Mapeh - Reviewer G7 1st Prelim

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Multiple Choice Test

This pre-test will help you think about your prior knowledge on the lesson.
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it
in your activity notebook”
1. How is Salidumay described?
A. It serves as an indicator of rejection and acceptance towards the man
courting/wooing a woman.
B. It is the oldest traditional Cordilleran way of storytelling.
C. It tells about the use of herbal and natural medicines.
D. It is about planting and harvesting of crops.

2. Which of the songs of Cordillera used flutes to play its melodic tunes?
A. Salidumay
B. Hudhud
C. Oggayam
D. Badiw

3. Which of the following are the messages or themes of the song Badiw?
A. Agriculture on land preservation and crop productivity.
B. Love incantations
C. Heroes, heroine, and cultures
D. Myth and customs

4. Which of the following best described Hudhud?

A. It is a death ritual song gaining hopes and favor from their relative’s spirit.
B. It comprises around 200 stories with 40 episodes each.
C. It has sweet melodies and expresses gratitude
D. It is a burial song

5. On what occasion did the Ifugao people recite Hudhud, a chanted epic poetry? A.
During social celebrations
B. During Baptismal ceremony
C. During sowing and harvesting of rice
D. During wedding ceremony

3 CO_Q2_Music 7_ Module 2
6. What song is performed in leader-chorus style where the reciter is an elderly woman
occupying key position in the community?
A. Hudhud
B. Badiw
C. Oggayam
D. Salidummay

7. How is melismatic singing done?

A. Singing at the same pitch
B. singing of group of tones in one syllable
C. singing in monotonous repetitive tone
D. Singing with drone

8. Which of the following is NOT an example of Cordillera’s occupational or work song?

A. Owiwi
B. Dinaweg
C. Owayat
D. Dangdang-ay

9. What song is distinguished for its special length and narration of the life stories of
legendary heroes?
A. Salidummay
B. Oggayam
C. Badiw
D. Hudhud

10. How is Cordillera music described? A. It is pentatonic in nature

B. It is multi metered
C. It is nasal
D. It is guttural

B. Modified True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect change the
underlined words to make the statement true.
1. Cordillera music is very much related to their life and living.
2. Cordilleras preserved and transmitted their musical cultures and traditions through writing.
3. Cordillera music is diatonic in nature (consist of five melodic tones, do, re, mi, so, la)
4. Cordillera music is sung with harmony (singing at the same pitch).
5. Cordillera music is participatory and communal.

Today’s lesson will help you fully understand and appreciate the people of Cordillera, their
traditions, as well as their music as reflected in their culture and way of life. Some of these
musical cultures are influenced by several factors like its geographical location, the continuing
advancement of the lowlanders and their common heritage of resisting the invading powers of
the Spaniards, Americans and the Japanese.
Indigenous people of Cordillera consider their land as sacred – it can neither be owned nor
sold; the source of life and an integral part of their cultural identity. For them, to loss the land
and connection from it is equivalent to taking their lives. Thus, Cordilleras now and in the past
willingly shed blood to fight and defend their right to remain on their land.
Cordillera people, popularly known as Igorot are group of indigenous people comprising a
number of ethnic or ethno-linguistic identities like the Apayao or Isneg, Tingguian, Kalinga,
Bontoc, Kankanaey, Ibaloy, Ifugao and Bago. They are known for their unique vocal and
instrumental music. They usually perform in groups where villagers of all walks of life are
enjoined to showcase their talents especially in singing, dancing and playing instrument. They
have a rich variety of songs and music performed on instruments like the Salidumay, the
Oggayam, the Hudhud and Ba-diw.
In 2008 (3.COM), Hudhud is inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural
Heritage of Humanity (originally proclaim in 2001). This traditional culture is weakened due to
the following reason: the conversion of Ifugao to Catholicism; the advancement of technology
– from manual harvesting of rice to mechanized one; the constant decline of numbers of rice
growers and only a few aged narrators are now left.

The Music of Cordillera

1. Music is very much related to their life and living. This is evident in many occasions such as
in the life passage event, work or occupational activities, ceremonies and entertainment.

A. Life Passage Event

1. Owiwi - Kalinga lullabies
2. Dagdagay - Kalinga infancy-related songs
3. Oppia - Kalinga infancy-related songs
4. Kawyanna - Kalinga infancy-related songs

B. Occupational / work Songs

1. Sowe-ey - Bontoc rice pounding song
2. Dakuyon - Kalinga song for hunting bats
3. Dinaweg - Ilongot song for catching wild boar
4. Owayat - Ilongot song for gathering firewood
5. Chey - assa - Bontoc rice pounding song sung in

C. Music for Ceremonies

1. Kapya and Angba - Bontoc song for curing ceremony
2. Didiyaw - Bontoc song to a dead child
3. Sangsangit - Isneg song of grief

D. Music for Entertainment

1. Alim - Ifugao leader chorus style
2. Dangdang – ay - Kalinga song of entertainment

Their music is participatory and communal- usually performed in group where everyone is
enjoined to showcase their talents in singing, dancing and playing instruments.

The indigenous peoples of the Cordillera preserved and transmitted their musical cultures and
traditions from generations to generations through oral traditions (spoken rather than

4. The distinct characteristics of Cordillera vocal music include:

a. It is pentatonic in nature (consist of five melodic tones, do, re, mi, so, la)

Performance Practices
Music performances of Cordillera are link to the different events such as:
1. Birth, coming age, wedding, and funeral
2. Rites, Ritual and Ceremonies
3. Prayer to the gods
4. Peace agreement and covenant

The vocal music of Cordillera music are as follows:

1. Salidumay – is a love incantation vocal ensemble (combination of vocal and instrumental
music). It has sweet melodies and expresses gratitude. To the Itneg people this song is a
response of the young woman to the Kalkalimusta songs of men during the weaving season. It
serves as an indicator of rejection and acceptance towards the man courting/wooing a
woman. Salidumay is traditionally not sung in Tagalog language, however in the popular
modern interpretation by Filipina singer Grace Nono, the lyrics are translated into Tagalog

2. Badiw – is the oldest traditional Cordilleran way of storytelling in the form of chant. It is a
death ritual song gaining hopes and favor from their relative’s spirit. The style of singing is
without prior preparation or practice in the leader- chorus form (elder man lead the chant
followed by the response of women repeated what the leader said). Messages or themes are
from agriculture on land preservation and crop productivity. Performance of Badiw promotes
leadership, stronger family ties, and the use of herbal and natural medicines.

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