Lab Manual - 241009 - 113024
Lab Manual - 241009 - 113024
Lab Manual - 241009 - 113024
Power System II
Place: __________
Date: __________
Main motto of any laboratory/practical/field work is for enhancing required skills as well as
creating ability amongst students to solve real time problems by developing relevant
competencies in the psychomotor domain. By keeping in view, GTU has designed competency
focused outcome-based curriculum for engineering degree programs where sufficient weightage
is given to practical work. It shows the importance of enhancement of skills amongst the students,
and it pays attention to utilize every second of time allotted for practical amongst students,
instructors and faculty members to achieve relevant outcomes by performing the experiments
rather than having merely study type experiments. It is essential for effective implementation of
competency focused outcome-based curriculum that every practical is keenly designed to serve
as a tool to develop and enhance relevant competency required by the various industries among
every student. These psychomotor skills are very difficult to develop through traditional chalk
and board content delivery methods in the classroom. Accordingly, this lab manual is designed
to focus on the industry-defined relevant outcomes, rather than old practice of conducting
practical to prove concepts and theory.
By using this lab manual students can go through the relevant theory and procedure in advance
before the actual performance which creates an interest and students can have basic ideas prior to
performance. This in turn enhances predetermined outcomes amongst students. Each experiment
in this manual begins with competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes as well as
practical outcomes (objectives). The students will also achieve safety and necessary precautions
to be taken while performing practical.
This manual also provides guidelines to faculty members to facilitate student centric lab activities
through each experiment by arranging and managing necessary resources in order that the
students follow the procedures with required safety and necessary precautions to achieve the
outcomes. It also gives an idea that how students will be assessed by providing rubrics.
Power System II is the Professional Core Course which is aimed to provide exposure about the
modeling of power systems components and transmission line, its analysis and performance
including the fault analysis of power systems, brief introduction to corona and transients in power
Utmost care has been taken while preparing this lab manual. However there are always chances
of improvement. We welcome constructive suggestions for improvement and removal of errors
Power System II (3150911)
Objective(s) of Experiment
The following industry relevant competencies are expected to be developed in the student by
undertaking the practical work of this laboratory.
1. To be able to mathematically model and analyze given power system and its
2. To be able to analyze, estimate fault current and thereby select appropriate rating of
the circuit breaker.
Rubrics chart
(a guideline to use rubrics table given at the end of each experiment)
Analytical scale (1 to 5) for rating the performance of student
Sr Performance
no criteria/
. assessment POOR (1) AVERAGE (2) GOOD (3) VERY GOOD (4) EXCELLENT
A The student The student is The student is able to The student is able to The student is able to
MATLAB/SciLa is not able to either able to prepares a computer prepare an interactive prepare a generic
b write any prepare an program/simulation computer user interactive
Use of software tools
Output of the The student The student is The student is able The student is able to The student is able to
program in the is not able to able to verify the to verify the verify the correctness verify the correctness
form of verify correctness of correctness of of results/graphs, is of the results/graphs,
computed results correctness results/graphs for results/graphs and is able to make valid draw valid
Analysis of results
and/or graphs of the the given able to make valid conclusions, for the conclusions, and is
must be verified results/graph problem but conclusions from given problem also able to explain
for correctness in s. unable to derive them for the given without any the effect of change
different some valid problem following a hints/suggestions. in input parameters
scenarios. A conclusions from few on the results for the
valid conclusion the results. hints/suggestions. given problem as
must be derived well as for any
from the similar problem.
Completed The student The student is The student is able to The student is able to The student is able to
laboratory is not able to able to prepare prepare and submit prepare and submit prepare and submit
manual along prepare and submit the the lab manual and the lab manual and the lab manual and
with solved laboratory laboratory assignments within assignments within assignments within
assignments must manual manual along prescribed time limit prescribed time limit prescribed time limit
be submitted along with with solved without significant without errors and without any erros and
before due date. solved assignments but errors/corrections but has good quality has very good quality
assignments has significant has average quality presentation/formatti presentation/formatti
within errors/corrections of ng. ng.
prescribed or poor/average presentation/formatti
time limit. quality of ng.
presentation or
there is late
submission of
without errors.
Power System II (3150911)
(Progressive Assessment Sheet)
Sr. Objective(s) of Experiment Page Date of Date of Assessment Sign. of Remark
No. No. performanc submissio Marks (Max Teacher s
e n 20/experiment with
) date
A Scilab Program Obtain Voltage
1. Regulation And Efficiency Of A Short
Transmission Line.
A Scilab Program To Evaluate
2. Performance Of Short Transmission Line
Using Graphical Method.
Finding Voltage Regulation And
Efficiency Of A Medium Transmission
Line Using Nominal T Method Through
Finding Voltage Regulation And
Efficiency Of A Medium Transmission
Line Using Nominal Pi Method Through
Finding Voltage Regulation And
Efficiency Of A Medium Transmission
Line Using End Condenser Method
Through Scilab.
A Scilab Program To Evaluate
6. Performance Of Medium Transmission
Line Using Graphical Method.
Finding voltage regulation and efficiency
7. of a long transmission line using Rigorous
solution method through SCILAB
A Scilab Program To Evaluate
8. Performance Of Long Transmission Line
Using Graphical Method.
A Scilab Program To Find Permissible
Frequency And Length For Limiting
Ferranti Effect In Long Transmission
A Scilab Program For Computing The
10. Abcd Parameters Of Short, Medium And
Long Transmission Lines.
A Scilab Program For Conversion Of
11. Unsymmetrical Ac Phasors Into
Symmetrical Components.
A Scilab Program For Conversion Of
Symmetrical Components Into Ac Phasors
Modification Of Zbus Matrix For Short
Circuit Study Using Scilab Programming.
Symmetrical Fault Analysis Using Scilab
Progressive Assessment: PA (I) component: (Total/20)
(Max marks 20)
Power System II (3150911)
Experiment 0
Vision of DTE
1. To be a student centric institute imbibing experiential, innovative and lifelong learning skills,
addressing societal problems.
2. To create a conducive ecosystem for Research, innovation & extension services.
3. To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude and values amongst Learners.
4. To Collaborate with Industries and other institutions to strengthen symbiotic relations.
5. To mentor aspiring Institutions to unleash their potential, towards nation building.
Core Values
Our core values are quality, equality, morality, environmental sustainability, energy saving and strong
commitment to the cause of technical education and services. We believe and put efforts towards:
● To provide an effective Teaching -Learning environment to acquire skills and knowledge in the
field of Electrical Engineering.
● Strengthen industry institute interaction to enable the students to work on innovative and real time
● To foster a culture of entrepreneurship amongst the students.
● To instill values in students for lifelong learning and service to the society.
Power System II (3150911)
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,
and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information
to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports
and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Power System II (3150911)
1. Design, model, analyze and provide appropriate solutions to the industry based problems.
2. Demonstrate entrepreneurial skills and lifelong learning during the career.
3. Adapt themselves with the new technological challenges.
4. Exhibit professional leadership skills imbibing ethical practices.
5. Contribute idea with effective communication and work in a team to develop projects and
CO1: Prepare the model of transmission line, generator, and transformer of power system for
single line diagram representation and per unit quantity calculation.
1. Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using computer program and
2. Calculate fault current and voltages for three phase symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults on
power systems using computer program and computer simulation.
3. Calculate important Design parameters of transmission line design and calculate ratings of
circuit breakers for transmission system
Power System II (3150911)
Experiment #1
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of complex power mathematical modeling
and basic Scilab/MATLAB programming skills
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate and obtain voltage regulation and efficiency of a short
Transmission line.
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Objectives: (a) To be able to obtain voltage regulation and efficiency of a short transmission
(b) To evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation above models.
(c) To write a computer program for voltage regulation and efficiency of short
Code :
clear all;
VRLL =220;
VR = VRLL / sqrt (3);
Z = (0.15+ %i *2* %pi *60*0.0001363) *40;
SR =304.8+ %i *228.6;
IR = conj ( SR ) /(3* conj ( VR ) );
IS = IR ;
VS = VR + Z * IR ;
VSLL = sqrt (3) * abs ( VS );
SS = 3* VS * conj ( IS );
REG = ( VSLL - VRLL ) / VRLL *100;
Eff = real ( SR ) / real ( SS ) *100;
mprintf('Sendingend line voltage = %f kV\n',VSLL);
mprintf('Sending Apprent power = %f MVA\n',SS);
mprintf('Regulation = %f %%\n',REG);
mprintf('Efficiency = %f %%\n',Eff);
SR =304.8 - %i *228.6;
IR = conj ( SR ) /(3* conj ( VR ) ) ;
Power System II (3150911)
IS = IR;
VS = VR + Z * IR;
VSLL = sqrt (3) * abs ( VS );
SS = 3* VS * conj ( IS );
REG = ( VSLL - VRLL ) / VRLL *100;
Eff = real ( SR ) / real ( SS ) *100;
mprintf('Sendingend line voltage = %f kV\n',VSLL);
mprintf('Sending Apprent power = %f MVA\n',SS);
mprintf('Regulation =%f %%\n',REG);
mprintf('Efficiency = %f %%\n',Eff);
Sendingend line voltage = 230.473316 kV
Sending Apprent power = 322.795165 MVA
Regulation = 4.760598 %
Efficiency = 94.425206 %
Sendingend line voltage = 226.359300 kV
Sending Apprent power = 322.795165 MVA
Regulation =2.890591 %
Efficiency = 94.425206 %
1. What are the components of complex power in AC circuits and how do they relate to real
power and reactive power?
2. Express complex impedance in AC circuits as a function of frequency, resistance, and
3. How is complex power used to determine the sizing of electrical equipment?
4. How can instantaneous power be used to analyze the performance of different loads in AC
Experiment #2
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of mathematical modeling of short, medium,
long transmission line, and basic Scilab/MATLAB
programming skills
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate performance of short transmission line using graphical method.
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Objectives: (a) To be able to evaluate performance of short transmission line using graphical
(b) To evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation above models.
(c) To write a computer program for performance of short transmission line using
graphical method.
Code :
clear all;
Vr = 220e3;
R = 33.5;
X = 138;
Z = R + X*%i;
Irmag = 164.02;
pf = 1: -0.001:0.5;
Irang = acos ( pf );
Ir = Irmag * exp ( - %i * Irang );
Vs = ( Vr / sqrt (3) )+ Ir * Z;
VrNL = abs( Vs );
VrFL = abs( Vr / sqrt (3) ) ;
per_vol_regu = (( VrNL - VrFL ) / VrFL ) *100;
plot ( pf , per_vol_regu );
xlabel ('powr factor')
ylabel ('voltage regulation')
title ('Graph of power factor v/s voltage regulation');
Ir = Irmag * exp ( %i * Irang );
Vs = ( Vr / sqrt (3) )+ Ir * Z;
VrNL = abs( Vs );
Power System II (3150911)
Output :
Power System II (3150911)
1. Why is the transmission line length up to 80 km called “short”? (discuss wavelength and
wave propagation relationship with power frequency).
2. What are the effects of line length on the transmission of electrical signals in a medium
transmission line?
3. How do the line reactances affect transmission line performance?
Experiment #3
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of finding voltage regulation and efficiency
of a medium transmission line using Nominal T method by
basic Scilab/MATLAB programming skills
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate performance of medium transmission lines using Nominal T
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Code :
Clear all;;
R =10;
XL = 20;
Y= 4e -4;
VRLL =66 e3 ;
PR =10000 e3 ;
pf =0.8;
VR =66e3 / sqrt (3);
Z=R+%i* XL;
IR=PR /( sqrt (3)* VRLL* pf);
IR_COMPLEX =IR *( cos( acos (0.8))-%i* sin ( acos (0.8)));
IC=%i* Y* VM;
VS=VM+IS*( Z/2);
[ VS_abs , Phase_VS ]= polar( VS);
[ IS_abs , Phase_IS ]= polar( IS);
Power System II (3150911)
1. What information can be obtained from the power circle diagram about the power flow in
a transmission line?
2. How can the power circle diagram be used to determine the voltage regulation of a power
3. What is the significance of the radius of the power circle in the power circle diagram?
Finding Voltage Regulation And Efficiency Of A Medium Transmission Line Using Nominal
Pi Method Through Scilab.
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of finding voltage regulation and efficiency
of a medium transmission line using Nominal Pi Method by
basic Scilab/MATLAB programming skills
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate performance of medium transmission lines using Nominal Pi
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Objectives: (a) To be able to represent of finding voltage regulation and efficiency of a
medium transmission line using Nominal Pi method.
(b) To be able to evaluate performance of medium transmission line.
(c) To write a computer program to evaluate performance parameters of
transmission line using Nominal Pi Method.
Code :
clear all
disp('Nominal PI Method for medium transmission line')
R = 10;
XL = 50;
Y = 10e-4;
f = 50 ;
PR = 20e6;
VRLL = 66e3;
pf = 0.9;
Z = R + %i * XL;
VR = VRLL / sqrt (3);
IR = PR /( sqrt (3) * VRLL * pf );
IR_COMPLEX = IR *( cos( acos ( pf ) ) - %i * sin ( acos ( pf ) ) );
IC1 = %i * Y /2* VR;
VS = VR + IL * Z;
IC2 = %i * Y /2* VS;
IS = IL + IC2;
[ VS_abs , Phase_VS ]= polar ( VS );
[ IS_abs , Phase_IS ]= polar ( IS );
IS_abs ;
VSLL = VS * sqrt (3);
VSLL_abs = abs ( VSLL ) /1000;
PHASE_DIFF = Phase_VS - Phase_IS;
SendingEnd_PF =cos( PHASE_DIFF ) ;
PS =3* abs ( VS ) *abs( IS ) * cos ( PHASE_DIFF );
EFF =( abs ( PR ) / abs ( PS ) ) *100;
REG = 100*(( abs ( VSLL ) - abs ( VRLL ) )) / abs ( VRLL );
"Nominal PI Method for medium transmission line"
Enter the Total line Resistance in Ohms : 10
Enter the Total line Inductive Reactance in Ohms : 50
Enter the Total line Suseptance in Siemens : 10e-4
Enter the Frequency in Hz: 50
Enter the Recieving End Power in Watt : 20e6
Enter the Recieving End Line Voltage in Volt : 66e3
Enter the Recieving End Lagging Power Factor : 0.9
IS =
170.9091705231286 - 44.1124564530227i
VS_abs =
43890.94577750956 - 0.000000000000005i
PS =
21047696.74637363 + 0.000000001299577i
Sending End Current = 176.510208 A
Sending End Line Voltage = 76.021348 kV
Sending End Power Facttor = 0.905604
Efficiency = 95.022274 %
Regulation = 15.183861 %
1. How does the initial condition of the circuit affect the transient current?
2. What is the DC offset current in an R-L series circuit?
3. How does the DC offset current change over time in an R-L series circuit?
4. How does the DC offset current change if a new excitation is applied at a different
Rubric wise marks obtained:
(Refer Rubrics chart given as a guidelines for student performance assessment to fill the table below)
Rubrics Application Use of software Analysis of Presentation Maximum
of theory tools results marks
concept (20)
(5) (5) (5) (5)
Experiment #5
Finding Voltage Regulation And Efficiency Of A Medium Transmission Line Using End
Condenser Method Through Scilab
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of finding voltage regulation and efficiency
of a medium transmission line using end condenser method
by basic Scilab/MATLAB programming skills.
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate performance of medium transmission lines using End Condenser
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Code :
Clear all
disp('End Condenser Method for medium transmission line')
R =25;
X =80;
Y =14e-4;
f =50;
PR =15e6;
VRLine =66e3;
Z = R + X*%i;
IR = PR/( VRLine * Pf);
Pfang = acos ( Pf );
IR_Complex = IR *( Pf - %i *sin ( Pfang ));
IC_Complex = %i * Y* VRLine;
IS = IR_Complex + IC_Complex;
Voltage_drop = IS * Z ;
VS = VRLine + IS * Z;
[ VS_abs , Phase_VS ]= polar ( VS );
PHASE_DIFF = Phase_VS - Phase_IS;
SendingEnd_PF =cos( PHASE_DIFF );
Sending_End_PF = abs ( SendingEnd_PF );
PS =abs( VS ) * abs( IS ) * cos ( PHASE_DIFF );
EFF =( abs ( PR ) / abs ( PS ) ) *100;
REG = 100*(( abs ( VS ) - abs ( VRLine ) )) / abs ( VRLine );
"End Condenser Method for medium transmission line"
R =
X =
Y =
f =
PR =
VRLine =
Pf =
IS =
227.27273 - 78.0544545i
VS =
77926.182 + 16230.455i
SendingEnd_PF =
1. How does the value of dynamic reactance change from the instant of fault to the steady
2. What is the effect of changes in excitation on the dynamic reactance of a synchronous
3. What are the limitations of modeling dynamic reactance in a synchronous generator?
Rubric wise marks obtained:
(Refer Rubrics chart given as a guidelines for student performance assessment to fill the table below)
Rubrics Application Use of software Analysis of Presentation Maximum
of theory tools results marks
concept (20)
(5) (5) (5) (5)
Experiment #6
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of finding voltage regulation and efficiency
of a medium transmission line using graphical method by basic Scilab/MATLAB programming
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate performance of medium transmission lines using Graphical
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Code :
Clear all
Vr = 220e3;
R = 33.5;
X = 138;
pf = 0.9;
Pr = 50e6;
Y = %i*0.3e-3;
Z = R+X* %i;
Irmag = Pr /( sqrt (3) * Vr * pf );
pf = 0.5:0.001:1;
Irang = acos ( pf );
Ir = Irmag * exp ( - %i * Irang );
Ir1 = Irmag * exp ( %i * Irang );
Vs = Vr / sqrt (3) + ( Ir +( Y /2) * Vr / sqrt (3) ) *Z;
VrNLm =abs( Vs / (1+(( Y * Z ) /2) ) );
VrFLm = abs ( Vr / sqrt (3) );
per_vol_regulag = ( ( VrNLm - VrFLm ) / VrFLm ) * 100;
Vs1m = Vr / sqrt (3) + ( Ir1 +( Y /2) * Vr / sqrt (3) ) *Z ;
VrNL1m = abs ( Vs1m / (1+(( Y * Z ) /2) ) );
per_vol_regulead = ( ( VrNL1m - VrFLm ) / VrFLm ) * 100;
xlabel ('power factor')
ylabel('voltage regulation')
title('Medium line voltage regulation')
legend('Lagging Power Factor', 'Leading Power Factor')
Finding voltage regulation and efficiency of a long transmission line using Rigorous solution
method through SCILAB
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of finding voltage regulation and efficiency
of a long transmission line using Rigorous solution method by basic Scilab/MATLAB
programming skills.
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate performance of long transmission lines using Rigorous solution
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Objectives: (a) To be able to evaluate performance of long transmission line using Rigorous
Solution method.
(b) To be able to evaluate performance of long transmission line.
(c) To write a computer program to evaluate performance parameters of long
transmission line using Rigorous solution method.
Code :
Clear all
disp('Rigorous Method for Long transmission line')
R = input('Enter the Total line Resistance in Ohms : 32');
XL = input('Enter the Total line Inductive Reactance in Ohms : 50');
y = input('Enter the Total line Suseptance in Seimen : 0.0003');
f = input('Enter the frequency in Hz : 50');
PR = input('Enter the Recieving End Power in Watt : 20e6');
VRLL = input('Enter the Recieving End Line Voltage in Volt : 110e3');
pf = input('Enter Recieving End Lagging Power Factor : 0.8');
Z = R+%i*XL;
Y = %i*y;
VR = VRLL / sqrt (3);
IR = PR /( sqrt (3) * VRLL * pf );
A = 1+ ( Z * Y ) /2 + ( Z * Z * Y * Y ) /24;
B = sqrt ( Y * Z ) + (( Y *Z ) ^(3/2) ) /6;
VS = VR * A + IR * sqrt ( Z / Y ) * B;
IS = VR * sqrt ( Y / Z )* B + IR * A;
[ VS_abs , Phase_VS ]= polar ( VS );
[ IS_abs , Phase_IS ]= polar ( IS ) ;
VSLL = VS * sqrt (3);
VSLL_abs = abs ( VSLL ) /1000;
PHASE_DIFF = Phase_VS-Phase_IS;
SendingEnd_PF =cos( PHASE_DIFF );
PS =3* VS_abs * IS_abs * cos ( PHASE_DIFF );
EFF =( abs ( PR ) / abs ( PS ) ) *100;
REG = 100*(( abs ( VSLL ) - abs ( VRLL ) )) / abs ( VRLL );
mprintf('\n\nSendingend Current = %f A \n',IS_abs)
mprintf('Sendingend Line Voltage = %f kV \n',VSLL_abs)
mprintf('Sendingend Power Factor = %f \n', SendingEnd_PF)
mprintf('Efficiency = %f%%\n',EFF)
mprintf('Regulation = %f%%\n',REG)
1. Can symmetrical components be applied to systems other than three-phase power systems?
2. How do unsymmetrical faults affect the symmetry of phasors in power systems?
3. Can symmetrical components be used to analyze unsymmetrical faults in DC power systems
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate performance of Long transmission lines using Graphical method.
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Code :
Clear all
disp ( ’ Rigorous Method for Long transmission line using graphical method ’ )
R = 32;
XL = 50;
y = 0.003;
f = 50;
PR = 20e6;
VRLL = 110e3;
pf = 0.8;
VR = VRLL/sqrt(3);
IR = PR /( sqrt (3) * VRLL * pf );
A = 1+ ( Z * Y ) /2 + ( Z * Z * Y * Y ) /24;
B = sqrt ( Y * Z ) + (( Y *Z ) ^(3/2) ) /6;
pf = 1: -0.01:0.5
Irang = acos ( pf );
Ir = IR * exp ( - %i * Irang );
Ir1 = IR * exp ( %i * Irang );
VS = VR * A + Ir * sqrt ( Z / Y ) * B;
VS1 = VR * A + Ir1 * sqrt ( Z /Y ) * B;
[ VS_abs , Phase_VS ]= polar ( VS );
[ VS1_abs , Phase_VS1 ]= polar ( VS1 );
VSLL1 = VS1;
REGlag = 100*((abs(VSLL)-abs(VR)))/abs(VR);
REGlead = 100*((abs(VSLL1)-abs(VR)))/abs(VR);
xlabel('power factor')
ylabel('voltage regulation')
title('Long Transmission line voltage regulation')
legend('Lagging Power Factor', 'Leading Power Factor')
A Scilab Program To Find Permissible Frequency And Length For Limiting Ferranti Effect
In Long Transmission Lines.
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge to find permissible frequency and length for
limiting Ferranti Effect in Long transmission line by basic
Scilab/MATLAB programming skills.
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate permissible frequency and length for limiting Ferranti Effect in
Long transmission line.
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Objectives: (a) To be able to evaluate permissible frequency and length for limiting Ferranti
Effect in Long transmission line.
(b) To be able to evaluate performance of Long transmission line.
(c) To write a computer program to evaluate permissible frequency and length for
limiting Ferranti Effect in Long transmission line.
Code :
Clear all
Standard_f = 50;
l = 400;
VSLL = 220e3;
r = 0.125;
x = 0.4;
y = %i*2.8e-6;
R = r*1;
X = x*1;
Y = y**1;
z = r + %i * x;
Z = R + %i * X;
A = 1+ Y *Z /2;
B = Z *(1+ Y * Z /6);
C = Y *(1+ Y * Z /6);
D = A;
No_load_VRLL = VSLL / A;
NoLoad_VRLL = abs ( No_load_VRLL ) /1000;
NoLoad_VR = NoLoad_VRLL / sqrt (3);
NoLoad_IS = abs (C * NoLoad_VR ) ;
VRLL_MAX =235e3;
new_A = VSLL / VRLL_MAX;
l = sqrt ( real ((2* new_A -2) / y /z ) );
Permissible_Length = abs ( l )
VRLL_MAX2 =250e3;
new_A2 = VSLL / VRLL_MAX2;
Max_Permissible_f = abs ((2500* sqrt ( R ^2* Y ^2/10000+ X * Y *(new_A2 -1) /1250) -25* R* Y ) / X /
mprintf('No Load Voltage at Receiving end = %f kV \n \n', NoLoad_VRLL)
mprintf('No load Sending end Current = %f A\n\n', NoLoad_IS)
mprintf('Permissible length = %f Km \n\n', Permissible_Length)
mprintf('Max. Permissible Frequency = %f Hz \n\n', Max_Permissible_f)
No Load Voltage at Receiving end = 220.000123 kV
No load Sending end Current = 0.000356 A
Permissible length = 322.243754 Km
Max. Permissible Frequency = 23151.027425 Hz
1. How is complex power calculated using unbalanced voltage and current inputs?
2. What is the significance of the constant "a" used in the matrix "A"?
3. Can power invariance be used to analyze single-phase systems as well?justify your answer.
A Scilab Program For Computing The Abcd Parameters Of Short, Medium And Long
Transmission Lines
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge for computing the ABCD Parameters of Short,
Medium and Long Transmission Line by basic Scilab/MATLAB programming skills.
Relevant CO: CO2: Evaluate program for computing the ABCD Parameters of Short, Medium
and Long Transmission Line.
CLO1: Evaluate transmission line parameters and operating performance using
computer program and simulation.
Objectives: (a) To be able to evaluate for computing the ABCD Parameters of Short, Medium
and Long Transmission Line.
(b) To be able to evaluate the ABCD Parameters of Short, Medium and Long
Transmission Line.
(c) To write a computer program to evaluate performance of ABCD Parameters of
Short, Medium and Long Transmission Line.
Code :
check = 1
R = 20
L = 50
C = 0.003
f = 50
X = 2*%pi*f*L
Z = R+%i*X
Y = %i*2*%pi*f*C
Adata = 1
Bdata = Z
Cdata = 0
Ddata = 1
Result = [Adata,Bdata,Cdata,Ddata]
mprintf('ABCD constant for Short Transmission line\n A constant =%f \n B constant = %f+i %f ohm\n C
constant = %f mho\n D constant = %f \n',Adata,real(Bdata),imag(Bdata),Cdata,Ddata)
Adata = 1 + ( Y * Z ) /2
Bdata = Z *(1 + ( Y* Z ) /4)
Cdata = Y
Ddata = (1 + ( Y * Z) /2)
Result = [Adata,Bdata,Cdata,Ddata]
mprintf('ABCD constant for Medium Transmission line Nominal T-method\n A constant =%f + i%f \n B
constant = %f+i %f ohm\n C constant = %f +i%f mho\n D constant = %f+i %f
Adata = 1 + ( Y * Z ) /2
Bdata = Z
Cdata = Y * (1 + ( Y* Z ) /4)
Ddata = (1 + ( Y * Z) /2)
Result = [ Adata , Bdata , Cdata , Ddata ]
mprintf('ABCD constant for Medium Transmission line Nominal PI-method\n A constant =%f + i%f \n B
constant = %f+i %f ohm\n C constant = %f +i%f mho\n D constant = %f+i %f
1. How does the presence of unsymmetrical faults affect the calculation of sequence
impedances using symmetrical components?
2. What role do symmetrical components play in fault analysis and protection coordination for
unsymmetrical faults?
3. Can you explain how the symmetrical components technique helps in determining the fault
location during unsymmetrical fault conditions?
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge for conversion of unsymmetrical AC phasors
into symmetrical components by basic Scilab/MATLAB
programming skills.
Objectives: (a) To be able to evaluate permissible frequency and length for limiting Ferranti
Effect in Long transmission line.
(b) To be able to evaluate performance of Long transmission line.
(c) To write a computer program for conversion of unsymmetrical AC into
symmetrical components
Code :
Clear all
disp('Enter your choice : 1')
disp('1 for phasor to symmetrical; 2 for symmetrical to phasor')
choice = input('Enter your transformattion type = 1')
alpha = -0.5+%i*0.866
Va= 200-%i*100
Vb= -36.59-%i*209.804
Vc = 136.59+%i*309.80
disp('Positive sequence component=')
Va1 = (Va+(alpha*Vb)+(alpha)^2*Vc)/3
mprintf('Val=%f+i%f \n',real(Va1),imag(Va1))
disp('Negative sequence component=')
Va2 = (Va+(alpha*2)*Vb+(alpha*Vc))/3
mprintf('Va2=%f+i%f \n',real(Va2),imag(Va2))
disp('Zero sequence component=')
Va0 = [Va+Vb+Vc]/3
mprintf('Va0=%f+i%f \n',real(Va0),imag(Va0))
Va1 = 200-%i*100
Va2 = -100
Va0 = 100
disp('Complex voltage Va =')
Va =[ Va1 + Va2 + Va0 ]
mprintf('Va = %f + i%f\n',real(Va),imag(Va))
disp('Complex Voltage Vb = ')
Vb =[( alpha ^2* Va1 ) +( alpha * Va2 ) + Va0 ]
mprintf('Vb = %f + i%f\n',real(Vb),imag(Vb))
disp('Complex Voltage Vc = ')
Vc =[( alpha * Va1 ) +( alpha ^2* Va2 ) + Va0 ]
mprintf('Vc = %f + i%f\n',real(Vc),imag(Vc))
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge for conversion of symmetrical components into
AC phasors by basic Scilab/MATLAB programming skills.
Code :
Clear all
Q = [3 310
5 105
4 12
i = sqrt( -1)
a =1.0*( cos ((360/ n ) * %pi /180) + %i * sin ((360/ n ) * %pi /180) )
a2 = a^2
Ia = Q (1) *( cos ( Q (4) * %pi /180) + %i * sin ( Q (4) * %pi /180) )
Ib = Q (2) *( cos ( Q (5) * %pi /180) + %i * sin ( Q (5) * %pi /180) )
Ic = Q (3) *( cos ( Q (6) * %pi /180) + %i * sin ( Q (6) * %pi /180) )
A = [1 1 1
1 a2 a
1 a a2]
A012 =inv( A ) *[ Ia ; Ib ; Ic ]
Add0 = A012 (1) + A012 (2) + A012 (3)
Add1 = A012 (1) + a2 * A012 (2) + a * A012 (3)
Add2 = A012 (1) + a * A012 (2) + a2 * A012 (3)
Symm3 = [ A012(1) A012(2) A012(3)
A012(1) a2*A012(2) a*A012(3)
A012(1) a*A012(2) a2*A012(3) ]
[ sym3abs , Sym3Angle ]= polar ( Symm3 )
sym3angle = Sym3Angle *180/ %pi
for i =1:3
for j =1:3
Modification Of Zbus Matrix For Short Circuit Study Using Scilab Programming
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of modification of Zbus matrix for short
circuit study using basic Scilab/MATLAB programming
Relevant CO: CO3: Evaluate modification of Zbus matrix for short circuit.
CLO2: Evaluate parameters of transmission line design and calculate ratings of
circuit breakers for transmission system.
Objectives: (a) To be able to evaluate modification of Zbus matrix for short circuit.
(b) To be able to evaluate performance of Zbus Matrix for short circuit study.
(c) To write a computer program for modification of Zbus matrix for short
circuit using scilab programming.
Code :
Clear all
mprintf('Enter %g X %g Matrix',s,s)
Zorg = input('')
disp('Enter 1 for Type1 2 for Type 2 3 for Type 3 and 4 for Type 4 Zbus modification')
check = input('Enter Your Choice : 1')
Zb = input('Enter value of Impedance between New Bus and Reference : 20')
l = max( size ( Zorg ))
Znew = zeros ( l +1 , l +1)
for i = 1: l +1
for j = 1: l +1
if i <=( l ) & j <=( l ) then
Znew (i ,j ) = Zorg (i , j)
elseif i == l +1 & j == l +1 then
Znew (i ,j ) = Zb
Znew (i ,j ) = Znew (i , j)
bc = input('Enter the Bus number where Impedance is Connected : 2')
Zb = input('Enter value of Impedance between New Bus and existing Bus : 10')
l = max ( size ( Zorg ))
row = Zorg ( bc ,:)
column = Zorg (: , bc )
for i = 1: l + 1
for j = 1: l + 1
if i <= l & j <= l
Znew (i ,j ) = Zorg (i , j)
elseif i == l +1
for p =1: l
Znew (i ,p ) = row ( p )
elseif j == l + 1
for q =1: l
Znew (q ,j ) = column (q )
if i == l + 1 & j == l + 1
Znew (i ,j ) = Zb + Zorg ( bc , bc )
aa = input('Enter the From Bus number where Impedance is Connected : 2')
bb = input('Enter the To Bus number where Impedance is Connected : 3')
Zb = input('Enter value of Impedance between existing Buses : 10')
l = max ( size ( Zorg ))
Zb_row = Zorg ( aa ,:) - Zorg ( bb ,:)
Zb_col = Zorg (: , aa ) - Zorg (: , bb )
xy =(( Zb_col * Zb_row ) /( Zorg ( aa , aa ) + Zorg ( bb , bb ) + Zb-2* Zorg ( aa , bb ) ) )
Znew = Zorg - xy
aa = input('Enter the Bus number where Impedance is Connected to Reference: 2')
Zb = input('Enter value of Impedance between existing Bus and Reference : 20')
l = max ( size ( Zorg ) )
Zb_row = Zorg ( aa ,:)
Zb_col = Zorg (: , aa )
xy =(( Zb_col * Zb_row ) /( Zorg ( aa , aa ) + Zb ))
Znew = Zorg - xy
s =
Enter 3 X 3 Matrix
[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9;]
Zorg =
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
"Enter 1 for Type1 2 for Type 2 3 for Type 3 and 4 for Type 4 Zbus modification"
Enter Your Choice : 1
check =
Enter value of Impedance between New Bus and Reference : 20
Zb =
Znew =
1. 2. 3. 0.
4. 5. 6. 0.
7. 8. 9. 0.
0. 0. 0. 20.
s =
Enter 3 X 3 Matrix
[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9;]
Zorg =
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
"Enter 1 for Type1 2 for Type 2 3 for Type 3 and 4 for Type 4 Zbus modification"
Enter Your Choice : 2
check =
bc =
Zb =
Znew =
1. 2. 3. 2.
4. 5. 6. 5.
7. 8. 9. 8.
4. 5. 6. 20.
s =
Enter 3 X 3 Matrix
[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9;]
Zorg =
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
"Enter 1 for Type1 2 for Type 2 3 for Type 3 and 4 for Type 4 Zbus modification"
Enter Your Choice : 3
check =
aa =
Zb =
Znew =
0.68 1.6 2.52
3.2 4. 4.8
5.72 6.4 7.08
s =
Enter 3 X 3 Matrix
[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9;]
Zorg =
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
"Enter 1 for Type1 2 for Type 2 3 for Type 3 and 4 for Type 4 Zbus modification"
Enter Your Choice : 4
check =
aa = 2
aa =
bb = 3
bb =
Zb = 10
Zb =
Znew =
0.75 1.75 2.75
3.75 4.75 5.75
6.75 7.75 8.75
Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge of symmetrical fault analysis by basic
Scilab/MATLAB programming skills.
Code :
Clear all
SA = 10e3
XA = 0.1
ST = 5e3
XT = 0.05
VL = 10
XL = 4
RL = 1
Base_kVA = max ( SA , ST )
PXA = ( Base_kVA / SA ) * XA
PXT = ( Base_kVA / ST ) * XT
PXL = ( Base_kVA * XL ) /(10* VL * VL )
PRL = ( Base_kVA * RL ) /(10* VL * VL )
disp('Fault at F1 means at source side and fault at F2 means at load side')
disp('Enter 1 for Fault at F1 or 2 for Fault at F2')
check = input('Enter your choice for symmetrical Fault in Transmission line : 2')
Short_Circuit_kVA1 = Base_kVA *(100/ TX )
Short_Circuit_Current1 = Short_Circuit_kVA1 /( sqrt (3) *VL )
mprintf('Short Circuit kVA for fault at F1 : %f kVA\n',Short_Circuit_kVA1)
mprintf('Short Circuit Current for fault at F1 : %f A\n',Short_Circuit_Current1)
Branch Coordinator
Dr. J.R.Iyer
Professor, Electrical Engineering L.D. College of Engineering