08 Spinnovation

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€ 5,–

COREflex ® –
Core Yarn
Attachment for
Ring Spinning
ACP Quality
Premium Parts –
HP-GX 5010
New Top Weighting

Mill Reports:
– Nahar, India
– Danmao, China

Berkol – Part of Bräcker

Wilhelm Stahlecker GmbH

Editorial 3
COREflex – Spinning Soft Core Yarn

on Ring and Compact Spinning Machines 5

Yarn Quality Improved by ACP Quality Package 9
Premium Parts – News
– Metal Washer for Magnetic Navals
– CR-Coating for B 174 and B 20 SOLIDRINGS
– ProFiL®Navels 15
The Theory of Compacting 19
BERKOL® – Becomes Part of Bräcker AG,
Switzerland 21
NAHAR – A Saga from Farm to Fashion 23
Experience with EliTe® and EliTwist®CompactSet –
A Practical Assessment, Nahar Industrial
Enterprises, India 25
Manufacture of the SUESSEN Technology
Components 27
Produce More and Better High Grade Worsted
Fashion Fabric – Danmao Spinning Mills, China 31
HP-GX 5010 –
The Top Weighting Arm for Worsted Spinning 36
Wilhelm Stahlecker GmbH (WST) –
Centre for Research and Development 40
SUESSEN Customer Survey 2007 44
News 46

– Graf, Switzerland 47
– SUESSEN Product Range 48

No. 24 – July 2008 Published by Reprint of articles with reference
Price : € 5.– Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH permitted – Voucher copies desired
Publication : once per year Dammstrasse 1, D-73079 Süssen, All rights reserved
Information & Advertising Contact: Germany Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH
SPINNOVATION, Germany Editor in Chief : Peter Stahlecker
fax + 49 (0) 71 62 15-367 Title registered ® at German Patent Front Cover :
e-mail: mail@suessen.com Office EliCoreTwist® – EliTwist®CompactSet
internet: www.suessen.com Copyright © 2008 with COREflex ®

Erich Casanova, Managing Director SUESSEN /
Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director SUESSEN
and Editor in Chief SPINNOVATION

Dear Readers, will find a report about some of our physics have been made, all that is
manufacturing processes. We hope left is to fill a few minor gaps”. Little did
you will find this interesting, even if it is he know about the Theory of Relativ-
When we wrote the editorial for the quite different from your kind of manu- ity and about Quantum Physics, which
previous issue of our SPINNOVATION, facturing. would revolutionize physics in less than
some time before ITMA 2007 in 25 years after his dictum!
Munich, our industry was going strong, The famous inventor Edison said, that
and it appeared it would continue like “invention is 10% inspiration and 90% Sometimes people feel similar about
this for a long time. There were a few perspiration!” This is certainly true in our industry – and they are just as mis-
faint signs of an upcoming downturn, our field. We are proud to introduce to taken! Who would have thought about
but many ignored them. you two of our recent developments. Compact Spinning 15 years ago, who
would have thought about ACP, who
By now unfortunately it has become The addition of the HP-GX 5010 for would have thought about the CR coat-
clear that we are in the middle of a worsted spinning now makes our family ing for opening rollers …
recession of the textile industry. of top weighting arms complete. As
with its ‘relatives’ the HP-GX 3010 / All of our efforts will bear no fruit, if
Like all recessions, this one will come 4010, a good amount of testing (“per- you, our customer are not satisfied with
to an end, too. If history is any guide, spiration”) was done, before we felt it the ”Package SUESSEN“.
the present recession should not last should be offered to our customers.
too long, because it is so severe. A good while ago we conducted
Another outcome of much inspiration Customer Satisfaction Survey and
For a manufacturer of Technology and perspiration is our ACP Qual- we have a summary report of the
Components research is one tool for ity Package. Numerous field tests results. Broadly speaking, it told us
survival. Also in an adverse economic have shown quality improvements, that we are on the right track, but still
environment, we must continue to do which are at times astounding. While have room for improvement. We would
research and development. To demon- a simple device at a first glance, we welcome your comments.
strate our continuing commitment, this learned that everything must be just
issue contains an article about WST, right dimensionally for this to give the A highlight of every issue of our
the Research and Development Centre desired results. SPINNOVATION is the mill reports.
for SUESSEN. Many of you have vis- Also in this issue, we are fortunate
ited WST already, and can easily relate Open End Spinning Technology is an to present to you two reports. We are
to the article, all others are cordially important part of SUESSEN’s busi- grateful to our customers, who agree
invited to visit WST. ness. We are proud to present to you to share their experience with our
some further improvements in our line products.
R&D is useless, at most an academic of Premium Parts.
exercise, if one does not have the Most of our customers stated, that the
manufacturing capabilities to convert A famous British physicist said at ITMA 2007 in Munich was a success.
the engineering ideas into sellable the end of the 19th century, when he The show continues, so to speak and
and useable hardware of the high- advised a young man not to study this year, there will be two major textile
est and most consistent quality. You physics that “all major discoveries in shows:

The ITMA Asia in Shanghai will surely now the leader in compact spinning
attract very large crowds from China technology with more than 2,800,000
and elsewhere. Of course, we will be EliTe® and EliTwist®Spinning Posi-
there, and we request you to visit us on tions running in the world. This might
our booth D 02-06 in hall W3. be a reason to celebrate, but much
more it is a reason to strive even
A few months later, there will be the harder to continue to earn your trust!
ITME India in Bangalore. While the
event is well established, the venue is We hope, you will enjoy this 24th issue
new, and we are eager to find out how of our SPINNOVATION, and as usual,
Bangalore – this striving city in India Austrian customer Linz Textil. Thanks to we welcome your comments on the
– will handle this event. SUESSEN of him, and thanks to all of you we are articles.
course will be present and we request
your visit to our booth.

This year is a milestone for

SUESSEN: In 1998, just ten years
ago, we delivered the first EliTe®
Compact Spinning Systems to the Erich Casanova, Managing Director Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director

SUESSEN’s Vision
– Be the global Technology Component and Conversion Supplier to the yarn
manufacturing industries in ring spinning and open-end rotor spinning
– Create added value for our customers through reliability,
productivity and quality
– Ensure a sustainable and profitable growth

COREflex ® –
Spinning Soft Core-Yarn on Ring and
Compact Spinning Machines
Michael Smith, Technical Department RS, SUESSEN

For many years now, SUESSEN has ments of any quality spinner be it in 4. Feed roller adjustable in 2 planes
been working successfully on core- the conventional and/or compact ring relative to the yarn path
yarn attachments for ring spinning spinning department. 5. Roving and filament guided
machines. by the same elements installed
The new design follows stringently independently from top weighting
With the development of the the “Requirement Specifications” arm
EliTe®Compact Spinning System provided by our customers: 6. Traverse motion with friction-free
SUESSEN designed the optional suspension to ensure jerk- and
core-yarn solutions EliCore and
1. Designed to fit on their many shock-free movement
EliCoreTwist . Following the aggre-
different types of ring spinning 7. Slowest traverse motion speeds
gated experiences of our customers machine irrespective of the top 8. Suitable for long machines up to
and our technologists our engineers weighting arm used 1200 spindles
redesigned the system. 2. For conventional and compact 9. 100% congruent movement of
ring spinning roving and filament
COREflex is a reliable and cost-
3. Parking position for filament pack- 10. All required electronic settings to
effective solution and meets all require- ages be made at a central position

Fig. 1 EliCoreTwist® – EliTwist® CompactSet with COREflex®

Description of the Design The individual filament cone separators
also serve as roving guides.
1. Unwinding Device

SUESSEN decided for a solution with One frequency-controlled gear motor

only one drive roller for the filament for each machine side is fitted vertically
cones on each machine side. This (space saving) between the creel and
provides the necessary independency the headstock or endstock of the ring
Fig. 2 Filament Cone Adapter from any machine design. The pre- spinning machine (Fig. 4). The motor is
requisite for this solution is the special coupled directly to the drive roller. The
filament cone adapter (Fig. 2). inverter of the gear motor usually is
installed into the control cabinet of the
The filament cones are separated by basic machine.
individual separators, which support The draft setting of the filament is con-
the cone adapters and also provide the tinuously variable within the draft range
parking position (Fig. 3). of 1.0 to 4.0 – the setting is made from
These features of the separator are the central control panel.
subject of a patent application in
several countries. 2. Traverse Motion

The pivot position of the filament cones The COREflex® Swing Arms with
is not centred to the drive rollers – guide filament feed roller are mounted on
pivots of the adapters are always mov- the roving guide rail. This ensures the
ing against a wear protection imbedded congruent movement of roving and
Fig. 3 Parking position in the separator. filament.

Fig. 4 Gear motor Fig. 5 Friction-free suspension of the roving guide

3. Suspension of Swing Arm and
Feed Roller

The suspension of the swing arms and

roving guides on the roving guide bars
makes the system completely inde-
pendent from the type of top weighting
arm used. Fig. 7 Filament feed roller

The filament feed roller (patented solu- electronic filament control systems
tion, Fig. 7) is supported by plain bear- (optional) is possible.
ings. It is adjustable to the yarn path in
longitudinal and transversal direction For cleaning purposes a cleaning slot
and can be set to the closest distance in the feed roller prevents scratching
to the clamping line. the filament feed roller surface.
Fig. 6 Traverse motion motor

The filament feed roller does not touch 4. Electronics

The friction-free suspension of the the top roller! Thus an easy visual
roving guide rail on two plate springs control of the filament by checking Any setting of tension draft and
(Fig. 5) is a patented solution and the rotation of the filament feed roller traverse motion is made at a central
guarantees a completely friction-free is possible. Anyhow the adaptation of control panel (Fig. 8; this panel also
movement, ensuring a jerk- and shock-
free traverse motion of roving and
filament at slowest speed.

For the friction-free suspension we use

a specially designed bearing slide for
the back bottom roller.
There is one individual drive for each
machine side, installed in the centre of
the machine (Fig. 6).

The high gear ratio of the drives ena-

bles stroke time settings freely selecta-
ble between 15 minutes and 24 hours
per double-stroke – the setting is made
from the central control panel.

The lift (stroke) of the traverse motion

may be set between 0 and ± 5 mm. Fig. 8 Control panel

L.H.: bad setting R.H: good setting –
insufficient covering excellent covering

Fig. 9 Filament feed in core-yarn production Figs. 10 and 11 Covering of filament

contains the functions for the optional duction of core-yarns and most deci-
compact spinning applications EliVario sive for the final quality (Fig. 9). This
and EliVAControl). A magnetic sensor becomes more difficult and important
on the front bottom roller detects the the smaller the fibre strand, as it is the
reference speed. case in compact yarn spinning.

The drives of the unwinding False settings result in uncovered

devices have an installed capacity of lengths of filament (Fig. 10 and 11),
2 x 260 Watt = 520 Watt. and eventually in serious complaints.

The drives of the traverse Summary

motion have an installed capacity of The attachment works completely inde-
2 x 150 Watt = 300 Watt. COREflex is the new SUESSEN core-
pendently from the top weighting arm
yarn attachment to spin soft core-yarn and guarantees simultaneous and jerk-
The total rated capacity of COREflex ®
on any type of ring spinning machine. free movement of the traverse motion
is 820 Watt, irrespective of the machine of fibre strand and filament.
The filament feed roller is independ-
Feeding of the filament is the central ently adjustable in two planes and does
issue in the core-yarn production. not touch the front top roller.

The feeding of the filament into the Setting of tension draft and traverse
centre of the fibre strand before twist motion for COREflex® is made at a
insertion is the crucial point in the pro- central control panel.

Yarn Quality Improved by
ACP Quality Package
Dr. Norbert Brunk, Head of Technics & Engineering RS, SUESSEN

1. Preliminary Remarks draft of a ring frame drafting system is the load on the draft gearing, especially
shown in Fig. 2. in the case of long machines.
Today, the well-known 3-roller double-
apron drafting systems of ring spinning A long break-draft zone with the small- In addition, the total system is less
frames permit to draft rovings up to a est possible break-draft must definitely prone to climatic modifications, varia-
total draft of 80 and more under opti- be preferred. It reduces very clearly the tions in fibre length and fluctuation in
mum conditions. The task of the break- wear of top roller cots and aprons and the drafting resistance of the roving.
draft zone is to introduce the sliding
process of the fibres of the twisted rov-
ing. In the subsequent main draft zone,
the fibre strand is guided between the
top and the bottom aprons and drafted
to the desired final count of the yarn.

This mode of operation is already very

old and has hardly been modified in the
last decades.

With the ACP Quality Package by

SUESSEN it is now possible, however,
to improve the drafting process in the
main draft zone and consequently
the values of the most important yarn
parameters. Fig. 1 ACP

2. The Drafting Process on

the Ring Spinning Machine

2.1 The Break-Draft Short Break Long Break

Draft Zone Draft Zone
The purpose of the break-draft zone is
to prepare the main draft. The fibres in
the roving are stretched and extended
up to a degree which allows them to
High Break Low Break
shift in the main zone immediately after
Draft Draft
leaving the cradle clamping line.

The basic correlation for each individ-

ual staple length between the setting of
the break-draft zone and of the break- Fig. 2 Basic correlation between length of break-draft zone and level of break-draft

2.2 The Main Draft

Condition: V2 > V1
As a basic principle, each of the two
pairs of rollers in a drafting zone
produces a zone of fibre friction by Zones of Fibre Friction
pressure . The fibre condensation

caused by this pressure does not

only have a vertical effect, but spreads
from both sides into the fibre strand V2 V1
(Fig. 3).

Both fields of friction are finally respon-

sible for fibre guidance and the extent
of regularity produced by the draft- V2 V1
ing process. The two fields of friction
should not overlap, nor should their
spheres of activity be too far apart.

It is beneficial to the draft and degree Fig. 3 Zones of fibre friction

of regularity achievable, if within a Key: V1 – speed of intermediate roller, V2 – speed of delivery roller
drafting zone the field of friction of
the back roller pair reaches as far as
possible into the drafting zone to guide
the fibres as long as possible. The front
field of friction should be short and
strong so that only the clamped fibres
are drawn out of the fibre strand. This
ideal is however restricted by relatively
close limits in design as a result of the
geometrical conditions.

The high degree of parallelism of the
fibres achieved by the preceding steps
of drawing, doubling and imparting of
twist on the roving frame has in turn the
effect that the inter-fibre friction at the
cradle clamping line is still high. The
drafting force therefore rises consider-
ably at first. It reaches its maximum
when the first fibres start to move and Fig. 4 Strength of inter-fibre friction Key: FV – drafting force, V – direction of draft

static friction turns into kinetic friction. The sector in which the inter-fibre
This process takes place in the main friction of the fibre strand is at its
draft zone between the two aprons. minimum, has a length of at least
As soon as all fibres are moving, the 15 or 20 mm in current drafting system
drafting force is decreasing again designs (Fig. 5).
considerably. This condition is reached
in the front area of both aprons up to This explains why this sector cannot
the clamping line of the front roller pair. contribute any more considerably to
Inter-fibre friction is very low in this open undrafted bundles of fibres and
area (Fig. 4). to guide shorter fibres safely. As a rule,
this disadvantage cannot be compen-
Fibres are therefore dispersing as a sated by even closest cradle spacers
result of the drafting process. Such a and very soft top roller cots.

thin formation of dispersed fibres can
absorb only insufficient pressure from 3. The ACP Quality Package
the front roller pair and is therefore
unable to produce a sufficiently large With an additional point of friction
field of friction. arranged in the sensitive sector of
Fig. 5 Sector of low inter-fibre friction the main drafting zone, the aforesaid
disadvantages can be eliminated.
When the fibre strand, after leaving the
double apron guidance, is deflected,
the friction field produced by the front
roller nipping line is increased and
shifted in direction of the cradle open-
ing (Fig. 6). Fibre orientation and exten-
sion are improved. Parallel fibres still
adhering to each other (fibre packages)
can now be shifted relatively to each
other even in this sector. Consequently,
drafting defects are reduced, and the
overall regularity of the drafting proc-
ess is improved. At the same time, the
tendency of the fibre strand to spread
is suppressed. Inter-fibre contact is
increased, and finally this results in a
better utilization of fibre substance and
better yarn strength.

Fig. 6 Increased inter-fibre friction zones

Table 1

Spinning Ne Processing CV% IPI IPI Classimat Rkm

Mill (sensitive) (tot)
A 34 EliTe® 12.65 94 737 1322 18.96
EliTe®+ACP 11.00 52 307 909 19.60
B 40 EliTe® 12.25 78 457 – 22.30
EliTe®+ACP 11.18 59 264 – 23.56
C 40 EliTe® 11. 62 40 296 – 23.53
EliTe®+ACP 10.50 30 148 – 24.31
B 50 EliTe® 13.12 91 681 – 22.89
EliTe®+ACP 12.08 63 407 – 24.26
D 50 EliTe® 12.70 68 1890 81 22.23
EliTe®+ACP 11.60 42 1104 60 22.93
C 60 EliTe® 13.93 124 1224 – 20.54
EliTe®+ACP 12.60 70 666 – 20.93
D 60 EliTe® 13.36 179 2463 434 18.75
EliTe®+ACP 12.51 122 1797 278 20.12
D 80 EliTe® 13.90 155 1063 – 21.89
EliTe®+ACP 12.48 91 540 – 22.86
E 80 EliTe® 14.52 226 1227 1377 28.00
EliTe®+ACP 13.68 152 735 735 28.46
E 100 EliTe® 14.66 126 1162 – 26.51
EliTe®+ACP 13.83 84 835 – 27.49
D 114 EliTe® 16.43 448 2301 – 25.64
EliTe®+ACP 15.41 277 1573 – 26.70
F 40/2 EliTwist® 9.33 16 45 1234 22.74
EliTwist®+ACP 8.61 4 20 822 24.96
G 80/2 EliTwist® 12.50 45 443 632 25.48
EliTwist®+ACP 12.17 36 384 411 27.04
G 100/2 EliTwist® 15.35 286 1809 – 26.68
EliTwist®+ACP 13.71 182 1094 – 28.81
H 100/2 EliTwist® 14.62 315 1715 – 25.88
EliTwist®+ACP 13.45 192 893 – 26.99
A 160/2 EliTwist® 13.20 99 647 – 24.21
EliTwist®+ACP 12.61 67 457 – 24.97
Conventional Ring Yarn
C 60 Conv. 13.16 125 857 191 19.00
ACP 11.95 89 525 131 19.48
D 80 Conv. 13.84 137 904 204 19.64
ACP 13.00 73 544 127 20.32

By shifting the front field of friction
top delivery roller
towards the cradle opening, the apron
nip can be closer. For this reason, the
correct cradle design is important for
top apron
the interplay with the point of friction.
Numerous trials have confirmed again
and again that a cradle with flexible
leading edge is of advantage in the
combination with the bottom apron
nose bars offered today, most of which
have a steplike design. Such a cradle
compensates the practically unavoid-
able length tolerance of aprons and
permits closest apron nips without the
dreaded stick-slip movements of the
aprons. A vast amount of trials was
bottom delivery roller required to define the correct position
bottom apron
of the friction point in relation to the
flexible leading edge of the cradle and
Fig. 7 Drafted fibre strand in in the main draft zone without ACP to translate this solution into technical
design (diameter, coefficient of friction
of the surface). It had to be ensured in
particular that for all yarn counts both
fields of friction (Fig. 6) can be shifted
top apron as closely as possible towards each
other without direct contact.

The result of the optimum combina-

tion of both – Active Cradle (AC) with
flexible leading edge and an optimally
arranged pin (P) – is the new ACP
Quality Package by SUESSEN for ring
spinning drafting systems.

As shown in Fig. 6, a fibre friction pin

is arranged immediately at the cradle
spacer of the Active Cradle.
bottom delivery roller
bottom apron

Fig. 8 Drafted fibre strand in in the main draft zone with ACP

The ACP Quality Package is pres- frame have been found. It has to be 5. Summary
ently available with the size of cradle pointed out, however that the correct
spacers from 2 to 3 mm (in steps of cradle setting is of utmost importance. On the traditional 3-roller double-apron
0.25 mm), and is principally suitable The ACP Quality Package clearly drafting system of the cotton ring spin-
for yarns of combed cotton Ne 30 and reduces both frequent yarn defects ning frame, the drafting process in the
finer. Assured industrial results for (IPI) and rare yarn faults (Classimat), main zone has not been optimal until
coarse yarns are not yet available. so improvements can be registered in now, because of the long distance
all fault classes. Therefore the number between the two aprons and the front
ACP Solution types can be provided for of clearer cuts is substantially reduced, roller nipping line, which is caused by
Top Weighting Arms maintaining the clearer settings. The geometric constraints.
optimized drafting process is further
 HP-A 310/320 reflected by an improved mass irregu- The ACP Quality Package by
 HP-GX 3010 larity (Uster CV value) and results in an SUESSEN improves yarn quality very
 PK type optimized utilization of fibre substance considerably due to enhanced inter-
 P3.1 type (yarn strength). Improvements achiev- fibre friction in this sensible zone.
able in every individual case depend on
4. Spinning Results the raw material, staple length, roving ACP Quality Package therefore
twist and total draft. becomes an indispensable spinning
The ACP Quality Package clearly accessory in the drafting system of a
improves the drafting process. The sec- Since the above-mentioned improve- modern ring spinning machine.
tor between the front cradle opening ments are exclusively due to the
and the front roller nipping line, which improved drafting process, their influ-
has so far been critical, now contrib- ence on the quality of conventional
utes additionally to the drafting process ring-spun yarns, single EliTe®Yarns
in the main zone. and EliTwist®Yarns is almost identical.
Yarn hairiness is nearly unchanged
This substantially raises the quality by ACP.
level of almost all yarn parameters
which are influenced by the drafting Table 1 compares the spinning results 1
W. I. Budnikow, W. E. Sotikow and others:
process. No disadvantages to the of compact yarns from various spinning „Grundlagen des Spinnens“, Vol. I–II,
running properties of the ring spinning mills, once without and once with ACP. Fachbuchverlag Leipzig

Premium Parts – News

Michael Basting, Head Technics and Engineering OE, SUESSEN

1. Metal Washer for Magnetic Navels

Finally, the metal washer for magnetic

navels is available again.

A long time ago, the former metal ver-

sion of the washer for magnetic navels
was substituted by a plastic washer.

The reasons for this substitution were

the high complexity of manufacturing
the metal washer, accompanied by a
high amount of second grade parts.
Thus the manufacturing costs were
high and the resulting price became
unacceptable for the customers.

At that time, the subsequent design of Fig. 1 Metal washer

the plastic washer allowed the produc-
tion of homogeneous parts at afford- speeds) are used, which can cause a drop into the rotor – causing even
able costs. temperature rise at highest speeds and more damage….
eventually such deformation, too.
Ever since some customers have never The new metal washer for magnetic
been really satisfied with this design of New design of metal washer for navels is equipped with a flange cover-
the washer. magnetic navels ing the gap between washer and navel.
(Fig. 2)
One of the reasons is a severe disad- The new design of the metal washer is
vantage of the plastic material: not just a copy of the plastic one made Consequently no fibres can get
out of metal. (Fig. 1) between navel and washer any more,
 The plastic washer can deform so that the a.m. problem is eliminated.
thermoplastically when exposed Considering the arguments of the
to high heat customers we have revised the design Further benefits of the metal washer
and have solved another problem any for magnetic navels are:
This phenomenon occurs when magnetic washer always had:
synthetic fibres are processed at  Thermal conduction:
high speeds, if a rotor is overloaded  After an end-break the yarn end the washer is made of aluminium,
with fibre mass (due to a defec- always tended to enter the gap so the thermal conduction into
tive yarn detector) or if particularly between washer and navel. There the channel adapter is possible.
modern navels (like the SUESSEN was a risk for the navel to be pulled (The plastic washer actually
ProFiL Navels, enabling higher
out of the channel adapter and to blocked the thermal conduction).

2. CR-Coating for B 174 and Since their introduction the CR-coated
B 20 SOLIDRINGS SOLIDRINGS have achieved a remark-
able market share of 26% (for cotton
The CR-coating for SOLIDRINGS applications) in the Premium Parts
was introduced to the market at the spare parts sales.
ITMA Munich 2007
Application for CR-coated
The CR-coating combines the durabil- SOLIDRINGS
ity of diamond-coated SOLIDRINGS
Fig. 2 Metal washer – gap covered with the sharpness of nickel-coated Based on extended field tests with
SOLIDRINGS. different raw fibre materials and
Sharper teeth naturally provide a better tooth forms the preferred application for
yarn quality, due to: the CR-coating is the processing
 better opening work / fibre
separation, leading to better  100% cotton yarns
USTER- CV% and less imperfec-  yarn count range universal, from
tions Denim to fine count knitting
 improved trash extraction, leading  tooth forms B 174 and B 20
to cleaner yarns
Fig. 3 Plastic washer – gap between
Customers’ feedback supports these
navel and washer
These advantages finally result in less experiences comparing DN-coated vs.
clearer cuts and less ends-down. CR-coated SOLIDRINGS:
The heat caused by the yarn friction
can now be dissipated, keeping the
ceramic surface cooler and ena-
bling higher production, especially
with synthetic fibres / blends.

 Reasonable manufacturing costs:

modern manufacturing methods
and design allow cost-neutral
production of the metal washer for
magnetic navels compared to the
plastic washer.

The new metal washer for magnetic

navels, a good product with obvious
benefits based on suggestions of you,
our customers.
Fig. 4
On the other hand this satiny surface
structure is not suitable when pro-
cessing PES, PES-blends or viscose.
The spin finishes of such fibres tend to
stick to the surface structure producing
built-ups – finally causing fibres to col-
lect on these built-ups.

CR-coating for B174 and B20


A perfect application for processing

100% cotton yarns from Denim to fine
knitting yarn counts.
Fig. 5 A: shape of N- and CR-coated tooth, B: shape of DN-coated tooth The CR-coating permits to achieve
best yarn and production parameters
for a long service-life.
 Denim spinning mills observe more resulting yarn quality and production
trash extraction and increased yarn parameters. 3. ProFiL®Navels
strength and a lower end-break
level due to better opening work. The sharpness of the SOLIDRING ProFiL®Navels, the new generation
 In some cases higher production teeth is the same with N- or CR coating of navels, were also introduced at the
speeds were possible. (see Fig. 5). ITMA Munich 2007.
 Knitwear manufacturers see a
cleaner and more even appearance The advantage for the CR-coated During the phase of development and
of the knitwear, while the supplying SOLIDRING vs. the N-coating is its life- field testing all data were evaluated to
spinning mills recognize better yarn span, which is at least equal to those of provide some application guidelines for
qualities with less imperfections and diamond-coated SOLIDRINGS. the spinning mills.
less end-breaks. These guidelines turned out to be very
CR-coated SOLIDRINGS for successful and enabled the customers
CR-coating vs. N-coating synthetic fibre materials and viscose to precisely find the correct navel for
their demands. (See Fig. 7 – example
In terms of yarn quality a difference Compared to the very smooth surface for cotton application)
between N- and CR-coated SOLID- of a nickel-coating the CR-coating has
RINGS never was expected, nor deter- a more satiny surface structure – this is Four different ProFiL®Navels have
mined by any laboratory or field test. beneficial to the processing of cotton been introduced:
fibres. ProFiL®4, ProFiL®6, ProFiL®S
This result is quite obvious, since the and ProFiL®SM (for further informa-
sharpness of the teeth is responsible The surface stays clean and no deposit tion please refer to SPINNOVATION
for the degree of opening work and the built-up is observed. No. 23).

Of course controlled by the market
demands for fine count knitting yarns,
the most successful ProFiL®Navels
have been the ProFiL®6 and

 The ProFiL®6 achieved – especially Fig. 6 ProFiL®Navels

at SE9 spinning machines – an
average production increase of best yarn quality and produc- since a certain level of yarn tension is
about 9% (vs. the formerly used tion. (Consequently the MIMA 2 required to ensure the twist impact and
standard navels), maintaining the should deserve to be listed as therefore enable spinnability.
yarn quality and end-break level of ProFiL Navel, too.)
Yarn quality is related to the spinning
former lower production with stand- tension, too: the higher the tension is,
ard navels. What is the success story of the the worse becomes yarn quality.
 The ProFiL SM – according to the
ProFiL Navels? ®

application guide preferably used As the ProFiL®Navels maintain the

for weaving yarns – as well had a Due to new designs in the navel geom- level of spinning tension at higher
very positive impact in knitting yarn, etry and nowadays optimized ceramic speeds, the yarn quality is not nega-
too. This especially on the newest technology, these new navels reduce tively affected – on the other hand when
Open-End machines when rotor the spinning tension compared to the producing at the same speeds, like
speeds exceeded 130,000 rpm. former designs of standard navels. with standard navels, the resulting yarn
quality improves due to reduced spin-
At rotor speed levels under 130,000 The ProFiL Navels permit (and
ning tension.
rpm (as for instance with SE9 demand) higher spinning speeds
machines) the ProFiL 6 Navel for

knitting yarns is still preferred con-

sidering the end-break level.
For viscose applications the ProFiL S ®

as well as the MIMA 2 navel are very
ProFiL 6
successful. ProFiL S
rpm - level

 When processing European vis-

cose brands, the ProFiL®S Navel
provides a very smooth yarn with
ss es
irine KN4 2R4 irin
best yarn quality at an acceptable Ha Ha

end-break level vs. any standard KN4 R4 KS-M

 When processing Asian viscose
brands, the MIMA 2 navel achieves
Knitting Weaving
18 Fig. 7 Application

The Theory of Compacting

Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director SUESSEN

Compact Spinning has firmly estab- 1. The pneumatic effect It is easy to imagine that the airflow
lished itself as THE method of making tries to move the fibre strand towards
superior ring yarn, with SUESSEN’s Fig. 1 shows the airflow as it has the centre of the slot. The width of
EliTe being the world’s leading
been calculated (using FEM meth- the fibre mass is reduced; a step in
system. ods). The drawing might require some the correct direction. This effect is
explanations: imagine the EliTube cut present regardless of the inclination
The goal of compacting is to align along the line AA, as indicated in the of the slot. Adding a “lid” on top of
the fibres in parallel and very close small picture in the right hand bottom the slot, as done by some systems,
position to each other immediately corner of Fig. 1. The arrows indicate may enhance it.
prior to the twist insertion. This fibre the direction of the airflow as it enters
arrangement will give compact yarn the slot. This effect merely pushes the fibres
with all its characteristics. The elimina- closer together without any impact of
tion of the spinning triangle is merely a them being parallel.
consequence of this arrangement.

Let me try to explain what is actually

going on in the compacting zone.

All successful compacting systems are

characterized by the following:

a.) Between exit of the normal

3-roller drafting system and a
nipping line there is a compacting
b.) This zone consists of a suction
tube with a slot inclined relative
to the direction of the yarn path.
Negative pressure is applied at
this slot.
c.) A perforated transportation means
(e.g. lattice apron, metal drum
with holes) is used to move the
fibres across this inclined slot.

There are two nearly independent

physical effects which help to achieve
the goal mentioned above:

Fig. 1

2. The effect due to the inclination
of the slot (Fig. 2) B A

This is a dynamic effect. Assume,

fibre A has left the front nipping point.
Its front portion is now on the lattice
apron (perforated drum, or the like)
up stream down stream
and moving with the speed of the edge of the edge of the
lattice apron. As its “head” crosses the slot slot

upstream edge of the slot nothing at all

It gets interesting when it tries to cross
the downstream edge:

The suction applied to the slot does

not allow the fibre to cross the edge. It
is therefore forced to move along the
edge. Fig. 2

Now by the law of vectorial addition of will align itself closely to fibre A, as they the optimum angle α, the suction
speed (we are still well below Einstein’s move to the end of the slot. pressure and the properties of the
Theory of Relativity…) the speed of various fibres.
the portion of fibres along the edge Thus, a fibre bundle having a certain
increases to width upon leaving the front nipping If the compacting system allows V0, the
point, and with the individual fibres speed of the perforated means to be
VH = > VO neither parallel nor stretched, is trans- varied relative to the speed of the front
sin(α )
formed into a bundle where the fibres roller, the stretching of the fibres may
with α < 90° are perfectly parallel and close to each be controlled further.
This increase in speed of the portion Much of these important details are
of fibre moving along the downstream Naturally, the two effects complement not yet understood well theoretically,
edge causes the fibres to be gently each other, but it is obvious that the and – as so often in spinning – one
stretched. second effect is several orders of mag- must rely on experience, and one finds
nitude larger than the first one; also surprises every once in a while!
Now, imagine a fibre B coming out of only the second effect stretches the
the front nipping point at a distance d fibres at the same time. SUESSEN’s EliTe® has the largest
from fibre A. It suffers the same fate so population of any compacting system
to speak. It will also be unable to cross As may be imagined, there is a and therefore SUESSEN technical
the downstream edge of the slot and complicated relationship between people have very extensive experience.

BERKOL®– Becomes Part of
Bräcker AG, Switzerland
Josef Herger, PM and Customer Service, Berkol

Effective on January 1st, 2008 increasingly competing on the market breaks, minimize lap formation and
Bräcker AG, Switzerland extended with the two established systems of as a result reduce downtime, result-
their business activities by integrat- ring and rotor spinning. ing in higher productivity and thus
ing the business unit BERKOL from®
profitability. Using the best method of
Huber+Suhner AG, Switzerland. The maintenance intervals of top maintaining cots influences directly
rollers became substantially shorter their performance and the expense
There are various suppliers both of since the introduction of the air-jet and associated with their maintenance and
cots & aprons and of machines for various compact spinning systems. Soft replacement.
their maintenance. But only Bräcker cots are recommended for production
AG is supplying cots & aprons as well of high quality yarns today. It is well The fully automatic BGS grinding
as machinery for their maintenance known and apparent that the drafting system stands for a new generation
from its own production facilities in process of the compacting systems is of grinding machines that meets the
Switzerland, all under the brand name wearing out cots of the front line top highest demands. The BGS grinding
rollers faster than the conventional ring system has been specially developed
spinning. for the fully automatic grinding of top
BERKOL top roller grinding
rollers for ring spinning, all existing
system BGS BERKOL® has made a timely response compact systems, roving- and air-jet
with its automatic grinding system. spinning machines. The concept is
New spinning processes are conquer- Only regular and efficient grinding of based upon a modular design, which
ing the market and confronting com- top rollers guarantees production of can be adapted to customer’s specific
ponent suppliers with new challenges. high quality yarns. Perfectly buffed and requirements.
Compact and Air-jet spinning are maintained top rollers reduce yarn

Fig. 1

Bräcker AG
Obermattstrasse 65, 8330 Pfaeffikon / ZH
sales@bracker.ch, www.bracker.ch

Grinding and maintenance

of EliTops of the SUESSEN
EliTe®Compact Spinning System

Experience has shown that the quality

of the maintenance of the front top
roller and the EliTe®Roller of the EliTop
is influencing the performance of the
EliTops and subsequently its yarn qual-
ity produced.

Especially the essential outside diame-

ter relation of the 2 top rollers needs to
be kept constant and precise in order
to achieve the required tension draft.

Fig. 2
Grinding complete EliTops, i.e. with-
out disassembling the 2 rollers, is not
recommended by BERKOL®, as the
required parallelism and concentric-
ity of the 2 rollers in such a proce-
dure cannot be achieved. Spinning
Mills having a larger amount of
spindles equipped with SUESSEN
EliTe®Compact Spinning System con-
firm this fact.

As the gears of the EliTop rollers have

to be maintained in regular intervals, it
is recommended to grind the 2 top roll-
ers individually on the fully automatic
BERKOL® grinding system BGS series
equipped with measuring module.
Fig. 3

Both cots of the top roller are being falls short of the minimal amount of Maintaining your EliTops with the
measured simultaneously before the 0.15 mm to be removed, the top roller BERKOL® grinding system BGS offers
grinding process, thus ensuring that is being rejected and sorted out, so you substantial cost savings due to
indeed both cots are being buffed and that only perfectly and correctly buffed automated grinding and assures best
that a minimal amount of rubber is top rollers are being fed to the maga- performance thanks to its control
being removed. In case a cot diameter zine; ready to use! functions!

A Saga from Farm to Fashion
K. C. Oberoi, Venus Textile Systems Private Limited, India

The NAHAR Group of Companies,  More than 100,000 linear meters the conversation quickly turns to the
headquartered in Ludhiana (North of fabric are produced on NAHAR’s business, and you notice quickly that
India) is a vertically integrated, well- looms Mr. Oswal has a complete understand-
established and highly respected  More than 10,000 shirts and trouser ing even of small technical details.
textile conglomerate. They have a large are produced in one day Soon you notice, that you are meeting
portfolio of products, ranging from spin- a person with a clear vision and the
ning to knitting to weaving, processing Quality being on top of NAHAR’s will, the means and the energy to make
and garmenting. All this is done on the priority list, the testing laboratories are his vision come true. He is truly an
latest state of the art machinery. equipped with all the modern testing industry leader, not a follower.
facilities needed to ensure uniform and
As one of the largest spinning high quality of the output. Starting out as a tiny hosiery and
mills in India, the group has over worsted unit in Ludhiana it was incor-
500,000 ring spindles, including about The emphasis, which NAHAR puts on porated as a private limited company
65,000 SUESSEN EliTe Compact
quality, is further evident by the fact in 1980, and – a short three years
Spindles and 5,000 rotors. They are that all production facilities are IS/ISO later – as a public limited company.
located in various parts of India. 9001-2000 certified by the demanding
Bureau of Indian Standards. Mr. Oswal’s leadership qualities built
The stand-alone textile complex in the present NAHAR Group of Compa-
Lalru (Punjab), sitting on a piece of Meet Mr. Kamal Oswal, Vice Chairman nies from those modest beginnings in a
land of more than 550 acres, is prob- and Managing Director in his modern, short 25 years.
ably one of the best anywhere in the functionally designed head quarter in
world. Ludhiana. It is obvious that Mr. Kamal NAHAR’s outstanding success is
Oswal is a busy man with a tight sched- further evidenced by the official rec-
The range of the products this com- ule, where time is at a premium. After ognition as an Export House, followed
pany makes, as well as the quantity of a very short wait, Mr. Oswal comes to by Recognized Export House by the
the output is mind-boggling: see us. While it is clear that he has no Government of India, all in the short
time to waste, he appears relaxed, but span of 8 years after incorporation.
 Yarns ranging from Ne 6 to Ne 120
 Made from cotton (carded and Good leadership “breeds” excellent
combed), blends with synthetics teams of dedicated professionals, and
and 100% synthetic yarns this is clearly evident the minute one
 Grindle yarns, space dyed yarns, enters any of the production facilities.
slub yarns, core spun yarns, high Everyone we have met there is dedi-
twist and reverse twist yarns, and of cated, hard working and very skilful.
course compact yarns
 Over 30,000 kg/day of knitted Mr. Oswal knows that we have only one
fabrics, produced on circular and environment, and we must preserve
flat bed knitting machinery it for posterity. Since for Mr. Oswal
 More than 40,000 pieces of knitted good ideas must become reality, all his
garments/day are produced Fig.1 Mr. Kamal Oswal facilities are ISO 14 001 certified, for

good and responsible environmental
management – again by the Bureau of
Indian Standards.

Many international brands – GAP,

Arrow, Old Navy, Pierre Cardin, Van
Heussen, IZAD, Quick Silver to name a
few – regularly source their needs with

In addition, NAHAR launched their own

brand labels, Monte Carlo, Canterbury
and Cotton County, which have proven
to be very successful. (The author of
this article can wholeheartedly attest to
the quality of the shirts and trousers!)

The cooperation between NAHAR and

SUESSEN began some four years ago,
Fig. 2 Nahar Industrial Enterprises
and has proven successful. SUESSEN
of course feels honoured to count
NAHAR as a customer, and Mr. Kamal
Oswal tells us that he is satisfied
with the performance of SUESSEN’s
products and services. His satisfac-
tion is evidenced by the fact that
NAHAR has ordered 65,000 EliTe® and
EliTwist®Compact Spindles for LMW
ring spinning frames.

At NAHAR one knows that standing

still means falling behind, and therefore
further installations of compact spin-
ning are in the pipeline.

For SUESSEN, the recognition by

Mr. Kamal Oswal and his company
does not mean, SUESSEN will rest on
its laurels! It is a challenge to earn this
trust every day! Fig. 3

Experience with EliTe®
and EliTwist®CompactSet –
A Practical Assessment
Arun Nijhawan, General Manager, Nahar Industrial Enterprises, India

The spinner earlier has always been Ring spinning as the most acceptable in 2004, converting 2 ring frames
perplexed with the simple ques- yarn spinning system has seen several and in due course of time, realizing
tion whether he was over-spinning, changes to improve quality and produc- the advantages of the system and
or under-spinning with the cotton
tivity within the course of time but the the market acceptability of the yarn
provided to him. He was always asking changes so far could not satisfy the and end product, we ordered for
himself as a sensitive spinner whether spinner’s needs. total capacity for EliTe®CompactSet
he was doing justice to the cotton while and EliTwist®CompactSet on
he was spinning a yarn count – in terms The revolutionary change came in 35,000 spindles.
of cost effectiveness, productivity, qual- 1999/2000 when SUESSEN and oth-
ity and sales revenue. ers introduced their compact spinning The yarn results achieved with
systems globally; the full exploitation of SUESSEN EliTe®Compact Yarn Ne
Cotton being a natural fibre has a cotton fibre in terms of quality, produc- 50/1 and Ne 40/1 compared to normal
considerable variation in its properties tivity, end breakage rate became pos- spun combed yarn of same counts are
even in the same category – which is sible and gave relief to the spinner. as tabulated in table No. 1.
known to all. The spinner as a team
leader had to optimize his process to Compact spinning (the system ensures The results achieved with SUESSEN
get the best yarn from his cotton, but optimum utilization of costly raw mate- EliTwist®Compact Yarn Ne 40/2 com-
the question: “Well, am I doing this rial with minimum loss and damage pared to normal TFO yarn Ne 40/2 are
right?” always was coming to his mind. to the fibre) improves the yarn quality as per table 2.
He had been in search all the time of tremendously, most importantly on the
a key process answering this highly hairiness aspect. These tables speak about the superior
important question. quality achieved with compact yarn
We introduced SUESSEN’s and EliTwist® Yarn and apart from this
EliTe®Compact Spinning System quality improvement there is gain in

Table 1 (Cone Stage)

Count (Ne) 50/1 CW EliTe® 50/1 CW normal 40/1 CW EliTe® 40/1 CW normal
Count 50.14 50.12 40.10 40.12
Count CV% 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.24
CSP 3265 2985 3350 2925
U% 10.85 11.02 9.65 10.12
Thin places (–50%)/km 4 9 0 1
Thick places (+50%)/km 25 34 15 20
Neps (+200%)/km 61 110 40 63
Total IPI 90 125 55 84
Hairiness H 3.48 5.12 3.9 5.23
RKM 20.84 18.78 20.24 18.6
RKM CV% 6.14 6.95 – –
Elongation E 4.95 4.4 4.75 3.98
S3 231 920 475 1350

Nahar Industrial Enterprises
Ludhiana – 141003, Punjab, India
E-Mail: info@owmnahar.com
Web: www.owmnahar.com

Table 2 (Cone Stage)

Count (Ne) 40/2 CW EliTwist® 40/2CW T.F.O. stand by the mill for quick help with
Count 20.10 20.14 queries and problems.
Count CV% 1.2 1.24
CSP 3634 2825 The added advantages we find with
U% 7.04 7.62 compact spinning systems is a clean
Thin places (–50%)/km 0 0 atmosphere in department, better yarn
Thick places (+50%)/km 3 2 realization because of less invisible
Neps (+200%)/km 4 8 loss, increased workers’ job satisfaction
Total IPI 7 10 due to less fatigue while maintaining
Hairiness H 4.56 7.13 negligible end breakage rate in ring
RKM 21.02 18.50 frame and a sense of mental satisfac-
Elongation E 5.96 4.08 tion having worked with a sophisticated
S3 319 845

production in ring frame by applying enhanced the brand value of the prod- Of course, nonetheless, we feel a
optimum twist multiplier for a particular uct because of its excellent contribution continuous training to the technicians,
cotton, say: even with a twist multiplier to the fabric structure in terms of workmen, and laboratory personnel
of 3.5 one is able to spin the yarn. is necessary to get best results from
 extra smoothness on fabric surface the system and for this a joint venture
Compared to TFO yarn, there are  resistance against abrasion and from SUESSEN and mills manage-
considerable savings when producing pilling ment is the demand of the time and the
EliTwist : As assembly winding and the
 dense fabric endeavor should continue.
TFO process are eliminated, the cost  superior draping characteristics
of power and labor associated with  lustrous appearance of fabric 1
Under-spinning: Using too good a cotton
these processes is eliminated. Also because of excellent dye pick-up. for a given yarn count
the production rate of the ring spinning Over-spinning: The opposite.
process is more than double. We have replaced classical T.F.O.
double yarn in certain market clusters
We are marketing a very popular brand with EliTwist® Yarn completely. In some
of garments. The compact yarn has other markets the EliTwist® Yarn has
replaced the requirement of gassed
hosiery yarn.

We find SUESSEN EliTe® and

EliTwist®Systems very user friendly,
easy to maintain and consistent viz-a-
viz certain other compacting systems
available in the market. Though rarely
needed, SUESSEN Service Teams
Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Manufacture of the
SUESSEN Technology Components
Achim Licht, Head Manufacture & Logistics, SUESSEN

SUESSEN products are designed and

manufactured based on our customers’
suggestions and the ideas of our R&D
Centre WST – and they are appreci-
ated all over the world. Developed by
creative engineers, manufactured with
passion on high-end manufacturing
plants applying unique methods, our
products are apt to bring about high
customer benefit through productivity,
Fig. 1 Production plant
reliability and quality. This demand of
Paper Clip Ø 1 mm
our customers has top priority in our
Pin Ø 0,6 mm
production plant at Süssen/Germany,
where the SUESSEN technology com-
ponents are manufactured (Fig. 1). Pig bristle Human hair
Ø 0,1 mm Ø 0,06 mm

Spun yarn
1m = 0,001 mm
Our philosophy of producing technol- Ø 0,006 mm

ogy for the textile industry focuses on:

 Utmost precision
 Innovative manufacturing technolo-
Fig. 2 Proportions
 Intelligent quality assurance and
quality management
 Professional training and continuing
training on the job of our employees

We generally understand utmost preci- NC Programming

sion as the constant and consistent

machining of components and struc-
Drawing CAD Simulation
tural groups in the micrometer range.
One micrometer is the thousandth part
of a millimetre, i.e. 0.001 mm (a human
hair for example has a diameter of
0.060 mm). The manufacturing toler-
ances of the most important SUESSEN Final Product Programming in the Machine
technology parts are in the range of
Fig. 3 Integrated production
0.25 to 10 µm (Fig. 2).
equipment. CNC means “computer and equipment. Based on the CAD
We achieve this high precision by using numerical control”, i.e. a computer drawing, the machining program,
high-end CNC machines and other program is controlling the machines which accounts for all the parameters

Fig. 4 Automated production lines

required, is programmed at a pro- So handling errors are virtually impos- industrial practice of our customers’
grammer’s workplace, controlled and sible, and our customers can benefit mills world-wide (Fig. 5).
optimized by means of computer from unchanging and consistent yarn
simulation. The program is finally trans- parameters in every spinning position All our activities are subject to a
ferred by means of encoded radio data (Fig. 4). sophisticated quality assurance
transmission to the relevant machine or system, which ensures and controls
equipment to produce the technology Development and application of unique quality, starting with development/
components with high and consistent and innovative SUESSEN manufactur- design, over raw material analysis and
precision (Fig. 3). ing technologies make the difference through all steps of production up to
to conventionally produced technology final inspection. This system is ISO
To ensure this precision at any time, components. Our “original components” 9000 based, but we have adjusted
fully automatic systems in form of stand out for their high quality and and completed it to meet the specific
robots are applied in many positions. extremely long service-life in everyday requirements of our customers. Conse-
quently, a consistent quality system is
at our customers’ and our disposal. At
Manufacturing Technology numerous milestones between product
development, first laboratory tests and
wide-scale field tests, extensive inspec-
tion is made to analyse and verify the
expectations made in a product. As
soon as all hurdles have been jumped,
the SUESSEN technology component
is released for series manufacture and
for sale.

Supervision of our series production

Manufacturing Technology starts with raw material purchase; only
certified suppliers deliver the raw mate-
Fig. 5 rial, which in many cases is specifically

Fig. 6 Material analysis

SUESSEN, and the corresponding to extensive analysis and measure- Depending on the type of manufacture,
certificate. Right in the goods receiving ment, which is subsequently evaluated. production is controlled in different
department, the material is subjected (Figs. 6, 7, 8) ways. All steps of manufacture are
defined in detail by process instruc-
SUB =1
FEB 1 2002
tions. Each step is ruled by a separate

inspection instruction detailing the

DMX =15.18
SMN =2.091
SMX =1362 Y 153.239

amount of inspection to be carried out.


All inspections relating to manufactur-
ing processes are recorded by our pro-



MN duction planning and quality assurance

FB06 Belastungsfeder 810.1128
system and used for statistics. Data
Fig. 7 Spring measurement Fig. 8 Hardness measurement for each dimension, each process step

Fig. 9 Statistical process monitoring

a recognised profession like production
technologist. Training comprises theory
and practice and takes place partly in
our training workshop, but also actively
in our manufacturing plant.

As a matter of course, all colleagues in

manufacture, administration and devel-
Fig. 10 Surface of naval Fig. 11 Measuring cradle opment/design are trained at regular
intervals. So we can ensure that apart
from applying modern and state-of-
the-art equipment, all our employees
always maintain an up-to-date standard
of knowledge (Fig. 13).

In addition, we at SUESSEN benefit

from a very dense network of other
well-known companies of the machine
tool industry and automotive indus-
Fig. 12 Measuring SOLIDRING / EliTube
try (Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Schuler,
can therefore be recalled consistently All our equipment, machines, systems Trumpf, etc.) and their sub-suppli-
at any time from a central data store and methods are just as good as the ers in close vicinity to our location in
(Fig. 9). employees using them. This is the rea- Süssen.
son why we attach great importance to
In addition, we use special measuring our employees’ training, which we carry To make a long story short: Based
methods designed by SUESSEN to out in our training centre at Süssen. on our clear and strict manufacturing
control certain quality features of our We distinguish between professional philosophy, we are producing “technol-
products. These tailor-made measuring training of apprentices and continuing ogy for the textile industry” day after
methods and characteristics ensure on-the-job training of our employees. day in our production plant in Süssen/
a high and consistent quality, which Germany, and this by now for over
practically cannot be copied by other In professional training we train our 80 years.
manufacturers (Figs. 10, 11, 12). apprentices during three years to learn

Fig. 13 Apprenticeship / postgraduate education

Produce More and Better
High Grade Worsted Fashion Fabric
Xu Rong Liang, President Danmao Spinning Mills, China

The 16,000-spindle worsted yarn the past, with the product quality and affected and the fibres at the edge of
production line of Danmao Textile grade improving quickly, the increas- the triangle cannot be twisted smoothly
produced a total of 6.2 million square ingly intense competition, and R&D in into yarn, affecting the yarn evenness
metres of fabrics in 2007, 85% of which new products and innovation becoming and elasticity.
were sold to Europe, America, Japan, a trend.
Korea, Australia, South America, Hong The SUESSEN EliTe®Compact
Kong, Taiwan and other countries and To meet the requirements on develop- Spinning System is a “negative pres-
regions. ment, expand the scale and improve sure” compacting device installed in
the quality and execute the strategy front of the front (delivery) roller of the
Aomeiya (Danmao brand name) of differentiation and individualization, ring frame, consisting of the fan, nega-
worsted wool fabric was listed as we introduced SUESSEN’s EliTe and ®
tive pressure suction pipe, EliTube,
“Jiangsu Famous Brand Prod- EliTwist Compact Spinning Technol-
lattice apron and a pair of EliTe®Top
uct”, “Jiangsu Hi-Tech Product” ogy from 2001, and started spinning Roller to form a negative pressure
and “National Inspection Exempt the EliTe Compact Yarn, resulting in
compacting zone during spinning. The
Product”. optimization and improvement of the fibre strands led out from the front
product design and the entire produc- roller nip, when passing the negative
The Company was appointed tion process, as well as the develop- pressure nesting zone, shall be tightly
“National Worsted Wool Spinning ment and production of worsted high compacted into the compact bands
Fashion Fabric Development Base” grade fashion fabrics. The advantages with fibres parallel with each other
by National Textile Product Develop- of the EliTe Compact Spinning System,
and the fibre end in close contact with
ment Centre in 2006, awarded “China especially in improving the product the strand, to eliminate the spinning
Textile Industry Association Price quality, substantially promoted the triangle.
of New Product Development”, reputation and rapid development of
and listed as “Top 10 Enterprises of Danmao Textile. EliTwist®Technology is siro spinning
Comprehensive Competitiveness based on EliTe®, in which the
in China Wool Spinning Industry” by 1. Introduction of compact spinning 2-roving feeding device is adopted,
China Textile Industry Association in technology and equipment for 2 rovings to feed in with a spacing;
2007. 2 drafted strands pass the V-shaped
In conventional ring spinning, when negative pressure suction port to
With the development of the global roving is drafted and twisted into yarn, form the compact strands under the
economy, the consumption in clothing the fibre strand will form a spinning negative pressure, and then they
increases continuously, and the trend triangle. The uncontrolled fibres at the are combined and twisted to form
of products moves more and more edge of the spinning triangle will gener- the yarn. Either compact strand is
towards high grade, light, casual, com- ate the fly, or the fibre ends sticking out provided with the individual twist with
fortable, fashionable, individualized, will cause higher yarn hairiness. The the same direction of the yarn due to
ease of maintenance worsted fabrics. fibres at the edge and in the middle transmission of the yarn twist, then the
within the spinning triangle are under EliTwist® yarn similar to the ply yarn is
China is gradually changing into a large the different strain during spinning. formed.
textile country more in the strength The fibres under higher strain will
of quality than merely the quantity in break first, so the yarn strength will be

Jiangsu Danmao Textile Co.
Danyang, Jiangsu, China
Phone +86 511 6476177
Fax +86 511 6473978

EliTe®Spinning eliminates the spinning EJ519 spinning frames. The investment especially woolen types, decreased
triangle and provides the EliTe Yarn
was greatly saved and the costs were significantly, to realize the single
with advantages unrivalled in the reduced significantly. warp weaving.
common ring spinning yarn, with less
hairiness, high strength, better elon- 2. Development and production We are using EliTe®Compact Spinning
gation and elasticity, and significant of compact spinning products for spinning 120S/2 and other high
improvement in CV value, thick and yarn count EliTe®Yarns, which greatly
thin places and neps. EliTe®Yarn and With SUESSEN’s technical and improve the quality and grade of our
EliTwist Yarns are featured with the
technological support we started products to exquisite, gentle, tender
following characteristics: to use the EliTe Compact Spinning
and luxury products.
Technology to optimize the spinning
1) With the improved spinning process and the low temperature Our compact yarn tweed and 100%
strength, the designed spinning dyeing. Together with the introduction wool two-side elastic tweed were
twist can be reduced to achieve the of the rapier looms from Italy suitable listed as 2005/06 Fall/Winter trendy
softer yarn, high yarn output and for weaving fine yarn count and single fabric2), and our fine count 100% wool
low energy consumption; warp and single weft fabrics, the state- tweed (product number E236016) was
2) The yarn breaks are reduced to of-art dyeing and finishing equipment, awarded the 2nd Prize in 2007 Weierjia
improve the production efficiency innovation in process, development New Product Assessment 1).
and the finished product rate; and design of product types, etc., we
3) The fly generation is reduced and started the production of high grade We have developed various fine count
the production environment is fashion fabrics. single warp and single weft worsted
improved; fabrics with different raw materials,
4) The spun yarn can be used as sin- EliTe Compact Spinning showed the
spun yarn up to 60s/1 and many
gle warp and single weft to reduce expected advantages over the conven- functions, featuring light and thin
the production cost and greatly tional ring spinning. The yarn even- structure, soft and smooth hand, high
improve the spinning efficiency; ness was significantly improved in the tightness and elasticity, good suspen-
5) The sizing is not required in weav- Company. The yarn became obviously sion, high permeability and woollen
ing to reduce the processing costs; bright, and the hairiness reduced by up finish, which are ideal fabrics for high
6) The woollen fabric is in bright finish- to 80%; grade suits, casuals, fashion wears,
ing, good lustre, high strength and etc., favoured by customers and keep
performing excellently in regard of 1) The yarn strength was improved by the pace with the development trend
fuzzing and pilling. 10 to 20%; of the high grade fashion worsted
2) The yarn evenness (USTER CV %) fabrics:
EliTe and EliTwist Spinning can
® ®
was improved by about 10%, thin
greatly improve the quality and grade places decreased by 20–40%, thick  fine count single warp and single
of the worsted fabrics, reduction of places by 30–40% and neps by weft 100% wool valitine (prod-
costs and others, so we introduced 60–80%; uct number 25498) and wool/
12 EliTe®Compact Spinning Sets 3) The abrasion proof performance polyester fine count single warp
(5,000 spindles) and 2 EliTwist Sets
was improved significantly, fuzzing and single weft tweed (product
(800 spindles) on Shanghai Erfangji and pilling of the single warp types, number 331152) were listed as

2005/2006 Fall/Winter China
Trendy Fabric
 fine count single warp and single
weft 100% wool valitine (product
number 25945 ) was listed as 2006
Spring/Summer China Trendy Fab-
 wool/polyester fine count sin-
gle warp and single weft valitine
(product number35645-1/-2) was
awarded with 1st Prize in Weerjia
Cup competition of the wool spin-
ning industry in China
 fine count single warp and sin-
gle weft valitine (product number
E352073) was awarded the 1st Prize
in 2007 Weierjia New Product
Assessment 1).

The output of single warp and single

weft worsted fabrics are high, and no
plying or winding is required in spin-
ning, to reduce the production cost
and improve the efficiency. In addi-
tion, the development, production and
technology of high count single warp
and single weft worsted fabrics shall
greatly facilitate the development and
production of worsted wool fabrics,
also promote the development and
production of single warp and single
weft product types, spun yarn weaving,
new spinning technologies and relevant

To better develop and utilize the special

animal fibre resources in China, we
have started the development and
production of multi-component worsted
fabrics with wool and some high-grade Fig. 1

special animal fibres, including cash- products and their production technol- 3. Compact spinning technology
mere, rabbit hair, camel wool, spun ogy. promoting development of
silk, etc., according to guideline of 11 th enterprises
Five Year Wool Spinning Development We also adopted the compact spinning
Planning. With the compact spinning in development and production of fine With introduction of SUESSEN
technology established in the produc- count high twist worsted fabrics, keep- EliTe®Compact Spinning equipment
tion process and technology of high ing in pace with the trend of high grade with the advantages of the compact
grade special animal fibre worsted worsted fashion fabrics: spinning and EliTwist®Spinning, we
fabrics, we applied for the patents for substantially improved the product
development and production of special  100% wool high twist weft elastic quality and grade and make great
animal fibre fabrics: tweed was awarded 2006/07 Trendy achievements in product development.
We have developed and produced
 Cashmere serge was listed as 2005  wool-terylene high twist stripe the pure wool, spun silk, cashmere,
Spring/Summer Trendy Fabric 2)
valitine was listed as 2008 Spring/ mohair, hemp, bamboo fibre, Tencel,
 machine washing cashmere tweed Summer Candidate Trendy Fabric 3)
viscose, lycra, XLA, T400, Sorona
was listed as 2006/07 Fall/Winter  wool-terylene high twist tweed Coolmax Thermolite stainless steel
Trendy Fabric2) (product number E334780-1) was wire Kuralon and other functional fibres
 cashmere rabbit hair serge was awarded with 2nd Prize in 2007 for high grade fashion fabrics, in the
listed as 2007/08 Fall/Winter Trendy Weerjia New Product Assessment 1)
forms of single warp and single weft,
 100% wool high twist tweed fine count light and thin, fine count
 silk/wool tweed and wool-terylen- (product number E236570P2) was high twist, special animal fibres, etc.,
hemp ironing tweed were listed awarded with 3 Prize in 2007
also with the functions of machine
as 2008/09 Fall/Winter Candidate Weerjia New Product Assessment . 1)
wash, anti-static, nano Lotus Effect
Trendy Fabric 2)

 silk-wool herringbone was listed as

2008 Spring/Summer Candidate
Trendy Fabric3).

Development of special animal fibre

fabrics will significantly increase the
technical content of wool spinning
products and uplift the taste and grade,
further promote the economic growth
and increase the benefit of the com-
panies, spur the new product develop-
ment and improve the competitive edge
of the enterprises. Furthermore the
project will help adjust the structure
of the special animal fibre products in
China and upgrade the wool spinning Fig. 2

especially the worsted wool spinning
fashion fabrics.

We plan to introduce additional

5000 spindles of SUESSEN
EliTe®CompactSet to form the 10,800-
spindle large scale EliTe®Compact
Spinning production line for high grade
worsted fabrics on a higher platform,
brand building and increase of shares
in the major international markets. We
will make all efforts in continuous inno-
vation and new product development.
We strive to become one of the enter-
prises with comprehensive competitive-
ness in the wool spinning industry, with
worsted wool spinning fashion fabric
Fig. 3 as the feature and the annual produc-
tion capacity over 10,000,000 m2, and
Function, nano antisepsis, high elastic, progress in wool spinning technol- extension of the industrial chain, to
anti-shrinkage, suits for travel, mois- ogy and the trend of wool spinning contribute greatly to the development
ture absorption and quick drying, odor products, enhance construction of the of the wool spinning industry in China.
proof, extreme black, refrigerating and innovation team and system, and the
extreme black, silk protein finishing, cooperation with the universities and
etc., forming the product features, institutes and experts in wool spinning,
realizing the better economic benefit, train and introduce technical personnel,
improving the corporate competitive- and improve the ability of self innova-
by National Wool Spinning Product
ness and upgrading the image and tion of the Company. We shall make full
Survey and Research Centre/ National
strength of Danmao Textile. use of Worsted Wool Spinning Fashion Wool Spinning Technical Information
Fabric Development Base of National Centre / Wool Spinning Technology
With EliTe Compact Spinning technol-
Textile Product Development Centre, Magazine / China Textile Engineering
Association Wool Spinning Committee.
ogy, we shall further proceed in new follow the differentiated and individual- 2
by National Textile Product Development
product development and fully utilize ized development mode, place more Centre and China Textile Information
the advantages of the technology. importance on innovation and new Centre
We shall, according to Guideline of product development, and focus on
by National Textile Product Development
Centre, China Textile Information Centre,
National 11th Five Year Wool Spinning the high grade, light and thin, casual,
China Textile Fabrics and Pattern Design
Development Planning, be paying close fashionable, individualized, functional Competition Organizing Committee and
attention to the domestic and foreign and ease for maintenance products, China Trend Association.

HP-GX 5010 –
The Top Weighting Arm for Worsted Spinning

Jens Nürnberger, Area Sales Manager China, SUESSEN

To meet the requirements of modern milk fibres, or new cellulose fibres like  minimal variation between spinning
worsted ring spinning, you do not just Lyocell. And well-known material like positions
need good preparatory machines cashmere and angora, which are rather  no restrictions in regard to raw
up to the finisher to produce uniform demanding in spinning, get increas- material
sliver, but also a sturdy ring spinning ingly popular. Many an old cheap or  free from wear
machine. Almost all machines on the pneumatically loaded top weighting  easiest operation and low mainte-
market today come up to this require- arm is no more in a position to fully nance
ment; they are mechanically reliable meet the demands.
over many years. Spindelfabrik Suessen have been sup-
A top weighting arm should offer the plying top weighting arms with these
But to produce a high-end yarn quality, following important characteristics to characteristics to customers all over
more than a sturdy basic machine is satisfy the high demands of a worsted the world for many years. Our current
necessary, because the yarn is pro- spinning mill: model HP-GX 5010, shown for the
duced in the drafting system. And here first time at ITMA 2007 in Munich, is
it is of importance, which top weighting  sustainable production of optimum already being delivered to the mar-
arm is installed. yarn quality over a very long period ket, and first installations are running
of time perfectly as expected producing the
Today, many new types of raw material  high consistency of all yarn para- high-grade yarns as anticipated.
break into the market, like bamboo and meters

Fig. 1 HP-GX 5010 Top Weighting Arm

The HP-GX 5010 is an improved top types of existing worsted ring spinning The top weighting arm offers the fea-
weighting arm with even closer toler- frames. ture of partial load relief.
ances and better top roller retainer than
its predecessor, on which it is based. Being equipped with plate springs as The approved new handle, success-
This is the well-known HP-A 510 top all its predecessors, the HP-GX 5010 ful already in short-staple spinning
arm which has satisfied even the high- offers one of the main features of a (HP-GX 3010, HP-GX 4010), provides
est demands since its introduction in modern top weighting arm: transmis- the whole HP-GX family with a striking
1988. It has been installed particularly sion of load from weighting spring to characteristic.
often in Chinese spinning mills. The top roller free from wear. This avoids
HP-A 510 has been applied on hun- loss of load due to friction in the course All top rollers are adjustable with
dreds of new ring spinning machines of time. To the plate spring, guarantee- regard to pressure load and position.
world-wide and it has frequently been ing the reliability of the HP-GX 5010, Distance or load on all weighting units
used to modernize existing ring spin- a particularly wide top roller retainer are set with the units being installed.
ning plants. is applied, in which the saddle of the
top roller is milled by a special proc- Top rollers are available for spindle
The HP-GX 5010 is going to con- ess, and which guarantees parallelism gauges of 75 and 82.5 mm.
tinue this success. This type of top between the individual top rollers on
weighting arm, too, can be speci- the one hand and to the bottom rollers Corrosion tests carried out by inde-
fied with OEMs and retrofitted to all on the other hand. pendent laboratories showed that the

Fig. 2 HP-GX 5010 Top Weighting Arm

The Distinctive Features of the HP-GX 5010:

 position of the top rollers completely parallel to the bottom roller axles
 load transmission without friction
 loss of load and load difference on the bosses is avoided
 minimal variation between the spinning positions
 reliable fibre clamping and guidance

Fig. 3  all fibre materials can be spun

non-corrosive surface coating has They can have diameters of 40 mm or

three times more resistance than ever 50 mm.
achieved before.
The cradle is made of steel. The high-
The back and front top rollers can stability principle guarantees a uniform
be obtained either without cots or load on the fibres at the front edge of

Fig. 4 with buffed cots of all popular brands. the cradle.

Fig. 5 HP-GX 5010 for EliTe®CompactSet-L

The rounded edges of low-friction The SUESSEN HP-R Top Rollers are The recess of the apron top roller can
polymer create a minimum degree of of the loose boss type with non-remov- be chosen between 0.5 and 1.5 mm.
friction on the top aprons. able bosses. The standard saddle
The HP-GX 5010 top weighting arm,
will provide additional support to the
like the HP-A 510 in previous years, is
The redesigned retention system guidance and precision of the top roller
one of the successful features of our
provides for the safe position of the position.
EliTe®Compact Set-L for the moderni-
cradles when the top weighting arm is
zation of existing worsted ring spinning
opened. The precise apron top rollers have
frames. With this design, the original
a rubber cot reducing the slippage
front top roller is replaced by the EliTop
HP-GX 5010 is always supplied between apron and roller. The top
specified to fulfill the requirements.
together with our proven top rollers with roller boss diameter is adapted to the
microseal, which have a long operat- specification of the other top rollers. It First installations with the new top
ing life with low maintenance and are ensures a perfect smooth running of weighting arm have already been
free from play even after many years of the apron and avoids the accumulation completed and they are operating as
operation. of dirt. expected to the entire satisfaction of
the customers.
Table 1

Elongation %
Neps + 200%

Zweigle (S3)
Thick +50%
Yarn Count

Uster CV%

Thin –50%


Twist T/m

Uster (H)



Conventional worsted spinning

100% wool HP-GX 5010 397 18.4 189 53 28 5.8 10.1 7.3 6326
A 28
21.5 µ HP-A 510 401 18.7 191 61 29 5.6 10.0 7.9 6534
100% wool HP-GX 5010 600 18.2 188 50 25 6.3 11.5 6.1 1511
B 48
20.5 µ HP-A 510 592 18.3 199 52 31 6.1 11.1 6.1 1787

100% wool HP-GX 5010 950 21.2 624 169 19 5.5 11.7 4.1 781
C 96
17.5 µ HP-A 510 958 21.2 632 174 19 5.4 11.2 4.3 801

55/45% HP-GX 5010 780 20.4 422 181 79 11.9 13.8 3.4 3043
D 68
PES/Wo HP-A 510 787 20.6 444 193 68 11.8 14.1 3.3 3155
40/60% HP-GX 5010 780 21.0 609 181 60 8.2 13.8 4.2 1685
D 80
PES/Wo HP-A 510 774 21.4 622 192 58 8.1 13.1 4.4 1721
HP-GX 5010 374 13.9 14 5 11 15.6 22.5 8.8 3684
D 100% PAC 34
HP-A 510 379 14.0 17 8 10 15.6 21.7 9.4 4027
EliTe®Compact Spinning
100% wool HP-GX 5010 660 15.1 29 11 8 6.3 11.8 2.8 539
E 40
19.5 µ HP-A 510 657 15.0 29 12 11 6.4 11.5 2.9 577
100% wool HP-GX 5010 903 20.6 562 121 14 6.0 13.6 3.3 341
C 96
17.5 µ HP-A 510 912 20.9 579 123 17 5.9 13.2 3.3 356

Wilhelm Stahlecker GmbH (WST) –
Centre for Research and Development
Gerd Stahlecker, Managing Director

Wilhelm Stahlecker GmbH (WST) was

founded in 1948. Right from the start,
the main concern of WST was the
spinning of staple fibres. Demands for
better utilization of fibre substance,
better yarn quality, increased effi-
ciency, energy saving, subsequent yarn
processing without problems, higher
or specially adapted quality of textile
articles have always been the impetus
for new developments. WST designed
units, components and automated Fig. 1 WST, Germany
systems, which fulfilled the customers‘
desires, and sometimes exceeded all
expectations. Not only the technolo- this “Swabian Tinkerer”, and so WST the two enterprises have made a suc-
gists dealing with spinning at WST, continues a tradition and culture deter- cessful team setting out on ever new
but also the engineers responsible for mined by ingenuity, inventiveness, and targets of development with never-
design, measuring technique or trials pioneering spirit. ending enthusiasm up to the present
are familiar with every detail of spin- time.
ning. In six decades of continuous research
and development we gained new find- SUESSEN engineers accompanied
However beautiful the rural environ- ings in technology by a multitude of and optimized WST inventions finally
ment of the Swabian Alb as loca- trial series, and subsequently tried to manufactured by SUESSEN, so that
tion of WST may be, it was hard for put them into practice by sophisticated the products could be sold success-
earlier generations to survive in this design. Be it ring, rotor, air-jet or fric- fully in the market. New directions of
barren landscape. Without inventive- tion spinning – we at WST are familiar development opened by SUESSEN
ness this was almost impossible. This with every spinning method. WST’s marketing experts met our customers’
characterized the people living here. sphere of competence reaches far demands. SUESSEN, WST and their
Most WST employees are living in the beyond spinning technology and mere customers form a team of partners
near neighbourhood. They all harbour mechanics. The fields of activity are complementing one another to the ben-
manifold and cover, for example, tech- efit of all. More than 5000 patents filed
niques dealing with bearings, drives, in many countries in these six decades
surface and air-flow. bear eloquent witness to extensive
activities of development at WST
In the year 1952, the two companies and to the ideally fruitful partnership
Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH and between SUESSEN and WST.
Wilhelm Stahlecker GmbH started
their most successful cooperation. Customers’ demands changed over
WST now developed exclusively for the decades. The general technical
Fig. 2 Twin Disc Rotor Bearing Spindelfabrik Suessen. From then on, progress opened ever new possibili-

Wilhelm Stahlecker GmbH (WST)
Phone: +49 7334 77-0, Fax: +49 7334 7718

The middle of the seventies marks

the beginning of spinning machinery
automation. Today’s automation of rotor
spinning machines is based on funda-
mental WST patents. SUESSEN-WST
supplied the first piecing-up automats
for rotor spinning machines.

A real renaissance of ring spinning

took place in the late eighties, and this
was mainly due to the relocation of
spinning mills to Asian countries which
started then. SUESSEN-WST launched
new components for ring spinning

Fig. 3

ties of satisfying them with increasing quality. WST was asked to improve
refinement. spindle bearings and drafting systems.
The seventies saw the rise of rotor
Until the late sixties, spinning was spinning. SUESSEN and WST imme-
synonymous with ring spinning. Our diately recognized the potential of this
customers then claimed more yarn spinning method and became pioneers
production in addition to better yarn of rotor spinning. Fig. 4 Spintester

The introduction of compact yarn at
the end of the nineties ushered in a
new era. Today, ten years later, the only
question spinning mills are confronted
with is how high the percentage of
compact yarn should be to allow them
to compete successfully.

For every period WST and SUESSEN

jointly found products which were
received by our customers all over the
world with great enthusiasm.

in the fifties and sixties
 UT Top Weighting Arm
 SH Roller Bearing Spindle
 Top rollers: DSN (loose boss type)
and HSL (fixed boss type)

in the seventies and eighties

 TwinDisc Rotor Bearing for rotor
speeds up to 150,000 rpm
 SE 6, SE 7, SE 8, SE 9 and SE 10
Rotor SpinBoxes including various
spinning accessories Fig. 5 First automation for rotor spinning machines
 SpinCat/CleanCat Automation of
Rotor Spinning Machines
 HP-S 68, NASA-HP-S 68 Spindles,
YarnCatcher (together with
 HP-A Top Weighting Arms
 ParafiL (Wrap Spinning Machine)
 PLYfiL (SpinAssemblyWinder)

in the nineties up to the present

 Fiomax ring spinning machines
(short- and long-staple version)
Fig. 6 SpinBox SE 7

 EliTe®Compact Spinning Systems also in other Rieter Business Units,
(short- and long-staple version) a partner whose competence in all
 EliTe CompactSet for modernizing respects of spinning is highly esti-
ring spinning machines mated.
 EliTwist Technology

 HP-GX Top Weighting Arms The future will present new challenges.
 SC-M, SC-R, SC-S, SC-C Rotor At WST, 50 engineers and technolo-
SpinBoxes gists are busy with new developments
in spinning, which will result in new
Since WST has become part of the products enabling the customers of
Rieter Group, WST now occupies the Spindelfabrik Suessen to defend their
position of a partner in development successful position in the market.

Fig. 7 Spindles

Fig. 8 Compact SpinBox SC-R Fig. 9 EliTe®Compact Spinning System

Customer Survey 2007
Peter Stahlecker, Managing Director SUESSEN

... it is hard to win a customer, discrepancy between the assess- This difference in assessment may
but very easy to lose one! ment of the customer/supplier relation- have dangerous consequences: The
ship made by the supplier and made by supplier is not favored with the pending
Research by marketing consultants, the customer; invariably the supplier’s order, but his competitor gets it instead.
but also by academic institutions assessment is more positive than the The salesman is shocked; after all
has shown that there is a significant customer’s. he is of the opinion that his service is


CUSTOMER / COUNTRY : very good good fair poor n.a

0. General statements:

a How would you assess our overall performance, products and services
Given what you know about other suppliers would you recommend our products and services to business
b partners or friends?
c Given what you know about other suppliers would you repurchase our products and services
1. Your assessment of our products with respect to:
Does our product range meet your requirements ?
Userfriendly application
Product range in general
Price / performance ratio
Availability / delivery times
2.a Quality of our sales and technical support provided by our staff, with respect to:
Technical expertise of your contact person
Practical support in solving problems
Competent handling of queries
Availability of your contact person
Authority in decision-making
Sufficient visits and contacts
2.b Quality of our sales and technical support provided by our representative, with respect to:
Technical expertise of your contact person
Practical support in solving problems
Competent handling of queries
Availability of your contact person
Authority in decision-making
Sufficient visits and contacts
3. Quality of our marketing with respect to:
Product documentation
Presence / presentation at trade exhibitions
4. Quality of our web site (www.suessen.com) with respect to:
Information available from our web site
Practical use of our technical support section (on the web site)
5. Quality of our sales support and processing with respect to:
Response to queries (price, delivery time, availability)
Comprehension of sales documents (offers, acknowledgements, invoices)
Timely information of delays
Handling of complaints
Observance of your requests
6. Quality of our technical support: services and installations with respect to:
General level of skill and competence of service engineers
Availability in case of emergencies
Efficiency and general appearance
Training of your operators and maintenance staff

Further comments and personal suggestions:

Place: ………………… Date:……………… Name:…………………….… Occupation: …………….………… Fig. 1

excellent, while – quite obviously – the The responses to the individual ques- the ‘No Reply’ entries as a measure
customer does not share this opinion! tions are summarized in Fig 2. of the importance of this particular
heading for the customer, we can
The SUESSEN management is well We feel that this survey permits a see, where SUESSEN has the
aware of this discrepancy and decided number of conclusions to be drawn: largest need to improve, namely for
to poll our customers’ opinion about a) Generally speaking, our service the items collected under heading
the quality of the various SUESSEN seems to be ‘Good’, with ‘Very 1, particularly in the sub - heading:
activities. Good’ and ‘Fair’ more or less bal- Availability / delivery times.
ancing each other. The ‘Poor’ grade
With the help of professionals, an was given sparsely To come around full turn, so to speak,
elaborate questionnaire was designed. b) Some issues are definitely more it must be emphasized that this article
It asked a total of 36 questions, which important than others, e.g. the and the conclusions drawn are for the
were grouped under eight different quality of the web site seems to be supplier’s point of view! As we saw
headings. For each question, the cus- unimportant; it has by far the most before, customer and supplier do not
tomer could select five answers: Very ‘No Reply’ entries. We conclude that always agree in their opinions.
good, good, fair, poor, no reply. also in our age of electronics, the
personal contact cannot easily be We therefore invite and request you,
The questionnaires were sent to our replaced. our customers, to please give us your
representatives in the relevant coun- c) The above finding is corroborated comments on this article.
tries, and they forwarded them to the by the fact that the headings 1.,
person responsible within the organiza- 2a., 2b., have the lowest ‘No Reply’ Let us conclude by thanking all those
tion of each customer. entries: All three, too, deal with customers and individuals, who took
personal communication. the time to respond to our question-
All in all, about 235 questionnaires d) If, as was implicitly done in b.) and naire. Their responses and comments
were distributed, and we received c.), we take the relative amount of will help us to become a better supplier.
about 95 responses; so 40% of our
customers replied. According to the 100%
professionals, this is a very acceptable
rate of return, considering the complex- No reply/Usage
ity of our questionnaire. 60% Poor
40% Good
The customers responding represent Very good
considerably more than 50% of our 20%
EliTe® installations. With our Premium
Parts business such a percentage is 0%
e rt e te rs
ts m iv io
si ce
en Ti o t at fe vi
more difficult to give: These are tech- . pp ta eb of er
em el Su en nt e, s
tat ,d . es
fW ns of
hn pr um o po y
nological parts having a finite life cycle, ra
l c re
y s lit
,p te do re ua
ne lit
y of of ua
e an
d of .Q
.G ua ity lit
y .Q y 6
and any percentage might be difficult to 0 tq es al 4 lit
c al Q
u ua ua
du .S b. 3 .Q .Q
interpret; still a large portion of our PP Pro 2a 2 5
1 .

customers returned the questionnaire.

Fig. 2
New ASC-Homepage: the remaining spinning companies are search by description or individual part

www.americansuessen.com stable and have tremendous capaci- number.

ties. The new ASC-webpage offers a
For several months American Suessen more efficient means for them to find
Corporation (ASC) has been construct- the offers and increase the amount of
ing a website specifically for ASC and ASC business.
the US-American Market, independent Therefore, within the new website, the
from the official SUESSEN homepage most important area are the pages
(www.suessen.com), but still closely showing pictures of all the parts offered
associated with it. by ASC. Here the customers have dif-
While the US textile market has shrunk ferent opportunities to find what they
considerably the past several years, are looking for: visually by pictures,

10 Years SUESSEN In 1998, just ten years ago, SUESSEN  03/2007 – 2,000,000th

EliTe®Compact Spinning delivered the first EliTe®Compact EliTe®Compact Spindle

Spinning Systems to the Austrian  09/2007 – 1,000,000th
customer Linz Textil. Thanks to him, EliTe®Compact Spindle into the
and thanks to all of the many other Indian market
customers, SUESSEN is now the This might be a reason to celebrate,
leader in compact spinning technology but much more it is a reason to strive
with more than 2,800,000 EliTe and®
even harder to continue to earn the
EliTwist Spinning Positions running
trust of the customers!
in the world.
Other markers in the history of
EliTe®Compact Spinning:
Here again is a real milestone in the  09/2005 – 1,000,000th
long history of SUESSEN’s successful EliTe®Compact Spindle
contributions to the world of spinning  04/2006 – 1,500,000th
technology: EliTe®Compact Spindle

South India Textile strengthen their excellent research

capacities. Amongst the many scientific
Research Association
publications of SITRA is “An Investiga-
The world renowned South India Textile tion on the Performance of EliTwist®
Research Association (SITRA), located Yarn During High Speed Weaving and
in Coimbatore, South India, has ac- Properties of Fabrics Made Therefrom.”
quired some EliTe / EliTwist moderni-
® ®
SUESSEN is very proud to be associ-
zations from SUESSEN, to further ated with this prestigious Research
Graf + Cie AG
Bildaustrasse 6
CH-8640 Rapperswil Switzerland

Tel +41 55 221 71 11

Fax +41 55 221 72 33


Product range:

Card Clothings for Flat Cards and products for Short Staple Spinning
Service Machines for Flat Cards
Card Clothings for Roller Cards
Service Machines for Roller Cards
Clothings for Raising Machines

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Compact Ring Spinning
EliTe®CompactSet V5
Modernization of ring spinning machines

Two-Ply Compact Yarn directly from the ring spinning machine

Two-Ply Compact Yarn with Core Yarn directly from the ring spinning machine
Optional Applications: EliVario, EliVAControl
Product Range 2008
Conventional Ring Spinning
HP Drafting Systems and Spinning Components
HP-GX 3010 Top Weighting Arm – for short staple spinning
HP-GX 4010 Top Weighting Arm – for roving frames
HP-GX 5010 Top Weighting Arm – for worsted spinning
with top rollers, cradles, bottom rollers, bottom apron nose bars
Customers buying new ring spinning machines or roving frames may
specify these components directly with the machine maker
COREflex® – core yarn attachment for conventional and compact
ring spinning machines
ACP Quality Package – Active Cradle with special PinSpacer
ACP Solutions available for Top Weighting Arms HP-A 310/320,HP-GX 3010,
PK-type and P3.1 in compact and conventional ring spinning

Open-End Rotor Spinning

Open-End SpinBoxes
for OEMs Rieter and Savio
Premium Parts – Modernization
SC/ SQ SpinBoxes for Autocoro rotor spinning machines
Premium Parts – Packages
Modernization Packages for Autocoro rotor spinning machines
Premium Parts – Components
Spinning Components for Autocoro rotor spinning machines
Premium Parts – Parts
Spare Parts for SpinBoxes SE 7-10/ SC/ SQ

Testing Equipment
Microdust Trash Analyser MDTA 3 – Fibre dust and trash testing equipment
QuickSpin Unit – Prediction of yarn properties
QuickSpin System – Combination of MDTA 3 and QuickSpin Unit

. . . market oriented solutions . . .

Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH · Dammstrasse  · D-73079 Süssen · Germany

Phone +49(0)762 5-0 · Fax +49(0)762 5-367 · mail@suessen.com · www.suessen.com

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