Lecture 1

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Computing Skills
Fundamentals II

Introduction to Spreadsheets
Lecture 1
What is a spreadsheet?

• An application software that helps manipulate

and analyze numerical data
• A grid made up of rows and columns
• It can be used to store, sort & manipulate
• … and to perform calculations
• Historically mainly used for handling
financial information e.g. staff salaries

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What is an electronic
• Automated version of a paper based spreadsheet
• It is a tool to help you calculate budgets, do economic
analysis, statistics, planning, engineering calculations,

• Replaces pen, paper and pocket calculator
• Can show diagrams and graphs
• Can input data from other programs
• Can output data to other programs

Some uses of Spreadsheets

• Example uses of an electronic spreadsheet;

• budgets
• inventory management
• financial planning
• cash flow analysis

Spreadsheet Examples

• Spreadsheet programs
• Microsoft Office Excel
• Lotus 1,2,3
• LibreOffice Calc
• ZK Spreadsheet
• Google Sheets

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
• Microsoft Excel is a member of the spreadsheet
family of software.
• Spreadsheet software is used to store information in
columns and rows which can then be organized
and/or processed.
• Auto-update of related numbers when data changes
• When you set up calculations in a worksheet, if an
entry is changed in a cell, the spreadsheet will
automatically update any calculated values that
were based on that entry.
■ .xls or .xlsx are the Excel file extension 6
Workbook verses Worksheet

• A workbook is an Excel file that contains one or

more worksheets
• A worksheet is a single spreadsheet that contains
cells organized by rows and columns
• A worksheet begins with row number one and
column A. Each cell can contain a number, text
or formula.
• By default, Excel workbook will contain 1
• In Excel 2010, the maximum size of a worksheet is
1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns. 6-7
Data Types

• Label - Labels are text entries that describe the

contents of other cells. Labels may be alphanumeric
• Value - Values are numeric information, mostly
• They may be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided,
squared or used in any other mathematical
operation with any other cell that contains value.
• Formula- Formula is an equation that is designed to
manipulate data in cells that contain values.

Example of Excel data types

Exploring the Parts of the Workbook

• Each workbook contains one worksheet by default.

The worksheet displayed in the work area is the
active worksheet.
• Columns appear vertically and are identified by
letters. Rows appear horizontally and are
identified by numbers.
• A cell is the intersection of a row and a column.
Each cell is identified by a unique cell reference.
• Block/Range - a rectangular group of one or more
cells (identified by block coordinates (e.g. A1:G4)

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Exploring the Parts of the
Workbook cont….
Excel spreadsheets organize information (text and
numbers) by rows and columns:
This is a row.
Rows are represented
by numbers along the
side of the sheet.

This is a column.
Columns are
represented by letters
across the top of the
Exploring the Parts of the
Workbook Cont….

A cell is the
intersection between a
column and a row.

Each cell is named for

the column letter and
row number that
intersect to make it.

Exploring the Parts of the
Workbook Cont..
• The cell in the worksheet in which you can type
data is called the active cell.
• The Name Box, or cell reference area, displays
the cell reference of the active cell.
• The Formula Bar displays a formula when a
worksheet cell contains a calculated value.
• A formula is an equation that calculates a new
value from values currently in a worksheet.

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Excel Window
• Excel program window

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Excel Spreadsheet Window

• Descriptions of Components

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Navigation Keystrokes

Data Entry

1. Type directly into the cell.

Click on a cell, and type in the data
(numbers or text) and press Enter.

2. Type into the formula bar.

Click on a cell, and then click in
the formula bar (the space next to
the ). Now type the data into
the bar and press Enter.
Selecting a Group of Cells

• A group of selected cells is called a range. The

range is identified by its range reference, for
example, A3:C5.
• In an adjacent range, all cells touch each other
and form a rectangle.
• To select an adjacent range, click the cell in a
corner of the range, drag the pointer to the cell
in the opposite corner of the range, and
release the mouse button.
Selecting a Group of Cells Cont..

• A nonadjacent range includes two or more

adjacent ranges and selected cells.
• To select a nonadjacent range, select the
first adjacent range or cell, press the Ctrl
key as you select the other cells or ranges
you want to include, and then release the
Ctrl key and the mouse button.

Adjacent and Non-adjacent Ranges

Starting Excel

• You start Excel from the Start menu in Windows.

Click the Start button, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Office, and then click Microsoft Excel
• The Excel program window has the same basic
parts as all Office programs: the title bar, the
Quick Access Toolbar, the Ribbon, Backstage view,
and the status bar.

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Entering Data in a Cell

• Worksheet cells can contain text, numbers, or

• Text is any combination of letters and
numbers and symbols.
• Numbers are values, dates, or times.
• Formulas are equations that calculate a
• You enter data in the active cell.

Saving a Workbook

• The Save command saves an existing workbook,

using its current name and save location.
• The Save As command lets you save a workbook
with a new name or to a new location.

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Print a workbook

• To Print a worksheet, you can use:

• A menu
• The Print button on the standard toolbar
• The Ctrl-P keystroke to initiate a printout of the
• Excel uses the same basic methods for printing as
other Windows and Microsoft Office applications.

Previewing and Printing a Worksheet

• You can print a worksheet by clicking the File tab

on the Ribbon, and then clicking Print in the
navigation bar to display the Print tab.
• The Print tab enables you to choose print
• The Print tab also allows you to preview your
pages before printing.

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The Print Dialog Box

Closing a Workbook and Exiting
• You can close a workbook by clicking the File tab
on the Ribbon, and then clicking Close in the
navigation bar. Excel remains open.
• To exit the workbook, click the Exit command in
the navigation bar.

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Formulas and Functions

• Formulas are equations that perform calculations in

your spreadsheet.
• Formulas always begin with an equals sign (=).
When you enter an equals sign into a cell, you are
basically telling Excel to “calculate this.”
• Functions are Excel-defined formulas. They take
data you select and enter, perform calculations on
them, and return value(s).

Built-in functions

• Functions are pre-written formulas

• Functions must start with an equal sign
• Functions takes value(s), perform an operation,
and returns a value(s)
• Values you use with a function are arguments
• AVERAGE is the function
• D3:D7 is the argument

Categories of Functions in Excel

• Spreadsheets generally have a large number of

integrated functions for processing data. There are
hundreds, categorised as follows:
• Arithmetic functions that offer basic tools to process
numerical data
• Statistical functions that have analysis tools, averaging
• Date functions that process and convert dates
• Logic functions that process logic data (AND, OR, etc)
• Financial functions that process monetary data
More on Functions

• All functions have a common format – the equals sign

followed by the function name followed by the input in
• The input for a function can be either:
• A set of numbers (e.g., “=AVERAGE(2, 3, 4, 5)”)
• This tells Excel to calculate the average of these numbers.
• A reference to cell(s) (e.g., “=AVERAGE(B1:B18) or “=AVERAGE
(B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8)”
• This tells Excel to calculate the average of the data that appear
in all the cells from B1 to B8.
• You can either type these cell references in by hand or by
clicking and dragging with your mouse to select the cells.
Entering Formulas

• Formulas are mathematical equations

• perform calculations
• always start with an equal sign (=)

• Formula shows in
formula bar

• Note color references
in formula

Using Functions

• Advantages of predefined functions

• save time
• more accurate
• Using AutoSum
• Click cell at
bottom of
• Click AutoSum
• Excel assumes
it should total
the column
• SUM function

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Using Functions
• AutoSum can also be used to sum up a row of


• ^ - exponents
• + - addition
• * - multiplication
• / - division
• - - subtraction
• = - function
Order of Precedence Rules

• First exponents
• Then any multiplication and division in the
order they occur
• Then any addition and subtraction in the
order they occur


• Operations within parentheses are performed before

those outside.
• Within the parentheses the basic rules are followed.
• Multiple sets of parentheses, the innermost are
executed first followed by the next set.

Order of Precedence Rules

• A spreadsheet package is a software application designed to
support mathematical calculations on organized numerical
• Cells can contain words (labels), numbers or formulas. Worksheets
are organized in columns and rows.
• Columns are generally identified by letters and rows by numbers.
A cell name refers to one single cell (for example, AB).
• Several cells in sequence are called a range.
• There are three basic types of data - labels, values and formulas.
Labels are text entries that describe the numerical content of
other cells, values are numbers that are available for manipulation
and formulas are the means of mathematically manipulating the
values in cells.

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