Math 7 Q2 Week 10

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MATATAG School Al Majd International School-PC Grade Level Grade 7

K to 10 Curriculum Teacher Maria Teresa Q. Ondoy Learning Area Mathematics

Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time October 6 – 10, 2024 Quarter Second

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

A. Content The learners should have knowledge and understanding of square roots of perfect squares, cube roots of perfect cubes,
Standards and irrational numbers.
B. Performance By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to determine square roots of perfect squares and cube roots
Standards of perfect cubes, and identify irrational numbers. (NA – Number & Algebra)
C. Learning 1) The learners determine the square roots of perfect squares and the cube roots of perfect cubes.
Competencies 2) The learners identify irrational numbers involving square roots and cube roots, and their locations on the number line.
D. Learning At the end of the lesson, At the end of theAt the end of the At the end of the
Objectives the students will be able lesson, the studentslesson, the studentslesson, the students will
to: will be able to: will be able to: be able to determine
1) define perfect 1) define square 1) define irrational the location of irrational
square and root and cube numbers; and numbers involving
perfect cube; root; 2) identify irrational square roots and cube
and 2) determine the numbers roots by plotting them
2) identify perfect square root involving on a number line.
square and and cube root; square roots
perfect cube. and and cube roots.
3) determine the
cube roots of
perfect cubes.
E. Values Integration The learners will be able to apply the concepts of square and cube roots in solving real-life problems.

II. CONTENT Perfect Square and Square Root and Irrational Numbers (involving square Assessment
Perfect Cube Cube Root root and cube root) (Performance Task
A. References  Next Century Mathematics (pp. 66 – 71)
 Department of Education. (2020). Alternative Delivery Mode. Quarter 1-Module 8: Estimating Square
Roots of Whole Numbers and Plotting Irrational Numbers
 Sipnayan. (2020, October 10). How to Plot Irrational Numbers on the Number Line Part 1 [with
English subtitles] [Video]. YouTube.
1) Activating Prior Short Review: Short Review Short Review Short Review
Knowledge Compute the area and Ask the students Group Activity: Place
volume of each square. the following each number in its Let the students give
questions. appropriate column: their own examples of
1) How can you rational and irritational
find the length numbers.
of the sides of
a square if its (This will be done
area is given? through a game “Pass
2) How can you the Ball”)
find the length
of the sides of
a cube if its
volume is
B. Establishing a purpose 1) Can you form a Place each number in Place the following Introduce the number line
square with the its appropriate column: numbers in the to the students and show
given unit appropriate columns: the placements of each
squares? number in the number

Question for Question for

2) Can you form a discussion: discussion:
cube with the 1) How did you 1) Observe the
given unit cubes? decide which numbers in the first
column the given column. What do
number should be you observe about
placed in? the rational
C. Lesson Presentation Unlocking Content A perfect cube is a If the radicand of a In plotting an irrational
Area Vocabulary number that is square root is not a number involving
•The number of square obtained by multiplying perfect square, then it is square root or cube root
units that can form a the same integer three considered an irrational on a number line,
square is called a times. For example, number. Likewise, if the estimate first the square
perfect square. multiplying the number radicand of a cube root root or cube root of the
•The number of cube 2 three times results in is not a perfect cube, given irrational number
units that can form a 8. Therefore, 8 is a then it is an irrational and to which two
cube is called a perfect perfect cube. number. These consecutive integers it

cubed, we write 𝑛3 and written as a fraction

cube. When a number is numbers cannot be lies in between.
•The square root of the
area of the square read it “n cubed”. The because the decimal To locate and plot √3 on

cube of n. That is, if 𝑛3 terminating) and does identify two perfect

(perfect square) is the result is called the does not end (or non- the number line, we

= 𝑚, then m is a cube not repeat a pattern (or squares nearest to the

length of the side of the
•The cube root of the of n and m is a perfect non-repeating). radicand 3. These are 1
volume of a cube cube. and 4. So, √3 is
(perfect cube) is the between 1 and 2 (the
length of each side of Example: Complete square roots of 1 and 4,
the cube. the following table to respectively). Since, 3 is
show the cubes of the closer to 4 than to 1, √3
When a number n is following integers. is closer to 2.
multiplied by itself, such
as when we compute the

write 𝑛2 and read it “n

area of a square, we Example: Is the number
The numbers in the −12 rational or
squared”. The result is second row are called irrational? Locate and plot the

That is, if 𝑛2 = 𝑚, then m When a number is

called the square of n. perfect cube numbers. following square roots
Answer: and cube roots on a
is a square of n and m is cubed, it means that it Rational, because it can number line:
a perfect square. is multiplied three be written as −12/1, a
times. Cube root is quotient of two integers.
Example: Complete the reversing the process
following table to show of cubing a number. Example: Is the number
the squares of the whole number 5 is cubed, √3/4 rational or
numbers. irrational?

The numbers in the Irrational, because we
second row are called cannot simplify √3
perfect square numbers. which means that we
cannot express this
number as a quotient of
two integers.
D. Generalization Learner’s Takeaways
A. Define and give an example for each term:

B. Answer the following questions:

1. How do you compute the square root of a perfect square?
2. How do you compute the cube root of a perfect cube?
3. How do you plot irrational numbers involving square root and cube root?
E. Evaluation Complete the table Complete the table Plot the points on a
below. below. number line.


A. No. of learners who
earned above 80% in the

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