Ipdc 2 (Paper 23)

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WD(3151606) 220760116016

Practical 1&2

Aim: Write a program to use basic tags of HTML HTML

Document structure

<title>Website Title</title>
Page Content…………
< ! - - For Commenting Code>

NOTE: HTML file saves using extension .html or .htm

 Formatting and Font Tags:

Tag Definition Tag Definition

<b> Make text bold <br> Insert a line break
<i> Make text italic <hr> Add a thematic break
<u> Underlines the text <p> Define a paragraph
<tt> Creates inline text <pre> Defines a preformatted text
<del> Mark position of deleted text <sup> Define a superscript tag
<big> Show content in bigger size <sub> Define a subscript tag
<small> Show content in smaller size <center> Display content at center
<marquee> Adds Scrolling effect in text <font> Change color, text, size, etc.

WD(3151606) 220760116023

 Heading Tags: List Tags:

Tag Definition Tags Definition

<h1> 24 pt <ol> Define an orders list
<h2> 18 pt <ul> Define an unordered list
<h3> 12 pt <li> List Item
<h4> 12 pt bold <dl> Define a Definition List
<h5> 10 pt <dt> Define an item in as Definition list
<h6> 7 pt <dd> Define a description of an item in a definition list

 Table Tags:

Tag Definition

<Table> Use to create Table in HTML

<tr> Use to enter data into row of table

<th> Use to enter data as header into Row

<td> Use to enter separate Collum data in same Row

 Image Tag:

Tag Description

<img> Display the Image(It have align, src, border, width, height, alt, hspace, vspace, etc)

 Hyperlink Tag:

Tag Description

<a> Link to another page(It have href, target attributes)

WD(3151606) 220760116023

Program and Output of Different tags:

 Heading Tag:

<title> Heading Tags </title>

<h1> Heading font </h1>

<h2> Heading font </h2>
<h3> Heading font </h3>
<h4> Heading font </h4>
<h5> Heading font </h5>
<h6> Heading font </h6>



WD(3151606) 220760116023

 Formatting and Font Tag:

<title> Heading Tags </title>

<b> bold font </b><br>

<I> italic font </I><br>
<u> underline font </u><br>
<tt> typewriter font</tt><br>
<del> deleted font </del><br>
<big> bold font </big><br>
<small> small font </small><br>
<marquee> marquee effect </marquee><br>
<p> this is use of paragraph tag </p><br>
<center>center font</center><br>
<font color="blue" face="castellar" size="20px"> Edited font </font>


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 List Tag: Output:

<title> List Tag </title>

<ol type="A">
<li> milk </li>
<li> Coffee </li>
<li> Juices </li>
<li> Coffee </li>
<li> Tea
<li> Black Tea </li>
<li> Green Tea </li>
<li> Milk </li>
<ul style="list-style-type:circle;">
<li> milk </li>
<li> Coffee </li>
<li> Juices </li>
<dt> Milk </dt>
<dd> Cold or Hot </dd>
<dt> Coffee </dt>
<dd> Cold or Hot </dd>
<dt> Juices </dt>
<dd> Sour or Sweet </dd>

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 Table Tags:

<TABLE Border="width:50%">

<th><b>En no.</th>



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 Image Tags:

<title> Image Tag </title>

<h2><b> Image of Lion </b></h2>

<img src="E:\jeel\image.jpg" title="image" width="400" height="275">



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 Hyperlink Tags:

<title> hyperlink Tag </title>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/">
click to go on Youtube



 Frameset Tags:

<title> Frameset Tag </title>

<frameset cols="50%,50%">
<frame src="p1.html" name="LeftFrame">
<frame src="p2.html" name="RightFrame">


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 Audio and Video Tags:

<meta charset="Utf-8">
<meta name="keywords" content="html,javascript">
<video width="300" height="480" controls>
<source src="video.mp4">

<audio width="600" height="600" controls>

<source src="">

<mark> chhin tapak dam dam </mark>


WD(3151606) 220760116023



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