Mapeh Notes
Mapeh Notes
Mapeh Notes
Indigenous people of Cordillera consider their land as sacred – it can neither be
owned nor sold; the source of life and an integral part of their cultural identity. For
them, to loss the land and connection from it is equivalent to taking their lives.
Thus, Cordilleras now and in the past willingly shed blood to fight and defend their
right to remain on their land.
2. Badiw
- is the oldest traditional Cordilleran way of storytelling in the form of chant. It is a
death ritual song gaining hopes and favor from their relative’s spirit. The style of
singing is without prior preparation or practice in the leader- chorus form (elder
man lead the chant followed by the response of women repeated what the leader
said). Messages or themes are from agriculture on land preservation and crop
productivity. Performance of Badiw promotes leadership, stronger family ties, and
the use of herbal and natural medicines.
3. Oggayam
- is a festive, declaratory and chant song conveying greetings and expression of
opinions related to the events. It is usually heard at village gatherings in Abra,
Kalinga and mountain Province. Oggayam is performed during festival at harvest
time, on social gatherings such as weddings and peace covenant and to remind
the people of their traditional beliefs, customs and morals. This song is
distinguished for its special length and narration of the life stories of legendary
heroes. The song is not poetic in nature but rather it often uses loanwords from
the language of the Christianized Ilocano of the Lowland. Its melodies can be
played on flutes.
4. Hudhud
- is a chanted epic poetry of the Ifugao people recited only on four occasions like,
sowing and harvesting of rice, wedding ceremonies, funeral wakes, and bone
washing (bogwa) rituals. It comprises around 200 stories of about 40 episodes
each. Themes are about celebrations of the Ifugao heroes, heroines, wealth and
cultures. It is full of repetitions, synonyms, figurative term and employs metonymy
(use of the name of one thing for that of another), metaphors (anything use as a
symbol of something else) and onomatopoeia (creation of words that imitate
natural sounds). Hudhud is performed in leader-chorus style (the reciter is an
elderly woman occupying key position in the community) that usually last for
three to four days.
Arts and Crafts of MIMAROPA
- a visual motif used by the Hanunuo-Mangyan people of Mindoro in the
- the word "Bakudos" was coined from Croz, the Spanish word for Cross.
2. Harablon
- a hand loom of the tribe.
Ramit Fabric
- a textile made by the build and Hanunuo-Mangyans. It is a woven backstrap
loom called Harablon and features intricate geometric patterns.
3. Habilon
- the process of weaving
- tribe of Palawan
- are considered as one of the oldest ethnic groups in the Philippines.
Men - S-String
- a traditional bag made by the Hanunuo-Mangyan.
- is used by both men and women to hold betel-chew ingredients and other items.
- traditional craft made by the Hanunuo-Mangyans
- traditional basket of the indigenous people from the southern part of Palawan.
- refers to bags originating from the Philippines made by weaving dried leaves.
Mariones Mask
- masks replicating the garb of biblical roman soldiers as interpreted by local folks.
Writing Script
- used by the Mangyan people of Southern Mindoro to write the Hanunuo
- known as Mangyan Baybayin or Surat Mangyan
- traditional poetry of the Hanunuo Mangyans of Oriental Mindoro.
- usually written in bamboo in the Surat-Mangyan.
- is known as the "marble province/country" because all the islands have marble.
Eating Disorders
1. Anorexia Nervosa
- strict diet
- refusal to maintain a healthy body.
- intense fear of gaining weight.
- distorted body image
2. Bulimia Nervosa
- current episode of "binge eating"
- minimum of 2 binge eating episodes per week for at least 3 months.
3. Binge Eating
- eating rapidly
- eating until uncomfortably full
4. Pica
- eats or chews anything