MADJ Assignments Jan 23- July 23
MADJ Assignments Jan 23- July 23
MADJ Assignments Jan 23- July 23
A in Development Journalism
JAN. 2023 and JULY 2023 Cycle
We have explained in the Programme Guide that you need to submit one Assignment in each course
(MDC-001, MDC-002, MDC-003, MDC-004, MDC-005 and MDC-006). Before attempting the
assignments, please read the detailed instructions provided in the Programme Guide carefully.
The last date of the submission is given against each of the assignments. Please note that you have to
submit these assignments to the Coordinator of your Study Centre within the stipulated time for being
eligible to appear in the term-end examination.
You must mention your Enrolment Number, Name, Address, Assignment Code and Study Centre
Code on the Assignment's first page. You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the
assignments submitted and retain them. It would be advisable to retain a photocopy of the assignments
with you.
After evaluation, the assignments have to be returned to you by the Study Centre. Please insist on this and
keep a record with you. The marks obtained by you will be sent by the Study Centre to SED at IGNOU,
New Delhi.
Attempt all questions given in each of the assignments as instructed. You will find it useful to keep the
following points in mind:
Planning: First read the study material carefully, attend teleconferencing sessions and interactive radio
counselling sessions conducted for the programme; if required you can obtain details from Study Centre/
Regional Centre) and then read the assignments carefully. Please go through the units on which they are
based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.
Organisation: Draw a rough outline of your answer. Be analytical in your selection of the information for
your answer. Give adequate attention to the introduction and the conclusion. Make sure that the answer:
● is logical and coherent;
● has a proper flow of information in sentences and paragraphs; and
● written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression, style and presentation.
Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for
submission, writing each answer neatly.
Note: Answer all the questions; they carry equal marks. (Answer in 500 Words)
Note: Answer all the questions; they carry equal marks. (Answer in 500 Words)
Note: Answer all the questions; they carry equal marks. (Answer in 500 Words)
4. Explain the difference between Opinion Writing and other forms of journalistic expression.
Note: Answer all the questions; they carry equal marks. (Answer in 500 Words)
Note: Answer all the questions; they carry equal marks. (Answer in 500 Words)
Note: Answer all the questions; they carry equal marks. (Answer in 500 Words)
1. Hegemony or ideological and cultural domination has often been the root cause of conflict the
world over. Analyse this in today’s scenario in global context.
2. Take a week’s national and regional newspapers and study the front page news on them. Then
compare and make an analytical report on how agenda created by the media is different for
both. You may paste the clippings of important news items.
3. Get the latest media and entertainment report of a credible market research agency and chart
the audience segmentation and revenues earned by different media. Draw an analysis to
indicate the shift of preference from one media to another.
4. Select any five TV ads of your choice and analyse their strategies of persuasion. Mention their
target audience, communication strategy and marketing strategy. In your opinion, rate their
persuasive strategies on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest along with reasons.
5. How is the theory of political economy applicable to YouTube channels? Analyse with respect
to influencers and the way they manipulate public opinion.