Advances in Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting
Advances in Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting
Advances in Air Quality Modeling and Forecasting
90 684
2 authors, including:
Alexander Baklanov
World Meteorological Organization
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Article history: The importance of and interest to research and investigations of atmospheric composition and its
Received 13 April 2020 modeling for different applications are substantially increased. Air quality forecast (AQF) and assessment
Received in revised form systems help decision makers to improve air quality and public health, mitigate the occurrence of acute
1 November 2020
air pollution episodes, particularly in urban areas, and reduce the associated impacts on agriculture,
Accepted 1 November 2020
ecosystems and climate. Advanced approaches in AQF combine an ensemble of state-of-the-art models,
high-resolution emission inventories, satellite observations, and surface measurements of most relevant
chemical species to provide hindcasts, analyses, and forecasts from global to regional air pollution and
downscaling for selected countries, regions, and urban areas. Based on published reviews and recent
Air pollution analyses, the article discusses main gaps, challenges, applications and advances, main trends and
Air quality research needs in further advancements of atmospheric composition and air quality modeling and
Atmospheric chemistry forecasting.
Dispersion © 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
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2589-7918/© 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
A. Baklanov and Y. Zhang Global Transitions 2 (2020) 261e270
It is important to stress that key air pollutants, particularly dynamic, and chemical processes. We will not thus provide a his-
black carbon and methane, also have near-term climate impacts torical overview of existing modeling experience, but based on
that accelerate the pace of global warming. Most of the leading published reviews and recent analysis, will focus in this article on
sources of air pollution are among the most significant emitters of advances, main trends and research needs in further developments
longer-lived greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide and of atmospheric composition and air quality modeling and
nitrous oxide. Therefore, there is a critical need to consider the forecasting.
problem in a complex manner with co-benefits for air quality and For example [15], reviewed existing experience and identified
climate as well as interactions of climate change and atmospheric several inaccuracies in AQF and their possible causes, including
pollution. different factors related to:
Additionally to annual average air quality assessments for
health impacts, it is also important to realize short-term fore- - meteorology, e.g., inaccurate characterization of the transport
casting of peak pollutants concentrations to prevent health ef- and planetary boundary layer (PBL) meteorological processes
fects from acute episodes. To protect citizens from unhealthy air, such as turbulent mechanisms and vertical convection, cloud
many countries have real-time air quality forecasting (AQF) attenuation of photolysis, local drainage and sea-breeze circu-
programs in place to forecast the concentrations of pollutants of lations and PBL heights;
special health concerns such as ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide - boundary conditions (BCONs) including inadequate represen-
(NO2), particulate matter with diameters less than and equal to tations of BCONs of O3, PM2.5, and PM10);
2.5 mm (PM2.5, and PM10, respectively) e.g., Ref. [3e11]. Such in- - emissions including uncertainties in anthropogenic emissions of
formation has been used to issue early air quality alerts that sulfur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
allow government and people to take precautionary measures wildfire emissions, particular matter (PM), dust, pollen and
such as temporarily banning major emission sources, favoring car other meteorology-dependent emissions;
pooling or taking public transportation to reduce air pollution - model process treatments, e.g., inaccurate model treatments
and minimize their exposures to unhealthy levels of air pollution such as urban processes, gas-phase chemistry, in-cloud oxida-
[12]. Air quality forecasting has been used to schedule and plan tion of SO2, secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation, and dry
numerous field campaigns to effectively track pollutant plume and wet deposition.
transport and sample pollutant concentrations, which maximizes
the usage of expensive instrumented platforms such as airplanes As [24] stressed, to reduce short- and long-term exposure of
and other limited measurement resources e.g., Ref. [13,14]. Ac- public to air pollution, especially in developing countries, an
curate AQF can therefore offer tremendous societal and economic internationally coordinated and integrated air quality monitoring,
benefits by enabling advanced planning for individuals, organi- analysis and prediction system must be developed by effectively
zations, and communities in order to avoid exposure, and reduce combining scientific and technological progress in observing ca-
pollutant emissions and their adverse health impacts. Driven by pabilities (in situ and space), mathematical models, data analyses,
crucial regulations, societal and economic needs, scientific ad- and computer science.
vancements, and increasing availability of high performance There are the following trends in the development of modern
computing capacity, AQF has evolved from weather forecasting atmospheric composition modelling and AQF systems:
and developed into a new discipline that integrates science and
technology from several disciplines including meteorology, at- - Seamless prediction of the Earth system approach;
mospheric chemistry/air quality, mathematics, physics, environ- - Online coupling of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry
mental statistics, and computer sciences/engineering. models;
Two main approaches can be distinguished in AQF: empirical/ - Multi-scale prediction approach;
statistical methods and chemical transport modelling. The empir- - Subseasonal to seasonal forecast;
ical/statistical approaches have several common drawbacks for AQF - Emission modeling for improved emission data;
(see review in Refs. [15e17]; and [18]. For example, they cannot - Multi-platform observations and data assimilation;
predict concentrations during periods of unusual emissions (e.g., - Data fusion, machine learning methods and bias correction
substantial emission reductions that have happened during the techniques;
2020 lockdown period due to the COVID-19 pandemic) and/or - Ensemble approach;
meteorological conditions that deviate significantly from the his- - Fit for purpose approach;
torical record [19]. These statistical models provide neither the - Impact based forecast.
direct linkages between precursor emissions and resultant pollu-
tion nor the interrelationships among multiple pollutants (i.e., the Given the large scope and many focuses of this field, the paper
interactions among pollutants that may potentially exacerbate one focuses on selected topics. The advances in several important
pollution problem while alleviating another problem). Explicit domains, e.g., in meteorological processes and atmospheric
treatments for such linkages and interactions in AQF models are chemical mechanisms for air quality (AQ) modeling, as well as
essential to the enhancement of understanding of the physical- emission modeling for improved emission data are discussed in
chemical system, the improvement of short- and long-term AQF other recent publications: by Refs. [25e27] and by Ref. [28].
skill, and the development of integrated emission control strategies Therefore we will not touch these issues in this article and will
for multi-pollutants. Therefore chemical transport models (CTMs) concentrate on the following: (i) Seamless prediction of the Earth
are much more commonly used in AQF systems and in this article system, including online coupled chemistry-meteorology
we will consider mostly chemical transport modelling-based modelling, multi-scale prediction systems and seasonal fore-
approaches. casts; (ii) utilizing modern observational data in models,
There are several comprehensive review papers, e.g., including data assimilation and data fusion algorithms, machine
Refs. [7,15,17,20e22,23]; and [18] analyzing current major 3-D learning methods, bias correction techniques and ensemble
global and regional real-time air quality forecasting models and methods; (iii) fit for purpose and impact based forecast
identifying areas of improvement in meteorological forecasts, approaches.
chemical inputs, and model treatments of atmospheric physical,
A. Baklanov and Y. Zhang Global Transitions 2 (2020) 261e270
3. Toward seamless prediction of the earth system studying and modelling of physical-chemical-biological processes
at multi-scales and integrated assessment for environment, popu-
3.1. Seamless environmental prediction systems lation, ecosystems, etc. In particular, a hierarchy framework of such
modern multi-scale models for different elements of the Earth’s
The new generation of integrated atmospheric dynamics and system, integrated with the observation system, is being developed
composition models is based on the seamless Earth System within the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) multi-disciplinary
Modelling (ESM) approach [29] to evolve from separate model programme [30,31]. Moreover, the models will inform the devel-
components to seamless meteorology-composition-environment opment of the in-situ monitoring component of the PEEX Research
models to address challenges in weather, climate, and atmo- Infrastructure by providing information on regions, where specific
spheric composition fields whose interests, applications, and processes or interactions may be important to measure with new
challenges are now overlapping. “Seamless” is considered in rela- observational capability.
tion to, at least, two aspects. Firstly, at the process-scale, it refers to,
for example, the coupling within a model of meteorology and
composition processes to represent the two-way interactions be- 3.2. Coupled chemistry-meteorology modeling (CCMM)
tween composition and radiative processes or microphysics, or the
consistent treatment of water vapor. Secondly, to be considered in The use of a coupled meteorology-chemistry model, e.g., WRF-
terms of time-space-scales, it refers to the absence of discontinu- Chem [32] or Enviro-HIRLAM [33], for AQF represents a signifi-
ities in model behavior when used at multiple temporal or spatial cant advancement in routine operational AQFs and would greatly
resolutions to have, for example, consistent treatment of black enhance understanding of the underlying complex interplay of
carbon for air quality and climate applications or consistent meteorology, emission, and chemistry. Model evaluation demon-
coupling interval between land, ocean and atmosphere. strates that a modeling approach based on CTMs has skills consis-
In a more general sense, the approach considers several di- tent with or better than many statistical forecasting tools [34,35].
mensions of the seamless coupling, including: Online-coupled meteorology atmospheric chemistry models
(CCMM) have greatly evolved in recent decades [36e40]. Although
Time scales: from seconds and nowcasting to decadal and mainly developed by the air quality modeling community, these
centennial (climate) time-scale; integrated models are also of interest for numerical weather pre-
Spatial scales: from street-level to global scale (downscaling and diction and climate modeling as they can consider both the effects
upscaling); of meteorology on air quality, and the potentially important effects
Processes: physical, chemical, biological, social; of atmospheric composition on weather. Migration from offline to
Earth system elements/environments/components: atmo- online integrated modeling and seamless environmental prediction
sphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere/pedosphere, ecosystems/ systems [41] are recommended for consistent treatment of pro-
biosphere; cesses and allowance of two-way interactions of physical and
Different types of observations and modelling as tools: chemical components, particularly for AQ and numerical weather
observations-model fusion, data processing and assimilation, prediction (NWP) communities.
validation and verification; Regarding AQF and atmospheric composition modelling, the
Links with health and social consequences, impact, assessment, CCMM approach will certainly improve forecast capabilities as it
and services and end-users. allows a correct way of jointly and consistently describing meteo-
rological and chemical processes within the same model time steps
Different aspects of methodology and research needs for real- and grid cells. Applications that may benefit from CCMM are
isation of the Seamless Prediction Systems, as a part of WMO numerous and include [42]: chemical weather forecasting (CWF),
research strategy, are presented and discussed in the book numerical weather prediction for precipitation, visibility, thun-
“Seamless Prediction of the Earth System: From Minutes to derstorms, etc., integrated urban meteorology, environment and
Months” [29]. climate services, sand and dust storm modeling and warning sys-
The ensemble approach integrates modeling results from tems, wildfire atmospheric pollution and effects, volcano ash
different models, participants and countries, or at one center with forecasting, warning and effects, high impact weather and disaster
one model, e.g., of the European Center for Medium-Range risk, effects of short-lived climate forcers, earth system modeling
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), but with perturbations to initial and projections, data assimilation for CWF and NWP, and weather
conditions and physical parameterizations (stochastic physics). modification and geo-engineering. Online integrated models,
This allows information on model process diversity to inform un- however, need harmonized formulations of all processes influ-
certainty in our understanding of Earth system linkages, responses, encing meteorology and chemistry.
and impact assessments. It is possible to utilize the full potential of Based on the EuMetChem activities [43], CCMM symposium [41]
a hierarchy of models: scenario analysis, forward and inverse and further discussions (e.g. Ref. [29,42], the following recom-
modeling, modeling based on measurement needs and processes. mendations for future research have been identified.
The models are evaluated and constrained by available in-situ and For air quality forecasting and atmospheric composition studies
remote sensing data of various spatial and temporal scales using the following research needs are stressed:
data assimilation and top-down modeling. The analyses of the
anticipated large volumes of data produced by available models and Better representation of aerosol processes and their formation
sensors will be supported by a dedicated virtual research platforms (especially in terms of chemical speciation), heterogeneous
developed for these purposes. chemistry and interactions with cloud;
Linking between the temporal and spatial scales for modelling Experiments that are specifically defined to look at chemistry-
and observations is a key aspect of the seamless prediction cloud-microphysics at different scales;
approach. Both short- and long-term measurements from different More field experimental data to evaluate online coupled
observational platforms including field campaigns, laboratory, models;
chamber experiments, satellite, etc. represent valuable contribu- Improved numerical and computational efficiency of the models
tions to evaluation and verification of different models as well as for as the complexity of applications grows (e.g., scales);
A. Baklanov and Y. Zhang Global Transitions 2 (2020) 261e270
Intercomparisons both at global and regional/urban scale for AQ, addition transmitted across the boundaries to the coarser
NWP, and climate should continue; intercomparisons that are resolution.
cutting across all 3 fields should be considered. For example, the European Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring
Service (CAMS) provides such AQF from global to regional [46,47]
For meteorological studies and specifically NWP the following and possibly urban scales (FUMAPEX, MEGAPOLI) for European
research is needed: countries [6,48e50]; GURME [51,52], MarcoPolo & PANDA projects
[53] developed and tested similar AQF systems for Asian countries
Developing diagnostics and validation methodologies to more (China, India) and selected cities (e.g., Shanghai, New Delhi, etc.).
explicitly separate different effects of the intertwined feedback The development of models dedicated to address urban AQ is-
processes; sues requires also some urbanization of meteorological/NWP
More collaboration between operational centers and research models [29] and a good set of data regarding urban structure and
communities. This needs to be focused on providing schemes many other characteristics. There are important initiatives in that
with an impact that is proven to be valuable enough to justify direction providing a more detailed atmospheric dataset, e.g.,
the cost of their implementation (even for relatively modest pollutant fluxes and concentrations, temperature, wind, pressure,
increases in CPU); and moisture, and also providing important parameters to describe
More evaluation of aerosol properties routinely, not only for the urban features in an aggregate manner that can be introduced into
indicators PM10 and PM2.5 but also for optical, chemical and urban scale models with resolutions of 200e2000 m and corre-
microphysical properties; sponding physical options in single and multi-layer urban canopy
The treatment of the indirect effect of aerosols is one of the key models (Ching et al., 2018).
uncertainties; ice nucleation processes and parameterizations To forecast street level air quality the downscaling with specific
are less well defined than CCN formation processes and (e.g., obstacle-resolved computational fluid dynamics (CFD) type or
parameterizations; parameterized) microscale models is needed. CFD models coupled
Further research is needed to better understand the importance with mesoscale models can provide this high spatial resolution (up
of including more accurate representation of aerosol properties to 1e10 m) because they explicitly resolve the turbulent flow
in satellite retrievals; around buildings (see e.g., Refs. [49,54,55]. However, the required
Research on the impact of online modeling of aerosols on visi- computational time increases and it would be difficult, at a
bility forecasting, observational constraints on the causes of reasonable CPU time, to use a direct coupling between mesoscale
light extinction and on parameterizations for calculating and CFD models for forecasting purposes. In the near future, CFD
extinction given model parameters. models could become an appropriate tool for forecasting due to the
increase of computational resources. Nowadays, a database created
For climate research the following main developments in with CFD simulation of several scenarios represents the best
CCMMs are needed: compromise to perform the downscaling of the mesoscale outputs.
Another alternative is the use of a parametrized microscale model
Improve our understanding of indirect effects (e.g., BC on (e.g., Ref. [56,57]. These models do not resolve explicitly the tur-
clouds); bulent flow but use parametrized relations between urban
Develop CCCMs with prognostic aerosols to assess the tradeoff configuration and flow and dispersion variables within the urban
between a more complex aerosol representation on the one side canopy. This fact allows a simplified representation of concentra-
and model resolution, or the atmosphere-ocean coupling, on the tions within the urban canopy in reasonable computational time
other side; for forecasting purposes.
Test model performance in terms of relevant physical, chemical, Seamless unified modelling system that allows a single platform
and radiative processes and mechanisms (in contrast to just to operate over the full scale (i.e., across-scale) will represent a
testing mean performance); substantial advancement in both the science and the computa-
Test model performance in terms of tropospheric dynamics/ tional efficiency. The Model for Prediction Across Scales for Atmo-
meteorology and their effect on composition (and vice-versa). sphere (MPAS-A) being developed by the U.S. National Center for
Atmospheric Research is a good example of such a modelling sys-
tem (; [58]. MPAS-A uses the unstructured
3.3. Multi-scale prediction approach Voronoi meshes (hexagons) and C-grid discretization. The former
allows for smoothly-varying mesh transitions and local refinement.
The AQ monitoring, analysis and forecasting systems should The latter solves for normal velocities on cell edges and is well-
operate at different spatial scales from the global scale to the suited for higher-resolution, mesoscale atmosphere and ocean
regional, national, urban and sub-urban scales. In previous decades, simulations. Two other examples of recently developed
AQ models usually were applied only for a specific spatial scale: community-based, coupled, comprehensive multi-scale Earth
global, regional, meso-, local, urban or street scales. During last modeling systems are the MUlti-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry
decades research achievements, high-performance computational and Aerosols e MUSICA [59] and the Unified Forecast System [60]
resources, and real time data access possibilities make it realistic to to support the Weather Enterprise and to be the source system for
build a full chain of multi-scale AQ modelling and forecasting. NOAA’s operational numerical weather prediction applications
Zooming or special nesting grid techniques are usually required including the atmospheric composition.
to transfer model information between the scales. Grid nesting is Major challenges include globalization/downscaling with
the most common method, being employed in most CTMs. Many of consistent model physics and two-way nesting with mass conser-
the currently used CTMs (e.g., WRF-Chem, CAMx [44], CMAQ [45]) vation and consistency. Such a unified global-to-urban scale
allow for grid nesting. Grid nesting is further classified in one-way modelling systems will provide a new scientific capability for
nesting (sometimes referred to as downscaling), when values of the studying important problems that require a consideration of multi-
modelled variables at a coarse resolution are used as boundary scale feedbacks.
conditions for finer (subscale) resolution runs, and two-way nest-
ing, when information from the higher resolution scale is in
A. Baklanov and Y. Zhang Global Transitions 2 (2020) 261e270
3.4. Subseasonal to seasonal forecast filter (EnKF) or hybrid techniques combining the advantages of
both variational and EnKF techniques are all applicable in CTMs
Significant progress has been made in recent decades on [76]. Other methodologies such as inverse modelling of emission
medium-range weather forecasts and seasonal climate predictions. fields appear as a promising technique to improve the skill of AQF
Because of a difficult time range that is not as well defined as and may have a stronger impact for short-lived pollutants than
weather and seasonal forecasting, subseasonal forecasting has not chemical data assimilation (CDA) has on initial conditions. CDA has
received as much attention as weather or seasonal forecasting. been implemented in many operational AQF and some CCMM
Advancements in real-time weather and air quality forecasting models, such as the ECMWF/Copernicus Integrated Forecast System
models and the data analysis techniques have made reasonably (IFS-CTM) [47], the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
accurate predictions and data analytics for extended timeframes coupled with chemistry (WRF-Chem) [77], and the Goddard Earth
possible. Seasonal and subseasonal forecasts are generated at Observing System Model, version 5 (GEOS-5) [78]. CDA is used to
monthly intervals out to 7 months and weekly intervals out to 5 initialize air quality forecasts and for retrospective analysis of at-
weeks, respectively. The subseasonal to seasonal forecast will mospheric composition. It has been shown that corrections to
bridge the gap between weather and climate and bring the weather emissions as part of the CDA procedure can help to improve the
and climate communities together to tackle the intervening time impact of the observations on the predictions.
range, harnessing shared and complementary experience and A main challenge of CDA is the limited information content of
expertise in forecasting, research and applications, toward more the atmospheric composition observations [41]. More routine
seamless weather/climate prediction systems and more integrated evaluation of aerosol properties, not only for the indicators PM2.5
weather and climate services [61,62]. Seasonal and subseasonal and PM10, but also for optical, chemical, and microphysical prop-
forecasts deliver easy-to-use, predictive analysis that anticipates erties, are needed. Spatial and temporal coverage of important
market behavior and potential risks for scientific communities, parameters such as aerosol composition is limited because of
government, and many sectors such as agriculture, aviation, media, network design, viewing geometry, or cloud cover masking [29].
energy, and insurance. For example, they can be used for market Also, vertically integrated observations, such as aerosol optical
shifts that may affect profitability in the 3- to 5-week, 1- to 4- depth or total column, have to be distributed to model levels.
month, and 5- to 7-month timeframes. In particular seasonal Furthermore, biases between different observing systems (e.g.,
forecast for wildfires and smog pollution is underdeveloped within satellite data, lidars, ceilometers, ground observations) should be
the VFSP-WAS [63]. removed before the assimilation [23].
Subseasonal weather and air quality forecasts have been iden- Although the importance of assimilating atmospheric compo-
tified as research and operation priorities by WMO [62,64] and sition data into CCMM to get realistic chemical fields has been
several countries such as the U.S [65,66]. Subseasonal forecasts will demonstrated, there is little experience in assimilation of both
have large societal benefits, as many market behaviors and man- meteorological and chemical observations into CCMM. Further
agement decisions in agriculture and food security, water, risk research is needed to better understand the importance of
reduction of weather disaster and hazards (e.g., drought, wildfire, including more accurate representation of aerosol properties in
heatwave, cold wave) and health fall into the subseasonal to sea- satellite retrievals.
sonal time range.
4.2. Measurement-model fusion, machine learning and bias
4. Improvements by utilizing modern observation data and correction techniques
Tremendously growing number and different types of obser-
One of the key modern trends to improve AQF systems is vations became available during the last decade, require and give a
developing new methods of utilizing modern observational data in strong impulse for development of new methods for measurement-
models, including data assimilation and data fusion algorithms, model fusion to improve AQF [69]. We have considered in previous
machine learning methods and bias correction techniques. sections first of all most applicable 3D numerical atmospheric
transport models and classical data assimilation methods, however
4.1. Multi-platform observations and data assimilation other types of data fusion algorithms, such as the statistical
methods, optimal interpolation, objective analysis, bias correction,
During last decades the techniques and possibilities of multi- as well as relatively new artificial intelligence, neural network,
platform (in-situ, ground, aircraft and satellite remote sensing) machine learning and hybrid methods, were also actively devel-
observations of air pollution and atmospheric parameters, as well oped during last decades. Several recent publications considered
as their near real time (NRT) or real time (RT) availabilities and such methods and analysed their applicability (e.g., Ref. [16,18,69].
citizen science opportunities [67], are dramatically improved and Statistical methods are simple, but require a large amount of his-
increased. This leads to a revision of concepts of AQF and impor- torical data and highly depend on them. Artificial intelligence,
tance of data assimilation (both chemical and meteorological neural network, and machine learning methods have better per-
measurements) in AQF systems [23,68] and measurement-model formance, but can be unstable and also depend on data. Hybrid or
fusion for air quality and deposition assessments [69]. combined methods have a better quality. Such methods can also
In particular, the new generation of geostationary satellites, improve AQF utilizing additional observational data. For example
consisting of GEMS (Asia), Sentinel-4 (Europe) and TEMPO (USA), [79], applied machine learning methods for ozone ensemble fore-
expects to provide an unprecedented view of air quality from space cast, they performed sequential aggregation based on ensemble
[70e72]. Given these planned missions, it is even more imperative simulations and past observations. Further development of ma-
to develop effective data assimilation systems for AQF that opti- chine learning methods provides a potential way to bridge the
mally incorporate satellite information. resolution gap between global, low-resolution model output and
Correspondingly, experience in the assimilation of chemical and local, high-resolution information requested by end users. How-
aerosol observations from ground-based and satellite instruments ever, further research is needed to identify applications where
into AQF and CCMM has grown significantly [23,29,73e75]. machine learning may have particular advantages.
Optimal interpolation, variational approaches, Ensemble Kalman Another broadly used approach to improve the AQF model
A. Baklanov and Y. Zhang Global Transitions 2 (2020) 261e270
performance is bias correction techniques. They have been proven the-art numerical air quality models developed in Europe. Under
to be effective in improving the forecasting accuracy and applied to the MarcoPolo-PANDA EU FP7 Projects (http://www.marcopolo-
the routine O3 and PM2.5 forecasting in many forecasting models, nine different models were used for multi-model
such as the U.S. NOAA’s operational forecasting model, the National ensemble over China [53,97]. The most recent International Coop-
Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) [80e84]. Several bias erative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) multi model ensemble (ICAP
correction methods have been implemented in air quality fore- MME) consists of nine global models [98]. Multi-model ensemble
casting models, e.g., for wildfire plumes. The simplest and also most results provide a range and an indication of the robustness of the
commonly-used method is the mean subtraction method, in which forecasts and help to improve the accuracy of chemical weather and
the mean bias is subtracted from the forecasted values at each air quality forecasting.
monitoring site. This method, however, does not always guarantee The ensemble forecast is usually a weighted linear combination
a positive value. The second approach is the multiplicative ratio of the individual ensemble members, in which the weight factors
adjustment method, in which the forecasted value is multiplied by may be equal or unequal for individual members. As such, it is
the mean ratio of the sum of the observed value to the sum of the subject to the inherent limitations of individual ensemble members
forecasted value at each monitoring site. This alternative correction and is sensitive to the selected weighting factors. More advanced
guarantees that the concentrations will remain positive and in- ensemble forecast approaches have been developed. One such
creases forecasting skill, but the ratio-adjustment method provides method is the ensemble forecast of analyses (EFA) of [79]. EFA
additional improvement over the mean subtraction method for couples an ensemble forecasting approach (i.e., sequential aggre-
models with the highest biases. The third method is to force the gation) with CDA techniques to forecast an analysis from data
zero differences between observed and simulated seasonal means assimilation, instead of observations.
by using an empirical linear fit between forecasted and bias cor-
rected values. More advanced bias correction methods have also 5. Fit for purpose approach and impact based forecast
been developed and applied for improvement of AQF, e.g., the
Kalman Filter (KF) bias correction [85,80e82,86,87]. KF has been The Earth system modelling approach provides a broad AQF
combined with the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter to correct platform for different applications, but the modelling system
biases in air quality forecasting [80]. KZ filter can be used to sepa- should fit for purposes and be optimized for specific tasks. For
rate observed and simulated time series data into the short-term example, for smog pollution from wildfires the problem is more
and baseline components to discern major systematic model er- complex than for AQF with fixed anthropogenic emission sources
rors [11,88e90]. The former is influenced by prevailing weather and includes first of all the forecasting of fire danger and sources of
conditions and the latter is influenced mainly by emissions, wildfire emission, including detection of sources, mass of emitted
boundary conditions, and other slow-varying processes. The KF bias species, plume rise, fire behaviour, etc. Research challenges facing
correction technique can be applied to the baseline component of fire and smoke prediction were evaluated by the Interdisciplinary
the time series at a monitoring location, which can significantly Biomass Burning Initiative (IBBI) [23,63,99].
improve the forecasting accuracies. The KF or the coupled KF-KZ As mentioned, there are also several user communities (e.g.,
bias correction method can be potentially extended to locations NWP, climate) and specialized applications of AQF system de-
where no monitor information is available for these methods to velopments for long-term prediction and specific episodes of at-
generate bias-corrected spatial maps of forecast products. mospheric harmful contamination, affecting not only health but
The performance of bias-corrected forecast depends on the many other sectors of economics. In particular, sand and dust
performance of the raw model forecast to which the bias-correction storms pose a major challenge to sustainable development in arid
method is applied. While bias correction methods have shown and semi-arid regions of the planet. Airborne dust presents serious
obvious short-term benefits, the improvements of model inputs risks for human health [100]. Sand and dust storms are also detri-
such as emissions and boundary conditions and model represen- mental for ecosystems and diverse socio-economic sectors. Surface
tations of key chemical and physical processes such as secondary dust deposits are a source of micro-nutrients for both continental
organic aerosol formation are necessary to address the mechanistic and maritime ecosystems. Although dust can work as fertilizer, it
deficiencies of the AQF models for long-term benefits. has many negative impacts on agriculture, including reducing crop
yields by burying seedlings, causing loss of plant tissue, reducing
4.3. Ensemble approach photosynthetic activity, and increasing soil erosion. Reductions in
visibility due to airborne dust also have an impact on air and land
Ensemble forecasting is a numerical prediction method that is transport. Poor visibility conditions are a hazard during aircraft
used to produce a representative sample of the possible future landing and taking off operations e flights landings may be diver-
states of a model system. Ensemble forecasting can be imple- ted and departures may be delayed. Dust can also scour aircraft
mented using multiple models or one model but with different surfaces and damage engines. Reduced radiation at the surface has
inputs (e.g., varying meteorological input forcings, emission sce- an impact on the output from solar power plants, especially those
narios, chemical initial conditions) or different process parameters that rely on direct solar radiation. Dust deposits on solar panels are
(e.g., varying chemical reaction rates) or different model configu- a main concern of plants operators. Volcanic eruptions contribute
rations (e.g., varying grid spacings) or different models. Ensemble to natural aerosols directly via emissions of ash and other partic-
forecasting has shown significant statistical improvements for both ulates, or indirectly through the release of sulfur gases that sub-
O3 (e.g. Ref. [86,91e93], and PM2.5 forecasts over any individual sequently condense to form sulfate aerosols. Volcanic aerosols are
forecast [94]. Multi-model ensemble air quality forecasting has particularly important for aviation safety and climate modelling, as
been emerging for AQF on global scale and regional scales (e.g., over was witness by the eruption of the Icelandic Volcano Eyjafjal-
Europe, U.S. and China) (e.g., Ref. [86,87,91e96]; Solazzo et al., € kull, that paralyzed for several days air traffic throughout
2012; Monteiro et al., 2013; Zabkar et al., 2013; Im et al., 2015; Europe.
[53,97]. For example, Delle Monache et al. (2004) performed one of Society is impacted by both long-term and short-term changes
the first multi-model real-time O3 forecasts over the U.S. The to atmospheric composition. Volcanic ash, desert dust, natural and
regional air quality production of the Copernicus Atmosphere anthropogenic gas emissions are good examples demonstrating
Monitoring Service (CAMS) is based on ensemble of seven state-of- both immediate impacts, for example, on aviation and human
A. Baklanov and Y. Zhang Global Transitions 2 (2020) 261e270
health e and longer-term, including climate forcing and impacts e Better representation of aerosol processes and feedbacks, their
from the changing atmospheric composition. While both present a interactions with clouds and radiation,
range of challenges, the former places considerable additional de- e Improved data assimilation and fusion, machine learning, and
mands in terms of data timeliness and temporal and spatial reso- artificial intelligent methods
lutions. This near-real-time need for observations is indeed a e Toward seamless Earth system modelling,
common requirement across a range of impacts, but one that is not e Multi-scale prediction approach,
always conducive to the significant processing involved in pro- - Subseasonal to seasonal forecasting,
ducing fully assured atmospheric composition data. However, - Impact based forecast and fit for purposes systems.
timely data can be produced and has the potential to be of
considerable use for a wide range of applications. In recognition of Air quality forecast and assessment systems help decision
this, the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch Programme [101] has makers to improve air quality and public health, mitigate the
identified the need for increased support for the development and occurrence of acute air pollution episodes, particularly in urban
expanded use of services and research activities concerning the areas, and reduce the associated impacts on agriculture, transport,
forecasting of atmospheric composition and its induced environ- economy, ecosystems and climate.
mental phenomena. Seamless modelling is a prospective way for future single-
So, the AQF should not be limited only to the concentrations of atmosphere modelling systems with advantages for applications
air pollutants but should also consider their impacts on different at all space- and timescales for multi applications not only for air
sectors (e.g., health, agriculture, land transport, aviation, energy, quality, but also for NWP, climate and other atmospheric compo-
etc.) and provide warning and recommendations proceeding from sition models.
different thresholds, risks, and cost functions (Fig. 1). Such impact- The advance approach combines an ensemble of state-of-the-art
based forecast and assessment systems will help stakeholders and models, high-resolution emission inventories, space observations,
responsible agencies to improve air quality and public health, and surface measurements of most relevant chemical species
mitigate the occurrence of acute harmful air pollution episodes. The (coarse and fine PM, ozone, reduced and oxidized nitrogen, etc.) to
suggested approach combines state-of-the-art models, high- provide hindcasts, analyses and forecasts of from global to regional
resolution emission inventories, space observations and surface air pollution and downscaling for selected countries and urban
measurements of most relevant chemical species to provide hind- areas.
casts, analyses, and forecasts of regional air pollution in a specific Dramatically increasing possibilities of multi-platform (in-situ,
region (using boundary and initial conditions from global AQF ground, aircraft and satellite remote sensing) observations in real or
system such as the CAMS) and downscaling for selected countries near-real time, as well as citizen science opportunities, lead to a
and urban areas. revision of concepts of AQF, increase importance of data assimila-
The still unsolved challenge to make the produced AQF infor- tion techniques. New measurement-model data fusion, machine
mation available to end users in a simple way fitting for purpose. So, learning and artificial intelligence methods have a good potential to
such a common platform for air quality forecasts would increase bridge the resolution gap between global, low-resolution model
the usability of these systems and make it much easier to integrate output and local, high-resolution information required by users.
them into decision-making processes. Improved data assimilation, both in terms of techniques and
choice of aerosol variables to be assimilated. Key questions for the
future are whether there is a benefit to move from assimilating AOD
to assimilating clear-sky radiances in the shortwave spectrum and
6. Summary and perspectives how to make the best possible use of vertical profiles from lidar
Further improvements to AQF and modeling systems will likely Although we did not focus deeply on emission modelling
follow several directions: methods in this paper, it is important to highlight the importance of
emission data and models as one of the key uncertainties in AQF. In
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YZ acknowledges support from the Agreement No. RD835871 [19] W.R. Stockwell, R.S. Artz, J. Meagher, R.A. Petersen, K.L. Schere, G.A. Grell,
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[21] Y. Zhang, C. Seigneur, M. Bocquet, V. Mallet, A. Baklanov, Real-time air
reviewed by the U.S. EPA. The views expressed in this document are quality forecasting, Part II: state of the science, current research needs, and
solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views future prospects, Atmos. Environ. 60 (2012b) 656e676,
and policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA does 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.02.041.
[22] A. Baklanov, K.H. Schlünzen, P. Suppan, J. Baldasano, D. Brunner,
not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this S. Aksoyoglu, G. Carmichael, J. Douros, J. Flemming, R. Forkel, S. Galmarini,
publication. The authors thank their colleagues and two anony- M. Gauss, G. Grell, M. Hirtl, S. Joffre, O. Jorba, E. Kaas, M. Kaasik, G. Kallos,
mous reviewers for their very useful comments and suggestions. X. Kong, U. Korsholm, A. Kurganskiy, J. Kushta, U. Lohmann, A. Mahura,
A. Manders-Groot, A. Maurizi, N. Moussiopoulos, S.T. Rao, N. Savage,
C. Seigneur, R.S. Sokhi, E. Solazzo, S. Solomos, B. Sørensen, G. Tsegas,
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