Application Us 101 BNS

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(Restoration of unlawfully detained woman and child)

In The Court of Executive Magistrate/S.D.M. Kaithal.
Dyanad S/o Bhaga Ram, R/o Kwartan Teh. Siwan, Distt.
(1)Gulshan S/o Radhe Shyam (2) Mamta w/o gulshan and
R/o Mugal Saraya, Railway colony near Railway Station
Distt,Chandauli(U.P), 7023623531,(3)
Rahu (Uncle of my wife)R/o Sakaldiha Bazar, Distt.
Chandauli (Uttar Pardessh)Ph.No. 8528734457

Most respectfully showeth:-

1. That the complainant is the resident of above said
2. That the petitioner has performed the marriage with
Anita D/o Parbhu according to the Hindu rites and
ceremonies at Sakaldiha Chandauli, Utter-Pradesh
about 7 years ago. That the parents of my wife had
died before the marriage and marriage was performed
by the uncle of my wife. A male child is born from
the wedlock aged 5 years.
3. That in May 2024 my sister-in-law and her husband
came at my house in village Kwartan. My wife and
son went to the parental home, Sakaldiha Chandauli,
Utter-Pradesh, along with them with her own
sweetwill but she did not came back at home.
4. That on dated 20/07/2024, I went to pick up my wife
from the above said address, my sister-in-
law(sali), her husband uncle(Rahu) threatened me
that if you came here again, we will kill you.
That my wife Anita and son aged 5 years are in the
unlawful detention of the above said accused. That
my wife was ready to come with me but she was also
threaten by above said person.

5. That I have suspected on my sister-in Law (sali),

her Husband Gulshan (7518223150) R/o Mugal Sarai
near railway junction, Distt Chandauli (Uttar
Pradesh) and uncle of my wife namely Rahu ph. No.
(8528734457) regarding the unlawful detention. They
are threatening me to kill on telephonic call. That
my wife and son be released from the above said
accused who are in detained unlawfully.
That complainant; therefore prays that an
order be passed u/s 101 BNSS for the immediate
restoration of my wife and minor child from the
abovesaid accused in the interest of justice.
Date: Dyanad S/o Bhaga Ram,
R/o Kwartan Teh. Siwan,
Distt. Kaithal.

Through Counsel
(Restoration of unlawfully detained woman and a minor
male child)
In The Court of Executive Magistrate/S.D.M., Kaithal

Dayanad S/o Bhaga Ram, R/o Kwartan Teh. Siwan, Distt.


Gulshan S/o Radhe Shyam,Mamta w/o gulshan andRahu(Uncle
of my wife) R/o Mugal Saraya, Railway colony near
Railway Station Distt, Chandauli (U.P)Ph.

Most respectfully showeth:-

1. That the complainant is the resident of above said
2. That the petitioner has performed the marriage with
Anita D/o Parbhu according to the Hindu rites and
ceremonies at Sakaldiha Chandeli, Utter-Pradesh.
That the parents of my wife had died before the
marriage and marriage was performed by the uncle of
my wife. A male child is born from the wedlock aged
5 years.
3. That in May 2024 my sister-in-law and her husband
came at my house in village Kwartan to visit us and
took my wife and son along with them, at their
parental home, Sakaldiha Chandeli, Utter-Pradesh.My
wife and son went along with them with her own
sweetwill but she did not came back at home.
4. That on dated 20/07/2024, I went to pick up my wife
from the above said address, my sister-in-
law(sali), her husband uncle(Rahu) threatened me
that if you came here again, we will kill you.
That my wife Anita and son aged 5 years are in the
unlawful detention of the above said accused.

5. That my sister-in Law (sali), her Husband Gulshan

(7518223150) R/o Mugal Sarai near railway junction,
Distt Chandauli (Uttar Pradesh) and uncle of my
wife have unlawfully detained my wife and son
namely Rahu. They are threatening to kill me on
telephonic call. That my wife and son be directed
to release from the unlawfull detention of above
said accused.
6. That the complainant, therefore prays that an order
be passed u/s 101 BNSS for the immediate
restoration of my wife and minor child from the
abovesaid accused in the interest of justice.

Date: Complaint
Through Counsel

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