Joining Instructions - RAAF Initial Officer Course

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Royal Australian Air Force

Officers’ Training School Joining Instructions



A. Pays and Conditions Manual
B. Defence Road Transport Manual
C. OTS SI (PERS) 03-08 Trainee Performance Management Process
D. OTS SI (PERS) 03-09 OTS Suspension Procedures
E. OTS SI (ADMIN) 05-01 OTS Dress and Bearing
F. OTS SI (PERS) 03-03 OTS Living In Accommodation


1. Congratulations on being selected to undertake Initial Officer Course (IOC) at the

Royal Australian Air Force Officers’ Training School (OTS). IOC will teach values and skills
that will benefit Officer Trainees in both their career and personal life, long after graduation
from OTS.

2. OTS Mission. To deliver Initial Officer Training that inspires and prepares Air Force
Officers with the quality of character to contribute to the joint force, from cooperation to

3. During the 14-week long IOC, Officer Trainees will receive training across a variety
of skills and disciplines and be required to overcome a variety of challenges in order to
prepare for service life. The course consists of instruction in Physical Training (PT),
Leadership, Military Management, Communications, Self-Mastery, Military Law, Drill and
Ceremonial Skills, Air Power, Force Protection and Security, Citizenship, Australian Defence
Force (ADF) Values and Military Ethics. Officer Trainees will be assessed via practical and
knowledge based assessments throughout course (some in the field environment) as well as
the ability to adhere to the ADF values and qualities associated with holding a commission in
the RAAF.

4. These Joining Instructions provide essential information to assist you with your
preparation for arrival at OTS. Please take the time to read them carefully.

Pre-arrival Administration

5. Promotion to Officer Rank (PTOR). In addition to reading the main body of this
Joining Instruction, current serving non-commissioned members on promotion to officer rank
are to refer to Annex A for additional information and march-in requirements.

6. OTS Administration Centre. The OTS Admin Centre is the primary point of
contact regarding any pre-course administration and is available 0800h – 1700h Monday to
Thursday and 0800h – 1300h Friday by the following:

a. Email:


b. Phone: (03) 5169 8067 or (03) 5169 8183

7. Contact should be made with the OTS Administration Centre in the first instance if
any issues of an urgent personal nature arise. Officer Trinees should provide family/relatives
with the OTS Administration Centre contact information prior to arriving on course.

8. Personal administrative arrangements. It is important that all personal affairs are

arranged before arrival. During the first phase of training, Officer Trainees will be limited to
the base and other training areas and have very limited time to conduct personal
administration tasks outside of work hours.

9. Packing list. A consolidated list of items to bring with you is provided in Annex B.
Current serving members are to refer to the contents of Annex A as well to prevent
unnecessary administration or arrival ill-prepared.

10. Mail. Before departing home locations Officer Trainees should organise forwarding
of important mail to the following address (substituting your individual and IOC details into
the relevant areas).

Officer Trainee, Initials, Surname

Initial Officer Course XX/XX
Officers’ Training School
RAAF Base East Sale
Sale VIC 3852

11. Unique Student Identifier. All Officer Trainees are to have a Unique Student
Identifier (USI). Officer Trainees are to obtain a USI prior to commencement of IOC by
registering at Officer Trainees are to register using their
personal email and home address and are not to include any Defence information in the
registration process. Officer Trainees are to email their USI to the OTS Administration Centre
prior to arrival (

12. Dress and bearing standards. Prior to commencement of training, all Officer
Trainees are to ensure their hair is cut in accordance with Air Force grooming rules as there is
limited opportunity to do so upon arrival. Details are provided in Annex C.

13. First Parade. OTS Staff members will meet trainees at their accommodation
building after breakfast on the first day of course.

15. Pre-reading. As a professional Aviator, Officer Trainees must take it upon

themselves to seek self-improvement and gain knowledge through self-directed study. OTS
recommends Officer Trainees read the following documents prior to arrival, all of which are
available open source.

a. 2016 Defence White Paper.

b. Defence Strategic Update (DSU).

c. Air Force Strategy 2020 (AFSTRAT 2020).


d. Our Air Force, Our Culture.

16. Further study in the areas of military history, leadership and air power would be
enhancing and support ongoing professional development.

17. Medical and Dental. The ADF provides serving members with medical and dental
treatment as part of the conditions of service. Officer Trainees that require hospitalisation will
be sent to a local civilian facility. Next of kin will be informed should serious illness occur.

18. Immunisations. During IOC, Officer Trainees will receive prescribed immunisations
for preparedness. Immunisation books and any records of prior inoculations should be brought
to reduce immunisation requirements.

19. Emergency contact / next of kin details. Current serving members are to ensure
their primary emergency contact and next of kin details are accurate in PMKeys prior to
departing their current location for OTS.

Travel Arrangements

20. Direct Entry Officers. For DEOs, instructions regarding travel to OTS will be
provided by Defence Force Recruiting (DFR).

21. PTOR. Parent unit and Defence Travel Services are responsible for all travel
arrangements involving current serving members. Members should submit an AE505 Travel
Request Form utlising the following codes:

a. Cost Centre Code: 424068

b. Account Code: 21312

22. In accordance with (IAW) PACMAN 9.1.2 members are entitled to travel by the
most economical means of public transport. If a follow-on posting has been issued for post-
OTS, return travel can be organised before the commencement of OTS.

23. Members are requested to add as an alternative contact

in the AE505 IOT to track travel arrangements prior to your arrival.

24. Public transport and rental vehicles. Pending Unit arrangements, OTS
recommends use of either train or rental vehicle.

a. Train. Officer Trainees can travel from Melbourne Airport to Southern Cross
Railway where a train can be caught to the town of Sale twice daily, the train takes
approximately three hours. There is no public transport from the town of Sale to RAAF Base
East Sale. Officer Trainees will be required to take a taxi, members are to use their Defence
Travel Card as per approved AE505.

b. Rental vehicle. Rental vehicle is the recommended mode of transport from

Melbourne Airport to allow for greater flexibility when booking flights. Dependent on the
time and day of travel, travel time from Melbourne Airport to Sale can be between three and
five hours. Pick up/drop off of rental vehicles is Officer Trainee responsibility. For rental
vehicle payments and bookings members are to use their Defence Travel Card as per


approved AE505. Details regarding return of the rental vehicle will be advised by the car
company. Defence has a zero blood alcohol limit policy for drivers of Defence vehicles and
this extends to hire vehicles that have been hired for use by Defence members. Any Officer
Trainee who will be travelling by rental vehicle must notify the Course Director no later than
48hrs prior to arrival.

25. Use of own vehicle. Officer Trainees may have the option of driving their own
vehicle from their home locality. If members are driving to Sale from further away than
Brisbane or Adelaide, they are to contact the Course Director and provide travel plan details
NLT two weeks prior to arrival. Travel is to adhere to the Defence Road Transport Manual
(DRTM). Parking at RAAF Base East Sale for OTS Officer Trainees is available as per the
map in Annex D; parking is not under cover. Officer Trainees driving their own vehicles to
East Sale are to fill in the form in Annex E and bring it with them on their first day of course.

26. If Officer Trainees need to vary booked travel arrangements, the OTS Administration
Centre can provide guidance however do not have the authority to make any changes, please
contact your AE505 approving authority.

27. Travel allowances. Those members who have not been paid travel allowance prior
to departure from their home location, or for their travel are advised to retain receipts for
travel expenses incurred prior to arrival. OTS Administration Centre staff will require these
receipts for authorisation of any entitlement for reimbursement.

Reporting Instructions

28. Officer Trainees are to arrive at RAAF Base East Sale NLT 2100h on the Sunday
prior to commencing course unless otherwise directed (e.g. due to COVID-19 risk mitigation
requirements). This will allow time to settle into accommodation prior to course

29. COVID-19 risk mitigation and segregation requirements. Defence is to be an

exemplar in supporting national efforts to suppress the transmission of COVID-19. OTS
complies with ADF and Victorian state government guidelines and requirements relating to
COVID-19 management (whichever is the more restrictive), including interstate travel permits
and isolating/testing requirements. OTS may enact additional risk mitigation strategies in the
interests of preserving the integrity of the training system. You must be mindful of the
possibility of becoming isolated or needing to undertake a period of quarantine due to
changing circumstances.

30. Point of contact on arrival. An OTS staff member will be available to facilitate
your arrival to RAAF Base East Sale as required. For any issues while in transit (e.g. delayed
or cancelled flights) or upon arrival at the RAAF Base East Sale front gate, please contact the
OTS staff on 0409 929 073.

31. Officer Trainees will need to produce photographic identification (Defence

Identification, Driver’s Licence or Passport) at the Pass Office to access RAAF Base East

32. Once on base Officer Trainees will travel to the OTS Precinct and park vehicles in an
approved location (see Annex D for approved locations). Contact the TFC via the contact
number provided and they will meet you to provide accommodation keys and tour of the



33. Members are permitted to eat at the OTS Students Mess after arrival at East Sale
(Dinner: 1800h – 1900h). The OTS Students Mess is in building AO665, the entrance is
adjacent Battle Avenue (see E9 in Annex E for directions). Mess dress standards apply;
business attire is appropriate.

34. Dress standard. On the first day of course, male Officer Trainees are to be wearing a
minimum dress standard of tailored trousers, long sleeve shirt with collar and tie, and
comfortable dress shoes. Female Officer Trainees are to be in a minimum dress standard of
tailored trousers or skirt/dress not above knee length, with a blouse (must not be sleeveless or
low cut) and comfortable dress shoes. Shoes must be appropriate for up to 1-2 hours of
walking (in formation) during base familiarisation. Officer Trainees should be prepared to
wear civilian attire for the first two days of course.

a. Beards. Unless male Officer Trainees arrive at OTS with acceptable facial hair in
accordance with the Air Force Dress Manual (AFDMAN), they are to be clean-shaven when
meeting staff on the course start date. Further information on acceptable facial hair is provided
in Annex C.

35. First Parade. OTS Staff members will meet trainees at their accommodation
building after breakfast on the first day of course.

Course Conduct

36. Trainee performance management and suspension policy. Attendance on IOC

does not guarantee graduation. There are a number of assessment requirements that all Officer
Trainees must meet in order to graduate. Officer Trainees will be made aware of the OTS
performance management and training suspension policy upon arrival.

37. Working routine. As a guide, a standard working day at OTS is 0700h to 1800h and
includes tuition periods as well as appropriate meal and comfort breaks. Officer Trainees
should be prepared to work outside of these standard hours.

38. Officer Trainees will be required to study in the evenings and there are also some
evening tuition periods. Officer Trainees should expect to work on weekends and public
holidays and will have limited opportunity to leave RAAF Base East Sale during working
days. Do not plan any social activities or travel to home locality until course commitments
have been outlined by Directing Staff.

39. Course programming may impact the ability to contact family and friends on a
regular basis during this time; Officer Trainees are to ensure family and friends have been
advised of this prior to arrival to manage expectations.

40. Trainee protocols. Upon course commencement, Officer Trainees will be subject to
trainee protocols designed to inculcate new Officers into the military, expose them to some of
the conditions of service life and aid in the forming of strong teams within the course. These
trainee protocols will be incrementally relaxed as the course progresses. These protocols may
include, but are not limited to, restrictions on:

a. movement within the confines of RAAF Base East Sale


b. the use of personal electronic devices

c. the use of private vehicles

d. the consumption of alcohol.

41. At the beginning of course, Officer Trainees will have no access to off-base facilities
for the resupply of personal items. It is strongly recommended that Officer Trainees bring
sufficient personal hygiene products to last for a minimum of five weeks.

42. Motor vehicles. After hours use of private motor vehicles is permitted. Officer
Trainees may use their vehicles whilst on leave and during stand-down periods in accordance
with trainee protocols.

43. Local public transport. RAAF Base East Sale is located approximately 7km from
the Sale CBD. Public transport to and from the Sale CBD from RAAF Base East Sale is
limited to taxis. Ride sharing services such as Uber do not operate in Sale.

44. Physical fitness. Officer Trainees will need to have a good standard of physical
fitness before arriving at OTS. Officer Trainees are advised to begin an exercise program prior
to arrival. If unsure of how to proceed, DFR offers a fitness application, ADF Active, which
can be accessed from their website and both the Apple and Google Play stores. Officer
Trainees are strongly encouraged to seek medical advice prior to commencing any exercise

45. Field Training. Two field exercises are conducted at OTS. These activities will
require Officer Trainees to wear field equipment, carry heavy loads in excess of 20kg for long
periods of time, lift and carry live and dead weights, walk lengthy distances (up to 20km per
day) and conduct activities such as sand bagging, manual handling, military crawling and
operating hand tools.

46. Leave. Due to the high workload associated with IOC, Officer Trainees will have
limited opportunities to leave the Sale local area during training. All Officer Trainees will be
restricted to the RAAF Base East Sale during the initial phase of training. Further details will
be provided on arrival at OTS.

47. All leave outside of work hours is at the discretion of the Course Director. Leave
during training periods, including working weekends, is only granted in compelling
compassionate cases and is at the discretion of the Chief Instructor. Rules and guidelines for
leave whilst at OTS will be briefed during the first week of training.

48. PT attire. Officer Trainees are to bring conservative PT attire (shorts, t- shirt, shoes)
with them to conduct personal training. All PT attire, including shoes, are to be clean and in
good condition. No singlet tops or shirts with offensive slogans are to be worn. Swimwear is
to be one piece and conservative in both style and colour. Socks are to be white in colour and
must be visible above the ankle.


49. Salaries are paid fortnightly, into a nominated bank account. The Defence pay system

automatically deducts tax, superannuation, meals, accommodation, and any other authorised
payments. Officer Trainees will receive pay approximately two weeks after course
commencement. For DEOs, it may take several weeks before all tax and superannuation
calculations are confirmed and pay becomes stable. To assist in commencement of pay
arrangements, DEOs are to bring:

a. Tax File Number (or a completed Tax File Number Application / Enquiry Form)

b. Bank account details for where pay is to be deposited, including:

(1) Name of the financial institution

(2) Account name

(3) Branch (BSB) number and account number

(4) Branch address including post code.

Messing and Accommodation

50. OTS Students Mess. Officer Trainees are required to be members of the OTS
Students Mess while attending IOC. The Mess is where Officer Trainees eat all meals and is
also used for after-hours socialising and relaxing. All Air Force Messes have rules and
customs that must be followed. Mess etiquette is an important tradition. All Officer Trainees
will require civilian dress in accordance with the Mess Dress Standards in Annex C.

51. All Officer Trainees will be required to pay Mess fees for the duration of IOC. This
covers the cost of subscriptions and the dining-in night conducted during IOC. Payment
amounts and details will be advised early in IOC.

52. Dietary requirements. Officer Trainees with specific dietary requirements are
required to complete the form in Annex G and return it to the OTS Administration Centre via
email a minimum of five working days prior to commencing course to ensure that Officer
Trainees will be catered for from the first meal. Additionally, where special dietary
requirements are due to a medical need, Officer Trainees will need to attend medical after
arrival to attain appropriate documentation. Due to the nature of military service plant-based
meal options will not always be able to be catered for.

53. Accommodation. Officer Trainees will be required to live on base for the duration of
IOC and will be provided accommodation furnished with basic necessities and clean linen
provided weekly. Storage space in rooms and accommodation blocks is limited and Officer
Trainees are to pack only those items that are necessary. Laundry facilities are available.
Officer Trainees will be required to clean all accommodation to a high standard for
inspections and maintain this standard throughout the course.

54. Consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is not to be stored or consumed within the OTS
precinct (including the living in accommodation). Alcohol is not to be brought to OTS by
incoming Officer Trainees and is not to be stored in personal vehicles.

Information and Communications Technology


55. Phones. Mobile phone use will be restricted during IOC and will not be permitted
during class except at the Course Director’s discretion. Officer Trainees should advise friends
and family that phone contact during the day will be heavily limited except in compassionate
or compelling personal circumstances. Time periods will be available during the evening to
contact friends and family however this will also be subject to IOC training requirements.
Mobile coverage on RAAF Base East Sale is available with Optus and Telstra providing the
best coverage and only data reception.

56. Personal Electronic Devices. All Officer Trainees will receive an OTS Trainee iPad
for use in completing study and coursework whilst on IOC. Officer Trainees can also bring
their own personal electronic device (laptop or tablet) should they wish. Upon arriving at OTS
members will be required to read the trainee documents that are saved on the Trainee iPad for
information relating to conduct of course.

57. Wi-Fi. OTS has several Wi-Fi networks established across its facilities including the
Learning Centre, Trainees’ Mess and LIA for use during course. The Wi-Fi installed within
the Trainee LIA is for use in completing study, research, keeping in touch with family,
general social welfare, and recreational purposes. Annex G outlines the conditions applicable
for the use of the Wi-Fi in the Trainee LIA. This document must be read, understood, signed
and returned to the Course Director NLT 2 weeks prior to arrival to OTS in order to allow for
Wi-Fi accounts to be created. Additionally, during IOC Officer Trainees will be able to apply
for a Defence Wireless Internet which will provide access to Wi-Fi in the OTS Learning
Centre. Officer Trainees will be briefed more on these services upon arrival.

Religious Observance

58. The Australian Defence Organisation acknowledges the significance of religious

observance and upholds the freedom of religious practice. A Chapel is located on base, there
are also many local congregations of different denominations within the local area.

59. The OTS Chaplain has a formal classroom role and informal involvement with
Officer Trainees for welfare and support. The Chaplain is also available for consultation on
request and can arrange the cover of specific denominational needs as required.

60. Relevant headdress and other religious clothing items for Muslim, and Sikh faiths
may be worn. Members are required to purchase items required for religious reasons
(including bathing suits) at their own expense prior to the commencement of course.

61. Prayer times and any other specific requirements for various faiths are to be raised
through the OTS Chaplain or Course Director in the first instance and will be accommodated
where course scheduling allows.

Support Services

62. RAAF provides various services to meet the needs of personnel and their families.
All RAAF Bases have Family Liaison Officers, Chaplains, Social Workers and other qualified
personnel who are available to assist when required. Should Officer Trainees or their family
wish to access any of these services, the appropriate numbers will be provided by OTS staff
upon arrival.



63. OTS extends its congratulations once again and wishes a safe onwards journey to
RAAF Base East Sale. On behalf of CO OTS, the staff and I welcome you to Officers’
Training School and look forward to your attendance on Initial Officer Course.

dominic.wi Digitally signed by


lliams Date: 2023.02.11

13:50:08 +11'00'

D. Williams
Squadron Leader
Chief Instructor
Officers ' Training School

11 Feb 23

A. March-In Direction – Current Serving Members
B. Packing List
C. Dress and Bearing Standards
D. OTS Precinct Map
E. Personal Vehicle Details Form
F. RAAF Base East Sale Map
G. OTS AFTG LIA Wireless Internet Network Conditions of Use Agreement
H. Officer Trainee Dietary Requirements
I. History of OTS

FEB 23


1. Travel. Parent unit and Defence Travel Services are responsible for all travel
arrangements. Members should submit an AE505 Travel Request Form. The reason for travel
is ‘Domestic Short Term Posting’ and the relevant cost centre and account codes are available
on posting orders. IAW PACMAN 9.1.2, members are entitled to travel by the most
economical means of public transport. If a follow-on posting has been issued for post-OTS,
return travel can be organised before the commencement of OTS.

2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). OTS manages RPL in accordance with

Defence policy and procedures. Any questions regarding RPL should be directed to the OTS
Standardisation Officer.

3. Defence Identification Card. Current serving members are to present to OTS with a
Defence ID card reflecting commissioned rank. Current serving members are also to email the
seven digit serial number on the issued Defence ID card to the OTS Administration Centre
prior to arriving in order to gain access to OTS facilities.

4. Medical requirements. Officer Trainees that are MEC J2 or lower are required to
provide a copy of a current PM532 and PM101 detailing medical and/or employment
restrictions to the Administration Centre as soon as possible. Ensure as much detail as
possible is included in the PM101. Members are advised that the course is, at times,
physically and mentally demanding and the MEC restrictions identified in Annex D are
identified as incompatible with IOC. Panelling may be revoked with any of these restrictions,
contact Course Director ASAP if any of these restrictions are present on PM532/PM101.

5. Defence Protected Network. Prior to departure for OTS, serving members are
required to use My Account Management Online (MAMO) to manage various aspects of their
Defence network account, including “Request to move your network account”.

6. Fitness Requirements. Current ADF members are required to complete a PFT no

more than 28 days prior to arriving at OTS. Evidence of this is to be emailed to the Course
Director prior to arrival to the IOC. Current ADF members are encouraged to seek advice
from their P&RT section to prepare for the IOC and specifically the field activities.


7. All items are to be in good condition. Worn or damaged uniforms are to be replaced
prior to arrival at OTS.

8. If current serving members have less than the required amount of any item detailed in
Annex B, they should attain these at their home location before departing for OTS. If unable
to do so, contact OTS Logistics Section or East Sale Clothing Store upon arrival.

9. Service Dress. PTORs will need to bring Ceremonial Dress 2, Service Dress 2,
Service Dress 3. Optional items (including SD skirt, court shoes, garrison cap, leather jacket)
may be permitted to be worn in the later part of the course; PTORs can bring these items if


10. GPU. GPU is required for the duration of the course, including GPU Bush Hat.
Three full sets of GPU are required (including trousers, over shirt, t-shirt, socks etc).

11. Squadron caps and patches. Officer Trainees are not permitted to wear Squadron
caps or patches whilst at OTS.

12. PT Uniform. Officer Trainees are to wear RAAF PT clothing (dark blue Air Force t-
shirt, RAAF PT shorts, RAAF PT bike shorts, Air Force baseball cap, RAAF tracksuit) while
undertaking formal PT lessons during IOC. These items will need to be purchased if not
already owned. Two pairs of PT shoes are to be brought.

13. Cold weather clothing. The weather in the Gippsland area is very similar to
Melbourne, with temperatures ranging from below zero during winter to the high 30’s during
summer. During late Autumn/Winter the weather can be extreme, ensure that cold weather
clothing is brought (SD jumper, multi-purpose jacket, thermal underwear, rain jacket etc.).

14. E2 Kitting. PTORs are not required to bring a Field Pack or Webbing as Soldier
Combat Ensemble (SCE) will be issued for the duration of course (for return prior to
graduation). PTORs are required to bring the items detailed in Annex B.

FEB 23


DEO - General Items No. 

Travel tickets and documents
Personal immunisation certificates/record
Personal bank account details
Tax file number
Next of kin details
Sporting shoes suitable for running and sports training (clean and in good
Matching good quality coat hangers min 10
Trouser/skirt hangers (with clips)
Note: Trouser/skirt hangers should be of the ‘horizontal with clips’ style, min 4
not multi-functional. Wooden coat hangers are not appropriate as they are
too wide.
Personal PT attire 1
Sufficient personal clothing suitable to wear in the OTS Trainees’ Mess in
accordance with Annex C.
Hat (appropriate for personal PT) 1
Sunscreen 1
Thongs (for showering) 1
Lint roller 1
Black shoe/boot polish and polish brush 1
Iron 1
Towel 2
Personal toiletries and medications
Small to medium sized padlock with 2 keys to secure personal items drawer
Laundry washing liquid or powder that can be used for top/front loader
Plain white socks (must be visible above the ankle)
min 2
Females with long hair - Bun nets (strong, good quality), hair spray and hair
clips matching hair colour.
Head torch (ability to use with both white and red light) 1
Grab Bag – small overnight bag containing thongs and travel toiletries for in
the case of hospital visit (personal PT gear will be added upon course

PTOR – General Items No. 

Neck Warmer, ECW – 66-162-1713 1
Shelter IND DPCU – 66-135-2513 1
Torch, Combat Right Angle – 00-264-8261 1
Knife, Fork & Spoon Set – 66-054-1885 1
Spectacles, Industrial – 01-140-0282 1


Defence Travel Card (if issued)

Current RAAF Identity Card showing current commissioned rank
PTOR – Uniform Items No. 
Females with long hair – Bun nets (strong, good quality), hair spray and
hair clips matching hair colour.
Issued sewing kit or equivalent. 1
Long sleeve SD shirts 2
Short sleeve SD shirts 2
SD pants 2
SD cap 1
Medals, Ribbons and any other entitled accoutrements
Rank Slides 2
Dark blue Air Force t-shirt 3
GPU Bush Hat 1
Cold Weather GPU Jacket 1
Multipurpose jacket 1
GPU Wet Weather Ensemble 1
Socks (appropriate for boots) 5
Boots 2
Plain white socks (must be visible above the ankle) 2
RAAF PT shorts 2
RAAF PT bike shorts 2
Air Force baseball cap 1
RAAF tracksuit 1
Pack, Hydration (Camelbak) 1
Towel, Bath Green 2
Rope, Assembly, Single length (toggle rope) 1
Drawers, ECW, Long John, Pure Wool, Med Weight 2
Undershirt, Cold Weather, Long Sleeves, Pure Wool 2
Shirt, Cold Weather, Skivvy 2

Desirable / optional items for all Officer Trainees 

Warm gloves (black or dark green)

Cloth glasses strap for those that wear glasses (plain black or navy blue for use during
outdoor activities)
Clock / clock radio

Large and/or small snap lock bags or garbage bags (for keeping clothes dry in the field)
Sunglasses. Must be of a conservative style and colour (black or tortoiseshell are
suitable). Lenses must be non-reflective (no mirror tint)
Small power board (4 plug). Double adaptors are not permitted
Stationery items – Note: some limited stationery (notepad, pen etc.) is provided upon


Laundry marker, both black and white

Swimwear (one piece of a conservative style and colour if desired for personal PT)

PTOR: SD skirt, court shoes, garrison cap, leather jacket if desired

Note: This list is the official OTS list and supersedes any prior lists advised.

FEB 23


OTS Trainees’ Mess

1. A high standard of dress is always required of Mess members and guests. The
appropriateness of dress for the Mess is not dependent on the cost or "label" of the garment
worn, but on the style and standard that conforms to the general demeanour of the Service and
Mess environment. Members are to exercise judgement, common sense and conform to these
rules in the spirit intended. In general, the rules of dress have been designed to provide a
sensible alignment between Service and acceptable civilian dress.

2. Whereas some specific dress rules have been defined, certain less tangible aspects
such as style, cut and taste cannot be clearly prescribed. As a general principle, all members
are expected to use discretion and avoid extremes. Dress should always be neat, clean and

3. Service Dress. All forms of approved working dress are allowed to be worn at any
time and to any normal meals, provided they are in a neat and clean condition. Some
restrictions to this rule apply when certain functions are held.

4. Civilian Dress – Male. The minimum acceptable dress for males is tailored slacks,
short-sleeved shirt with collar and enclosed shoes. All items of clothing shall be clean and in
good repair. During warm weather, tailored shorts may be worn and accompanied by enclosed
‘boat shoes’ or similar leather design. Jumpers and cardigans of a conservative style and
pattern may be worn as an outer garment. If additional warmth is required, a coat of
conservative style and cut should be worn.

5. Civilian Dress – Female. The normal dress standard for females is neat
conservative, and comparable to the male dress standard. Dresses, tailored suits, skirt (no
shorter than knee length), tailored slacks and blouse, and open dress shoe style footwear are
all acceptable. Denim jeans, abbreviated shorts or any item that is revealing is not acceptable.
It is expected that female members of the Mess apply the same standards as male members
when choosing dress.

6. Shoes. Shoes may be casual but shall not be ‘running or sporting’ in design.

7. Religious clothing. Officer Trainees may wear relevant religious clothing items to
the Mess in accordance with specific religious requirements and within the parameters of the
training schedule.

8. Weekends and public holidays. At the discretion of the PMC, the dress standard
may be relaxed during weekends and public holidays. This discretion does not apply when
members are on duty. The period of observed relaxed dress is from 1500h Friday until 0600h
Monday. Jeans are acceptable. Footwear shall not be ‘running’ in design.

9. Sporting attire and casual dress. Dress that does not conform to the required
standard may not be worn in the Mess at any time. This dress may only be worn in the garden
and outside areas adjacent to the public rooms of the Mess. Dress that is in poor repair or that
is dirty, smelly, or otherwise objectionable is not acceptable in any part of the Mess at any


10. Unacceptable dress items. Dress items not to be worn in the public rooms of the
Mess (i.e. anteroom, main bar, and dining room) include thongs, slippers, running (except as
defined above) or leisure footwear, abbreviated shorts, shaggy cardigans or pullovers, T-shirts
(Bonds-style shirts), windcheaters, duffel coats, canvas material coats, outdoor or wet weather
clothing, or vinyl slacks and tops. In addition, scruffy, dirty, or otherwise objectionable attire
is not acceptable in any part of the Mess at any time.


11. Males - Haircuts. Hair is to be conservative in style and neatly groomed at all times.
Bowl, mohawk, spiked and styles that give an uncombed appearance or interfere with the
correct wearing of headdress are not permitted when in uniform. The hair on the crown and/or
top of the head is not to be of sufficient bulk or length as to interfere with the correct wearing
of headdress or protective equipment. The hair at the side and back of the head is to be of the
same length and kept short enough so it does not touch the ears. Unless cropped very short,
hair is to present a tapered appearance (a tapered appearance is one that when viewed from
any angle, outlines the member’s hair so that it conforms to the shape of head, gradually
decreasing in length, following the member’s natural hairline until bare skin). The hair at the
base of the nape is to be above and parallel to the top of the shirt collar when buttoned. Hair
on the back of the neck (including below and to the sides of the taper, if applicable) is to be
shaved. A block-cut with a tapered appearance, cleanly shaven heads, military high-and-tight
or flat-top hairstyles are permitted.

Facial Hair

12. Sideburns. When worn, sideburns are not to extend below the earlobe and are to
remain the same width throughout their length. Bushy sideburns are not to be worn.

13. Moustaches. The entire upper lip is to be left unshaven when worn; the moustache is
to be kept neatly trimmed and is not to extend below the upper lip.

14. Beards. Any established beards and moustaches on arrival at OTS are to be kept neat
and trimmed, to a minimum bulk of 4mm (a No 2 comb) and a maximum bulk of 5cm when
measured from the edge of the chin and jaw line. The neck may be shaved up to the jaw line if
a full beard is not grown. If a full beard is grown, growth at the extremities of the beard, in
particular on the neck, is to be kept neat and shaven. Examples from the AFDMAN of
acceptable facial hair and unacceptable facial hair are provided below in figures 2-12 and 2-13


15. Females - Hairstyles. Hair is to be conservative in style and neatly groomed at all
times. Radical and exaggerated styles, including those with excessive bulk or extreme height
are prohibited. Such styles which include stepped haircuts, mohawks and uncombed
appearance are not permitted to be worn by members in uniform or if on duty in civilian attire.
The acceptability of any hair style is based on neatness, cleanliness and general appearance
when wearing uniform.

16. Wigs. Wigs or hairpieces may be worn provided they appear natural and comply
with the above conditions and are subject to local safety orders.

17. Hair combs. A female member may wear one or two hair combs when in uniform
provided they are of a size, colour, and design that adds to neatness and are not conspicuous.
Combs are to be of a plain design, no more than 80mm in length and transparent, black,
brown, or tortoiseshell to match the hair colour.


18. Cosmetics. A female member is allowed to wear facial make-up in accordance with
modern styles but is to use moderation in application. False eyelashes or heavy eye make-up
is not to be used. Clear, cream or pale pink nail polish may be worn when in uniform.

19. Jewellery - Earrings. Female members may wear gold, silver, clear stone, or pearl
studs, of 4 mm or less in diameter (one in the lower hole of each ear lobe) or plain sleepers,
either gold or silver colour, of 10 mm diameter (one in the lower hole of each ear lobe). To be
designated a sleeper; the ring must be able to rotate fully through the hole in each ear lobe.


20. Jewellery - Necklets and Chains. Visible necklets or chains are not permitted when
in uniform.

21. Jewellery - Rings. Members, when in uniform or on duty, may wear a maximum of
four rings on no more than two of the eight fingers. Such rings are to be of subdued
appearance and design and of moderate size.

22. Jewellery - Watches and Cufflinks. Wrist watches of subdued colour and practical
design may be worn when in uniform, except when safety, operational or ceremonial factors
dictate otherwise. Members may wear cufflinks of plain or suitable military design with

23. Jewellery - Tie Bars. Tie bars or pins of a plain gold or suitable Air Force or ADF
design may be worn with Service Dress 1B as an optional item, except where operational or
safety factors dictate otherwise. Tie bars and pins are to be positioned 8 cm down from the top
of the pocket flap. These items are not to be worn at ceremonial events.

24. Stockings. Females can wear either skin tone stockings or any stockings from dark
grey to black with working dress. Stockings are to be plain with no patterns, or obvious
seams. Opaque stockings and tights or fishnet style stockings are not permitted. Black
stockings are to be worn when wearing the skirt as ceremonial dress. Female personnel are
able to purchase the stockings from any commercial source that stocks the above coloured


FEB 23

Note: Officer Trainees are to ensure they park in the designated trainee parking areas depicted
above in blue. Officer Trainees who park their vehicles outside the designated areas will have
their cars dealt with by the Service Police and/or the local Victorian Police where necessary.
This may result in a parking infringement or the vehicle banned from the base.

Contact the TFC via mobile to meet and collect room keys to accommodation and shown
around the precinct and OTS facilities.

FEB 23
These details are required if Officer Trainees intend to bring a personal vehicle onto RAAF
Base East Sale at any point during IOC. All vehicles are to be logged when transiting or
parked on Defence land.

This form is to be completed for each additional vehicle any Officer Trainee brings to RAAF
Base East Sale. Indicate which vehicle was initially used to drive to OTS to commence course
in the Departure Address box.

Family name: Given name(s):

Employee ID/Service no. Date of Birth: Commencement/Posting date:

Service: Unit: Posted Base:

☐ Navy ☐Army ☐RAAF


Vehicle type: (Car, Motorbike, Van, etc.) Make: Registration No:

Model: Colour: Engine Size:

Departure Address:

Signed (not required if emailed to Administration Centre) Date Contact number

Note: If Officer Trainees decide to bring their vehicle later in IOC the Administration Centre
is to be advised of vehicle details.

This form can be emailed to the Administration Centre without being signed.

FEB 23
FEB 23

1. By signing this AFTG LIA Wireless Conditions of Use form, I acknowledge that my
ICT use through this Defence provided system is subject at all times to the provisions set out
in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this agreement.

2. Prior to connecting my device to the network, I will ensure it has all necessary
security updates applied, and where applicable, anti-virus software is installed. I will ensure
my device is not publicly accessible and will be locked when not in use via a security
passcode, password or other means of secure authentication. This includes any devices
connected to my device by way of a mobile hotspot.

3. Defence ICT resources, like all Commonwealth resources, are to be used honestly, in
good faith and for a proper purpose. ICT resources are only to be used in accordance with
Service values and Australian Public Service (APS) values. Nothing in these policies
authorises ICT use that departs from that allowed by law. Personal use of ICT resources by
personnel is only of benefit to Defence if that use is limited and reasonable. Accordingly,
Australian Defence Force (ADF) commanders and APS supervisors may restrict personal use
of Defence ICT resources.

4. As a Defence ICT user, I acknowledge that I must not inappropriately use Defence
ICT resources. Inappropriate use involves the use of Defence ICT resources by a means or
method, in a manner, location or situation, or for a purpose, that:

a. breaches Australian law or Government policy;

b. involves dissemination of information that is likely to damage Australia’s reputation

or the reputation of the Australian Government or Defence;

c. is likely to risk the defence or national security of Australia or the conduct of a

military activity;

d. is contrary to Defence Values, Service Values, or APS Values;

e. is wasteful of time or other Defence resources;

f. infringes intellectual property rights or copyright, moral rights, or confidentiality;

g. breaches the privacy of another person; or

h. involves the unauthorised access to, unauthorised searching of, or unauthorised

removal, modification or impairment of content in, a Defence database, such as PMKeyS or

5. The following are non-exhaustive examples of inappropriate use of Defence ICT



a. it involves viewing, contributing to, exposing others to, downloading, uploading, or

storing on any medium, still or moving images or audio that may be considered by a
reasonable person to be offensive, pornographic, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive (such
as nude imagery/photography with a sexual context), racist, discriminatory or unlawful in any

b. it involves viewing, contributing to, or exposing others to, downloading, uploading,

or storing on any medium, still or moving images or audio that may involve killing, cruelty,
mutilation or instilling physical or mental harm on an individual (beyond generally accepted
norms for public media)

c. provides a personal comment or opinion in a manner which may be perceived as a

Defence policy, view or opinion, that is contrary to current Defence policy

d. a person posts personal comments with a Defence email address onto internet
discussion groups, chat rooms, bulletin boards and similar internet sites, that is contrary to
current Defence policy

e. it directly or indirectly compromises Defence or Australian Government security or

other interests, including Defence activities, personnel, facilities or operations

f. it makes Defence or the Australian government liable for unjustified expenses and/or
charges for unacceptable or wasteful personal use of Defence ICT resources

g. a person accesses or uses an ‘anonymous user’ internet-based search engine to

prevent identification while ‘web-surfing’

h. a person is conducting business or commercial activities for personal or financial

gain, or any form of solicitation

i. it undermines Defence business continuity

j. it impairs the operation of a Defence or connected network

k. it endangers the integrity of any official data stored on a Defence or connected


l. it involves ‘spamming’ - large-scale and or broadcast transmission of unsolicited

(‘junk’) mail, spurious or repetitive material

m. it involves the renaming, masking or locking from view of any unauthorised files
(example: to penetrate automated gateway filters), or is involved in altering email history (to
distort or misrepresent the originator’s position)

n. it involves any movement of material on any media that contain viruses or malicious
code, likely to result in loss, damage or disruption to information or a system

o. it involves ‘flaming’ (sending critical, often inflammatory comments or jokes about

an individual, group or organisation), including personal complaints against a local, state or
Australian Government agency or business.
6. Access to video and audio streaming services, internet gaming, and other commonly
accepted personal online recreation activities are considered appropriate usage of this network


and are encouraged to be used on the network while at OTS.

7. I acknowledge that Defence and the Internet Server Provider reserve the right to
access any information stored on Defence ICT resources for the purposes of system
administration, when investigating a potential breach or when otherwise required by law. I
understand that Defence has further policy outlining my responsibilities as a Defence Member
when utilising Defence ICT Resources. Once given access to the documents, I will read and
understand the relevant policy outlined in the ICT Manual (ICTMAN) and Defence Security
Principles Framework (DSPF). Failure to comply with the ICTMAN, DSPF or this Conditions
of Use Agreement may result in administrative or disciplinary action, including potential
reparations for loss or damage arising from inappropriate use.

8. The email entered below will be utilised in the creation of a personal user account for
the OTS AFTG WiFi Network. Once an account is created a message will be sent allowing
password creation for the network. On arrival at OTS Officer Trainees will then have access
on any personal device to the network, displayed as ‘OTS’ in accommodation using the
password set and the email below as the username. Simply select the network on a device and
input the details in the automatic pop up that will appear.

9. By signing below I acknowledge that:

I have read and agree to abide by the information in this Conditions of Use Agreement.

After my arrival to OTS and upon receiving access to the documents, I will abide by the
policy outlined in ICTMAN and the DSPF.

I will not share my login credentials with others.

I will report any potential security breaches to Unit staff immediately.



User’s Signature:


FEB 23

Name: …………………………………………….

Course Number: …………………………………………….

Commencement date: ………………………….

Circle the relevant dietary requirement below and add comments where applicable. The
completed form must be emailed to the OTS Administration Centre a minimum of five
working days prior to course commencement.

Note that all medical requirements must be fully supported by a form PM101 from RAAF
East Sale Health Centre which will be obtained during the first week of course (and any other
requirements as stated).


Gluten free (Coeliac)

Allergens (state allergen) …………………….

Reducing/increasing diets (diet must be endorsed by ADF medical staff)



Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian Ovo-Vegetarians Lacto Vegetarians Vegan

Religious belief

Judaism (state food not to be eaten) ……………………………………………..

Islam (state food not to be eaten) …………………….…………………………

Hindu (state food not to be eaten) ………………………………………………

Sikh (state food not to be eaten) ………………………………………………..

FEB 23

1. Officers’ Training School (OTS) was formed under the command of WGCDR P.J.
McMahon DFC on 12 April 1950. It was originally sited at RAAF Station Rathmines, a World
War II flying boat base located at Lake Macquarie, New South Wales. Later reorganisations of
training requirements saw each flight at OTS become an independent squadron. Thus, on 16
May 1956 Officers’ Training Flight became Officers Training Squadron.
2. The last course to graduate from the Officers’ Training Squadron, No. 30 Officer Initial
Training Course did so on 3 November 1960. RAAF Station Rathmines was closed in December
1960. On 9 January 1961, the squadron was relocated to Point Cook and renamed Officers’
Training School. At the end of 1986, the school was closed, and its functions absorbed into the
RAAF College Structure. However, in July 1998, OTS once again became an independent unit
with a Wing Commander as Commanding Officer.
3. In November 2007 the last course graduated from OTS RAAF Base Williams, Point
Cook. During December and January the unit relocated to new facilities at RAAF Base East

Officers’ Training School Today

4. OTS Mission. To deliver Initial Officer Training that inspires and prepares Air Force
Officers with the quality of character to contribute to the joint force, from cooperation to
5. OTS Vision. To be an exemplary Initial Officer Training School; contemporary,
relevant and meeting the needs of Air Force.
6. OTS conducts much of the non-specialist initial officer education and training. This
includes Single Service Training for RAAF Officer Cadets undertaking tertiary studies at the
Australian Defence Force Academy and training for RAAF Reserve and Undergraduate officers.
The Initial Officer Course (IOC) is the major activity conducted by OTS.
7. An emphasis is placed on providing graduates who are effective in the modern
workplace. The course is designed to develop in officer trainees the knowledge, skills, and
attributes to function effectively as junior officers. The adult learning philosophy has been
further reinforced by the curriculum review, with increased emphasis on structured learning,
tutorial discussions, and experiential training. When the OTS motto ‘Accept Responsibility’ was
adopted in 1950, it referred to the Unit’s expectations of staff and Officer Trainees. However,
more than half a century on, it also neatly encapsulates the philosophy behind adult learning.
8. The curriculum delivered at OTS places an emphasis on leadership training, the
development of high levels of individual commitment and team orientation. These develop the
attitudes and skills necessary for a professional officer corps that can meet the challenges of the
twenty-first century.


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