Marketing Management
Ø the entire process of product creation, promotion, selling, delivery, and continuous development
Ø within these processes are created goods, services, experiences, e vents, persons, places properties,
organizations, information, and ideas to satisfy different types of customers and various entities
Ø any individual, organization, or group, which has an existing or potential transaction or exchange,
beginning with a customer and ending with another customer
Ø at the core of marketing activities is the creation and delivery of superior customer value in the form of a
manufactured product or in the provision of a service.
Various Marketing Concepts That Intertwine within the Marketing Management Process
1. Production concept of marketing
2. Product concept
3. Selling concept
4. Profit concept
5. Modern marketing concept
6. Social marketing concept
Marketing Variables
First introduced by J. Culliton (1948); Borden – “marketing mix”(1949); E.J. Mc Carthy- 4Ps of Marketing
(1960); Booms and Bitner – addition of People (1981)
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
For service customers
• People
• Process
• Physical evidence
- decisions involve determining product features such as size, color, materials, form, composition,
packaging, product line, and product purpose
- its features are altered according to the identified place of the product in the product cycle of
introduction, growth, maturity, and decline
- determined based on production cost, level of demand, degree of competition, buyer behavior, and
market psychology
- determined based on situation about competitors, differentiation in the extent of buyer awareness, and
the depth of buyer involvement in the product
- the task is to persuade customers to act trough making a purchase that is based on any or a
combination of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, point of purchase or product display,
public relations campaign, and publicity
- account for the skills and personality of people involved in the marketing process, and whether these
skills and personality can impact customer relationships and promote customer loyalty
-considers cost efficiency in logistics, delivery, and schedule as well as the kind of experience from the
service obtained
Physical Evidence
- includes packaging and design for differentiation, information, and adding value to the service and its
corollary products
ü value-maximizing entities who form an expectation of value and eventually act on it
ü will buy from the firm whom they perceive to offer the best customer value (the difference between total
customer value and total customer cost)
ü satisfaction is a function of the product’s perceived performance and the customer expectations
Total Customer Satisfaction
ü the aim of most companies due to the recognition that high satisfaction leads to high customer loyalty
ü involves creating a marketing network in which the company works closely with all parties in the
production and distribution chain, from suppliers of raw materials to retailers and distributors
ü key to keeping customers happy
Relationship Marketing
ü the key to retaining customers
ü done by adding financial or social benefits to the products or services or create structural ties between the
company and its customers
u Three prominent ways to make strong structural ties with customers include a) creating long term
contracts, b) charging lower price to customers who buy large supplies, and c) turning the service into long
term /