DS Aldon LMi
DS Aldon LMi
DS Aldon LMi
Rocket Aldon
Lifecycle Manager (IBM i Edition)
¢ Streamline the entire Rocket Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and DevOps
development process,
solutions simplify and automate every aspect of the software
boosting productivity and
efficiency development and delivery process. From gathering, routing, and
¢ Simplify the preparation prioritizing change requests to the deployment and promotion of
process for documenting
application releases and updates, Rocket® Aldon Lifecycle Manager
for (IBM i Edition) helps reduce errors and improve productivity,
¢ Reduce the complexity of
the deployment process facilitates collaboration, and simplifies audit compliance with
¢ Ensure that your DevOps regulatory and best-practice standards. With Rocket Aldon
workflow processes are Lifecycle Manager for the IBM i platform (LMi), your change
management and deployment processes become predictable,
¢ Increase software quality
scalable, and repeatable.
Streamline your entire development process,
boosting productivity and efficiency
Rocket Aldon LMi streamlines your entire development workflow and establishes repeatable, automated change management
and compliance processes. It helps you improve productivity and efficiency by automating and managing everything that
happens in the software development lifecycle from the time a change request is received until the time the solution is
delivered into production.
Build verification test
Public & Private Cloud
Clouds Deployments
With Aldon LMi, IT teams can quickly
and consistently adhere to internal audit
Enterprise App Store / Enterprise
and regulatory compliance standards in Constant
VPP/ Public App Store /
Company Web
parallel with the software development Server
boxes, knowing we were already in Aldon Deployment Manager (licensed separately; see page 4 for
accordance. I think that says it all. description) at each stage of the lifecycle to gather, package,
distribute, and install application components. The management
Glen Thompson console lets users carefully track and govern distributed packages.
Senior Manager
Big 5 Sporting Goods
The “Work with Objects by Release”
panel displays a list of objects
associated with an application release,
in a format familiar to developers. The
list shows all objects from all libraries
included in the application, eliminating
the need to go to each library and
source file individually. Comprehensive
status information is shown for each
object on a single line.
Tech Specs
IBM i Operating System MODULES
Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager (IBM i Rocket Aldon Community
¢ IBM i V5R4, 6.1, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 ¢
¢ Installation of Option 30, QShell Edition) belongs to our Rocket family of Manager
Interpreter ALM and DevOps solutions. In addition Unify your service desk with change
to helping protect and extend your IBM i management and requirements
investment, the Rocket family also management using this IT workflow
includes solutions for other common automation solution.
enterprise platforms, including: ¢ Rocket Aldon Deployment
¢ Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager
(Enterprise Edition) Automatically package and
Bring enterprise Application distribute application components
Lifecycle Management and DevOps or content files to designated
automation to multiplatform
development environments, ¢ Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager
including Windows, Linux, and Web Portal
Provide the convenience of anytime,
anywhere access from mobile
¢ Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager
Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager (IBM i Edition) belongs to a family of Rocket solutions that
maximize IBM i investments. In addition to helping IT departments monitor and report on storage
environments, Rocket IBM i solutions include:
• Rocket® Servergraph Professional for IBM i, which gives you storage and data protection rocketsoftware.com
insights across your IBM i environment info@rocketsoftware.com
• Rocket® API, which connects and integrates enterprise applications with web and mobile US: 1 877 577 4323
platforms EMEA: 0800-520-0439
• Rocket® Discover, which brings IBM i data to life with self-service BI dashboards. APAC: 1800 823 405
• Rocket® LegaSuite, a modernization solution for green-screen applications that reduces
the time, expense, and risk associated with recoding or replacing www.linkedin.com/
• Rocket iCluster, which significantly reduces the amount of time a business is able to
resume normal operations following an unexpected IBM i business system interruption RocketSoftwareInc
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