Electrostatic Potential + Capacitors

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Class 12 - B2
Practice Sheet

Chapter - Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

1. Two charges of equal magnitude q are placed in air

at a distance 2a apart and third charge –2q is 1 Q 1 Q
(3) (4)
placed at midpoint of the line connecting identical 40 4R 40 8R
charges. The potential energy of the system is
5. W hich of the following is not true about
q 2
3q2 equipotential surfaces ?
(1)  (2) 
80 a 80 a (1) They do not cross each other
(2) They are concentric spheres for uniform electric
5q2 7q2 field
(3)  (4) 
80 a 80 a
(3) Rate of change of potential with position on
2. The electrical potential on the surface of a uniformly them is zero
charged sphere of radius r due to a charge (4) They can be spheres
3 × 10–6 C on it is 500V. The intensity of electric
field on the surface of the sphere is (in N/C) 6. Two charged conducting spheres of radii R1 and R2
have equal surface charge density. The ratio of
(1) < 10 (2) > 200 potential at their surfaces is :
(3) between 10 and 20 (4) < 5
R1 R2
3. A non-conducting ring of radius 0.5 m carries a total (1) (2)
charge of 1.11 × 10–10 C distributed non-uniformly R2 R1
on its circumference producing an electric field E
2 2
everywhere in space. The value of line integral  R2   R1 
    (3)   (4)  
E.d ( = 0 at the center of the ring) in volt  R1   R2 

 0
7. The work done by battery to charge an uncharged
is : (given potential at infinity is zero)
parallel plate condenser of plate separation d and
+Q,R plate area of cross section A such that the uniform
electric field between the plates is E, is

 0 E2 0E2
(1) 2 (2)

l  Ad Ad

(3) 0E2Ad (4) 0E2 Ad
(1) + 2 (2) – 1
(3) – 2 (4) 0 8. A capacitor is charged by a battery and the energy
stored is U. The battery is now removed and the
4. Charge Q is uniformly distributed throughout the separation between the plates is doubled. The
volume of a solid hemisphere of radius R. Then the energy stored now is :
potential at center O of the hemisphere is :
1 3Q 1 3Q (1) (2) U
(1) (2) 2
40 2R 40 4R
(3) 2U (4) 4U
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
9. The plates in a parallel plate capacitor are
separated by a distance d with air as the medium Qq  a – b  Qq  b – a 
(1) (2)
between the plates. In order to increase the 4  o  ab  4  o  ab 
capacity by 66.67% a dielectric slab of dielectric
constant 5 is introduced between the plates. What Qq  b 1 Qq  a 1 
is the thickness of dielectric slab ? (3)  a2 – b  (4) –
4 o   4 o  b 2 b 
d d
(1) (2) 14. A charged Q is uniformly distributed over a thin rod
4 2
AB of length L as shown in the figure. The electric
potential at the point O lying at distance 2L from
5d the end A is:-
(3) (4) d
10. In the figure shown, the equivalent capacitance
between A and B is
2L L
10F 10F 3F
Q 3 3Q
(1) n (2)
15F 4  oL 2 4  oL

5F 6F 6F Q Q 2
(3) n 3 (4) n
(1) 3.75 F (2) 5.25 F 3  oL 4  oL 3
(3) 6.5 F (4) 10.5 F 15. In the arrangement of two concentric conducting
11. Equivalence capacitance between the points X and shell as shown in the figure, charge on the outer
Y in the circuit is shell is 10C and the inner shell is grounded. Then
the charge q on the inner shell is:-


O 2m
C 1m

2C 5C
(1) (2)
3 3

3C (1) Zero (2) q = –10C

(3) (4) None of these
5 (3) q = 20C (4) q = –5C
12. A capacitance of 10 F is charged to a potential of 16. Two identical capacitors have the same capacitance
50V with a battery. The battery is now disconnected C. One of them is charged to potential V1 and other
and an additional charge 200 C is given to positive to V 2. The negative end is joined with the positive
plate of the capacitor. The potential difference end of other capacitor. W hen the other two
across the capacitor become : remaining ends are connected the change in energy
of combined system is:-
(1) 100V (2) 70 V
(3) 80 V (4) 60 V 1 2
(1) C  V1 – V2 
13. A charge q is placed at the origin O of X – Y axes 4
as shown in the figure. The work done by external
agent in taking a charge Q from A to B along the 1 2
(2) C  V1  V2 
curved line A B is 4

Y 1

C V12  V22 
B (0,b)

C V12 – V2 
O A (a,0)
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
17. Four capacitors are joined as shown in the figure. 12X 6X
The capacity of each capacitor is 8F. Equivalent (1) (2)
capacitance between A and B is-
7 5
7X 4X
(3) (4)
A 12 3
B 22. In the given arrangement the value of equivalent
(1) 2F (2) 8F capacitance between points A and B is
(3) 16F (4) 32F
18. A parallel plate capacitor having a plate separation 2F 2F
of 2mm is charged by connecting it to a 400V
A 4F B
supply. The energy density is:-
(1) 0.09 J/m3 (2) 0.18 J/m3 2F
(3) 0.36 J/m3 (4) 0.72 J/m3
(1) 4F (2) 6F
19. A charge is q kept in front of neutral metallic sphere
as shown in the figure. The value of electric field at (3) 2F (4) 3F
the centre of sphere due to induced charge on 23. A solid sphere (conducting) is surrounded by metallic
surface of sphere is shell of radius 2r. Initial charges on them are 5C
R and 3C respectively. If both are connected by thin
q metallic wire then charge appearing on A and B are

q q
(1) (2)
4 0 d 2
4 0 R2 5C 3C

q 3q r A
(3) 2 (4) B
4 0 R  d  4 0 R2
20. Two identical capacitors 1 and 2 are connected in
series. The capacitor 2 contains a dielectric slab of (1) 4C each (2) 0 and 8C
constant k as shown. They are connected to a
(3) 3C and 5C (4) 2C and 6C
battery of emf v0 volt. The dielectric slab is then
removed. Let Q1 and Q2 be the charge stored in 24. There are two identical capacitors. The first one is
capacitor before removing the slab and Q1 and Q2 uncharged and filled with dielectric constant K while
be the values after removing the slab. Then the other is charged to potential V having air between
its plates. If two capacitors are joined end to end, the
common potential wire be
v0 V KV
2 (1) (2)
K 1 K 1

(3) (4)
Q1 k  1 Q2 k  1 K 1 K 1
(1)  (2) 
Q1 k Q2 2 25. An uncharged sphere of metal is placed in a
uniform electric field produced by two oppositely
Q2 k  1 Q1 k charge large plates. The lines of force appear as
(3)  (4) 
Q2 2k Q1 2 + + + + + + + + + +

21. In the arrangement the value of each capacitor is

X F. Then the equivalent capacitance between (1) (2)
point a and c is (In F)
– – – – – – – –

+ + + + + + + + +
X (3) (4)
– – – – – – – ––
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
26. Three charged particles having charges q, – 2q and 30. The electric potential at any point (x, y, z) in
q are placed at points (–a,0),(0,0) and (a,0) metres is given by V = 3x2. The electric field at a
respectively. The expression for electric potenital at point (2, 0, 1) is
 1 
(0,r) is  k   (r>>a) Vˆ Vˆ
 4 0  (1) 12 i (2) 6 i
m m
kqa2 kqa2
(1) (2)  Vˆ Vˆ
r4 r3 (3) 6 i (4) 12 i
m m
4kqa2 8kqa2
(3)  (4) 31. Three point charges q, –2q and –2q are placed at
r2 r
the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side a. The
27. Three concentric metallic shells A, B and C of radii work done by some external force to increase their
a, b and c (a<b<c) have surface charge density seperation to 2a slowly, will be
, – and  respectively. If A and C are kept at
same potential then C is equal to
1 2q2 1 q2
ba (1) (2)
4 0 a 40 2a
(1) b – a (2)
1 8q
b2  a2 (3) (4) Zero
(3) b + a (4) 40 a2
28. The total capacity of the system of capacitors 32. Two concentric shells kept in air have radii R and
shown in figure below between the points A and B r. They have similar charge and equal surface
charge density . The electrical potential at their
common centre is :
2F (R  r) (R  r)
1F (1) (2)
1F 0 0

2F (R  r) (R  r)
(3) (4)
20 40
(1) 1F (2) 2F
33. A hollow metal sphere of radius 10 cm is charged
(3) 3F (4) 4F such that the potential on it’s surface becomes
80V. The potential at the centre of sphere is :
29. The expression for the capacity of a capacitor
formed by compound dielectric placed between (1) 80V (2) 800V
plates of a parallel plate capacitor as shown in
figure is (Area of each plate is A) (3) 8V (4) Zero

34. A metal sphere A of radius a is charged to potential

d1 d3 V. What will be it’s potential if it is enclosed by a
× × × conducting spherical shell B of radius b and two are
× × ×
× × × connected by a conducting wire ?
k1 × k×2 × k3
× × × B
× × ×
d2 b

0 A 0 A
(1) (2)
 d1 d2 d3  d1  d2  d3
   
k1  k 2  k 3 a
 k1 k 2 k 3  (1) V (2)   V

0 A  k1k 2k 3  A k k k 
(3) (4) 0  1  2  3  b
d1d2d3 d
 1 d 2 d3  (3)   V (4) None of these
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
35. Figure shows three spherical and equipotential 40. Four capacitors of equal capacitance have an
surfaces A, B and C around a point charge q at equivalent capacitance C1 when connected in series
their common centre. The potential difference VA – and an equivalent capacitance C2 when connected
V B = V B – V C . If t 1 and t 2 be the distances C1
between them, then in parallel. The ratio is
C 1 1
B (1) (2)
A 4 16
1 1
(3) (4)
8 12
41. A charge ‘q’ moves from points A(0, 1) to B(1, 0)
(1) t1 = t2 (2) t1 > t2
as shown in figure. If |p1| > |p2|, then work done by
(3) t1 < t2 (4) t1  t2 electric force in moving charge ‘q’ from A to B, in
the vicinity of two short dipoles placed at the origin
36. If the energy of a 100 F capacitor charged to 6 kV with their dipole moments as shown, will be
could all be used to lift a 50 kg mass, then what y
would be greatest vertical height through which
mass could be raised ? A

(1) 0.6 mm (2) 3.6 m

(3) 1.2 mm (4) 12 m p1 B

37. Energy E is stored in a parallel plate capacitor C1 .

An identical uncharged capacitor C2 is connected
to it, kept in contact with it for a while and then (1) Positive
disconnected, the energy stored in C2 is (2) Negative
(3) Zero
(1) (2) (4) Cannot be determined
2 3
42. A conducting sphere of radius R is charged to
potential V. The electric field at a distance r(>R)
E from centre of the sphere is,
(3) (4) Zero
V R2 V
(1) (2)
38. The potential energy of a charged parallel plate r r3
capacitor connected to a battery is U0. If a slab of
dielectric constant K is inserted fully between the RV V
plates, then the new potential energy will be : (3) (4)
r2 R3
U0 43. Two concentric conducting thin shells of radius a
(1) (2) UoK and b (a > b) carry charges Q and 3Q respectively.
The net charge on the outer surface of the outer
U0 shell is
(3) (4) U02 (1) 4Q (2) 3Q
(3) 2Q (4) Q
39. The charge stored on 4 F capacitor in the given 44. Two conducting large plates P1 and P 2 are placed
circuit is parallel to each other at very small separation ‘d’.
12V One side surface area of each plate is A. A charge
+2Q is given to plate P1 and –Q to the plate P2. If
P1 and P 2 are now connected by conducting wire,
4F 2F then total amount of heat produced is,

4Q 2 d 9Q2 d
6F (1) (2)
3 0 A 8 0 A
(1) 6 × 10–6C (2) 12 × 10–6C
3Q2 d
(3) (4) None of these
(3) 24 × 10–6C (4) 36 × 10–6C 4 0 A
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
45. In the given figure, if each capacitor has 50. In the given circuit, the potential difference between
capacitance c, then the equivalent capacitance points A and B is 18 V and charge on 2 F
between P and Q of the entire circuit is
capacitor is 24 C. The value of C is

2 F
P Q A 6 F B

2c 7c
(1) (2) (1) 1 F (2) 2 F
7 2
(3) 3 F (4) 4 F
5c 2c
(3) (4) 51. Initially switch S is open in the given circuit. If it is
2 5
closed then
46. What is the charge flown from P to Q when the
switch is closed ? S


3 F


2 F CV
(1) Charge flows from B to A
(1) 3c (2) 15c 3

(3) 6c (4) 9c (2) There is no flow of charge through switch

47. If a charged spherical conductor of radius 10 cm

has a potential V at a point 8 cm from its centre (3) Charge flows from A to B
then the potential at a point 15 cm from its centre 6
will be
(4) Charge flows from B to A
V 2V 6
(1) (2)
3 3
52. If area of each plate is A and separation between the
plates is d, then the reciprocal of capacitance of the
3V arrangement shown in figure will be
(3) (4) 3V
48. If electrostatic potential at a distance r, from the
centre of a small dipole, in axial position is V, then
potential at a distance 2r from the centre on the
same line is

(1) (2) 4V
8 K1
(3) 8V (4)
49. In a region, electrostatic potential varies along x- 20 A(K1  K 2 ) 0 A(K1  K 2 )
(1) (2)
axis according to the equation V = 5x3/2 volt where d (2  K1  K 2 ) d (2  K1  K 2 )
x is in m. Magnitude of electric field at x = 4 m is

(1) 40 V/m (2) 15 V/m K1  1K 2  1 d d d

(3) 
(3) 20 V/m (4) 5 V/m
K1  K 2  2K1K 2  A0 (4) 0 A 0 A(K1  K 2 )
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
53. The work done by the battery (in J) in charging the 58. A long string with a charge of  per unit length passes
capacitors to steady state is through an imaginary cube of edge a. The maximum
flux of electric field through cube will be
2 F 3 F

a 2a
(1) 0 (2)
3 F 2 F

6 a 3 a
(3) (4)
10V 0 0
(1) 240 (2) 1005
59. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged by a battery
(3) 250 (4) Zero to a potential difference V. Now it is disconnected
54. A dielectric slab (K = 4) is put between the plates of from this battery and connected to another battery of
a charged parallel plate capacitor. If charge on the potential difference 2V, so that positive plate of
positive plate of the capacitor is Q then the induced capacitor is connected to positive terminal to the
charge on the face of the slab that faces the positive battery and negative plate of the capacitor is
plate will be connected to the negative terminal of the battery. The
heat produced in the circuit is
3Q Q
(1) – (2) –
4 4 1
(1) CV2 (2) CV2
3Q Q
(3) (4)
4 4
55. Two conducting plates A and B are placed parallel to (3) CV2 (4) 2CV2
each other. A is given a charge Q1 and B a charge Q2.
The surface charge density at the inner surface of 60. A thin rod is bent into a semi-circular arc of radius R.
the plate A is (S = surface area of each face of plate) The rod has a uniform linear charge density . The
potential at the centre of the arc, point P is
Q1  Q 2 Q2
(1) (2)
2S 2S

Q1  Q2 Q1
(3) (4)
2S 2S
56. A parallel plate air capacitor is charged and then
disconnected from battery. When a dielectric material
is inserted between the plates of the capacitor, then
which of the following does not change?
 
(1) Electric field between the plates (1) 2 R (2) 4
0 0
(2) Potential difference across the plates
(3) Ratio of electric field in the region and potential
difference between plates  
(3) 2 (4) 
0 0
(4) Energy stored in the capacitor
57. Four identical charge particles having charge q are
placed fixed at the vertices of a square of side length 4F 6F
a. A negative charge –Q having mass m is situated A•
at the centre of the square. The minimum velocity
given to –Q so that it can escape from there is 4F 2F 6F
1 1
 Qq2 2  2
 8Qq 2  2

(1)   (2)   4F B 6F
 40ma   0ma 

1 1 Find equivalent capacitance between A and B

2 2
 Qq2 2   Qq 2 
(3)   (4)   (1) 2F (2) 4F
 0ma   40ma 
(3) 6F (4) 8F
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
62. Two conducting spheres each given a charge q are 66. Equipotential surfaces in a region are shown.
kept far apart as shown. The amount of charge that Magnitude of electric field in the region is
crosses the switch s, when it is closed, is
Y (m) 10 V
20 V
q q 30 V
40 V
R 50 V
2R 30°
–20 –10 0 10 20 X (m)
(1) q/3 (2) 2q/3

(3) 3q / 4 (4) Zero

63. An insulator plate is passed through the plates of (1) 2 V/m (2) 10 V/m
a capacitor as shown in the figure below. Then
current outside the capacitor (3) 1 V/m (4) Zero

67. In given circuit, ratio of charge on 2 F capacitor to

the charge on 3 F capacitor will be

1 F 2 F

3 F

(1) First flows from A to B and then from B to A

(2) First flows from B to A and then from A to B (1) 2 : 3 (2) 3 : 2
(3) Always flows from B to A (3) 1 : 9 (4) 2 : 9
68. Capacity of an air filled parallel plate capacitor is C. If
(4) Always flows from A to B
a metal plate of thickness is symmetrically
64. Find the equivalent capacitance between point a 2
and b in the following arrangement of plates. Each inserted between plates as shown in figure, then the
plate has the area ‘A’ and separation between the new capacity of the capacitor is
plates is ‘d’

a Metal plate
d/2 d

(1) C (2) 2C

2 A 0 3 A 0 C C
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 d 2 d 2 4
69. 5 plates each of area A and separation d between
2A 0 3A 0 consecutive plates are arranged as shown. Equivalent
(3) (4) capacitance between points A and B will be
d d

65. A positive charge is moving under the effect of a

uniform electric field alone. It moves from potential A B
zone V1 to potential zone V2 (V2 < V1). Its speed

(1) Increases

(2) Decreases 0 A 3 0 A
(1) (2)
3d d
(3) Remains constant
4 0 A 0 A
(4) Will become zero at V2 (3) (4)
d 4d
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
70. In the circuit shown below, to have same potentials 74. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged by connecting
of points a and b, a dielectric of constant K = 2 should it to a battery of emf . The capacitor is now
be completely filled in disconnected and reconnected to the same battery
with the polarity reversed. The heat developed in the
C1 = 1 F a C2 = 4 F connecting wires is

1 2
(1) C2 (2) C
C3 = 4 F C4 = 4 F 2

b 3 2
(3) 2C2 (4) C
75. Large conducting parallel plates are arranged with
some charges on them as shown. Find the charge
flown through switch after closing the switch
(1) C1 and C3 (2) C1 and C4
+3Q –8Q +Q
(3) C2 and C4 (4) C2 and C3

71. A capacitor of capacitance 400 µF is charged upto a

potential of 100 volt and another capacitor of
capacitance 600 µF is charged upto a potential of
200 volt. The two capacitors are connected in such a
way that the positive plates are connected at one
point and the negative plates are connected at another
point. The loss of energy will be

(1) 24 J (2) 12 J
(1) +4Q towards earth (2) +2Q towards earth
(3) 1.2 J (4) Zero
(3) +4Q towards plate (4) +2Q towards plate
72. n identical capacitors in series are connected to a 76. The ratio of field energy stored inside and outside a
battery and at steady state the total energy stored uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R and volume
by the assembly is w1. If they had been connected charge density  is
in parallel across same source, the total energy would
11 5
w1 (1) (2)
have been w2. Then 5 6
w 2 equals
1 6
(1) 1 : n (2) 1 : n2 (3) (4)
5 5
(3) n : 1 (4) n2 : 1 
77. A dipole of dipole moment P  2iˆ  3ˆj  4kˆ is
73. Three identical charge (Q) are fixed at each corner of placed at point A(2, –3, 1). The electric potential
a equilateral triangle. What should be the minimum due to dipole at point B(4, –1, 0) is equal to (All the
velocity given to charged particle (–q) placed at the parameters specified here are in SI units)
centre of the triangle to escape from the electric field
of identical charges? [m = mass of charge particle at (1) 2 × 109 volts (2) –2 × 109 volts
centre] (3) 3 × 109 volts (4) –3 × 109 volts
Q 78. Consider the situation shown in figure. The work
done in taking a point charge from P to A is W A,
from P to B is W B and from P to C is W C
l l
–q B

Q l Q
1 1
 Qq 3  2
 Qq 3  2
(1)   (2)   +Q A
 4 0lm   20lm  (point R
1 1
 3Qq 3  2
 3Qq 3  2 (1) W A < W B < W C (2) W A > W B > W C
(3)   (4)  
 2 0lm   0lm  (3) W A = W B = W C (4) None of these
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
79. Two concentric uniformly charged spherical shells 83. Two identical point charges are fixed at x=–a and
of radius 10cm and 20cm having charges 10C and x=+a on the x-axis. Another point charge ‘Q’ is
20C on them are arranged as shown in figure. The placed at the origin. The change in the electric
magnitude of potential difference between the two potential energy of Q, when it is displaced by a
shells is small distance x along the x-axis, is approximately
proportional to
(1) x (2) x 2

20C 1
(3) x 3 (4)
84. Consider a non-spherical conductor shown in figure
(1) 4.5 × 1011V (2) 2.7 × 1011V which is given a certain amount of positive charge.
(3) 0 (4) None of these The charge distributes itself on the surface such
that the charge densities are 1 , 2 and 3 at the
80. Two metallic spheres of radii ‘a’ and ‘b’ are placed
away from each other and are connected by a thin region 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Then
conducting wire. A charge ‘Q’ is given to one of the
sphere. The charge on each sphere at electrostatic 3
equilibrium is
1 2
Qb Qb
(1) q1  2
, q2 
(a  b) (a  b)2 3

Qa Qb (1) 1 > 2 > 3 (2) 2 > 3 > 1

(2) q1  , q2 
(a  b) (a  b)
(3) 3 > 1 > 2 (4) 2 > 1 > 3
Qb Qa 85. Charges are given to three large parallel conducting
(3) q1  , q2 
(a  b) (a  b) plates as shown in figure. Now the switch ‘S’ is
closed. The value of electric field between the
Qa2 Qb2 plates (2) and (3) is (each plate has surface of Area
(4) q1  2 2
, q2  2
a b a  b2 A)
81. A 2µF capacitor is charged as shown in figure. The
percentage of its stored energy, dissipated after the 10C 20C 30C
switch S is turned in position 2, is
1 2

2µF 8µF
1 2 3
(1) 0% (2) 20%
(3) 75% (4) 80%
82. A point charge ‘q’ is placed at a point inside a 30C 25C
hollow conducting sphere. Which of the following (1) (2)
electric field lines pattern should be correct? A 0 A 0

(3) (4) zero
A 0
(1) (2)
86. In a regular polygon of ‘n’ sides, each corner is at
a distance ‘r’ from the centre. Identical charges are
placed at (n–1) corners. At the centre, the intensity
is E and the potential is V. The ratio of V/E has
(3) (4) (1) rn (2) r(n–1)

(3) (n–1)/r (4) r(n–1)/n

Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
87. Which of the following statement is correct? 90. Given R1 = 1, R2 = 2, C1 = 2F C2 = 4F The
time constants (in s) for the circuits I, II, III are
(1) The value of electric potential is same at every
point inside a non-concentric cavity created in
a uniformly charged non-conducting solid
spherical charge distribution
(2) Decreasing the separation between two point
charges always increases their potential C1 C2 C2
energy. R2
V R1
(3) The locus of all such points where the potential
due to a short dipole is zero is a straight line R1
(4) None of these
(I) V
88. Three long coaxial conducting cylindrical shells have (II)

radii R, 2R and 2 2 R. Inner and outer shells are

connected to each other. The capacitance across R1 R2
middle and outer shells per unit length is C1 C2

0 60
(1) 3 (2) (III)
ln2 ln2
8 8
(1) 18, ,4 (2) 18,4,
0 9 9
(3) (4)  0 ln 2
8 8
89. Four identical plates of surface area A are placed (3) 4, ,18 (4) ,18, 4
9 9
parallel to each other at equal distance ‘d’ as shown
in the figure. The space between 2nd and 3rd is filled 91. Find the equivalent capacitance of the circuit between
with a dielectric of dielectric constant K = 2. The points A and B considering the ladder to be infinitely
capacitance of the system across terminals A and B large
is C 2C 4C 8C


A C 2C 4C 8C

(1) C (2) 2C

B (3) 4C (4) 8C

92. The heat produced in the circuit shown in figure on

closing the switch ‘S’ is
2 0 A

0 A +20C –20C
d S
+50C –50C
4 0 A
(3) 5F

(1) 2J (2) zero

5 0 A
(4) (3) 100J (4) none of these
3 d
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
93. The figure shows electric lines of forces. If EA and 97. Four charges of magnitude q each are placed at
EB are electric field strength at points A and B and the vertices of a square of side length a with origin
VA and V B are the electrostatic potential at these O at centroid. Find the electrostatic potential at
points, then which of the following option is correct. point P, given OP=r, r>>a
y P
B +

– 45° +
(1) EA > EB , VA > VB x
(2) EA > EB , VB > VA

(3) EA < EB , VA > VB
qa qa
(4) EA < EB , VB > VA (1) 2 (2)
4 0 r 2 0 r 2
94. An electron ‘e’ is released from the bottom plate A
as shown in the figure (E=104 NC–1 ). The velocity
of the electron when it reaches plate B will be qa qa
(3) (4)
equal to  0 r 2 8 0 r 2
B 98. Two short electric dipoles are placed as shown. The
21cm electrostatic energy of interaction between these
e0 dipoles is
(1) 2.72 ×107 m/s (2) 1.0 ×107 m/s
(3) 1.25 ×107 m/s (4) 1.65 ×107 m/s
r p1
95. A uniformly charged soap bubble of radius r is in
equilibrium with air pressure inside and outside
equal. If T is the surface tension of soap solution,
the potential of the soap solution is 
4Tr 8Tr
(1) (2)
0 0
2kP1P2Cot 2kP1P2 Cos
(1) 3 (2)
2Tr Tr r r3
(3) (4)
0 0
2kP1P2 Sin  4kP1P2 Cot 
96. Consider equal and opposite uniformly charged (3) 3 (4)
r r3
large parallel plates with charge density of
magnitude . A small charge q is moved along the 99. The potential difference between points A and B at
rectangular path ABCDA where side AB=x and side the periphery of a spherical cavity of radius r made
BC=y. Then the correct statement is in a solid nonconducting sphere of uniform charge
+ – density  is

+ + +
+ + + +
+ + C+ A C+
A B 1 2
+ + + +
+ + a B
(1) Work done by electric field along path AB is + +
positive and equal to
3 ar 2 ar
(1) (2)
(2) Point A is at lower potential 2 0 0
(3) Work done by electric field along path ABCDA
may or may not be zero 2 ar ar
(3) (4)
(4) All of these 3 0 3 0
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
100. A bullet of mass m and charge ‘q’ is fired towards a 103. A parallel plate capacitor has an electric field of 105V/
solid uniformly charged sphere of radius ‘R’ and having m between the plates. If charge on the capacitor is 1
total charge ‘+q’. If it strikes the surface with speed C, then force on each of the plates is
‘u’, then find the minimum speed ‘u’ so that it can
(1) 0.5N (2) 0.05N
penetrate through the sphere (neglect all resistance
forces acting on bullet except electrostatic force). (3) 0.005N (4) None

++ + 104. A capacitor of capacitance 1F is charged to 30V.

+ + + + The battery is then disconnected. If the capacitor is
+ + + ++ now connected across a 2F uncharged capacitor,
q,m + + ++ + +
+ ++ + the energy lost by the system is
+ +
(1) 300 J (2) 450 J
q q (3) 225 J (4) 150 J
(1) (2)
2 0 mR 4 0 mR
105. A parallel plate air cored capacitor has a capacitance
C. When it is half filled with a dielectric of dielectric
q 3q constant 5 as shown in figure, the % increase in the
(3) (4)
8 0 mR 4 0 mR capacitance is

101. A spherical shell with an inner radius ‘a’ and an outer

radius ‘b’ is made of conducting material. A point
charge +Q is placed at the centre of the spherical
shell and a total charge ‘–q’ is placed on the shell.
The charge is distributed on the surfaces as (1) 400% (2) 66.6%
–q (3) 33.3% (4) 200%
a 106. The effective capacitance between A and B is

23F 7F
(1) –Q on the inner surface, –q on the outer
surface 12F 13F 1F
(2) –Q on the inner surface, –q +Q on the outer A B
(3) +Q on the inner surface, –q –Q on the outer
surface 10F 1F
(4) The charge –q is spread uniformly between the
inner and outer surface
102. Two large parallel conducting plates are given charges 28 15
(1) F (2) F
Q1 and Q2 respectively as shown in the figure. Find 3 2
the charge flown through the switch after the switch
(3) 15F (4) None
is closed.
107. Three capacitors with their respective breakdown
Q1 Q2 voltages have been marked.

Find the maximum potential difference that can be
(1) Q1+Q2 towards the plate
applied across terminals A and B to keep each of
(2) Q1 towards ground them safe.

(3) Q2 towards ground (1) 60V (2) 30V

(4) Q1+Q2 towards ground (3) 16.25V (4) 15V

Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance


1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (3) 4. (1) 5. (2) 6. (1) 7. (3)

8. (3) 9. (2) 10. (1) 11. (2) 12. (4) 13. (1) 14. (1)
15. (4) 16. (2) 17. (4) 18. (2) 19. (1) 20. (3) 21. (4)

22. (3) 23. (2) 24. (4) 25. (3) 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (2)

29. (1) 30. (4) 31. (4) 32. (1) 33. (1) 34. (2) 35. (3)

36. (2) 37. (3) 38. (2) 39. (3) 40. (2) 41. (2) 42. (3)

43. (1) 44. (2) 45. (2) 46. (4) 47. (2) 48. (4) 49. (2)

50. (1) 51. (4) 52. (3) 53. (1) 54. (1) 55. (3) 56. (3)

57. (3) 58. (4) 59. (2) 60. (2) 61. (2) 62. (1) 63. (2)

64. (2) 65. (1) 66. (1) 67. (4) 68. (2) 69. (3) 70. (2)

71. (3) 72. (2) 73. (3) 74. (3) 75. (3) 76. (3) 77. (2)

78. (3) 79. (1) 80. (2) 81. (4) 82. (1) 83. (2) 84. (4)

85. (1) 86. (2) 87. (4) 88. (2) 89. (2) 90. (4) 91. (1)

92. (2) 93. (1) 94. (1) 95. (2) 96. (1) 97. (2) 98. (2)

99. (4) 100. (2) 101. (2) 102. (4) 103. (2) 104. (1) 105. (2)

106. (2) 107. (3)

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