Master's Programme in Rural Development (MRD)
Master's Programme in Rural Development (MRD)
Master's Programme in Rural Development (MRD)
MRD-101, MRD-102 AND MRD-103 & MRD -004
Schedule for January 2022 / July 2022
A. Compulsory Courses
MRD-101/AST/TMA-1/2022 For July 2021 session 31st
March, 2022
MRD-102/AST/TMA-2/2022 The coordinator of
your Study Centre
For January 2022 session
MRD-004/AST/TMA-4/2022 30th September, 2022
(July 2023/ January 2024 Session)
As explained in the Programme Guide for M.A.(RD) you will have to do one
assignment in each courseMA (RD) Last
of 6 credits. –First
date ofYear
submission for all the assignments
is mentioned above but we advise you to do them one by one along with your study of
particular course and submit them so that you may get back the marks and comments
of the counselor with evaluated assignment. With a proper planning you will be able to
do them within the stipulated period. Please do not wait for the last date to submit all the
For July 2023 session
31st March 2024
MRD-202/AST/TMA-2/2023-24 The coordinator of
For January 2024 session your Study Centre
30th September 2024
As explained in the Programme Guide for M.A.(RD) you will have to do one
assignment in each course of 6 credits. Last date of submission for all the assignments
is mentioned above but we advise you to do them one by one along with your study of
particular course and submit them so that you may get back the marks and comments
of the counselor with evaluated assignment. With a proper planning you will be able to
do them within the stipulated period. Please do not wait for the last date to submit all the
Note: The assignment has three sections. It contains questions, which require long, medium,
and short answers. A long answer should not exceed 1000 words. Medium answers should not
exceed 500 words each. Short answers should not exceed 100 words each.
1. What do you mean by rural society? Describe important characteristics of Indian rural
2. Describe the concept, aims and objectives of rural development.
3. Discuss the impact of emerging knowledge on the behaviour of rural society.
Note: The assignment has three sections. It contains questions, which require long, medium
and short answers. A long answer should not exceed 1000 words. Medium answers should not
exceed 500 words each. Short answers should not exceed 100 words each
2. What do you mean by observation? Discuss its types, stages, and limitations.
2. How do you formulate a research problem? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples from
the area of rural development.
2. Applied Research
3 Evaluation Research
5. Hypothesis
6. Diagnostic Research
7. Case Study