From The Heart - Activity Key
From The Heart - Activity Key
From The Heart - Activity Key
From theHeart
to Activities
Dominoes one
Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers
now. They will find out as they read that the answers are: now. They will find out as they read that the answers are a3
1 a4 b1 c2 d3 and b3.
2 a Derek b Sebastian c Anna d Selim
Activities (pages 24–25)
Activities (pages 6–7) READING CHECK
READING CHECK 1 b1 c2 d3
a F (Jane is Derek’s friend.) 2 b F (Tryfan isn’t a big mountain.)
b T c F (It isn’t good weather for climbing. / It’s bad weather for
c T climbing.)
d F (Anna talks with Selim.) d T
e F (Sebastian doesn’t help Anna carry her drinks.) e T
f T f F (Anna tells Derek she can’t climb over the rocks.)
g F (Selim speaks quietly to Sebastian.) g T
WORD WORK h F (Anna doesn’t tell Derek everything about Selim.)
1 police illegal foreigners barman WORD WORK
bus university present immigrant a I like Selim because he’s kind; he has a good heart and he’s
2 climbing always nice to people when they need help.
3 b immigrant f barman b ‘I hate going to work every day. You’re lucky to be a student!’
c police g illegal c With tears in her eyes she kissed him goodbye and left.
d present h bus d Dad planned this visit to Tryfan and phoned the hotel weeks
e foreigners ago.
4 b drunk e beer e ‘Be careful Dad! The mountain is very wet after all the rain!’
c stupid f bar f My friend Dave slipped on a wet rock and broke his leg.
d dance g push g She’s sad because she doesn’t have many friends.
Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers Encourage students to guess but do not tell them the answers
now. They will find out as they read that the answers are a, b now. They will find out as they read that the answers are:
and c. a No b Yes c No d Yes e No
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© Oxford university UNIVERSITY PRESS
From theHeart
to Activities
Dominoes one
Project A (pages 40–41)
1 a3 b2 c6 d1 e5 f4
2 Possible answer:
Dear Anna,
1 I’m sorry we argued last night. Please read this letter. Then
you can understand me better.
2 Life in Bosnia was terrible. When a bomb killed my father and
mother, I came to Britain / England. I gave a friend money to
help me and she got papers for me to come here.
3 Life in Oxford is different from life in Sarajevo. I’m learning
English and it isn’t easy. Reading books helps me a lot. And I
have A British / an English girlfriend – you – to help me.
That’s the best thing of all!
4 I’m a barman here. I work in the evenings and at weekends.
I’m sorry about getting angry when you talked to John. In
Bosnia it isn’t usual for a woman to talk to a man in front of
her boyfriend.
5 I get more money here than I got in Bosnia for working in a
computer company. But life is expensive here. I’m sorry I
can’t pay for more things, and I don’t like taking your money,
Anna. But thank you for helping me!
6 I like climbing mountains in my free time, and I think I’m
lucky to know you, Anna, and your father, Derek, too. Thank
you for taking me with you to Tryfan.
Please let’s meet and talk.
Your friend,
3 Open answers.
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