2nd Quarter LG in ARTS - 3 Week 1-2

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ARTS – 3

Learning Guide
2nd Quarter: Week 1-2

 Designs a view of the province/region with houses and buildings indicating the
foreground middle ground and background by the size of the objects
 Discusses the concept that there is harmony in nature as seen in the color of landscapes at
different times of the day
1.1 landscapes of Felix Hidalgo, Fernando Amorsolo, Jonahmar Salvosa
1.2 Still’s life of Araceli Dans, Jorge Pineda, Agustin Goy

Buildings in Our Community
I can Show the Time of the Day in My Landscape

Biblical Integration
“But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God’s entire house. And we are God’s house, if
we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ.” Hebrews 3:6
“From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord’s name is to be
praised.” NKJV Psalm 113:3

Learning guide, video lesson, pics, sketch pad, coloring materials, and pencil

Learning Activities

Week 1: Synchronous Class (October 21, 2020)

Big Idea: Buildings and the way they are designed are interesting subjects for arts.

Talk About This: What kind of buildings and structures can be found in your

Read: Buildings are part of the man-made environment. They are all around us. There
are all around us. Some buildings are big and tall while some are low and small.
You live in buildings called houses. What do you call the building where you go to
study? How about the building where you go when you are sick? What other buildings are found in your

We live in different places. How about you? Where do you live? What kind of house do
you have? Do you like where you are living now? Why?

Building are part of man-made environment.
There are different kinds of buildings in the community: schools, hospital, church, bank, market,
condominiums, apartment, houses.

Study the pictures of below.

Take Note

Painting a landscape is similar to drawing it. Choose your center of interest or focal point. Decide how much of
the sea or the sky you would like to show. Then, draw the shape of your landscape using a pencil or a light color
paint brush. Use the large, flat brushes when you paint the background, then, the smaller round brushes when
you add the details.

Week 1: Asynchronous Class

Do It

Design a view of your community with houses and buildings indicating the
foreground middle ground and background by the size of the objects.

Oslo paper or short bond paper, pencil, marking pens, and crayons or other coloring
Orientation: Landscape

Due Date: October 24, 2020

WEEK 2: Synchronous Class (October 28)

 Discusses the concept that there is harmony in nature as seen in the color of landscapes at
different times of the day
1.1 landscapes of Felix Hidalgo, Fernando Amorsolo, Jonahmar Salvosa
1.2 Still’s life of Araceli Dans, Jorge Pineda, Agustin Goy

Look at the photos.

A. Landscape of Felix Hidalgo

B. Landscape of Fernando Amorsolo

C. Landscape of Jonahmar Salvosa

Essential Questions:
How do Pilipino artists show harmony in the landscapes that they paint?
If you were to do a landscape, which time of the day would you choose to paint? Why?

Chat On
Have you ever tried looking at a magnificent landscape during the early morning, at noon, or late in the
afternoon? As the hours pass, the colors of the landscape change because of the light from the sun or moon. The
transition from warm colors shows how harmony is seen in nature every day. Likewise, you will be able to
apply harmony through the correct use of a certain color and the other colors around it. This will also express
a mood to the viewer.
 Showing the Time of Day in Landscapes
If you want to show the time of the day in your landscape effectively, you need to take note of
the colors for that particular time. Some artists use yellow and orange for day time, then violet
and green for nighttime. It depends on the colors that you see on the horizon, so keep observing
and continue using your creativity.

There are artists who want to show the scenery realistically, so aside from the colors, they also
show shadows in their landscapes. Fernando Amorsolo is known for perfectly capturing the
spectacular sunlight in the rural settings.

 Showing the Distance in a Landscape

If size helped you in showing the illusion of space in your drawing, size and color will work
hand in hand in your painting. Use both so you can show the distance in your landscape. Use
warm colors for objects in the foreground and cool colors for the background.

Week 2: Asynchronous Class

I. Use your crayons to show the sunrise.

II. Use your crayons to show the foreground, middle ground, and background.
Due date: October 31, 2020

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