Research in Accounting and Finance Course Outline
Research in Accounting and Finance Course Outline
Research in Accounting and Finance Course Outline
Name of College/Faculty:
Course Objectives After successfully completing this course, the students should be able to:
& Competences to Apply business research methods in doing research
be Acquired • have foundation knowledge for scientific reasoning and solutions for business
• Implement the research process in doing research,
• prepare research proposal for a project
• explain the various tools and techniques of research
• apply various methodologies of social research to solve Business problems
• define The sources of data and data collection techniques
Course This course deals with the role of research; the method of scientific inquiry;
Description experimentation, fact finding, design of data collection methods, and analysis of
collected data and interpretation of results, and formulation of business related research
projects by students.
WEEKS Course Contents Reading
1WEEK 1. Concepts of Scientific Research
{1ST} 1.1. The Concept of Research
1.1.1. Defining research
1.1.2. Factors stimulating research
1.1.3. Purpose of Studying Research methods
1.1.4. Importance of research
1.1.5. Motivation for research
1.1.6. Managerial value of research
1.1.7. Characteristics of good research
1.2. Types of Research
1.2.1. Basic research
1.2.2. Applied research
1.2.3. Quantitative research
1.2.4. Qualitative research
1.2.5. Exploratory research
1.2.6. Descriptive research
1.2.7. Causal research
1.3. The systematic process of Research
1.3.1. Determining /recognizing a research problem
1.3.2. Formulating a hypothesis/ research question
1.3.3. Designing the study
1.3.4. Developing instrument for collecting data
1.3.5. Collecting data
1.3.6. Analyzing the data
1.3.7. Determining the implications & findings
1.3.8. Making recommendations
Teaching & The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing, discussions, problem
Learning solving, and analysis. Take-home assignment will be given at the end of each
Methods/strategy chapter for submission within a week. Solution to the assignments will be given
once assignments are collected. Cases with local relevance will also be given for
each chapter for group of students to present in a class room. The full and active
participation of students is highly encouraged.
Assessment/Eval The evaluation scheme will be as follows:
uation Test Assignm Assignm Research Fina Total
ent ent proposal l
15 10% 10% 15% 50% 100%
Work load in
hours Hours Required
SelfStudi al ECTS
Lectu La Assessm Tutori es Assign Advis
res b ents als ment ing
48 - 10 12 55 - - 135 5
Roles of the He will come to the class regularly on time and deliver the lecture in a wellorganized
Instructor manner. Besides, at the end of each class he gives reading assignment for the next
class. He/she will make sure that proper assessments is given. He is also responsible
to give feedback for each assessment.
Roles of the The success of this course depends on the students‟ individual and collective
students contribution to the class discussions. Students are expected to participate voluntarily,
or will be called upon, to contribute to set exercises and problems. Students are also
expected to read the assigned readings and prepare the cases before each class so that
they could contribute effectively to class discussions. Students must attempt
assignments by their own. Proficiency in this course comes from individual
knowledge and understanding. Copying the works of others is considered as serious
offence and leads to disciplinary actions.
Text and reference Reference Books
books • Zikmund William G: Business Research Methods, 7th Edition, 2003.
• C. William Emory, Donald R. Cooper. Business Research