in the vehicle count. Typically, this
value is set to 400 meters
V(r) Number of vehicles queued on the road r within a distance Dmax from the intersection
4 Journal of Advanced Transportation
[15], an intelligent traffic light control method based on the cameras is presented in [36]. The solution is based on WSN
extension theory for crossroads is presented. An Agent and VANET by deploying a very large number of cameras
Approach for Intelligent Traffic-Light Control is presented connected in a dedicated infrastructure. The video stream of
in [11]. the cameras is sent to centralized servers to process them and
The most common method is to install a tricolor signal at extract useful traffic information that can be used to control
each road intersection to manage the access to the critical the traffic signals. Other studies based on WSN are provided
section (the intersection). Several variants of priority and in [37, 38]. Several approaches based on IoT are proposed
critical section access are deployed. One of the variants is the such as in [5, 39]. The authors in [40] propose the use of
round ribbon, which allocates a constant time for the open expert systems and AI to process the images extracted from
road (turning on the green light), then a fixed time for the cameras for traffic management. Pheromone-based Multi-
transition period by turning on the yellow light, and then Agent System based on the use of cameras and sensors is
closing the road by turning on the red light, and repeating proposed in [21].
the process for the next road, etc. This is the least effective An interesting study selecting the best charging station
approach for managing traffic; however, it is the most for electric vehicles according to the traffic condition to
common system worldwide except in several developed minimize commuting time is presented in [41]. A parallel
countries. algorithm to synchronize intersections in large and dense
An algorithm to manage the operation of a single tra- zones suggesting improving the average speed-based Bus
ditional traffic light signal for an intersection having four- Rapid Transit is proposed in [42]. A similar study based on a
way roads is presented in [16], suggesting adjusting the hybrid heuristic approach is presented in [43]. Finally, in
traffic according to the traffic condition. Although the [44], the authors suggest the use of the speed of vehicles at
proposed algorithm is claimed to be adaptive, it considers the intersection as an optimization parameter for traffic light
fixed periods of the days similar to the study presented in control.
[17]. Similarly, a calendar-based history information ap- In this paper, unlike the previously mentioned studies,
proach is proposed in [18]. we provide a complete architecture of a smart traffic
Another study using multi-agent communication based management system and a smart traffic signal controller
on edge computing architecture and IoT for traffic light based on IoV technology that can be deployed effectively.
control is presented in [19]. The authors propose a multi- Although other studies already suggested the use of V2I
agent reinforcement learning (MARL) system for global communication as the basis of the traffic management
traffic signal management. Similar studies based on MARL system, in this paper, we provide a complete study and
are presented in [20, 21]. Other agent-based approaches are performance analysis for different traffic conditions. As
given in [11, 12]. Another study using reinforcement stated before, this study does not require any extra hardware
learning is given in [6] to maximize the number of vehicles like counting cables, computer vision, and camera systems
crossing the intersections using Q-learning. Similarly, deep [21, 36]. There is no need for expensive and complex systems
reinforcement learning is proposed in [22]. Ant colony to extract useful features such as computer vision or deep
optimization approach is proposed in [23] and the artificial learning approaches [5, 39, 40] or parallel processing [42].
bee colony optimization approach is proposed in [24]. Social
IoV [25] proposed for managing traffic is presented in [26]. 3. Technologies to Implement ITMS
Several studies are based on the congestion level of the
roads. For example, in [27], an adaptive algorithm is pre- This Section presents the Vehicular Networks, which are the
sented and evaluated. In this study, the aim is to use V2V so base communication technology for the system. Then, an
that each vehicle can estimate the congestion level of the overview of the positioning system is provided.
traffic and can reroute to the least congested route. Another
study based on V2V communication is proposed in [28]. A
framework for traffic optimization based on vehicle 3.1. Vehicular Networks. The direct communication between
rerouting to reduce traffic congestion is given in [29]. In vehicles using an Ad Hoc network is referred to as inter-
another study in [30], a system based on V2I communi- vehicle communication (IVC) or Vehicular Ad-hoc NET-
cations is proposed. In addition, this study considers se- works (VANETs) [45–48]. VANET has two communication
curing incident detection and dissemination from different types. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication allows
types of attacks. Different experiments for traffic signal vehicles to exchange messages among them on the road.
control based on the Floating Car Data (FCD) are given in Vehicles can communicate with an infrastructure deployed
[31]. FCD was used also in [32] for management techniques alongside the roads using Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I)
of vehicle tracking data. communication. Each vehicle has its Onboard Unit (OBU)
Modular Timed Synchronized Petri Net model is pro- that is similar to the vehicle computer with extra features
posed in [33] for traffic signal management to reduce en- allowing the services and layers of VANET. The infra-
vironmental impact. Pareto max flow algorithm is presented structure is a network of Roadside Units (RSU) that is in-
in [34] and Cellular Genetic Algorithm is proposed in [35]. stalled on the roadside. Figure 1 depicts the topical
There are several research works on using cameras to architecture of VANET.
count the number of vehicles for traffic management and The next generation of VANET is referred to as the
optimization. A recent study using the Internet of smart- Internet of Vehicles (IoV) [8, 49–51] that extends the
Journal of Advanced Transportation 5
BS Vehicular service
functionality of VANET and inherits several features of the 3.2. Positioning System. IoV/VANET technology is still in
Internet of Things (IoT). In Addition to V2V and V2I the research phase, where there are some challenges to be
communication services, IoV includes several others. As undertaken before its actual deployment in the Smart Cities.
shown in Figure 2, IoV involves V2P (Vehicle-to-Pedestrian, The most critical one is the positioning system (aka local-
allowing the communication with vulnerable road users), ization system) for the vehicles. In other words, this system
V2S (Vehicle-to-Sensor, on the inside of the vehicle), V2H answers the question “how to provide each vehicle with its
(Vehicle-to-Home, of the owner of the vehicle), V2B (Ve- real-time location?” There exist several positioning tech-
hicle-to-Building, the surrounding buildings in the smart niques that are suitable for different application categories
city), V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid, for electric charging), V2D [56–61]. Each application or service provided by IoV/
(Vehicle-to-Device, for all the onboard devices), and V2R VANET has its own requirements of the positioning system.
(Vehicle-to-Road signs). IoV and VANET are the main Some applications may tolerate some error levels in the
enablers of the future Intelligent Transportation Systems positioning information. Other applications require a very
(ITS) [52] as shown in Figure 3. accurate and reliable positioning system. An example of the
The wireless communication is subject to the IEEE first category is traffic management applications. Most of the
802.11p standard that defines enhancements to IEEE 802.11 safety applications, on the other hand, require the second
standards required to support Intelligent Transportation category. Some examples are collision avoidance, automatic
Systems (ITS) applications. The IEEE 802.11p controls data driving, and lane tracking. The accuracy of the positioning
exchange between high-speed vehicles and between vehicles system must be within the centimeter. In addition, its
and the roadside infrastructure (RSUs) in the licensed ITS availability must be guaranteed. If it fails for some time,
band of 5.9 GHz (5.85–5.925 GHz) [53]. catastrophic circumstances may occur such as collisions.
VANETs/IoVs allow the development and creation of The most common and widely used Positioning System
many new services. Safety-related services include crash or is the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) [62–64], a
collision avoidance, emergency warning system, lane-changing satellite navigation system with global coverage. There are
assistant, intersection coordination, traffic sign/signal violation several GNSS systems, namely, Global Navigation Satellite
warning, road-condition warning, and traffic violation detec- System (GLONASS) [65, 66], Global Positioning System
tion [54]. Other services may include toll collection, commerce (GPS) [67–69], BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)
transactions via vehicles, traffic information systems, naviga- [70], Galileo [71], Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)
tion, automatic driving, weather information, gas station or [72, 73], and others. GNSS positioning systems have several
restaurant locations, and interactive communications such as drawbacks. The most unacceptable disadvantage would be
Internet access, music download, exchanging messages be- the inaccuracy of the resulting measurements. For example,
tween drivers or passengers, and multimedia entertainment. GPS devices can produce an error of up to 10 meters. This
For more details, please refer to [55]. accuracy may seem to be acceptable for several
6 Journal of Advanced Transportation
Carrier phase and
measurements for
high precision TerraStar provides precise
satellite orbit and
clock corrections
Precisely surveyed
Carrier phase signal
base antenna position
measurements for
high precision
Rover Base
receiver receiver
Base receiver measurement
data provided to rover receiver
(vehicles, infrastructure, RSU, pedestrians, sensors, (d) Smart Traffic Signal Communication Unit controls
road equipment, cloud servers, grid, devices, etc.). and manages the communication between the ve-
(b) GNSS and Location Service Unit allows the vehicle to hicle and the smart traffic signal.
know its current position, its speed, and its direction (e) Driver UI is used for the communication with the
in degrees. driver of the vehicle. This unit must have an LCD to
(c) V2S and S2V Communication Unit is used for the display the information to the driver as well as
Vehicle-to-Signal and Signal-to-Vehicle communi- loudspeakers to give audible instructions to the
cation (an additional communication protocol that driver. This unit should also implement a speech
is essential for exchanging messages between the recognition engine to interact verbally with the
vehicle and the STS). driver. It displays and voice prompts the driver to
8 Journal of Advanced Transportation
Onboard unit (OBU) Smart traffic signal (STS) Internet of vehicles layers
Intersection Wireless
IoV protocol Smart traffic priority
stack signal Comm. transceiver
management Business layer
IoV protocol Security and
Traffic signal
V2S, S2V anti-tampering
stack Management layer
Comm. Units components
V2S,S2V Traffic control
GNSS and Environment Comm. Units Comm. Unit
Communication layer
location sensor
Security and coordination Pre-processing layer
Driver UI management
Adaptive traffic Acquisition layer
management algorithm
User-interaction layer
Cloud servers
Traffic information
V Smart traffic
signal (STS)
Bluetooth low
Beidou energy
Figure 6: The architecture of the proposed ITMS based on IoV for Smart Cities.
stop or to go depending on the decision obtained group of anonymous certificates issued for this ve-
from the STS. hicle to be used for communication among other
(f ) V2V Communication Unit implements the Vehicle- vehicles to maintain the privacy of the driver and
to-Vehicle functionality enabling communication prevent tracking of the vehicle. This unit is re-
among nearby vehicles. sponsible for securing the communication between
the vehicle and other entities including the traffic
(g) Wireless Transceiver Unit allows the communica-
signals. RSUs will periodically broadcast the certif-
tion between the vehicle and the STS. The vehicle will
icates of the trusted smart traffic signals to ensure
send its position, speed, direction, and other in-
that the vehicle is always communicating with a
formation to the smart signal. The traffic information
legitimate traffic signal. For the security aspects of
is received from the smart signal wirelessly. This
ad-hoc networks and securing such systems and
information contains which road direction has pass-
more specifically IoV and interconnected vehicles,
signal and how much time is remaining. The wireless
please refer to [1, 51, 76, 81–88].
system is configured to work in Ad-Hoc networking
mode to be able to communicate with the smart
signals 4.2. Smart Traffic Signal (STS) Controller. The Smart Traffic
(h) The System Controller controls the operations and Signal (STS) is a system that has to be placed in the center of
other devices in the system. the road intersection or any corner as shown in Figure 7. It
must contain the following components as shown in
(i) Security and Antitampering Unit that implements
Figure 6.
the necessary level of security and privacy of the
vehicles. This contains the digital certificate of the (a) Intersection Priority Management that implements
vehicle that has been issued by the traffic authority or the priority of the intersection at which this smart
the vehicle manufacturer. It must contain also a signal is placed.
Journal of Advanced Transportation 9
D max
SL1 d3
d1 SL3
Figure 7: The smart traffic management system (STMS) is placed in the intersection. STMS must be programmed by the heading angle
(denoted by d1, d2,. . .,d5) of each road in the interaction. Vehicles to be considered in the optimization algorithm are those currently
between the stop line (SLi, i � 1, 2, . . . 5) and Dmax : away from the intersection.
(b) Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Protocol Stack is similar to (ii) No need to place a GNSS receiver in the STS; its
the Onboard Unit as explained before. Some func- position can be programmed once by the engineer
tionality may not necessarily be implemented in the responsible for installation. However, if the STS will
STS. This includes V2G, V2S, V2H, etc. be used as GNSS/RTK error correction ground base
(c) V2S and S2V Communication Unit for is used for station, it must include the GNSS receiving unit so
the Vehicle-to-Signal and Signal-to-Vehicle com- that it can calculate the error and send it to the
munication (an additional communication protocol nearby vehicles to accurately calculate their loca-
that is essential for exchanging messages between the tion, speed, and direction.
vehicle and the STS) (iii) The wireless transceiver enables the STS to com-
(d) Emergency Priority Management Unit is used to municate wirelessly with the vehicles, collect the
detect the presence of any arriving emergency ve- locations of nearby vehicles, and broadcast the
hicle to open the road for it without having to wait at traffic control information (the pass-signal to
the intersection. specify which road can pass and the others have to
(e) Intersignal Coordination Unit is used for global traffic stop).
management so that smart traffic signals communi- (iv) The controller controls and manages the operations
cate among each other in a city and provide the of the STS. It takes the decision based on the
minimum travel time according to the traffic flow. adaptive algorithm that will be explained later.
(f ) Security and Antitampering Unit is similar to the (v) The STS in each intersection receives the information
Onboard Unit as explained before. from the waiting vehicles on each road. The collected
(g) Traffic Signal Controller manages the other units and information is vehicle UID from its certificate or any
controls the traffic signal operations. of the anonymous certificates list in the case when the
(h) Wireless Transceiver is used for the physical com- privacy of the vehicles is mandated, vehicle current
munication between the signal and the vehicles. position, vehicle speed, and vehicle moving direction.
The STS periodically collects all the information and
updates its internal database.
4.3. Operation of the STS. The operation of the smart traffic (vi) The controller, based on the current road statistics
signal is as follows: obtained from the vehicle’s information in the
(i) The STS will not have the traditional three lights; internal database, executes the desired algorithm
instead, it will broadcast the signals wirelessly using (details are given in the next subsections) and
the S2V communication unit. decides which road has to be opened at any given
10 Journal of Advanced Transportation
time. It sends this information wirelessly using the the condition that it has vehicles, excluding those
broadcast mode so that all the vehicles waiting in having no vehicles. If this road is closed more than
the intersection know if they can move forward Tr max , then this road will be the next one to open.
(pass) or stop. (ii) Otherwise, the road having the largest number of
(vii) It should be noted that pedestrian handling is out of vehicles will be the next one to open.
the scope of this paper. This could be explored in (iii) The green time (the open time) will be set dy-
future research work. namically as the ratio of the number of vehicles of
the selected road and the total number of waiting
vehicles on all the roads multiplied by the cycle time
4.4. Adaptive Traffic Management Algorithm. One of the Tturnover .
essential components of the ITMS is the Adaptive Traffic
Management Algorithm (ATMA). ATMA’s main aim is to (iv) Adjust the calculated green timer to be within the
adaptively optimize the traffic signal according to the traffic maximum and minimum allowed values for the
density, to minimize the waiting time (delay), and to open timer.
maximize the flow rate at the intersection. Using the pro-
posed architecture and the features of IoV, all the essential
4.5. Operation of the Smart Traffic Management System.
information such as the number of waiting vehicles in the
Since IoV is used when any vehicle is going to travel on any
intersection, the waiting time of each vehicle, the vehicle
road, before going to that road, it must know all the public
type (normal, truck, or emergency), the flow rate of the open
keys of all the STSs. This can be downloaded to the internal
road, and the state of each road segment can be collected in
memory of the On-Board unit using the RSU or directly
real time by the STS without any extra hardware (only IoV
from the server using long-distance communication (e.g.,
components and the STS). This information, if used by an
4G, 5G, LoRa, etc.). The vehicles will trust only the STS’s
efficient ATMA, can lead to optimal traffic management. In
with these public keys. This is to avoid any attack from any
this subsection, we present the proposed ATMA that gov-
fake or malicious STS.
erns the operations of the STS. We define the parameters and
In this section, we are going to explain the overall op-
symbols used in the proposed algorithm in Table 3.
eration procedure and algorithm that manage the func-
The pseudocode of the main algorithm is defined as
tionality of the Intelligent Traffic Management System.
shown in Algorithm 1 listing. The algorithm to select the
next open road in the intersection is given in the Algorithm 2 (i) Each STS periodically broadcasts its digital cer-
listing. Handling the emergency or priority vehicles is given tificate, the heading angles, the Ending Lines (ELs)
in Algorithm 3. Please refer to Figures 8–10 for a flowchart points Pi1 and Pi2 coordinates.
illustration of each part of the algorithm.
(ii) The vehicles that are on the intersection managed
As depicted in Algorithm 1 listing and in Figure 8, after
by this STS can know the Ending Line of the
initializing the variables, the system repeats forever the
current road. They will not cross it unless this road
following. It calculates the number of vehicles in each road
opens. If for any reason the vehicle crosses this line
with the distance to the intersection <Dmax . In the case when
while the state of the current road is “Closed,” the
there are no more vehicles within Dmax in the open road (the
vehicle will record it in its internal memory as a
open road is empty), the road is closed after waiting for the
red-light signal crossing violation. The information
transition period. Then, select the next open road. At any
that will be saved is the STS ID, the current road,
time if an emergency or priority vehicle arrives on any closed
the current location, the Ending Line (EL) points
road, then send a warning message to all vehicles on the open
Pi1 and Pi2 coordinates, and the current time.
road (rg ) that the road will be closed now due to the ex-
Knowing this is very simple by using the heading
istence of an emergency or priority vehicle on another road.
angle, the current location, and the Ending Line.
Then, wait for the transition time, Ty , and after that close
the open road, rg . Then, open the road (rem ) having the (iii) When the vehicle is approaching the intersection,
emergency vehicle and keep it open until the emergency it broadcasts its location and its heading angle. This
vehicle sends a message that it has crossed the intersection information will be received by the STS.
(overriding the Tr max threshold). On the expiration of the (iv) The STS counts all the vehicles that are waiting on
green timer, the system will decide dynamically which road each road.
should be open. A dynamic algorithm called “Select Next (v) When there are no emergency vehicles on any of
Open Road” (as shown in Algorithm 2 listing and Figure 9) the roads, the STS selects the road having the
is devised to estimate the best road to open in order to maximum number of waiting vehicles and decides
optimize the traffic flow, minimize the average waiting time, to open it for them. This is simply done by sending
and increase the number of serviced vehicles (crossing the periodically broadcast messages containing only
intersection): the road information (heading angle and the
(i) To prevent starvation (few vehicles waiting too long remaining time to close that road).
on a road while there are many vehicles on the other (vi) Vehicles receive the broadcast messages from the
roads), find the road with the largest close time with STS and compare the received heading angle with
Journal of Advanced Transportation 11
Inputs: R, L(r), Tg min , Tg max , Tr max , Ty , Tturnover , SLr , dir , Dmax as defined in Table 3.
Initialize variables
(1) For each r in R
(i) Set tr (r) � τ # set the closing time for the roads equals the current time
(ii) Set V(r) � 0 # initialize the vehicle counts in all the roads
(2) Set gt � (Tg min + Tg max )/2 # initialize the Open Timer to the average of the minimum and maximum open timers
(3) Set rg � 1 # Set the current open road to be the first one
(4) Repeat forever:
(5) Calculate the number of vehicles in each road with the distance to the intersection <Dmax
# To minimize the computation and iterating on a very large number of entries, we use the following approach:
(6) # For the open road, when a vehicle is crossing the intersection stop line SLrg from any lane L(rg ),
(7) Set V(rg ) � V(rg ) − 1
(8) # For all the roads including the open one, on the arrival of any vehicle on the road r in any lane L(r),
(9) Set V(r) � V(r) + 1
(10) If (no more cars are within Dmax in the open road): # the open road is empty
(11) Wait for the transition time, Ty
(12) Close the open road, rg
(13) Call “Select Next Open Road” algorithm.
(14) If (Emergency vehicle on a Closed Road rem ):
(15) Call Handle_Emergency_Vehicle (rem , rg ):
(16) If τ > (tg + gt ): # When the green timer expired
(17) Call “Select Next Open Road” algorithm.
(18) Inform the vehicles about the currently open road
(19) Periodically send a broadcast message to all the roads: “the only road rg having heading directiondrg ” is open for at most gt .
(20) Continue Repeating
End of the Main Algorithm.
Set tg � τ
(1) Set tr (rg ) � τ
(2) # To prevent starvation, find the road with the largest close time with the condition that it has vehicles, excluding those having
no vehicles
(3) Let rlw represents the road with the longest close time and initialize it to −1
(4) For x in all the roads R:
(5) if [τ − tr (x)] > Tr max and V(x) > 0 then Set rlw � x
(6) If rlw > � x, then Set rg � rlw else Set rg � argmax [V(r)] # select the road having the largest number of cars
(7) # now specify the green light time based on the number of cars
(8) Let Nv � i�Ri�1 V(i)
(9) Set gt � (V(rg )/Nv × Tturnover )
(10) # Adjust the calculated green timer to be within the maximum and minimum allowed values for the open timer
(11) If gt > Tg max then Set gt � Tg max
(12) Else if gt < Tg min then Set gt � Tg min
End of “Select Next Open Road” algorithm.
its heading angle. If they are the same with some (viii) To avoid traffic congestion and save time, if a road
tolerance, it knows that the intersection is open for is open and it has few vehicles, then once the last
it and moves forward, otherwise, it waits. vehicle enters the intersection area, the STS
(vii) Opening a road should not exceed a maximum switches to the next road after waiting three sec-
amount of time. Once changed to a given road, a onds (similar to the yellow signal). It does not wait
timer starts. If some vehicles remain on that road for the total duration of the open period.
before the expiration of the timer, that road is (ix) To prevent starvation, where some crowded roads
closed and the STS decides which other road has get the priority and some roads having low traffic
the maximum number of vehicles and opens it. flow wait for a long period of time, there is another
12 Journal of Advanced Transportation
For each r ∈ R:
Start Set tr (r) = τ
Set V (r) = 0
No more No
No Emergency No
vehicles within Dmax
vehicle in a closed road τ > (tg + gt)
in the green
timer that is assigned to each road. This timer is road will open immediately until the emergency
reset each time this road is closed (changing its vehicle crosses the intersection. Subsequently, that
state from open to close). The STS checks all these road closes and the normal procedure takes effect
timers before making the decision on which road once more.
will be opened. If it finds any of these timers ex- (xi) Before opening the road for the emergency vehicle,
ceeding the maximum allowed closing time, it the STS sends a warning signal to all the vehicles
selects the road having the max value of this timer and waits three seconds before closing the cur-
and opens it. rently opened road and opens the road having the
(x) In the case where one road has an approaching emergency vehicle.
emergency vehicle (police, ambulance, firemen, (xii) When installing the STS, it has to be programmed
etc.), the normal procedure is suspended, and that to ensure its absolute position (error-free) and the
Journal of Advanced Transportation 13
5. Obtained Results
Keep that road (rem) open until the emergency 5.1. ITMS Simulator. We have developed an event-based
vehicle sends a message that it crossed the simulator in Python simulating the proposed algorithm. The
intersection (overriding the Trmax threshold)
simulator is fully parameterized to simulate any intersection
having a variable number of roads in the intersection. Ve-
hicles’ inter-arrival time in each road is obtained by expo-
nential random distribution function expovariate (1/rate),
with the rate (real number) being the desired mean rate. For
example, if rate � 0.5, this means that the mean of the inter-
Figure 9: Flowchart for handling the emergency vehicle. arrival time between two vehicles on this road is 0.5, that is,
approximately two vehicles every one second. Each road can
have a specific inter-arrival rate. Queuing theory is used to
heading angle (d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, etc. as in Fig- implement the vehicle’s state starting from its arrival into the
ure 6) for each road that joins that intersection. Dmax waiting for the ITMS to open its road according to the
proposed algorithm until it reaches the top of the queue and
crosses the intersection line, ELg . The time required by a
4.6. The Procedure of Installing the STS. Each STS must be vehicle to cross this line, ts , is parameterized. In addition, the
installed and set up in a specific way to operate correctly. following parameters are implemented and can be set to any
Here are the steps that must be followed for each STS in an value to study their effect: R, Tg min , Tg max , Tr max , Ty and
intersection, please refer to Figure 6. L(r).
In addition, the simulator simulates the Fixed-Time
(1) All STS hardware must be placed in the middle of the
algorithm that exists in all the legacy tri-color traffic signals
intersection or in any corner of any road on the
for different configuration parameters (R, Tgreen , Tyellow ,
condition that the emitted signals can reach all the
and L(r)). For each run, the simulator calculates the total
vehicles in all the roads for at least a length of 400
vehicles arriving on all the roads; the number of vehicles
meters in any of the roads.
crossing the intersection while their road is open; and the
(2) Its absolute position is not required; thus, there is no total and average waiting time. All these values are calculated
need to have GPS receiver in its hardware. for the Proposed Algorithm (PA) and the Fixed-Time (FT)
(3) The engineers must use a centimeter-accurate po- Algorithm. The source code of the developed simulator is
sitioning system, namely, RTK or DGPS to obtain available upon request for any researcher.
the coordinates of the Ending Line (EL) of each road. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed Algorithm
Each road, i, has an Ending Line (ELi) where the (PA) compared to the Fixed-Time (FT) Algorithm, we have
vehicles must not cross while this road is closed. Each fixed the random seed to a constant so that all the simulator
Ending Line has two points (Pi1 and Pi2) intersecting runs have the same random pattern to eliminate the effect of
with the road edges. The exact accurate coordinates the random pattern on the results. The next subsections
of Pi1 and Pi2 must be measured and saved in the STS. provide the obtained results for different scenarios.
14 Journal of Advanced Transportation
Set tg = τ
Set rg = rlw
Set tr (rg) = τ
Set gt = Tgmax
Let rlw = –1
rg = arg max [V(r)]
For each x ∈ R
gt < Tgmin
Let Nυ = V (i)
[τ – tr (x)] No i=1
> Trmax and set gt = Tgmin
Set gt = (V(rg)/Nυ × Tcycle)
V (x) > 0
Set rlw = x
Figure 10: Flowchart for the process of selecting the next open road.
To study the effect of one or more parameters on the that can reach (370, 550 s) for the two scenarios, as shown in
performance of the two algorithms, we set the following Figure 12. However, using the PA, the AWT is reduced
defaults: −R � 4, Tgreen � 60 sec, Tyellow � 2 sec, significantly (47, 18 s) for the two scenarios. With the de-
Tred � 600, L(r) � 1), Tg min � 5 sec, Tg max � 60 sec, crease of the traffic density (r > 8.5), the PA still outperforms
Tr max � 200 sec, and Ty � 2 sec. The simulation time is the FT by a factor of at least 4 folds.
fixed to 1 hour � 36,000 ds (decisecond). Descriptions of the
abbreviations that are used in the next figures are given in
Table 4. 5.3. Performance on Different Traffic Densities. The effec-
tiveness of our PA can be further demonstrated when the
traffic density is not the same on each road. To illustrate this,
5.2. Effect of Arrival Rates. To study the effect of the traffic we have varied the traffic density on one road starting from a
density on the performance of the Proposed Algorithm (PA), very high arrival rate (smaller values of r), namely, r � 1 to
we have prepared two scenarios. In both scenarios, the inter- 20 sec. The other three roads are charged with low traffic
arrival rate r of one road is varied from 1 to 20 sec. In the first density, namely, r � 30 (equivalent to one vehicle every 30
scenario, the other three roads have different arrival rates sec). The results are shown in Figures 13(a) and 14(a).
(10, 15, and 20 sec). In the second scenario, the other three This represents an actual situation for a specific type of
roads have a constant low rate (r � 30 sec). Please note that traffic congestion, where only one road is very charged and
the traffic density decreases with the increase in the value of the other intersecting roads are not. We have repeated the
r. As shown in Figure 11, for high traffic density, the pro- same scenario but by varying the traffic density on two roads
posed algorithm outperforms the FT one in terms of the and fixing the traffic density at a low rate on the other two
number of serviced vehicles. It can be seen that the number roads. The results are shown in Figures 13(b) and 14(b).
of serviced vehicles using the FTalgorithm is constant for the Next, another simulation run is performed by varying
rates from 1 to 9. It can also be seen that the PA gives almost the traffic density on three roads and fixing the traffic density
the same results as the Optimal Algorithm. at a low rate on the fourth road. The results are shown in
In terms of the Average Waiting Time (AWT), the Figures 13(c) and 14(c). Finally, we have varied the traffic
performance of the FT is very poor for high traffic density rate equally on all the roads from very high density (r � 1) to
Journal of Advanced Transportation 15
1800 1600
Number of serviced vehicles
Figure 11: The number of serviced vehicles using the optimal algorithm, the fixed-time (FT), and the proposed algorithm (PA) when
varying the rates of one road. (a) Different constant rates on the other three roads (10, 15, 20). (b) All the other roads have the same rate (30).
500 1000
400 800
Average waiting time
Average waiting time
300 600
200 400
100 200
0 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Interarrival rate r Interarrival rate r
(a) (b)
Figure 12: Average waiting time (AWT) in seconds using the fixed-time (FT) and the proposed algorithm (PA) when varying the rates of
one road. (a) Different constant rates on the other three roads (10, 15, 20), (b) All the other roads have the same rate (30).
low rate (r � 20). The results are shown in Figures 13(d) and scenario. As you can see, PA outperforms the FT in the first
14(d). three cases with a significant improvement, which is almost
Each subfigure in Figure 13 shows the obtained number equal to that of the OA. For example, in the case when only
of serviced vehicles using the Optimal Algorithm (OA), the one road has varied traffic density and the others have fixed
Fixed-Time (FT), and the Proposed Algorithm (PA) for each low density, the number of serviced vehicles when r � 1 were:
16 Journal of Advanced Transportation
1800 1800
1600 1600
1400 1400
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
400 400
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Interarrival rate, r: on one roads Interarrival rate, r: on two roads
Optimal algorithm Optimal algorithm
FT algorithm FT algorithm
Proposed algorithm Proposed algorithm
(a) (b)
1800 1800
1600 1600
Number of serviced vehicles
1400 1400
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Interarrival rate, r: on three roads Interarrival rate, r: on all roads
Optimal algorithm Optimal algorithm
FT algorithm FT algorithm
Proposed algorithm Proposed algorithm
(c) (d)
Figure 13: The number of serviced vehicles using the Optimal Algorithm (OA), the Fixed-Time (FT), and the Proposed Algorithm (PA)
when the road(s) has/have varying traffic density (varying r from 1 to 20) and the other road(s) has/have constant low traffic density
(constant r:30). (a) Fixing the arrival rate on three roads and varying the rate on the fourth road. (b) Fixing the arrival rate on two roads and
varying the rate on the third and fourth roads equally. (c) Fixing the arrival rate on one road and varying the rate equally on the other three
roads. (d) Varying the inter-arrival rate equally on all the four roads.
PA � 1754, FT � 786, and OA � 1774. This gives a percentage arriving vehicles is very low and thus all the algorithms give
of 223% of serviced vehicles compared to FT. almost the same performance with a slight improvement of
As the traffic density decreases, PA continues providing the PA over the FT. The upper bound that can be reached
the performance of the OA; however, the FT continues to using FT is improved with the increase of the number of
provide almost the same low number of serviced vehicles roads having varied traffic density as follows: 786, 1100,
(around 780). When the rate is very low (r > 9), the total 1418, 1733 compared to 1754, 1738, 1730, 1733 for the PA.
Journal of Advanced Transportation 17
1000 1000
800 800
Average waiting time
400 400
200 200
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Interarrival rate, r: on one roads Interarrival rate, r: on two roads
(a) (b)
1200 1400
1000 1200
Average waiting time
Figure 14: Average waiting time (AWT) using the fixed-time (FT) and the proposed algorithm (PA) when the road(s) has/have varying
traffic density (varying r from 1 to 20) and the other road(s) has/have low traffic density (constant r:30). (a) Fixing the arrival rate on three
roads and varying the rate on the fourth road. (b) Fixing the arrival rate on two roads and varying the rate on the third and fourth roads
equally. (c) Fixing the arrival rate on one road and varying the rate equally on the other three roads. (d) Varying the inter-arrival rate equally
on all the four roads.
The proposed algorithm contributes to significantly only case when the two systems give the same results is when
reducing the Average Waiting Time (AWT) in the four cases all the four roads are crowded. In all the other cases, our
as shown in Figure 14. For Example, in the first scenario, system demonstrates an improvement.
when r � 3 the AWT is PA � 18 sec, FT � 655 sec. This means
that the FT is providing AWT 36 times longer than the PA in
this case. As expected, the AWT decreases with the decrease 5.4. Effect of Changing the Maximum Open Period and Green
of the traffic density until a certain limit using the FT and the Time. We run different simulation scenarios to change the
PA as shown in the four subfigures. maximum open period, Tg max , for the proposed algorithm
The reason for this great improvement is as follows. In and the Green period for the FT algorithm. However, the
the FT system, the road will be open for a fixed duration even Green period of the FT algorithm does affect the number of
if no vehicles are waiting on the currently open road. Thus, serviced vehicles. As shown in Figure 15, the number of
for low traffic density, in the FT system, the intersection will serviced vehicles is 800 for the FT algorithm compared to
remain idle (not servicing any vehicle) while other roads 1083 for both the OA and PA algorithms. Similarly, Fig-
may have several waiting vehicles. This yields fewer serviced ure 16 depicts that the average waiting time is significantly
vehicles and more waiting time (delay). However, our decreased when using PA. Tg max has almost no effect on the
proposed system will avoid this issue by minimizing the idle AWT using PA. However, the AWT using FT increases with
time of the intersection and dynamically switching to an- the increase of the Green period. As it is expected, for the
other road if there are no waiting vehicles in the open road. number of serviced vehicles, this parameter does not affect
This maximizes the number of serviced vehicles and min- and regardless of its value, the number of serviced vehicles
imizes the average waiting time. When the traffic density using PA equals that of the OA. This is because the proposed
increases on all the roads, the improvement decreases. The algorithm calculates adaptively the optimal value to open the
18 Journal of Advanced Transportation
1100 serviced vehicles. This is also true for the AWT as shown in
1000 Figure 18. The AWT at 10 sec equals 70 sec using PA and 550
using FT. The AWT increased from 70 sec to 450 sec when
900 the Tg min increased from 10 sec to 100 sec. The reason for
this considerable impact on both the number of serviced
vehicles and the AWT is: by increasing the Tg min , the in-
700 tersection may stay idle without servicing any vehicle and
thus increase the queue of waiting vehicles. This suggests that
600 the recommended value of Tg min must be as small as
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190
possible; however, it must be greater than the service time of
Maximum open period
the longest vehicle.
Optimal algorithm Simulation results showed that Tr max (the maximum
FT algorithm close period) has a slight impact on the number of serviced
Proposed algorithm vehicles using PA, as shown in Figure 19. Increasing Tr max
Figure 15: Effect of changing the maximum open period, (Tg max ), decreases the AWT as shown in Figure 20. This parameter
or the fixed green period in the FT algorithm on the number of does not affect the FT algorithm. Smaller values of Tr max
serviced vehicles using the OA, FT, and PA algorithms. eliminate the optimization based on the traffic density on the
roads and give priority to the starved roads by opening the
roads having the maximum close time (equivalent to the red
600 time). This in turn reduces the number of serviced vehicles
and thus increases the AWT. For PA to give results that
500 equal to the Optimal Algorithm, the value of Tr max should
Average waiting time
5.6. Effect of the Number of Roads (Phases) in the Intersection.
200 To study the effect of the number of incoming roads (phases)
at the intersection on the number of serviced vehicles and
the average waiting vehicles, we have run different scenarios.
0 Two of them will be presented here.
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 First, we have set the same inter-arrival rate (same
Maximum open period traffic density) on all the roads but by decreasing the traffic
AWT FT density with the increase of the number of roads R using
AWT PA this equation, 30 × (R − 2). We have varied R from 3 to 9.
The results are shown in Figures 21 and 22. Ideally, for
Figure 16: Effect of changing the maximum open period or the
high traffic density, the number of serviced vehicles
fixed green period in the FT algorithm on the average waiting time
(AWT) using the FT and PA algorithms.
should be constant and equal to the OA for both the PA
and FT. However, when the traffic density decreases by
increasing r as shown in Figure 22, the number of serviced
road according to the current traffic density on all the roads. vehicles decreases and the PA outperforms the FT algo-
Furthermore, in the case when there are no more vehicles on rithm. Regarding the AWT, it decreases with the increase
the open road, it closes this road immediately after waiting of R and the PA is always lower than the FT as in
for the transition period. This also contributes to maxi- Figure 21.
mizing the number of serviced vehicles and in addition In the second scenario, we kept the traffic rate constant
reduces the average waiting time significantly compared to (r � 30 sec) for all the roads except for one of the roads where
the FT algorithm. we simulated high traffic density (r � 2.5 sec). The results are
shown in Figures 23 and 24. The number of serviced vehicles
using PA equals that of the Optimal Algorithm. However,
5.5. Effect of Changing the Minimum Open Period. Tg min the FT can service almost half of those serviced by the
(Minimum Open Period) does not affect the performance of Optimal Algorithm. Similarly, for small R, the PA yields
the FT algorithm. However, it has a significant effect on the very low AWT compared to the FT. The performance of the
PA. As shown in Figure 17, increasing this value beyond a FT improves gradually with the increase in R.
Journal of Advanced Transportation 19
1900 800
Number of serviced vehicles
500 1700
Average waiting time
400 1600
300 1500
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
100 Number of roads at the intersection
0 Optimal algorithm
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 FT algorithm
Minimum open period Proposed algorithm
AWT FT Figure 21: Effect of changing the number of roads at the inter-
AWT PA section (all the roads have the same traffic density that decreases
with the increase of the number of roads) on the number of serviced
Figure 18: Effect of changing the minimum open period on the
vehicles using the OA, FT, and PA algorithms.
average waiting time using FT and PA algorithms.
Number of serviced vehicles
Average waiting time
1400 600
600 0
10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Maximum close period Number of roads at the intersection
Optimal algorithm AWT FT
FT algorithm AWT PA
Proposed algorithm
Figure 22: Effect of changing the number of roads at the intersection
Figure 19: Effect of changing the maximum close period on the (all the roads have the same traffic density that decreases with the
number of serviced vehicles using the OA, FT, and PA algorithms. increase of the number of roads) on the average waiting time.
20 Journal of Advanced Transportation
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