Skills Pedagogy (Strategy/Activity) : Content Standard

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DAY Monday (Lesson 89) YEAR 1

SUBJECT English Language MODULE Writing

THEME World of knowledge DATE 7th October 2024

TOPIC Unit 3: Pet show TIME 11:45-12:45


Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher recap on the previous lesson where

pupils learn to express likes and dislikes.
Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information Lesson delivery:
intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and
digital media 1. Teacher pastes a picture of an animal or write the
name of an animal on the board. Teacher asks pupils
like or don’t like the animal.
Complementary: 4.3 Communicate with 2. Teacher writes pupils’ answer on the board as an
appropriate language form and style for a range example.
of purposes in print and digital media
3. Pupils refer to textbook page 14 Year 1
Learning Standard: Supplementary Worksheets Module.

Main: 4.2.5 Connect words and proper names 4. Pupils are briefed about the use of emojis to show likes
using 'and' and dislikes.

5. Pupils refer to example given and complete the

worksheet (M). Pupils are guided to complete based on
Complementary: 4.3.3 Plan, and write words
each number.
and phrases
Post-lesson: Pupils share their answers with the teacher.


Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be flashcards Year 1 Supplementary Worksheets
able to connect words based on emojis in at Module
least 5 sentences correctly.

Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils

will be able to use capital letter and full stops in
at least 4 sentences correctly.


1. ……………….. pupils were able to complete the task.

DAY Wednesday (Lesson 90) YEAR 1

SUBJECT English Language MODULE Language Art

THEME World of knowledge DATE 9/10/24

TOPIC Unit 3: Pet show TIME


Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are asked about the sounds that
animals make. Pupils can share by sounding like the
Main: 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems animals.
and songs Lesson delivery:

1. Pupils listen to the ‘I have a Pet’ song.

Complementary: 5.1 Enjoy and appreciate 2. Pupils are guided to sing the song correctly with
rhymes, poems and songs sounds.

3. Pupils practise singing the song with their friends.

Learning Standard:
4. Pupils sing the song again.
Main: 5.1.1 Demonstrate appreciation through
non-verbal responses to: i) simple chants and 5. Teacher writes a stanza of the song on the board and
raps ii) simple rhymes iii) simple action songs guides pupils to fill in the blanks with animals of their

6. Pupils try to copy the stanza into their exercise books

Complementary: 5.1.2 Say the words in simple
and fill in the blanks with an animal of their choice.
texts and sing simple songs with intelligible
pronunciation, ryhtm and intonation. i) simple 7. Pupils practise to sing the stanza.
chants and raps ii) simple rhymes iii) simple
action songs Post-lesson: Pupils sing the stanza.


Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Teacher's sample video Choose an
able to move like at least 2 animals in the simple item. Choose an item.
song correctly.
Creating Performing
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils
will be able to sing at least 1 stanza of the song b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD: Pupil-
correctly. ASSESSMENT: Task centred


1. …………..pupils were able to complete the task.

DAY Thursday (Lesson 91) YEAR 1

SUBJECT English Language MODULE Listening

THEME World of knowledge DATE 10/10/24

TOPIC Unit 3: Pet show TIME 12:15-1:15 p.m


Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are given a Listening task sheet.

Lesson delivery:
Main: 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of
familiar contexts 1. Pupils look through Pictures A and B in the task sheet.
Pupils are introduced to or recap on a few vocabularies
related to the pictures in the task sheet such as
Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a hopscotch, giraffe, monkey, clouds, kangaroos and
variety of familiar contexts mountains.

2. Pupils are asked a few questions based on the task

Learning Standard:
sheet given.
Main: 1.2.5 Understand short supported
3. Teacher gives a few instructions for pupils to
complete. For example: Colour the giraffe in Picture A
orange. Colour the mountains in Picture B green.
4. Teacher gives other sets of instructions to draw
Complementary: 1.2.2 Understand with support objects in schools in the pictures using previously
specific information and details of very simple learned prepositions.
phrases and sentences (For listening task instructions, the teacher can refer to
samples given in the listening task sheet template.

Post-lesson: Pupils display their task sheets for everyone

to see.


Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be task sheet Choose an item. template
able to listen and answer at least 3 questions
based on the pictures correctly.

Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils

will be able to complete at least 5 of teacher’s
instructions based on the pictures correctly.


1. ……………… pupils were able to complete the task.

DAY Sunday (Lesson 92) YEAR 1

SUBJECT English Language MODULE Speaking

THEME World of knowledge DATE 13/10/24

TOPIC Unit 3: Pet show TIME 10:15-11:45 a.m


Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils are introduced to different types of

graphic organisers. Teacher uses different animals to
Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information introduce them.
Lesson delivery:

1. Pupils are introduced to animals in farms, ocean and

Complementary: 1.2 Understand meaning in a safari.
variety of familiar contexts 2. Teacher draws three graphic organisers with their
habitat in the middle. Pupils share one example for
Learning Standard:
each graphic organizer.
Main: 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using
3. Pupils draw the three graphic organisers in their
suitable words from word sets
exercises books and complete the organisers with at
least 4 examples for each habitat. Pupils can discuss
with their friends.
Complementary: 1.2.4 Understand short basic
supported classroom instructions 4. Teacher demonstrates how to talk about the graphic
organisers. Pupils are called at random to present their
graphic organisers.

Post-lesson: Pupils identify the animals that they do not

know and ask their friends.


Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be textbook

able to name at least 2 animals based on their
habitats correctly.

Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils

will be able to listen and discuss their answers
with their friends appropriately.


1. ………………….pupils were able to complete the task.

DAY Choose an item. (Lesson 93) YEAR 1

SUBJECT English Language MODULE Reading

THEME World of knowledge DATE Click or tap to enter a date.

TOPIC Unit 3: Pet show TIME


Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Pupils recap simple plural nouns by

categorizing a few words on the board.
Main: 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-
linear texts by using knowledge of sounds of Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are given two task sheets. Pupils refer to
‘Singular or Plural’ worksheet sheet.

Complementary: 4.3 Communicate with 2. Pupils look at the picture and circle the correct
appropriate language form and style for a range answer. An example is shown to pupils.
of purposes in print and digital media
3. Pupils complete the worksheet (M). Pupils are guided
Learning Standard: to look at the pictures and circle the correct answers (L).

Main: 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC) 4. Pupils refer to ‘Make it Plural or Remain’ worksheet.
Pupils must add ‘s’ at the end of every word based on
the picture.

Complementary: 4.3.2 Spell familiar high Post-lesson: Teacher checks the answers with the pupils.
frequency words accurately


Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be worksheet Choose an item. Choose an
able to read and circle at least 6 boxes item. Choose an item.
Applying Pair/Group discussion
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils
will be able to spell at least 6 plural nouns b) CLASSROOM-BASED d) 21ST CL METHOD:
correctly. ASSESSMENT: Written work Learning skills/process


1. All the pupils were able to complete the task.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

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