Liquor Regulations, S. I. No. 26 of 2008
Liquor Regulations, S. I. No. 26 of 2008
Liquor Regulations, S. I. No. 26 of 2008
1. Citation
2. Form of application for licence
3. Publication of notice of application
4. Issuance of licence
5. Licences reserved for citizens
6. Facilities to be maintained on licensed premises
7. Distance from school, etc.
8. Days and hours of operation
9. Application for renewal of licence
10. Application for transfer of licence
11. Application for duplicate licence
12. Authorised officers
13. Exemptions
14. Offence and penalty
First Schedule
Second Schedule
Third Schedule
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred on the Minister of Trade and Industry by section 42
of the Liquor Act, the following Regulations are hereby made -
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Liquor Regulations, 2008. Citation
2. (1) An application under section 13(1) of the Act, for a licence, shall be Form of
application for
in Form 1 set out in the Third Schedule.
(2) An application under section 13(1) of the Act shall be accompanied by licence
a non refundable application fee of P100.00.
(3) Where the control authority approves an application made under section
13 (1) of the Act, the applicant shall pay a licence fee specified against a licence
being applied for as set out in the First Schedule.
3. (1) An application in accordance with section 13(2) of the Act shall be Publication of
notice of
published in Form 2 set out in the Third Schedule.
(2) The control authority shall not consider an application for a licence where
both the first and second notice of the application were not published for at
least 21 days, in accordance with section 13.
4. The control authority shall, where it is satisfied that an applicant meets Issuance of
the requirements for the issue of a licence, issue, to the applicant, a licence in licence
Form 3 set out in the Third Schedule.
Licences 5. (1) The following licences shall be reserved for citizens of Botswana or to
reserved for
companies wholly owned by citizens of Botswana -
(a) bar liquor licence;
(b) bottle store liquor licence;
(c) liquor depot licence; and
(d) discotheque/night club liquor licence.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) (a) shall not apply to a bar liquor licence
operating in restaurants.
Facilities to 6. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 15 of the Act, the licensing
be maintained
authority shall not issue or renew -
on licensed
(a) a bar liquor licence, depot liquor licence, discotheque/night club liquor
licence, club liquor licence or temporary liquor licence, unless the
business premises have separate toilet facilities for males and females;
(b) a club liquor licence where -
Cap. 18:01 (i) the applicant is not registered under the Societies Act, or
(ii) the business premises do not have sitting facilities;
(c) a depot liquor licence where the business premises are not in a
commercially designated area or in an area authorised by the Land
Authority of that area for such use;
(d) a discotheque/night club liquor licence where -
(i) the business premises do not meet the statutory fire protection
(ii) the business premises do not meet the minimum car parking
(iii) the licensee has not employed at least two security guards,
(iv) the licensee does not maintain a clean surrounding within 30 meters
radius of the business premises, or
(v) the business premises are not sound proof;
(e) a temporary liquor licence for -
(i) a festival, picnic or other public activity, for a period exceeding 3
days; or
(ii) a trade fair, for a period exceeding 15 days; or
(iii) a picnic, unless the picnic is to be held at a place designated as a
picnic site; and
(j) a licence under this Act unless there is a refuse collection point on the
business premises.
(2) A bar liquor licensee may -
(a) play music within the licensed premises provided the music is not
loud and cannot be heard at a distance of more than 200 meters from
the licensed premises; or
(b) provide sport and recreational facilities such as darts, pool and snooker.
(3) A temporary liquor licensee selling intoxicating liquor at a trade fair
shall inform customers who buy the intoxicating liquor from him or her that
the intoxicating liquor shall be consumed at the temporarily licensed premises
from which the intoxicating liquor was bought.
(4) A person who buys intoxicating liquor from a temporary liquor licensee
at a trade fair shall consume the intoxicating liquor from the temporarily licensed
premises from which the intoxicating liquor was bought.
7. (1) The licensing authority shall not issue a licence under the Act where Distance from
school, etc.
the proposed business premises are not at least 500 meters away from a school,
highway, major road or church.
(2) The licensing authority may negotiate with a licensee whose -
(a) licence was issued before the coming into effect of these Regulations;
(b) licensed premises do not meet the requirements set out in sub regulation (1),
for the transfer of the licence in accordance with section 20(2)(b) of
the Act.
8. (1) The days and hours of operation for a business or trade licensed under Days and
hours of
the Act shall be as set out in the Second Schedule.
licence, shall be in Form 4 set out in the Third Schedule and shall be accompanied for renewal of
by a non refundable application fee of PIOO.OO.
(2) Where the control authority approves an application made under
section 17 (1) of the Act, the applicant shall pay a fee equivalent to a licence
fee prescribed under regulation 2(3).
10. (1) An application under section 20(1) of the Act, for a licence to be Application
for transfer of
transferred, shall be in Form 5 set out in the Third Schedule and shall be
accompanied by a non refundable application fee of PIOO.00.
(2) Where the control authority approves an application made under section
20 (1) of the Act, the applicant shall pay a transfer fee of PIOO.OO.
11. (1) An application under section 21 of the Act, to obtain a duplicate Application
for duplicate
licence shall be in Form 6 set out in the Schedule and shall be accompanied by
an application fee of PIOO.OO.
(2) Where the control authority approves an application made under section
21 of the Act, the applicant shall pay a duplicate fee of PIOO.00.
12. The following are designated authorised officers for the purposes of the Authorised
Act- officers
fine not exceeding P500.00 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six
months, or to both.
Licence Fee
1. Bar liquor P1 000.00
2. Bottle store liquor P500.00
3. Liquor depot P200.00
4. Discotheque/night club P2 000.00
5. Distributor liquor P2 200.00
6. Club liquor P1 000.00
7. Temporary liquor P10.00 per day
8. Wholesale liquor P1 500.00
(reg. 2 (1))
1. Proposed business
2. Particulars of applicant
B. For Companies
(a) Plot No. or Land Board Certificate No. and date ..................................
(c) If the premises are leased, state the name of the owner .............................................. .
(e) Has your premises been inspected and certified suitable by the Environmental Health
Officer? .............................................................
(a) Have you ever been convicted, in the last 2 years, of any offence involving dishonesty?
(c) I certify that the information supplied in my application is to the best of my knowledge
and belief, true.
(reg. 3 (1))
NO TICE is hereby g iven that the undersigned has applied for a ............................................. .
................................... Licence in terms of section 13 of the Liquor Act (Act No, 9 of 2004) in
and the Liquor Control Authority has determined that the application shall
Any person who wishes to object to the grant of the licence should within 21 days of the last
publication of this notice, give notice in writing to the said Control Authority of his intention
to oppose the application and state the grounds on which his objection is based.
Name Signature
Address ............................................................................................... .
(Act No.9 of 2004)
(reg. 4)
Licence No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Place of issue.......................................................................................................................... .
(Act No.9 of 2004)
( reg. 9 (1))
Has the owner/manager been convicted of any offence under the Liquor Act during the last
Licensing Officer
General Information
The following shall be submitted with an application for the renewal of a licence
(Act No.9 of 2004)
(reg. 10 (1))
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 20 of the Liquor Act that I!we
who will continue to trade at the same premises and under the same style of a .................... .
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 20 of the Liquor Act that I/we intend to transfer myI
our business of . . 00 ••••••••••••••• 00 •••••••• 00 •••••••••••••••• 00 •••••••••••• from . . . . . . . . 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 ••••• 00 •••••••••
and I!we shall continue to trade under the same name of 0 000 00 00 00 000 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00. and
same style.
(Act No.9 of 2004)
(reg. 11 (1))
DATE: ............................. .
Comments: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Signature: ........................................... .
Minister for Trade and Industry.
L217!/02 VII