Change Ur Life in 30 Days
Change Ur Life in 30 Days
Change Ur Life in 30 Days
Author: Rhonda Britten
Publisher: Dutton Penguin Press USA Inc.
Date of Publication: 2004
ISBN : 0-525-94789-2
No. of Pages: 272 pages
Published by, Building 3005 Unit 258, 4440 NW 73rd Ave, Miami, Florida 33166
© 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this summary may be reproduced or transmitted
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· “You bet I am. I've worked hard” is for To undergo change successfully, you must first be
people with a healthy dose of self- able to define your purpose and passion in life. Day 4
confidence and give one's self credit where focuses on the discovery of these things.
it is due.
Purpose defines the reason for your existence and
Identifying which filter you use can save you from passion is what ignites, drives and motivates you to
the pitfalls in making changes. To build up do your purpose. Purpose and passion direct your life
confidence, simply acknowledge and accept some and help you achieve happiness, completeness and
of the things that you have done in the past. genuine success. These can help you achieve your
goals and do things far beyond your imagination.
Acknowledge yourself for the accomplishments you
have done at least 50 times. This can help in Remember the following points to integrate purpose
changing how you view yourself, thus increasing and passion in your life:
your confidence. Writing your accomplishments is · Your purpose is already within you.
important. This is one act of being true to yourself. · Passion gives you the desire to succeed.
· Passion without purpose can be perceived
as being unfocused and confused.
· Purpose without passion can make life feel
Day 3: Building Your Confidence Muscle like a chore.
As an extension of Day 2, Day 3 focuses on
confidence building. This activity involves recalling
and writing down the times or situations when you
feel most confident and not confident about yourself. Day 5:Affirmations, Intentions and Goals
These moments can serve as stepping-stones in
Day 5 shows how you can use affirmations as
doing things differently the next time.
powerful tools in introducing changes in your life.
Affirmations combined with intentions and goals can
How do you know if your confidence is growing?
produce powerful results.
Here are the five clues:
· You can count on yourself. You do what you Affirmations and intentions are positive, powerful
say and you get the job done. statements that can cause miracles and can make
· You are willing to feel your feelings and take your dreams come true. Think of the things that you
a risk anyway. No matter how scary things want to achieve in life, write them down and start
get, you always remember that feelings do claiming that you have achieved them.
not determine success, risk does!
· Facing your fears is a daily experience. See
fear for what it is: an affirmation of your
· You have learned to be comfortable in the
Day 6: Stretch, Risk or Die
uncomfortableness of change. You put your Stretch, Risk, and Die signify the three levels of your
negative voice in perspective and realize it fear. With comfort zone being the most ideal state,
does not run your life. your actions motivated by fear move significantly
· You are willing to give up all you know to from stretch (something you do that is associated with
discover your true you. You have given up your “lowest level of fear”), to risk (something that
justifying your actions; instead, your life requires courage to carry out), and then eventually to
speaks for itself. Your main commitment is die (something that you do that is so scary, you
to keep growing, and therefore you have let wanted to die).
go of your need to always be right.
Completing the process is the beginning of change.
You have faced your fears and taken the big risk.
Your old confining negative thoughts and behaviors
Day 4: Purpose and Passion are now overcome. A part of you has died. You are
already experiencing change.
defining what you really want. important before you learn to truly trust others.
and enlightened. Fear, on the other hand, holds you blaming things on luck, fate or destiny. The
back because of past failures and risks. Listening to differences among the three is that with luck a person
intuition when making decisions is a good habit to is just waiting for things to happen; with fate things
practice, this can bring change in the process. happens to a person; and with destiny a person is
already preordained in life. By defining life's purpose
and knowing what you can and cannot control,
changes can happen.
Day 19: Forgiveness
Be willing to forgive and let go in order to free
yourself of this burden. Identify the hurts you faced Day 22: The Gift of Rejection
in the past and know its source. Take the first step to
forgive. Whether it's forgiving one's self or others, Learning how to accept rejections is an important
what is important is you let go of the burden. factor in the change process. Rejection keeps you
frozen with fear and humiliation thus causing you to
be stagnant; not growing, not moving forward. Learn
how to accept rejections. Overcome and conquer the
fear accompanied by it.
· List your assets. days. Observe the ritual of honoring yourself through
· Pay your bills. growth at this stage. Do this by writing down 5
· Drink water. acknowledgements for shifts and changes in life.
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