Fisika Terapan, Fluids 2006
Fisika Terapan, Fluids 2006
Fisika Terapan, Fluids 2006
h A C B
Properties of fluids (statics- dynamic) food processing operations Many foods are fluids in nature (milk, fruit juice, oils emulsions, pastes & suspensions) kasus pindah panas oleh fluida (hot water, steam, refrigerant, air) pada operasi : heating, drying, chilling & freezing
Ps : the surface pressure fluid (Tekanan Permukaan fluida). . . . . . . . (Nm-2) or Pa : fluid density . . . . . . . . (kg m-3) g : gravity . . . . . . . . (m s-2) h : depth of immersion . . . . . . . . (m) PRESSURE MEASUREMENT
Pa t m o s h A B Pu n k n o w n
Punknown = Patmos + gh
Punknown Patmos g h
: : : : :
Pressure meausured (Tekanan terukur yang dicari) the atmosphere pressure (Tekanan atmosfir) fluid density (Kerapatan Fluida) gravity (Gravitasi) depth of immersion (Kedalaman).
Manometer can also be used to meausure differential pressure such as : the pressure drop across a stright length of pipe a valve a heat exchanger a drier PA PB = ( - )gh PA PB g h
: Differential Pressure (Beda Tekanan) between A & B : : : : the density of manometer fluid (Tekanan atmosfir) fluid density . . . . . . . . (kg m-3) gravity . . . . . . . . (m s-2) depth of immersion . . . . . . . . (m)
ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE When an object is immersed in fluid it appears to lose weight because : the bottom of the
1 Lewis, M.J., 1987. Physical Properties of Foods and Food Processing Systems, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, England. 2 Agriculture Faculty, UNS, Solo
object is subjected an upforce is called Arcimedes force (FARC ) FARC = upthrust = dorongan keatas
wass equal to the weight of fluid displaced very importen concept when dealing with the flow of mixture of solids and fluids (kebanyakan aliran adalah campuran padatan & cairan)
Pseudoplastic Moving Plate
y dy
VISCOSITY of a FLUID F2 Newtonian Concept of Stress : dV Fixed (P), Normal Stress / TekananPlate if : Force action on plate with normal position (perpendicular) : Dilatan Area (A) F P= 1 A F1 A Shear Stress / tegangan geser ( ), if : Force action on plate with parallel position F2 // A
F P= 2 A
Experiments have showed : that force F varies with the area of plate (A), velocity (V) and inversely with distance y. AV F y , since similar trianggle
V/y = dV/dy is called shear rate A dV dV F F dy dy ; A is a Shear Stress ( ) and if proportionality constant F A dV dy (read : mu) called absolute (dynamic) viscosity is introduce : = dy = dV
N m 2 Unit of m m/s
Ns 2 m
Pa. s. Pl (Poiseuille)
1 Pa. s. = 1 Pl = 10 P (poise) = 1000 cP (centi poise) Semua gas & cairan sederhana mengikuti hukum kekentalan newton. Hampir sebagian bahan pangan bersifat biopolimerik (karbohidrat, protein), maka tidak tergolong newtonian fluid. Namun untuk keperluan praktis, pendekatan sebagai newtonian fluid dapat dilakukan.
Bingham memperlihatkan kebutuhan shear stress yang besar sebelum bahan mengalir, namun setelah mengalir bahan ini mengikuti newtonian fluid (saus tomat, keju jelly). Pseudoplastik menunjukkan kekentalan menurun ketika shear rate meningkat (mayonaise) Dilatan meunjukkan kebalikan yaitu kekentalan meningkat ketika shear rate meningkat (madu) POISEUILLE EQUATION
P1 L R V P2
Q R P1 P2 L
: : : : :
viscosity (Pa. s.) quantity of flow (m3/s) Radius of pipe (m) Pressure drop in two lacation (N/m2) length of pipe (m)
When a fluid is flowing along straight horizontal pipe frictional losses loss of pressure energy OA a direct linier relationship From point A
naturally occur the flow changes & the relationship is non linier
factors affecting the pressure drop (in OA) : vicosity & density of fluid, length & diameter of the pipe
In any fluid flow situation (in pipe, between parallel plates, an air stream passing over a stationary sphere) a boundary layer (lapisan batas) adjacent (dekat) to surface a property of fluid is directly affected by the presence (adanya) of the solid object
This boundary layer concept is very important in cosideration of heat & mass transfer operation STREAMLINE & TURBULENT FLOW
Aliran tenang , at low flow rate Aliran bergolak , at high flow rate dimensionless group anlysis to know the type of flow (streamline or turbulent)
Re =
Re v D
: the Reynold Number (dimensionless number) : : : : the average velocity (m s-1) the pipe diameter (m) the fluid density (kg m-3) the fluid vicosity (kg m-1 s-1)
if : Q = v A
Q =v
for gases & liquids all size of pipes (narrow-bore capillary tube large diameter pipes) uses tranporting gas, oil, water long distances
2100 < Re < 4000 transition region (sould either be streamline or turbulent)
for example (consider two fluids of different vicosities) : Item v D Water 1,0 m s 0,1 m 1000 kg m-3 10-3 kg m-1 s-1 100.000 turbulent 1260 kg m-3 1,47 kg m-1 s-1 85,7 streamline
Re Flow
ND 2
Turbulent & flow patern in stirred tank N D : : : : rotating speed . . . . . (rps / revolutions per second) diameter of agitator . . . . . (m) the fluid density . . . . . (kg m-3) the fluid vicosity . . . . . (kg m-1 s-1)
Re < 10 the flow is streamline Re > 104 the flow is turbulent in pumping apllications, this Reynold Number can be use to determine the energy (power) requirements for particular mixing and blending operations.
THE QONTINUITY EQUATION The volumetric flow rate must equal at 1, 2, 3 and therefore
A1 v1 A2 v2 A3 v3
BERNOULLIS EQUATION Bernoullis principles : total energy at A is equal to total energy at B total energy :
F vA A
vB B B
PRESSURE DROP AS FUNCTION OF SHEAR STRESS AT A PIPE WALL Consider the flow of fluid trough a cylindrical pipa, with :
pD 2 4
p is a pressure drop becouse frictional (or viscous forces). These frictional forces result in a shear stress (RW) over the inside surface of the pipe
Tenaga yang hilang karena gesekan (Hf), macamnya : 1. Gesekan fluida terhadap sisi dalam pipa (saluran lurus) : Hf friksi ini akibat adanya kekasaran di dalam pipa & viskositas, dinyatakan :
L v2 H =f f 2gD
f : L : v :
K v2 k H = fc 2g
vk :
K : g :
v2 v2 b H =K k fe 2g
vk :
vb : K : g :
4. Belokan (Elbow), terjadi pada belokan pipa (umumnya belokan 450 & 900 ) : a. Belokan 450 Lel = 32 DPIPA b. Belokan 900 Lel = 16 DPIPA
v2 el H =f f.el 2gD L
Lel : panjang ekivalen (panjang belokan disetarakan dengan panjang pipa lurus)
Flow meter (pengukur kecepatan aliran) : adalah alat untuk mengukur kecepatan aliran suatu fluida, sehingga dapat diketahui volume fluida yang telah mengalir dalam suatu waktu tertentu, juga dapat digunakan untuk mengukur perbedaan tekanan dalam suatu aliran. Jenis :
PA h
Venturi meter
Orifice meter
PA h
Pelampung logam
Sebuah pompa menekan larutan (density 1,84 gr/cc), dari sebuah tangki melalui pipa 3 inc. ke puncak menara setinggi 50 ft. Efisiensi pompa 60 %, kecepatan menghisap pompa sama dengan kecepatan larutan dalam pipa sebesar 3 ft/det.