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Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1

Air Pollution Monitoring System using Internet of

Vehicles and Pollution Sensors

Kanpur Rani V V allikanna A L

Research Scholar, A ssista n t Professor, A ssociate Professor,
School o f Electrical Sciences School o f Electrical Sciences
H industan In stitu te o f T echnology and Science H industan Institute o f T echnology and Science
Chennai, India Chennai, India
kanpurrani@ gmail. com vallikannu@ hindustanuniv.ac.in

Abstract— The urban societies are running into fast growth, m illion w hich expanded to around seven hundred m illion in
and an overriding portion of the realm s population almost 1996. U S A and Europe jo in tly have tw o -th ird o f the vehicle
similar to be in built-up societies in the forthcoming generation. populace o f the w orld. A fte r 1980 the yearly developm ent rate
Because of the rapid progressions in India, the count of o f vehicle populace is seen to be 3% and fo r the creating
automobiles improved. Besides a few built-up sectors, the nations, the rate is considerably higher. In 2020 the vehicle
automobile count also wrinkled. Motorized automobiles are ace populace is evaluated to be about more than one b illio n w ith
of the primary causes of contamination in the atmosphere. creating nations com prising 44% o f the complete populace.
Contamination released from the motorized automobiles is
mostly the source of contamination is directly released in the A cco rd in g to the report given by the Department o f Natural
atmosphere as if they occur various biochemical responses amid Resource and Environm ent and N atural P ollution C ontrol, the
pollutants it also pollutes the atmosphere this is labeled as year 2016-19 fo u n d that air contam ination occurring in
secondary pollution. Once the air is infected it is appropriately B angkok city and people suffered because o f exposure to
high, then it grades grave implications, it can even demise the O3(ozone) and PM 10 (dust). The Real-time in-vehicle air
result in a few cases. Additionally, this contamination distresses excellence m onitoring th rough mobile sensing has developed
the public in heart and lung diseases. The work is proposed to to co n tro l air p o llu tio n using mobile phones. The mobile phone
monitor the air pollutants in the air and generates the advanced is used to measure the in d o o r p o llu tio n level; the level o f
alerts by forecasting the pollution level in the city. It is designed
Vehicle In d o o r A ir Quality ( V A Q ) is displayed on the mobile.
with the various gases that emerge from automobile pollution
It has no p rovision to measure the emission o f exhaustive gas
affecting urban areas. The proposed system has been
and its p o llu tan t contents [17].
experimented in a defined environment and it yielded the better
performance as 99.23% accuracy to generate the alert for True- The different contam inations from the emission usually
True case. contaminate the air as they blend w ith air and have unsafe
impacts on individuals and the atmosphere. The vehicular
Keywords—Air pollution, Sensors, Smart City contam ination is hard to evade as the em ission from the
vehicles occurs at a very lo w height. It is the level o f
I. In t r o d u c t i o n environm ent where individuals live and take breathe. The
The automobile industry is one o f the rapidly grow ing various chemical air pollutants are discussed as follow s
industries o f the w orld that contributes a lo t to the economic a) Am m onia - chemical representation as NH3, a n o n -co lo r
grow th o f any country. B ut this industry has also emerged as gas having a different od o r consists o f hydrogen and
the m ajor cause o f environm ental p o llu tio n especially in nitrogen atoms. A natural representative in human beings,
developing nations. The developing nations have watched an water, air, and in soil too. To perform metabolic actions
enormous increment in the overwhelm ing utilization o f ammonium and ammonia plays a m ajor role in the health
mechanized vehicles in the transport and passenger market o f human.
because o f its adaptable and flexible nature w ith low
introducto ry cost [1]. There are different causes o f air b) Sulfide having negative compounds is know n as inorganic
contam ination in the environm ent b u t contam ination due to sulfides. S2-; these compounds may be regarded as salts
vehicles is the main cause that contributes significantly to air o f the very weak acid hydrogen sulfide.
contam ination. N owadays, air contam ination has become a c) Benzene commonly used chemicals in industry. Gasoline
m ajor issue in metro cities and vast urban regions all through and crude o il are the major components o f benzene. It
the globe, and transportation is perceived as a significant helps in creating resins, plastics, rubber lubricants,
source o f air contam ination in numerous urban areas, synthetic fibers, detergents, dyes, and pesticides. forest
particularly in developing nations [2]. The quick developm ent fires and volcanoes are the source factors o f benzene.
in vehicle populace is being seen since the start o f the tw entieth
century. The vehicle populace in 1950 was around seventy

978-1-7281-6387-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 249

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 02:04:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1

d) B io-diesel to save the atmosphere from the vehicular appropriate places in the city, the gas sensors gathered the data
p o llu tio n , n o w various countries are looking fo r using about the pollutants and transm it the same it to the cloud
biodiesel blends. Generally, these fuels are a combination through W i-F i. The android application was also developed fo r
o f a variety o f vegetable oils that have properties users’ accessibility [15]. The air p o llu tio n detection and
analogous to that o f diesel. These fuels are considered as a m onitoring system has been designed by com prising the GSM
substitute fo r diesel and petrol. module, cloud server and mobile applications. The measured
data has been sent to the cloud using GSM, the designed alert
e) Ozone h igh reactance o f oxygen. Ozone is represented
generated the alert based on the threshold values [16].
w ith three atoms o f oxygen and unbalanced O2. Gases o f
nitrogen base and hydrocarbons together make a chain in
the layer o f the troposphere o f a specific amount to III. Io T B a s e d Sm a r t Sy s t e m f o r f o r A i r Po l l u t i o n
produce ozone. M o n it o r in g

f) A lternate fuels most o f the vehicles are running on Petrol A fusion in IoT based smart system is proposed to m onitor
and Diesel w hich are quite co stly and majorly responsible the emission o f air pollutants o f the vehicle. The proposed
fo r p o llu tio n in the urban areas. So there is a need fo r some embedded system is using a fusion technic on the Internet o f
alternative fuels to reduce p o llu tio n in the environment. Vehicles (IoV) along w ith CO sensors to m onitor the pollutants
o f the vehicles. The experimental results and the impact o f the
It is a dire need fo r a system to m onitor the air p o llu tio n to proposed model designed fo r the Smart city environm ent have
maintain the quality o f the air. experimented in the sim ulation environment. To create a social
netw ork w ith participants as various smart objects, Io V utilizes
II. Re l a t e d W o r k all kinds o f interconnection. This existed in the fo rm o f S lo V
(Social Internet o f Vehicle) acted as an instance to vehicles fo r
A m on g various studies on the w o rk proposed by many
the social IoT.
researchers fe w models and methods are taken fo r the
considerations that relate to this proposed are listed below: To guide real-time data o f vehicle sensors are installed in
vehicles, platform s, and even in smart terminals to gather
A ir Contamination O bservation System displays [3] the air
inform ation and to communicate securely. A p a rt fro m this to
excellence thro u g h the internet to a webserver to activate a
detect faults in the products and optimize fro m manufacturers
w arning alarm whenever the quality o f air decreases to a level
p o in t Io V provides the connection.
o f consideration, it is no th in g b u t gases that are harm ful like
smoke, CO2, NH3, LPG, alcohol, NOx, and benzene are
identified then the Parts Per M illio n (PPM) present in LC D w ill
be displayed in the webpage to m onitor the hum idity and
temperature in the provided system.

The alarm-based observing device [4] rings the bell on

exceeding the threshold lim it o f the p o llu tan t contents from the
smoke outlet. It has also stopped the vehicles after a defined
time duration, to protect the movement o f the vehicles. It has
no comm unication w ith the th ird party w ho can interfere to
co n tro l the p o llu tio n . This device could n o t achieve the scope
o f reducing air p o llu tio n by road vehicles.

The smart vehicles m onitoring system [6,11] fo r air

p o llu tio n m onitoring aimed to record the levels o f H um idity,
Temperature, NO2, CO level o f vehicles. The smartphone is
used as a n etw ork node. The coverage netw ork is set up by
using the smartphone as nodes. The data are processed as
received by the centralized server in the cloud. It requires a Figure 1: Proposed P ollution M o n ito rin g A rchitecture
high-cost fo setup. The reliability o f the setup is lo w as the Io V A rchitecture consists o f three layers; Perception layer,
smartphones are connected to the network. N etw ork layer and A p p lica tio n layer as shown in Figure-1.
The smart sensor netw ork fo r measuring and observing the The perception layer is Inclusive o f all the sensors in the
quality o f air is determined on b e h a lf o f in te rio r and exterior air vehicle. This layer helps to collect surrounding data to detect
eminence intensive [8]. It is also applied fo r tin dioxide sensor situations and events through RFID (Radio Frequency
arrays fo r measuring the levels o f the pollutants. The Id entification) that appears in the road w hich have a vehicular
temperature and hum idity sensors are used to identify false ID o r Global ID terminal at the core o f the IoV. A ll problems
alarming situations [9]. The nodes are connected to the central are identified by RFID, like lacking in speed or coverage w ith a
m onitoring unit. Neural networks are employed to decide the certain limit. The significance is that Global ID provided to the
threshold alarm on the p o llutant levels. vehicles is dig ita l IDs that are im portant fo r autom otive
A customized IoT K it was designed by com prising the security. The sensors used are
A rd u in o IDE, gas sensors. The designed kit was placed at the

978-1-7281-6387-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 250

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 02:04:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1

MQ-9 gas sensor uses gas-sensitive resources with low IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
conduction in air tin oxide (SnO2). The proposed system has been designed and experimented
MQ-135 sensor is highly sensitive to Sulfide, Benze steam, in the simulated defined environment. The accuracy o f alert
and Ammonia, it is also sensitive to harmful gases even smoke. generation is recorded under the four cases as True-True, True-
False, False- True, False-False
MQ-131 sensor senses O3 SnO2, with minimum
conduction in the fresh air. 1. True-True - The alert generated and the trend o f
measured data exceeds threshold values.
The Arduino Microcontroller Board is a hardware source
platform. Such as PCB (Programmable Circuit Boards), 2. True-False - The alert is not generated and the trend
Arduino does not has an individual piece of hardware. The o f measured data exceeds threshold values.
OBD acronym o f On-Board Diagnostics used to the motorized 3. False-True - The alert generated and the trend o f
electric system that delivers automobile self-diagnosis measured exceed threshold values.
The Network layer acts as the communication layer to 4. False-False - The alert is not generated and the trend
assure that the connectivity between all the networks o f measured data does not exceed threshold values.
(Bluetooth, 5G, WLAN, and Wi-Fi)
Table-1: Accuracy on Trend Prediction
The Application layer is accountable for analyzing, storing,
processing, and making a decision regarding any risk Accuracy on
situations. It signifies safety, efficiency, and infotainment. The S.No Scenarios
Trend Prediction
learning algorithm plays a major role to predict the alerts 1 True - True 99.23%
generation on air pollution. The learning algorithm is illustrated
as follows 2 True - False 96.54%
3 False - True 94.67%
Vehicle Pollution Monitoring System - Generating Alert 4 False - False 92.26%

Input Environment = Transport Vehicle in Smart City

The table-1 illustrates the recorded data under the four
- Sensors Used = mq9, mq131, mq135
different scenarios.
- Time Interval to Measure = 15 minutes
- Communication = Wireless / Mobile Network The proposed system is performed as 99.23%, 96.54%,
- Storage space = Data Server, Cloud Setup 94.67% and 92.26% for the True-True Scenario; alert
generated and the actual data exceeds threshold values, True-
For each time interval ‘t ’ Fals e Scenario; alert not generated and the actual data exceeds
1. The mq9, mq131, mq135 sensors measures the level o f threshold values, False-True Scenario; alert generated and the
actual data exceeds threshold values, False-False Scenario;
the level o f gas Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen oxides
alert not generated and the actual data is not exceeding
(NOx), Hydrocarbon (HC).
threshold values as shown in Figure-2. It is clearly evident that
2. The measured data is recorded, and compare with the the proposed system has yielded the better performance as
threshold values. 99.23% for True-True cases, which is better than the
3. I f the trend o f measured data is likely to fall into the performance o f [15] as 98.75% for True-True case.
threshold value o f the geo graphical locations, the alert
is generated and sends to the owner o f the vehicles.
4. I f the measured data is exceeding threshold value, the
alert is generated and sends to the owner o f the vehicles
and the concern authorities.
5. The knowledge i f the action is updated in the learning
database appropriately
Else i f Step 2 to Step 5 is repeated in a looping.
The designed system has been experimented in the defined
environment as in smart city environment. The results were
recorded and analyzed under four cases True-True: the input
environment is polluted and the alert is generated, True-False:
Figure 2: Accuracy o f Alert generation on Trend Prediction
the input environment is polluted and the alert is not generated,
Exceed the Threshold Values
False-True: the input environment is not polluted but the alert
is generated, False-False: the input environment is not polluted
and the alert is not generated. V. CONCLUSION

A ir Pollution Monitoring System using Internet o f Vehicles

and Pollution Sensors is presented in this research work. The

978-1-7281-6387-1/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 251

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 02:04:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20J88-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-6387-1

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