1st Periodical Test in Music 6
1st Periodical Test in Music 6
1st Periodical Test in Music 6
2. What musical note is used on the second beat of the fifth measure of the song?
A. quarter note B. eighth rest C. eighth note D. quarter rest
3. In the 15th measure of the song, name the note that has the corresponding lyrics “rin”.
A. dotted quarter note
B. dotted quarter rest
C. dotted half note
D. dotted eighth note
B. D.
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C.
8. The musical score, “Bahay Kubo” below is an example of a score with an incomplete
beginning and ending measures (broken measures). Where do we start singing the lyrics
“Ba” of the first measure?
A. first beat B. second beat C. third beat D. halfway the first beat
9 -10. Draw inside the box the beating pattern of the time signature . (2 points)
Test II.
Directions: Create rhythmic patterns in 2 measures to each time signature
through stick notation.
First Periodical Test in Music-6
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. C