ThoughtSpot Survey Report
ThoughtSpot Survey Report
ThoughtSpot Survey Report
Generative AI for
Data and Analytics:
How Early Adopters Are Reaping the Rewards
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
Digging Into the Data.................................................................................................. 1
Early Adopter Characteristic No. 1: Focusing on Better Decision-Making..................... 2
• Ecolab: Using Generative AI to Boost Sales........................................................... 3
Gaining a Competitive Edge....................................................................................... 5
Early Adopter Characteristic No. 2: Developing Strategies,
Solving Challenges, and Tracking Results.................................................................. 5
Early Adopter Characteristic No. 3: Establishing Bullish Expectations
for ROI and Revenue Generation.................................................................................7
• Verizon: Tracking Generative AI Results.................................................................7
Early Adopter Characteristic No. 4: Building Strong Business-Data Partnerships......... 8
Early Adopter Characteristic No. 5: Relying Primarily on Third-Party Tools.................10
• Data Snapshot: Different Company Sizes, Different Speeds..................................10
Early Adopter Characteristic No. 6: Obtaining the Right Skills for
Generative AI Deployment........................................................................................ 12
• Data Snapshot: Different Leadership Roles, Different Outlooks............................. 12
Keeping a Human in the Loop.................................................................................... 13
• Checklist: Getting Started With Generative AI for Analytics.................................. 14
• Data Snapshot: Different Places, Different Priorities............................................. 14
Conclusion: The Path to Generative AI Success......................................................... 14
Sponsor’s Viewpoint................................................................................................. 15
Methodology............................................................................................................ 17
Demographic Information......................................................................................... 17
Acknowledgments................................................................................................... 18
Businesses are rapidly embracing generative AI, which has the potential to transform the way
people work and make decisions across nearly every facet of business. Use of the technology
nearly doubled in the first half of 2024, and while some organizations are still in the planning
stages, others are moving ahead to explore generative AI’s capabilities for everything from
boosting productivity and sales to enhancing the customer experience, designing better
products and services — and much more.
But for organizations currently deploying generative AI — the early adopters — the technology’s
greatest value appears to lie in its ability to analyze and improve strategic business decisions,
a new survey shows. This report unveils the survey’s key findings with an emphasis on what
those early adopters are doing to lead the pack.
The global survey, conducted by MIT SMR Connections and its This report covers early adopters’ strategies, progress, challeng-
research partner Kadence International with sponsorship from es, and accomplishments, supplemented with insights from busi-
ThoughtSpot, queried 1,000 data and business leaders at compa- ness and academic experts. Together, these components provide a
nies large and small, across a range of industries and geographies, snapshot of the state of generative AI in today’s enterprises and a
to identify prevailing trends in using generative AI for analytics. It glimpse of the transformative future it offers to those who under-
found that many early adopters are receiving encouraging results, stand how to wield its power effectively.
with a majority seeing significant payback from their investments.
These organizations have even higher expectations for ROI and Digging Into the Data
revenue for the future, as they expand both the number and scale The survey gathered information from data and business leaders in
of their deployments. technology, financial services, manufacturing, retail, construction,
health care, and professional services. It found that 67% of those sur-
Aside from their focus on analytics, organizations that are getting veyed are early adopters. Another 26% of respondents haven’t yet
ahead with generative AI share common characteristics in terms deployed the technology but expect to do so; we’re calling this group
of strategy, implementation, and collaboration. At the same time, “planners” in this report. Just 7% are still evaluating the technology.
they’re encountering challenges such as aligning business and data (Note: To gain a more relevant picture of why and how respondents
leaders’ priorities, dealing with data and model quality, and ad- are using generative AI for analytics, researchers screened out poten-
dressing security concerns. tial participants who indicated that their organizations aren’t using
the technology and have no plans to do so.)
We will examine each of these characteristics in detail. the quality of products and services as key benefits (see Fig. 2).
Figure 1: global head of the Deloitte AI Institute and a noted AI author and
Generative AI speaker. “It can help business leaders quickly understand complex
in Analytics: 67% data sets and use historical data to forecast future trends and sim-
Strong Adoption ulate business scenarios. That allows leaders to anticipate and plan
for market changes on a scale that was not previously possible.”
Planners Evaluating
Figure 2:
Early Adopters’ Improving speed of data-driven decision-making 44%
Top Reasons for Improving quality of products and services 44%
Using Generative
AI in Analytics* Improving quality of business insights 42%
Simplifying presentation of complex data 40%
Increasing employee productivity 38%
Increasing customer satisfaction 38%
Increasing democratization of data 36%
Improving forecasting 35%
Mitigating risk 35%
Competing for talent 29%
*Multiple selections allowed
The pilot program uses generative AI and natural language By providing valuable information that can help its customers
processing, which allow analysts and salespeople to ask ques- meet their goals, Ecolab stands to substantially improve its own
tions of their business data rather than manually manipulating financial performance — selling its services naturally, with less
and interpreting it in spreadsheets. effort. “This is not something you can do with a traditional busi-
ness intelligence platform,” Labelle says.
“You don’t have to wrangle anymore. You just ask questions,
and when you get a response, drill down,” Labelle says. Ecolab is also exploring generative AI for other use cases, he
adds: “We’re just getting started, but we think it could offer ben-
efits in supply chain, finance, and entering new markets.”
“Evidence shows that data-based decisions are more likely to be Planners also desire such advanced business-intelligence capabil-
accurate and successful, but many businesspeople — especially ities, but to a lesser extent. Of the planners, 38% are seeking to
those without technology backgrounds — don’t always make use of improve the speed of data-driven decisions or improve products
it,” says Davenport, who is also a fellow of the MIT Initiative on the and services, and 39% are seeking to improve business insights.
Digital Economy. “Generative AI can change that by making data
insights accessible to everyone.”
Figure 3:
Generative AI and 51%
Competitive Advantage 46%
2% 2% 2%
Far ahead Moving fast; About even Slightly behind Significantly behind
of market and slightly ahead of with market and market and market and
competitors market/competitors competitors competitors competitors
Figure 4:
Top 5 Challenges
With Generative AI
Figure 5:
Positive Outlook for ROI 25%
How respondents
expect their generative 18%
AI investments to pay 16%
off over three years:
12% 12%
8% 8%
4% 4%
2% 2% 2%
1% 1%
planners have yet to adopt generative AI strategies. Early adopters Tracking spending and ROI is essential for making progress with
are also more concerned about model usage and quality, with just generative AI, and that’s an area where early adopters are clearly
25% of planners citing that issue as a challenge — and it’s not even ahead. Forty-one percent say they have very robust capabilities in
the planners’ “top 5 challenges” list. place for measuring generative AI’s financial performance, com-
pared with just 15% of planners.
More than a third of both groups are concerned about data chal-
lenges — and rightly so, Davenport says: “Data integration, data Early adopters are also doing more tracking of nonfinancial met-
preparation, and data management are the most important factors rics, including measuring generative AI’s success in increasing the
for being successful with generative AI. Organizations should work speed and accuracy of decisions, improving customer experience
on getting their data in order before getting started.” and satisfaction, and identifying areas in the company that need
improvement. (For an example, see: “Verizon: Tracking Generative
Data modeling and data skills are discussed further under “Early AI Results”)
Adopter Characteristic No. 6,” below.
deployments and have high expectations for ROI and revenue. Nearly
Verizon is especially meticulous about tracking results.
half of early adopters (48%) expect investment returns of 100% or
The telecom giant created a center of excellence to
more over three years, compared to 38% of planners (see Fig. 5).
evaluate potential ROI for all generative AI proposals and
measure the success of projects that get the green light.
Twelve percent of early adopters expect to see an ROI of 300% or more,
compared with just 2% of planners. Almost all the survey respondents “Every use case must go through the center of excel-
expect investments to at least pay for themselves, with fewer than lence to make sure it will produce ROI,” says Anil Kumar
1% of early adopters and just 2% of planners expecting to see no ROI. of Verizon.
Both groups also said they expect revenue to increase as a result For starters, the telecom company, uses a variety of
of generative AI deployments. But compared to planners, more metrics to measure results. “In some cases, generative
than twice as many early adopters expect that increase to be ma- AI creates operational savings or improves productivity.
jor (see Fig. 6). In others, it may generate revenue from a new product
idea,” Kumar says.
Figure 7:
Companies measure revenue increases in different ways, depend-
Current Business-Data
ing on how it is achieved.
Team Alignment
“We have several calculations for ROI,” says Anil Kumar, vice pres-
How respondents view
ident of data and AI engineering for Verizon. “In some cases, it will their current business-data
be based on productivity gains or operational savings. In other cas- team partnerships:
es, it will be from incremental revenue. Other times, it may be from 75%
a new product idea.”
Generative AI can also boost revenue by improving existing prod- 47% 48%
ucts and services. For example, it can suggest design enhancements
to products, hyper-personalize marketing, improve customer ser-
vice, or suggest more effective sales strategies. All of these efforts 23%
can help the business attract and retain more customers.
2% 5%
When it comes to cutting cost, generative AI can improve produc-
tivity by automating routine tasks in supply chain management, Strong partnership Good partnership Poor partnership
customer support, and other areas, experts say. with centralized with some without centralized
strategy misalignment strategy
Nevertheless, nearly a quarter of early adopters (23%) admitted “Data teams need to do a better job of explaining their work in
to experiencing some misalignment — a problem faced by 48% terms business teams can understand. And business teams need
of planners. to gain a better grasp of technical complexity so that they can un-
derstand what the data teams are doing,” he says. “If you do both of
Both groups believe their partnerships will improve over the next those things, you’ll narrow the gap.”
year, as generative AI is further incorporated into their data strat-
egies. But while more than half of early adopters expect significant There are many ways of bringing business and data teams closer.
improvement, only about a quarter of planners (26%) shared their For example, Deloitte provides AI fluency training for its employ-
optimism (see Fig. 8). ees. “Generative AI is going to be in every nook and corner of your
business, so it’s important for everyone to understand the basics
Better alignment can’t happen unless both business and data teams and speak the same language,” Ammanath says.
extend themselves a bit beyond their current comfort zones, says
Sam Ransbotham, professor of business analytics at the Carroll Verizon created three different types of generative AI training for
School of Management at Boston College. its workforce: a high-level, daylong session for executives, a more
Figure 8:
Future Business-Data
Team Alignment
52% 58%
8% 11%
8% 5%
2% 5%
Improve Improve Remain Worsen/worsen
significantly Improve
somewhat Remain
the same Worsen/worsen
significantly somewhat the same significantly
100-499: 56%
500-999: 62%
1,000 to 4,999: 75%
5,000 to 9,999: 79%
Figure 9:
10,000+ 63%
Generative AI Tools:
Buy or Build?
Company Size by Number of Employees
Tools that respondents are
using or expect to use:
Figure 10:
Generative AI Tools: Key
prefer developing in-house generative AI tools for analytics, with vendor, it’s critical to ask about that company’s controls for data
20% using or planning a combination of externally and internally privacy and security, according to experts interviewed for this re-
developed applications. port. Respondents understand the importance of those two issues,
having ranked them as high priorities.
“Buy-versus-build is a crucial decision in the generative AI world,”
Ammanath says. “Building in-house obviously takes more time and Early adopters and planners are looking for similar capabilities
diverts resources that could be going to the core business.” from generative AI tools, including the ability to analyze data to re-
veal patterns and insights and help developers with complex tasks,
That’s especially true for large language models, which require signif- such as data modeling and integrating solutions (see Fig. 10).
icant resources and specialized skills to build and can take months to
train. “Training a large language model from scratch is out of reach “Being able to integrate new tools into existing systems is crucial,”
for most organizations,” Ransbotham says. “The amount of computing Ammanath says. “Teams need to have the skills to ensure seamless
power it takes is overwhelming for all but the largest companies.” application and maximize the tools’ ability to drive business value.”
Still, some companies may want to build highly customized solu- Because generative AI tools are still evolving, companies must also
tions that don’t yet exist in the market, or that require the use of have the flexibility to adapt as new iterations are introduced. Many
highly sensitive data — for example, a patient diagnostic tool. are currently exploring several types of tools for different purposes.
Companies that want to create new solutions can either build Through research, trial, and error, organizations can learn which
them in-house or partner with a vendor. If they decide to use a tools are most effective for their use cases and employees.
Data Snapshot:
Different Leadership Roles, Different Outlooks
Not surprisingly, data leaders appear to be further along with using generative AI for analytics than their business counterparts, accord-
ing to the research. Seventy-eight percent of data executives reported that they’re already using the technology, compared to 58% of
business leaders.
In addition, data leaders are clearly more optimistic about the technology’s potential to positively impact their organizations’ financial
performance in the next year. Seventy-eight percent of that group project “major” or “moderate” revenue increases from the use of
generative AI for analytics, compared to 60% of business leaders.
The findings underscore another important theme from the survey: the importance of ensuring that data and business leaders are
aligned in their approach to using generative AI, including how they measure success.
Consultant Eric Siegel, author of The AI Playbook (MIT Press, 2024), says many AI projects fail because leaders overemphasize technical
metrics. “Instead, the focus should be on business metrics — such as revenue, profit, savings, and number of customers acquired,” he
wrote in a recent article for MIT Sloan Management Review.
“These straightforward, salient metrics gauge the fundamental notions of success,” and, he adds: “They’re core to building a
much-needed bridge between business and data science teams.”
“So that’s the offer?” the displeased candidate asked. “In the future, people will have many AIs performing tasks for
them, giving them time for higher-level reflection,” Bean says. “Ev-
“Yes, that’s the offer,” the AI replied, and went on to fill in the details. erybody will be like a CEO.”
3 Always keep humans in the loop to ensure quality leaders who create strategies to maximize the technology’s value
and accuracy. for their organization, foster collaboration between business and
data teams, employ the right tools and partnerships, and close-
ly track generative AI spending and impact are the most likely to
achieve far-reaching and long-lasting results. l
S P O N S O R ’S V I E W P O I N T
Using Generative AI
to Tackle Business
Cindi Howson is an
analytics and business
thought leader and
expert who specializes in
Challenges and
meeting business needs
with technology. As chief
data strategy officer at
Many of the early generative AI use cases focused on using generative AI for communicating —
for instance, putting bots on top of troves of PDFs and textual data — or for creating content
such as images, slides, and code. Using generative AI on top of structured corporate data
holds promise, but given the constraints of large language models in terms of math, halluci-
nations, privacy protection, and defining specific time periods, there are limitations to how
far this technology can go alone. You may tolerate hallucinations in AI-generated recipes,
but it’s obviously not acceptable when it comes to analyzing sales numbers or employee
performance reviews.
Data, digital, and business leaders must unite to seize the gener-
ative AI opportunity. They need to work collaboratively to align
their data and AI strategies to their organizations’ business strat-
The world’s most innovative companies use AI-powered analytics
egies and prioritize use cases for the technology. ThoughtSpot
fromThoughtSpot to empower everyone in their organizations
sponsored an MIT SMR Connections survey and this resulting
with the ability to ask and answer data questions, create and
report to provide you with industry insights and best practices
interact with data-driven insights, and use those insights to make
to increase your chances of success. The research findings can
informed decisions.ThoughtSpot delivers a complete platform
also help you benchmark your organization’s efforts. for the modern data stack, spanning the spectrum of business
intelligence needs from ad hoc novel analysis with a code-first
With generative AI, you have the opportunity to deliver a data approach to code-free self-service exploration and AI-driven
strategy that helps people solve real-world challenges while monitoring powered by natural language. Companies like
delivering unprecedented value. Fully 48% of early adopters of T-Mobile, CVS Health, Daimler, Capital One, and Huel have
generative AI for analytics expect greater than 100% ROI over turned toThoughtSpot to transform their data-driven cultures.
three years, according to the survey. To learn more, visit
MIT SMR Connections conducted a global online survey, sponsored by ThoughtSpot, that drew responses from
1,000 data and business leaders from companies of various sizes in a broad range of industries and locations.
Kadence International fielded the survey in the spring of 2024. We examined the data based on respondents’ roles,
geographical locations, company size, and other factors. To provide a rich context for discussion of the quantitative
research results, we interviewed several authors, academics, consultants, and industry practitioners. These individuals
provided insight into current trends and future priorities about the use of generative AI for data and analytics.
Demographic Information
Roles* Top Industries*
All respondents were C-suite, SVP, VP, IT/tech/software/telecom: 34%
or director-level executives. Financial services: 18%
Manufacturing: 8%
Data Leaders: 45% Retail: 7%
Non-Data Leaders:* 55% Construction and retail: 6%
*Non-data leaders include executives in finance, go-to-market, IT,
Health care: 5%
marketing, operations, product engineering, and sales roles. Professional services: 5%
*Remainder divided among other industries
Organization Size*
100-499: 19% Headquarters Location
500-999: 26% U.K., Europe*: 37%
1,000-4,999: 30% U.S., Canada: 31%
5,000-9,999: 16% Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan: 29%
10,000+: 10% Other: 3%
*Results reflect rounding.
*France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K.
MIT SMR Connections is grateful to the following subject matter
experts who shared their insights in interviews for this report:
Randy Bean, author, speaker, and adviser to Fortune 1000 companies on data and AI leadership
Thomas H. Davenport, author, speaker, President’s Distinguished Professor of Information Technology and
Management, Babson College, and fellow of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
Sam Ransbotham, professor of business analytics, Carroll School of Management, Boston College
Michael Schrage, author, speaker, and research fellow with the MIT Sloan School of Management’s Initiative on